changeset 85 7feec50967db
parent 4 1a2a00e78665
child 86 e492551a0d54
--- a/homescreensrv_plat/sapi_homescreenplugin/tsrc/common/src/mt_hsps.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:23:10 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of MT_CHSPS class
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32cmn.h> 
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <hspsthememanagement.h>
-#include <hspsclient.h>
-#include <eunitmacros.h>
-#include <eunitdecorators.h>
-#include "mt_hsps.h"
-#include "mt_hspsteststep.h"
-#include "hspsserviceutilities.h"
-#include "hspspersonalisationservice.h"
-#include "mt_hspsinstallationservice.h"
-// ======== LOCAL CONSTANTS ====================================================
-// LIW variant names
-_LIT8( KHspsAppUid, "appUid" );
-// Heap size for test step thread
-const TUint KDefaultHeapSize = 0x10000;       
-// Test step data
-typedef struct
-    {
-    TUint8* iMethod;
-    TUint8* iInParams;
-    TUint8* iExpOutParams;
-    TInt iTriggerCase;
-    TBool iAsync;
-    MT_CHSPS* iBaseObject;
-    }TTestStepDataStr;
-// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================================================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calls asynchronous service method
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void HSPSCallServiceL( TAny* aPointer )
-    {
-    TTestStepDataStr* testStepData = (TTestStepDataStr*)aPointer;
-    // Create test step
-    MT_CHSPSTeststep* ts = MT_CHSPSTeststep::NewL( 
-                                        *(testStepData->iBaseObject->Interface()),
-                                        testStepData->iMethod,
-                                        testStepData->iInParams,
-                                        testStepData->iExpOutParams,
-                                        testStepData->iAsync );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( ts );
-    // Call service method
-    ts->CallServiceL();
-    // Start wait loop for test step execution
-    CActiveScheduler::Start();
-    // Check test step result
-    User::LeaveIfError( ts->CheckOutParams() ); 
-    // Clean test step.
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ts );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test step thread
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt HSPSTestStepThread( TAny* aPointer )
-    {
-    TTestStepDataStr* testStepData = (TTestStepDataStr*)aPointer;
-    // Create cleanup stack for the test step thread
-    CTrapCleanup* theCleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
-    // Create active scheduler. Do not start yet.
-    CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new( ELeave ) CActiveScheduler;
-    CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );    
-    // Attach to service.
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TRAP( err, 
-        testStepData->iBaseObject->AttachServiceL( KHSPS,
-                                                   KHSPSConfigurationIf,
-                                                   KHSPSTestAppUid,
-                                                   EFalse ); ); // No timing since it crashed
-                                                                // (we are in separate thread than EUnit now)
-    if( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        // Call asychronous service method
-        TRAP( err, HSPSCallServiceL( aPointer ) );
-        // Detach
-        TRAP_IGNORE( testStepData->iBaseObject->DetachServiceL() );        
-        }
-    // Remove active scheduler.
-    CActiveScheduler::Install( NULL );
-    delete scheduler;
-    scheduler = NULL;
-    // Clean clean up stack.
-    delete theCleanupStack;  
-    // Signal EUnit thread that asynchronous service request is completed
-    RThread::Rendezvous( err );
-    // And finally exit.
