changeset 80 397d00875918
parent 73 4bc7b118b3df
child 83 156f692b1687
--- a/contentstorage/caclient/src/caservice.cpp	Fri May 14 16:10:06 2010 +0300
+++ b/contentstorage/caclient/src/caservice.cpp	Thu May 27 13:11:12 2010 +0300
@@ -38,19 +38,25 @@
  \class CaService.
- \brief This class operates on data, anable creating and inserting new entry
+ \brief This class operates on data, enables creating and inserting new entry
  to DB, removing entry from DB, update entry or get entry from DB, execute
- command on entry and create notifier to notify client about changes onto DB.
+ command on entry and create notifier to notify a client about changes onto DB.
  CaService class uses singleton design pattern, so that it contains static
  method called instance() to get instance of a class.
+ References to CaService instance are counted. When the number of references
+ drops to zero the instance is deleted to save memory.
+ CaNotifier class contains a member referencing to the CaService instance so
+ it is not deleted unless all CaNotifier instances are deleted (and there are
+ no variables referencing CaService).
  QSharedPointer<CaService> service = CaService::instance();
- For every operations on data is used always one instantiation of a class.
- Below are examples how to create data and work on those ones.
+ For every operations on data is used always one instantiation of the class.
+ Below, there are examples how to create data and work on those ones.