--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contentstorage/caclient/src/caservice.cpp Tue Mar 23 23:17:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: caservice.cpp
+ *
+ */
+#include <QMetaType>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include "caservice.h"
+#include "caservice_p.h"
+#include "caquery.h"
+#include "caentry.h"
+#include "canotifier.h"
+#include "canotifier_p.h"
+#include "cadefs.h"
+#include "caclientproxy.h"
+#include "caobjectadapter.h"
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+ \class CaService.
+ \brief This class operates on data, anable creating and inserting new entry
+ to DB, removing entry from DB, update entry or get entry from DB, execute
+ command on entry and create notifier to notify client about changes onto DB.
+ CaService class uses singleton design pattern, so that it contains static
+ method called instance() to get instance of a class.
+ \code
+ QSharedPointer<CaService> service = CaService::instance();
+ \endcode
+ For every operations on data is used always one instantiation of a class.
+ Below are examples how to create data and work on those ones.
+ */
+// Initialization of a static member variable.
+QWeakPointer<CaService> CaService::m_instance = QWeakPointer<CaService>();
+ Constructor.
+ \param parent pointer to a parent. It defaults to NULL.
+ */
+CaService::CaService(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent), m_d(new CaServicePrivate(this))
+ Returns a pointer to the instance of the CaService class.
+ \retval A pointer to the instance of the CaService class.
+ */
+QSharedPointer<CaService> CaService::instance()
+ QSharedPointer<CaService> service(m_instance);
+ if (!service) {
+ // Register custom types used as types of signal parameters.
+ qRegisterMetaType<ChangeType> ("ChangeType");
+ qRegisterMetaType<CaEntry> ("CaEntry");
+ service = QSharedPointer<CaService>(new CaService);
+ m_instance = service.toWeakRef();
+ }
+ return service;
+ Destructor.
+ */
+ delete m_d;
+ Search for an entry
+ \param entryId id of the entry to find.
+ \retval pointer to the found entry.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry * entryFromDB = service->getEntry( newItem->id() );
+ \endcode
+ */
+CaEntry * CaService::getEntry(int entryId) const
+ QList<CaEntry *> entries = getEntries(QList<int> () << entryId);
+ if (entries.count()) {
+ // there should be exactly one entry with specified ID if present
+ Q_ASSERT(entries.count() == 1);
+ return entries[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Search for entries.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids.
+ \return list of found entries.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ QList<CaEntry *> entriesFromDB = service->getEntries(
+ QList<int>() << newItem->id() << newGroup->id() );
+ QList<int> idsList;
+ QStringList textEntry;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach( entry, entriesFromDB ) {
+ idsList << entry->id();
+ textEntry << entry->text();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+QList<CaEntry *> CaService::getEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->getEntries(entryIdList);
+ Search for entries.
+ \param query query
+ \retval list of entries
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaQuery query;
+ query.setEntryRoles( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
+ query.setEntryTypeNames( QStringList() << "TypeNameGroup" << "ItemNameGroup" );
+ QList<CaEntry *> entriesFromDB = service->getEntries( query );
+ QList<int> idsList;
+ QStringList typeNames;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach( entry, entriesFromDB ) {
+ idsList << entry->id();
+ typeNames << entry->entryTypeName();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+QList<CaEntry *> CaService::getEntries(const CaQuery &query) const
+ return m_d->getEntries(query);
+ Search for entries and return their ids.
+ \param query query
+ \retval list of ids
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaQuery query;
+ query.setEntryRoles( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
+ query.setEntryTypeNames( QStringList() << "TypeNameGroup" << "ItemNameGroup" );
+ QList<int> entriesIdsFromDB = service->getEntryIds( query );
+ QList<int> idsList;
+ QStringList typeNames;
+ int id( -1 );
+ foreach( id, entriesIdsFromDB ) {
+ idsList << id
+ typeNames << entry->entryTypeName();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+QList<int> CaService::getEntryIds(const CaQuery &query) const
+ return m_d->getEntryIds(query);
+ Create copy of entry.
