changeset 114 a5a39a295112
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/homescreenpluginsrv/inc/hspsclient.h	Wed Sep 01 12:22:09 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+*  ChspsClient is a client-side implementation of MhspsInstallationService and MhspsMaintenanceService
+*  interface definitions of Homescreen Plugin Configuration Managament Services APIs. Installation and 
+*  Maintenance Services are intended to serve Homescreen as well as S60 legacy applications - especially
+*  the Personalisation Application - with the plugin installation and maintenance 
+*  functionality. Typical use-case is that client application initiates ChspsClient-object, connects
+*  to hspsThemeServer with its application UID, and commences installation and maintenance service 
+*  requests.
+*  Security in using services is quarantied by controlling the rights to see Application Themes 
+*  and operate with hsps Theme Server. This control is based on SECUREID of application process.
+*  Security is maintained behind the curtain by means of Symbian EKA2 Kernel services for Platform
+*  Security.
+*  ChspsClient offers high- and low-level API-functionality. High-level and low-level calls are 
+*  diffrentiated by their parametrization. High-level parametrization is directed to the be used by
+*  applications which need human readable data and offer a user interface. Low-level parametrization
+*  is directed to the machine-originated requestors like OTA Push or DM (Device Management) 
+*  sub-systems where data is not needed to understand semanticly. 
+*  ChspsClient delegates server messages to its client application by 
+*  MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver::HandlehspsClientMessage() call-back to be implemented by the 
+*  client application.
+*  Theme Installation Services
+*  ===========================
+*  Processing a installation task works in asynchronous mode, however, synchronous mode is applied 
+*  everytime the installation is initiated. After checking installation rights and files validities,
+*  hsps Theme Server will allow actual installation. Client application must call actual  
+*  installation by commencing next phase execution explicitly. First call of installation returns 
+*  the ODT-header of the theme to be installed. This is to enable previewing information about 
+*  a theme to be installed. In this point, user can accept or decline the installation. 
+*  Installation preview feature is useful especially in OTA-service cases when user acception on 
+*  theme installation might be selected a a part of user policy settings.
+*  A theme can include resources that can be imported to the target system as such like some audio
+*  files etc., however, most of the images must be fitted on to the target device's color depth and
+*  pixel density. In these cases, the needed conversions will be executed asynchronously on 
+*  server-side. Asynchronous installation is executed in phases - resource by resource. 
+*  Installation phases are promoted automaticly, however, client application can control and 
+*  monitor installation phases, and also cancel installation at any time. If installation is 
+*  cancelled, hspsThemeServer initiates roll-back functionality removing inconsistent installation.  
+*  Theme Maintenanace Services:
+*  ============================
+*  Most of the maintenance functions are synchronous, only one is asynchronous; hspsGetNextHeader().
+*  Others functions are straightforward to use. They are explained in the class declaration section
+*  below. The asynchronous service is applied only in theme listing service calls.
+*  Client application initiates the theme listing by calling synchronous function 
+*  hspsGetListHeaders(). This call initiates the query. Client application should call 
+*  hspsGetNextHeader() after checking that any themes matching on current query is found or that query
+*  is valid at least. This action is called a subscription. To receive actual theme listing, the 
+*  client application must start to listen call-back messages from the server about list delivery. 
+*  The headers matching on query will be delivered immediately. Query remains until 
+*  hspsCancelGetListHeaders() is called by client. If a new Application Theme exist in repository, 
+*  it will be delivered if the query concers it. 
+#ifndef __ChspsCLIENT_H__
+#define __ChspsCLIENT_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "hspsthememanagement.h"
+#include "hspsclientsession.h"
+#include "hspsresult.h"
+class ChspsLogBus;
+/** hspsClient Panic Category. */
+_LIT( KhspsClient, "hspsClient" );
+/** hspsClient panic codes: */
+enum ThspsClientPanics
+    {
+    EhspsClientBadState
+    };
+class RhspsClientSession;
+class MhspsInstallationService;
+class MhspsMaintenanceService;
+class MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver;
+class ChspsODT;
+class ChspsResult;
+ *  ChspsClient. 
+ *  ChspsClient performs all client-side theme installation and maintenance related functionality.
+ *  Theme maintenance services includes theme listings, theme activation, theme removal, and default
+ *  theme restoring functionality.
+ *
+ *  Class inheritance:
+ *  ==================
+ *  ChspsClient derives CActive for asynchronous request handling, and MhspsInstallationService and 
+ *  MhspsMaintenanceService from Homescreenpluginservices. 
+ *
+ *  Theme installation functionality:
+ *  =================================
+ *  Client application must call hspsInstallNextPhaseL() after testing that the synchronous call 
+ *  hspsInstallTheme() has returned EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess return code signalling that actual 
+ *  installation is allowed. The rest of the installation phases will be executed automatically,
+ *  however, installation can be interrupted by calling hspsCancelInstallTheme() at any time. 