-    return err;      
-    }
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        const TDesC& aPath, 
-        TInt aExpectedSize )
-    {
-    iPath.Copy( aPath );
-    iSize = aExpectedSize;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    if ( iInterface )
-    	{
-        iInterface->Close();
-        }
-    if ( iServiceHandler )
-    	{
-        delete iServiceHandler;
-        }
-    if ( iService )
-    	{
-        delete iService;
-        }
-    iResourceArray.ResetAndDestroy();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Attach to defined service providers interface
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::AttachServiceL( 
-    const TDesC8& aSapi,
-    const TDesC8& aInterface,
-    const TDesC8& aAppUid,
-    const TBool aUseTiming )
-    {
-    iServiceHandler = CLiwServiceHandler::NewL();
-    iService = CLiwCriteriaItem::NewL( 1, aInterface, aSapi );
-    iService->SetServiceClass( TUid::Uid( KLiwClassBase ) );
-    RCriteriaArray interestList;
-    interestList.AppendL( iService );
-    iServiceHandler->AttachL( interestList );
-    interestList.Reset();
-    CLiwGenericParamList* inParamList = &( iServiceHandler->InParamListL() );
-    CLiwGenericParamList* outParamList = &( iServiceHandler->OutParamListL() );
-    TLiwGenericParam appUid;
-    TLiwVariant uidVar;
-    uidVar.Set( aAppUid );
-    appUid.SetNameAndValueL( KHspsAppUid, uidVar );
-    inParamList->AppendL( appUid );
-    appUid.Reset();
-    if( aUseTiming )
-        {
-        TPtrC8 method;
-        method.Set( _L8( "Attach" ) );
-        StartTiming( method );
-        }
-    iServiceHandler->ExecuteServiceCmdL( 
-        *iService, 
-        *inParamList, 
-        *outParamList );
-    if( aUseTiming )
-        {
-        StopTiming();
-        }
-    TInt pos = 0;
-    outParamList->FindFirst( pos, aInterface );
-    if( pos != KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        iInterface = ( *outParamList )[ pos ].Value().AsInterface();    
-        inParamList->Reset();
-        outParamList->Reset();        
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        inParamList->Reset();
-        outParamList->Reset();        
-        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-        }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Detach from attached interface
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::DetachServiceL(  )
-    {
-    if ( iInterface )
-    	{
-        iInterface->Close();
-        iInterface = NULL;
-    	}
-    if ( iService && iServiceHandler )
-        {
-        RCriteriaArray interestList;
-        interestList.AppendL( iService );
-        iServiceHandler->DetachL( interestList );   
-        interestList.Reset();
-        }
-    if ( iServiceHandler )
-        {
-        delete iServiceHandler;
-        iServiceHandler = NULL;
-        }
-    if ( iService )
-        {
-        delete iService;
-        iService = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs synchronous test step
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunTestStepSyncL(
-    TUint8* aMethod,
-    TUint8* aInParams,
-    TUint8* aExpOutParams,
-    TBool aMeasureExecTime )
-    {
-    // AttachServiceL not done?
-    ASSERT ( iInterface );    
-    // Create test step
-    MT_CHSPSTeststep* ts = MT_CHSPSTeststep::NewL( 
-        *iInterface,
-        aMethod,
-        aInParams,
-        aExpOutParams,
-        EFalse,
-        aMeasureExecTime );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( ts );
-    // Call synchronous service method
-    ts->CallServiceL();
-    User::LeaveIfError( ts->CheckOutParams() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ts );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs request notification triggerer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunNotificationTriggerL( TInt aTriggerCase )
-    {
-    switch( MT_THSPSTrigger(aTriggerCase) )
-        {
-        case EHspsTriggerRunRemovePluginCase:
-            {
-            RunRemovePluginCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunAddPluginCase:
-            {
-            RunAddPluginCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunInstallationCase:
-            {
-            RunInstallationCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunSetActivePluginCase:
-            {
-            RunSetActivePluginCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunReplacePluginCase:
-            {
-            RunReplacePluginCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunUpdateInstallationCase:
-            {
-            RunUpdateInstallationCase();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EHspsTriggerRunUninstallationCase:    
-            {
-            RunUninstallationCase();
-            }     
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Remove Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunRemovePluginCase()
-    {
-    _LIT8(KPluginId, "8");
-     TBuf8<8> removedPluginId(KPluginId);
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    hspsPersonalisationService->RemovePluginL(536874929, removedPluginId);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Remove Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunAddPluginCase()
-    {
-    _LIT8(KViewConfId, "1");
-    _LIT8(KPluginUid, "0x2000b120");
-    _LIT8(KPluginposition, "-1");
-    TBuf8<10> viewConfId(KViewConfId);
-    TBuf8<10> addedPluginUid(KPluginUid);