+ \param entry entry to copy
+ \retval pointer to newely created copy
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ // creating new entry and add to DB
+ CaEntry group( GroupEntryRole );
+ group.setText( "TextGroup" );
+ group.setTypeName( "TypeNameGroup" );
+ CaEntry item( ItemEntryRole );
+ item.setText( "TextItem" );
+ item.setTypeName( "TypeNameItem" );
+ CaEntry * newGroup = service->createEntry( group );
+ CaEntry * newItem = service->createEntry( item );
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ */
+CaEntry * CaService::createEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return m_d->createEntry(entry);
+ Remove entry.
+ \param entryId id of an entry to remove
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntry( newItem->id() );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntry(int entryId) const
+ return removeEntries(QList<int> () << entryId);
+ Remove entries.
+ \param entry entry to remove
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntry( *newItem );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return removeEntry(entry.id());
+ Remove entries.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to remove
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntries( QList<int>() << newItem->id() );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->removeEntries(entryIdList);
+ Remove entries.
+ \param entryList list of entries to remove
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntries( QList<CaEntry *>() << newItem );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntries(const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
+ QList<int> idList;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach(entry, entryList) {
+ idList << entry->id();
+ }
+ return removeEntries(idList);
+ Update entry.
+ \param entry entry to update
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ newItem->setAttribute( "attrName", "attrValue" );
+ bool result = service->updateEntry( *newItem );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::updateEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return m_d->updateEntry(entry);
+ Performs touch operation on entry.
+ \param entry of entry to be touched
+ \retval boolean with result of operation
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ bool result = service->touch( newItem );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::touch(const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return m_d->touch(entry);
+ Insert entry into a given group.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryId id of an entry to insert.
+ \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAdd;
+ itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
+ itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->insertEntryIntoGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), entryToAdd->id(), newItem->id());
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::insertEntryIntoGroup(int groupId, int entryId,
+ int beforeEntryId) const
+ return insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId,
+ beforeEntryId);
+ Insert entry into a given group.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entry entry to insert.
+ \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAdd;
+ itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
+ itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->insertEntryIntoGroup(
+ *newGroup, *entryToAdd, newItem->id());
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::insertEntryIntoGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const CaEntry &entry, int beforeEntryId) const
+ return insertEntryIntoGroup(group.id(), entry.id(), beforeEntryId);
+ Insert entries into a given group.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to insert.
+ \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAdd;
+ itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
+ itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->insertEntriesIntoGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAdd->id(), newItem->id());
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup(int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList, int beforeEntryId) const
+ if (beforeEntryId < 0) {
+ qWarning(
+ "CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup: beforeEntryId cannot be negative: %d",
+ beforeEntryId);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_d->insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, entryIdList,
+ beforeEntryId);
+ }
+ Insert entry into a given group.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entryList list of entries (pointers) to insert.
+ \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAdd;
+ itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
+ itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->insertEntriesIntoGroup(
+ *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAdd, newItem->id());
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList, int beforeEntryId) const
+ QList<int> idList;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach(entry, entryList) {
+ idList << entry->id();
+ }
+ return insertEntriesIntoGroup(group.id(), idList, beforeEntryId);
+ Remove entry from a given group.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryId id of entry to remove.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
+ itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
+ itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
+ service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntryFromGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), entryToAddRemove->id());
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntryFromGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
+ return removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);
+ Remove entry from a given group.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entryId id of entry to remove.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
+ itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
+ itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
+ service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntryFromGroup(
+ *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntryFromGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return removeEntryFromGroup(group.id(), entry.id());
+ Remove entries from a given group.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to remove.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
+ itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
+ itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
+ service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntriesFromGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAddRemove->id() );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntriesFromGroup(int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, entryIdList);
+ Remove entries from a given group.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entryList list of entries (pointers) to remove.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
+ itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
+ itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
+ service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
+ ...