+ *  If installation is canceled, hspsThemeServer initiates roll-back functionality removing
+ *  inconsistent installation.
+ *  Installation service uses specific manifest-file format to get informed about the xml, css, 
+ *  dtd, and resource files to be installed. Resource files might be locale-specific or generic
+ *  as well.
+ *  hspsThemeServer takes care of saving everything on their appropriate places in the target device's
+ *  user disk. Theme storage is located in hspsThemeServer's private-folder.
+ *  Locales are instructed in manifest file also. Manifest file's file-extension must be .dat, 
+ *  but actually, the file-name can be whatever, however, when low-level parametrization is used, 
+ *  the name must be "manifest.dat" and it must be the last file extracted from the installation 
+ *  package.
+ *  For more information of manifest-file format, see Homescreen wikipages.
+ *
+ *  Installation functions can return one of the following ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-codes:
+ *  - EhspsInstallThemeSuccess,
+ *  - EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess, or
+ *  - EhspsInstallThemeFailed.
+ *
+ *  Client application must implement MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver-interface and listen these 
+ *  messages mentioned. Let it be emphasised that both synchronous and asynchronous calls can return
+ *  the codes above. Installation functions may also return one of the following codes:
+ *  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
+ *  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
+ *
+ *  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
+ *
+ *  Theme maintenance functionality:
+ *  ================================
+ *  Most of the maintenance functions are synchronous, only one is asynchronous; hspsGetNextHeader().
+ *  Others functions are straightforward to use but hspsGetListHeaders(). This will be explained next; 
+ *  synchronous call hspsGetListHeaders() initiates the theme header listing by passing search mask 
+ *  to HSPS Server's Maintenance Service. This search mask is called a query. It also passes
+ *  a list object in where maintenance service should append theme-header objects (type of 
+ *  ChspsODT-class without DOM-document) when one is retrieved asychronously. Search mask should be 
+ *  filled with proper parameters matching the need in hand. If no parameters are given, all headers
+ *  of Application Themes available in Definition Repository will be delivered, otherwise, 
+ *  only sub-set of theme-headers will be delivered. After the query-call hspsGetListHeaders(), the 
+ *  delivering of the theme-headers is asynchronous. Asynchronous service must be initiated by 
+ *  calling hspsGetNextHeader() after checking that any theme matching on current query is found or
+ *  that query is valid anyway. This action is called a subscription. To receive theme
+ *  listing, the client application must implement MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver-interface and
+ *  start to listen call-back messages. 
+ *  The headers matching on query will be delivered immediately. Query remains until 
+ *  hspsCancelGetListHeaders() is called by client. If a new Application Theme exist in repository, it
+ *  will be delivered. As mentioned, when hspsGetListHeaders() returns, the return value must be checked.
+ *  Return value could be one of the following:
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersSuccess - there is at least one Application Theme available matching on query. 
+ *                               Call first hspsGetNextHeader() to get the headers. Same call will set 
+ *                               the subscribtion of new ones possible coming available later.
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - there is no themes matching on the query available at the time, 
+ *                               however, some might be exist later in due to installations. 
+ *                               Client application should retain the subcription.
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - service request failed for some reason. Possible reasons are for e.g.
+ *                               the missing rights to list headers queried.  
+ *   
+ *  Additional Return Code Support (ChspsResult) will express for e.g. the number of headers to be
+ *  delivered or possible system error code in failed cases.
+ *  
+ *  By MhspsServiceObserver::HandlehspsServiceMessage() call-back function implementation, client 
+ *  application must listen the following ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-messages:
+ *
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersUpdate  - header list on the client side has a new object appended at the end
+ *                               of the list,
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersRestart - header list on server side has changed so much that the client must 
+ *                               empty the list printed on screen. New list will be delivered 
+ *                               immediately. The subscription stands.
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - header list on server side is now empty. The client must empty 
+ *                               the list on screen if printed. The subscription stands. 
+ *  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - operation has failed. Client should cancel request and restart.
+ *
+ *  Maintenanace functions may also return one of the following codes:
+ *  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
+ *  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
+ *
+ *  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * @lib hspsClient.lib
+ * @since S60 5.0
+ * @ingroup group_hspsclients
+ */
+class ChspsClient : public CActive, public MhspsInstallationService, public MhspsMaintenanceService
+    {
+    public: // Constructors and destructors
+        /**
+        * NewL.
+        * 
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        * Creates a ChspsClient object using two phase construction,
+        * and return a pointer to the created object.