-    TBuf8<10> addedPluginposition(KPluginposition);
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    TInt pluginId;    
-    hspsPersonalisationService->AddPluginL(536874929, viewConfId, addedPluginUid, addedPluginposition, pluginId );
-    iAddedPluginId = pluginId;
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Installs a plugin
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunInstallationCase()
-    {
-    // Triggers a "PluginInstalled" notification to clients when finnished
-    MT_CHspsInstallationService* hspsInstallationService = MT_CHspsInstallationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsInstallationService );
-    hspsInstallationService->InstallConfigurationL( KHSPSInstallInstalledWidgetConf );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsInstallationService );  
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Installs an update for the plugin
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunUpdateInstallationCase()
-    {    
-    // Triggers a "PluginUpdated" notification to clients when finnished
-    MT_CHspsInstallationService* hspsInstallationService = MT_CHspsInstallationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsInstallationService );
-    hspsInstallationService->InstallConfigurationL( KHSPSInstallInstalledWidgetConfV2 );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsInstallationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Uninstalls a plugin
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunUninstallationCase()
-    {
-    // Triggers a "PluginUninstalled" notification to clients when finnished
-    MT_CHspsInstallationService* hspsInstallationService = MT_CHspsInstallationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsInstallationService );
-    hspsInstallationService->UninstallConfigurationL( 
-            KHSPSMTInterfaceUid, 
-            (TInt)KHSPSInstalledWidgetConf);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsInstallationService );
-    }
-void MT_CHSPS::RestoreTestDataL( TInt aTriggerCase )
-    {
-    switch(aTriggerCase)
-            {
-            case 1:
-                {
-                RestoreRemovedPluginCase();
-                }
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                {
-                RestoreAddedPluginCase();
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Remove Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RestoreRemovedPluginCase()
-    {
-    _LIT8(KViewConfId, "6");
-    _LIT8(KPluginUid, "0x2000b120");
-    _LIT8(KPluginposition, "-1");
-    TBuf8<10> viewConfId(KViewConfId);
-    TBuf8<10> addedPluginUid(KPluginUid);
-    TBuf8<10> addedPluginposition(KPluginposition);
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    TInt pluginId;    
-    hspsPersonalisationService->AddPluginL(536874929, viewConfId, addedPluginUid, addedPluginposition, pluginId );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Remove Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RestoreAddedPluginCase()
-    {
-    //_LIT8(KPluginId, "9");
-    //iAddedPluginId
-    TBuf8<10> removedPluginId;
-    removedPluginId.AppendNum(iAddedPluginId);
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    hspsPersonalisationService->RemovePluginL(536874929, removedPluginId);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Remove Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunSetActivePluginCase()
-    {
-    _LIT8(KPluginId, "5");
-    TBuf8<10> pluginId( KPluginId );
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    hspsPersonalisationService->SetActivePluginL( 536874929, pluginId );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs Replace Plugin for request notification tests
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunReplacePluginCase()
-    {
-    _LIT8(KPluginId, "1");
-    _LIT8(KPluginUid, "0x2000b102");
-    TBuf8<10> replacePluginUid( KPluginUid );
-    TBuf8<1> replacePluginId( KPluginId );
-    CHspsPersonalisationService* hspsPersonalisationService = CHspsPersonalisationService::NewL();    
-    CleanupStack::PushL( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    hspsPersonalisationService->ReplacePluginL( 536874929, replacePluginId, replacePluginUid );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hspsPersonalisationService );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Accessor to iInterface
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-MLiwInterface* MT_CHSPS::Interface()
-    {
-    return iInterface;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Runs synchronous test step
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RunTestStepAsyncL(
-    TUint8* aMethod,
-    TUint8* aInParams,
-    TUint8* aExpOutParams,
-    TInt aTriggerCase)
-    {
-    // Create test step data
-    TTestStepDataStr data;
-    data.iMethod = aMethod;
-    data.iInParams = aInParams;
-    data.iExpOutParams = aExpOutParams;
-    data.iTriggerCase = aTriggerCase;
-    data.iAsync = ETrue;
-    data.iBaseObject = this;
-    // Create thread for the asynchronous test step
-    RThread testThread;
-    TInt err = testThread.Create( 
-        _L( "TestStep" ),
-        HSPSTestStepThread,
-        0x5000, // 20kB
-        KDefaultHeapSize,
-        KDefaultHeapSize,
-        ( TAny* )&data,
-        EOwnerProcess );
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        // This must be done before resume is called to get correct error code.