+ bool result = service->removeEntriesFromGroup(
+ *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAddRemove );
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::removeEntriesFromGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
+ QList<int> idList;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach(entry, entryList) {
+ idList << entry->id();
+ }
+ return removeEntriesFromGroup(group.id(), idList);
+ Performs touch operation on entry.
+ \param entry to be touched
+ \retval boolean with result of operation
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::touch(const CaEntry& entry)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::touch" << "entryId: " << entry.id();
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->touch(entry);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::touch mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Place entries in a given group at the end.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryId id of entry to append.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAppend;
+ itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
+ itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
+ bool result = service->appendEntryToGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), entryToAppend->id() );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::appendEntryToGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
+ return appendEntriesToGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);
+ Place entries in a given group at the end.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entry entry to append.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAppend;
+ itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
+ itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
+ bool result = service->appendEntryToGroup(
+ *newGroup, *entryToAppend );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::appendEntryToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return appendEntryToGroup(group.id(), entry.id());
+ Place entries in a given group at the end.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param groupId group.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to append.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAppend;
+ itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
+ itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
+ bool result = service->appendEntriesToGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAppend->id() );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::appendEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->appendEntriesToGroup(groupId, entryIdList);
+ Place entries in a given group at the end.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entryList list of entries to append.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToAppend;
+ itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
+ itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
+ bool result = service->appendEntriesToGroup(
+ *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAppend );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::appendEntriesToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
+ QList<int> idList;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach(entry, entryList) {
+ idList << entry->id();
+ }
+ return appendEntriesToGroup(group.id(), idList);
+ Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
+ \param groupId id of a group.
+ \param entryId id of entry to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToPrepend;
+ itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
+ itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
+ bool result = service->prependEntryToGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), entryToPrepend->id() );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::prependEntryToGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
+ return prependEntriesToGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);
+ Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entry entry to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToPrepend;
+ itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
+ itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
+ bool result = service->prependEntryToGroup(
+ *newGroup, *entryToPrepend );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::prependEntryToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const CaEntry &entry) const
+ return prependEntryToGroup(group.id(), entry.id());
+ Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
+ All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
+ \param groupId group.
+ \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToPrepend;
+ itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
+ itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
+ bool result = service->prependEntriesToGroup(
+ newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToPrepend->id() );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::prependEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->prependEntriesToGroup(groupId, entryIdList);
+ Place entries in a given group at the begin.
+ \param group group.
+ \param entryList list of entries to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemToPrepend;
+ itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
+ itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
+ CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
+ bool result = service->prependEntriesToGroup(
+ *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToPrepend );
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::prependEntriesToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
+ const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
+ QList<int> idList;
+ CaEntry *entry(NULL);
+ foreach(entry, entryList) {
+ idList << entry->id();
+ }
+ return prependEntriesToGroup(group.id(), idList);
+ Execute command.
+ \param entryId id of an entry.
+ \param command command.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemExecute;
+ itemExecute.setText("Application");
+ itemExecute.setTypeName("application");
+ itemExecute.setAttribute("application:uid", "0x12345678");
+ CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
+ bool result = service->executeCommand(entryExecute->id(), "remove");
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::executeCommand(int entryId, const QString &command) const
+ bool result = false;
+ CaEntry *const temporaryEntry = getEntry(entryId);
+ if (temporaryEntry != NULL) {
+ result = executeCommand(*temporaryEntry, command);
+ delete temporaryEntry;
+ }
+ return result;
+ Execute command.
+ \param entry entry.
+ \param command command.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemExecute;
+ itemExecute.setText("URL");
+ itemExecute.setTypeName("url");
+ itemExecute.setAttribute("url", "http://www.nokia.com");
+ CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
+ bool result = service->executeCommand(*entryExecute, "open");
+ ...
+ \b Output:
+ result == true
+ \endcode
+ */
+bool CaService::executeCommand(const CaEntry &entry, const QString &command) const
+ return m_d->executeCommand(entry, command);
+ Creates notifier.