-        TRequestStatus status;
-        // Request signal from test step thread when test step is completed
-        testThread.Rendezvous( status );        
-        // Start test step thread
-        testThread.Resume();        
-        // Give test thread some time to initialize so that triggers are not ran before
-        // test thread is connected to server.
-        User::After( 2000000 );
-        // change application configuration
-        TRAP( err, RunNotificationTriggerL(aTriggerCase) );
-        if( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            // Shutdown thread and close handle. Then leave and
-            // do not wait for event that is never triggered.
-            if( testThread.ExitReason() == EExitPending ) // Check that process is alive.
-                {
-                testThread.Kill( KErrUnknown );
-                }
-            testThread.Close();
-            User::Leave( err );
-            }
-        // Wait test step to be completed
-        User::WaitForRequest( status );
-        err = status.Int();
-        testThread.Close();
-        // Give test thread some time to close
-        User::After( 2000000 );
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( err );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set active configuration
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::SetActiveConfigurationL(
-    const TDesC8& aAppUid,
-    TInt aConfId )
-    {
-    TInt appUid = HspsServiceUtilities::DecString2Int( aAppUid );
-    // Set application configuration active
-    SetCentralRepositoryKeyL( appUid, aConfId );
-    }
-void MT_CHSPS::AddResourceL(     
-    const TDesC& aFileName,
-    const TInt aExpectedSize )
-    {    
-    iResourceArray.AppendL( new MT_CHSPSResource(aFileName, aExpectedSize) );    
-    }
-void MT_CHSPS::ResetResources()
-    {
-    iResourceArray.ResetAndDestroy();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Check if all given files exist
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::CheckResourcesL()
-    {        
-    RFs rFs;
-    rFs.Connect();
-    CleanupClosePushL( rFs );
-    RFile file;        
-    CleanupClosePushL( file );
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TInt actualSize = 0;     
-    for( TInt i = 0; i < iResourceArray.Count() && !err; i++ )
-        {
-        MT_CHSPSResource* r = iResourceArray[ i ];
-        if ( !r || !r->iPath.Length() )
-            {
-            err = KErrArgument;                        
-            }                
-        if ( !err )
-            {
-            err = file.Open( rFs, r->iPath, EFileRead );
-            }
-        if ( !err )
-            {
-            file.Size( actualSize );
-            file.Close();               
-            if ( r->iSize >= 0 && actualSize != r->iSize )
-                {
-                err = KErrCorrupt;
-                }
-            }
-        if ( err )
-            {
-            EUNIT_PRINT( r->iPath );
-            User::Leave( err );
-            }
-        }        
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &rFs); // file, rFs        
-    ResetResources();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Starts timing of SAPI method execution
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::StartTiming( 
-    TDesC8& aMethod )
-    {
-    iStartTime.HomeTime();
-    EUNIT_PRINT( aMethod );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculates SAPI method execution time
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::StopTiming()
-    {
-    TTime readyTime;
-    readyTime.HomeTime();
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds delay = readyTime.MicroSecondsFrom( iStartTime );
-    TTime transferTime( delay.Int64() );
-    TBuf<64> timeString;
-    transferTime.FormatL( timeString,_L( "Execution time: %S%C microseconds" ) );
-    EUNIT_PRINT( timeString );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets Central Repository key value
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::SetCentralRepositoryKeyL( 
-    TInt aKey,
-    TInt aValue )
-    {
-    CRepository* cr = CRepository::NewL( KhspsThemeStatusRepositoryUid );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( cr );
-    User::LeaveIfError( cr->Set( aKey, aValue ) );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cr );    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Removes test configuration resource files
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::RemoveResourceFilesL(
-    RFs& aFileSession )
-    {
-    CFileMan* fileManager = CFileMan::NewL( aFileSession );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( fileManager );
-    fileManager->RmDir( _L( "c:\\private\\20000fb1\\2456\\" ) );
-    fileManager->RmDir( _L( "c:\\private\\20000fb1\\536874929\\" ) );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileManager );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Hsps client service observer
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MT_CHSPS::HandlehspsClientMessage( ThspsServiceCompletedMessage /*aMessage*/ )
-    {
-    // Asynchronous service handling
-    }