+ \param const reference to CaNotifierFilter.
+ \retval pointer to created CaNotifier instance.
+ \code
+ ...
+ // creating notifier with specified notifier filter
+ CaNotifierFilter notifierFilter;
+ notifierFilter.setIds( QList<int>() << newGroup->id() << newItem->id() );
+ notifierFilter.setEntryRole( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
+ CaNotifier * notifier = service->createNotifier( notifierFilter );
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ */
+CaNotifier * CaService::createNotifier(const CaNotifierFilter &filter) const
+ return m_d->createNotifier(filter);
+ Set new order of collection's items set by user.
+ \groupId Group id.
+ \param collectionIds consists of new order of items.
+ \retval true if new order of collection's items is set correctly,
+ otherwise return false.
+ */
+bool CaService::customSort(int groupId, QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ return m_d->customSort(groupId, entryIdList);
+ Returns code of an error caused by the last executed operation.
+ \retval code of error, zero means no error.
+ \example
+ \code
+ ...
+ CaEntry itemExecute;
+ itemExecute.setText("URL");
+ itemExecute.setTypeName("url");
+ itemExecute.setAttribute("url", "http://www.nokia.com");
+ CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
+ bool result = service->executeCommand(*entryExecute, "open");
+ ErrorCode errorCode = lastError();
+ switch (errorCode) {
+ case NoErrorCode:
+ ...
+ case BadArgumentErrorCode:
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ */
+ErrorCode CaService::lastError() const
+ return m_d->lastError();
+ Constructor
+ \param servicePublic pointer to public service
+ */
+CaServicePrivate::CaServicePrivate(CaService *servicePublic) :
+ m_q(servicePublic), mProxy(new CaClientProxy())
+ const ErrorCode connectionResult = mProxy->connect();
+ USE_QWARNING_IF(connectionResult)
+ << "CaServicePrivate::CaServicePrivate - unable to connect proxy";
+ mErrorCode = connectionResult;
+ destructor
+ */
+ delete mProxy;
+ Search for entries.
+ \param entryIdList list of entry ids
+ \retval list of entries (pointers)
+ */
+QList<CaEntry*> CaServicePrivate::getEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries"
+ << "entryIdList:" << entryIdList;
+ QList<CaEntry*> resultList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->getData(entryIdList, resultList);
+ // figure out whether all entries have been retrieved and
+ // store the operation status
+ if (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode
+ && entryIdList.count() != resultList.count()) {
+ mErrorCode = NotFoundErrorCode;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries mErrorCode:"
+ << mErrorCode;
+ return resultList;
+ Fetches data from database.
+ \param query the query information to select specific entries.
+ \param placeholder list of entries for a specific select.
+ */
+QList<CaEntry*> CaServicePrivate::getEntries(const CaQuery &query) const
+ QList<CaEntry*> resultList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->getData(query, resultList);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
+ return resultList;
+ Search for entries and return their ids.
+ \param query query
+ \retval list of ids
+ */
+QList<int> CaServicePrivate::getEntryIds(const CaQuery &query) const
+ QList<int> resultList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->getEntryIds(query, resultList);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntryIds mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
+ return resultList;
+ Create copy of entry.
+ \param query const reference to entry to copy
+ \retval pointer to newely created copy
+ */
+CaEntry* CaServicePrivate::createEntry(const CaEntry &entry)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::createEntry"
+ << "entry id:" << entry.id();
+ CaEntry* newEntry = NULL;
+ ErrorCode addDataResult = NoErrorCode;
+ try {
+ newEntry = new CaEntry(entry.role());
+ QScopedPointer<CaEntry> entryClone(new CaEntry(entry));
+ const int nonExistingObjectId = 0;
+ CaObjectAdapter::setId(*entryClone, nonExistingObjectId);
+ addDataResult =
+ mProxy->addData(*entryClone, *newEntry);
+ }
+ catch(const std::bad_alloc&)
+ {
+ addDataResult = OutOfMemoryErrorCode;
+ }
+ if (addDataResult != NoErrorCode) {
+ delete newEntry;
+ newEntry = NULL;
+ }
+ mErrorCode = addDataResult;
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::createEntry mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
+ return newEntry;
+ Update entry.
+ \param entry entry const reference of entry to update
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::updateEntry(const CaEntry &entry)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::updateEntry"
+ << "entry id:" << entry.id();
+ ErrorCode updateEntryResult = UnknownErrorCode;
+ if (entry.id() != 0) {
+ try {
+ QScopedPointer<CaEntry> updatedEntry(new CaEntry(entry.role()));
+ updateEntryResult = mProxy->addData(entry, *updatedEntry);
+ }
+ catch(const std::bad_alloc&)
+ {
+ updateEntryResult = OutOfMemoryErrorCode;
+ }
+ }
+ mErrorCode = updateEntryResult;
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::updateEntry mErrorCode on return:"
+ << mErrorCode;
+ return (updateEntryResult == NoErrorCode);
+ Remove entries.
+ \param entryIdList list of entries ids to remove
+ \retval true if operation was successful
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::removeEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntries"
+ << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->removeData(entryIdList);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntries mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Insert entry into a given group.
+ \param groupId groupId.
+ \param entryIdList list of entries ids to insert.
+ \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup(
+ int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList,
+ int beforeEntryId) // all others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup"
+ << "groupId: " << groupId << " beforeEntryId: " << beforeEntryId
+ << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, entryIdList, beforeEntryId);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup mErrorCode:"
+ << mErrorCode;
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Remove entries from a given group.
+ \param groupId groupId.
+ \param entryIDList list of entries ids to remove.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup(
+ int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup"
+ << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList" << entryIdList;
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, entryIdList);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup mErrorCode:"
+ << mErrorCode;
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Place entries in a given group at the end.
+ \param groupId groupId.
+ \param entryIdList list of entries ids to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup(
+ int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup"
+ << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;
+ const bool result = insertEntriesIntoGroup(
+ groupId,
+ entryIdList,
+ CaClientProxy::AfterTheLastEntry);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup result:"
+ << QString(result ? "true" : "false");
+ return result;
+ Place entries in a given group at the begin.
+ \param groupId groupId.
+ \param entryIdList list of entries ids to prepend.
+ \retval true if operation was successful.
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
+ const QList<int> &entryIdList)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup"
+ << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;
+ const bool result =
+ insertEntriesIntoGroup(
+ groupId,
+ entryIdList,
+ CaClientProxy::BeforeTheFirstEntry);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup result:"
+ << QString(result ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+ return result;
+ Executes command on entry (fe. "open", "remove")
+ \param const reference to an entry on which command will be issued
+ \param string containing a command
+ \retval boolean which is used as an error code return value, true means positive result
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::executeCommand(const CaEntry &entry,
+ const QString &command)
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::executeCommand"
+ << "entry id:" << entry.id() << "command:" << command;
+ touch(entry);
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->executeCommand(entry, command);
+ qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::executeCommand mErrorCode on return:"
+ << mErrorCode;
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Creates new notifier. Factory class
+ \param CaNotifierFilter which is used be new notifier
+ \retval pointer to new Notifier
+ */
+CaNotifier * CaServicePrivate::createNotifier(const CaNotifierFilter &filter)
+ return new CaNotifier(new CaNotifierPrivate(filter));
+ Set new order of collection's items set by user.
+ \param groupId Group id.
+ \param entryIdList consists of new order of items.
+ \retval true if new order of collection's items is set correctly,
+ otherwise return false.
+ */
+bool CaServicePrivate::customSort(int groupId, QList<int> &entryIdList)
+ mErrorCode = mProxy->customSort(entryIdList, groupId);
+ return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);
+ Returns code of an error caused by the last executed operation.
+ \retval code of error, zero means no error.
+ */
+ErrorCode CaServicePrivate::lastError() const
+ return mErrorCode;