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0 
+        * @param aObserver The object to be used to handle updates from the server.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static ChspsClient* NewL(MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver& aObserver );
+        /**
+        * NewLC.
+        * 
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        * Creates a ChspsClinet object using two phase construction,
+        * and return a pointer to the created object.
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0
+        * @param aObserver The object to be used to handle updates from the server.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static ChspsClient* NewLC( MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver& aObserver );
+        /**
+        * ~ChspsClient.
+        * 
+        * Destructor.
+        * Destroys the object and release all memory objects.
+        */
+        virtual ~ChspsClient();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * From MhspsInstallationService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallTheme(const TDesC& aManifestFileName,
+                                   ChspsODT& aHeader);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsInstallationService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallTheme(const TDesC& aManifestFileName, 
+                                   TDes8& aHeaderData);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsInstallationService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallNextPhaseL(ChspsODT& aHeader);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsInstallationService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallNextPhaseL(TDes8& aHeaderData);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsInstallationService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelInstallTheme();
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(
+                const ChspsODT& aSearchMask,
+                const TBool aCopyLogos, 
+                CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& aHeaderList );
+        /** 
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(const TDesC8& aSearchMaskData,
+                                   CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>& aHeaderDataList);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */  
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetNextHeader();       
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */  
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetListHeaders();       
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme(const ChspsODT& aSetMask,
+                                   ChspsODT& aHeader);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */        
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme(const TDesC8& aSetMaskData,
+                                 TDes8& aHeaderData);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreDefault(const ChspsODT& aSetMask,
+                                   ChspsODT& aHeader);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemoveThemeL(const ChspsODT& aSetMask);
+        /**
+        * GethspsResult
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0
+        * @param aResult is a ChspsResult object containing additional information of query result.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void GethspsResult(ChspsResult& aResult);
+        /**
+        * Returns ODT header list according to the defined search mask
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0 
+        * @param aSearchMask is ChspsODT-object which attributes are filled to present search 
+        *        parameters for theme set queried by client. This parametrisation follows 
+        *        the high-level schema. 
+        * @param aCopyLogos is set if client wants to view logos         
+        * @param aHeaderList is an list object able to carry ChspsODT-objects. 
+        * @return Error code
+        */
+        IMPORT_C TInt hspsGetHeaders(
+                const ChspsODT& aSearchMask,
+                const TBool aCopyLogos,
+                CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& aHeaderList);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAddPlugin(
+        		const TInt aAppUid,
+        		const TInt aConfId,
+        		const TInt aPluginUid,
+        		const TInt aPosition,
+        		TInt& aAddedPluginId 
+        		);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemovePlugin(
+        		const TInt aAppUid,        		
+        		const TInt aPluginId
+        		);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActivePlugin(
+                const TInt aAppUid,
+                const TInt aPluginId
+                );        
+        /**
+         * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+         */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetPluginSettings(
+               const ChspsODT& aHeader,
+               const TInt aPluginId,
+               ChspsDomDocument& aDom,
+               const TBool aPluginStoringStatus
+               );
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetPluginOdtL(
+        		const TInt aAppUid,        		
+        		const TInt aPluginUid,
+        		ChspsODT* aPluginOdt );
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsMovePluginsL(
+        		const TInt aAppUid,        
+        		const TInt aConfId,
+        		const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aPluginIdList 
+        		);
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetConfState(
+                const TInt aAppUid,        
+                const TInt aConfId,
+                const ThspsConfigurationState aState,
+                const ThspsConfStateChangeFilter aFilter
+                );
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreActiveAppConf(
+                const TInt aAppUid );
+        /** 
+         * Updates plugin configuration in all application configuration
+         *  
+         * @since S60 5.0
+         * @param apluginUid identifies the plugin configuration                
+         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
+         */
+        IMPORT_C  ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsPluginUpdateL(
+                          const ChspsODT& /* aOdt */ );
+        /**
+        * Reinstalls requested configuration
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0
+        * @param aAppUid is interface.
+        * @param aConfUid is ID of the reinstalled configuration.  
+        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsReinstallConf(
+            TInt aAppUid, 
+            TInt aConfUid );
+        /** 
+        * Internal log bus setter. Empty method in product builds.
+        * 
+        * @since S60 5.0
+        * @param aLogBus    Log bus to be set.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void SetLogBus( void* aLogBus );        
+        /**
+        * From MhspsMaintenanceService        
+        */                               
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsReplacePlugin(
+                const TInt aAppUid,
+                const TInt aPluginId,             
+                const TInt aConfUid );
+        /**
+        * Restores plugin configurations according to the input.
+        * @since S60 5.2
+        * @param aAppUid Application uid
+        * @param aRestore Operation to be executed
+        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreConfigurations(
+            const TInt aAppUid,
+            const ThspsRestore aRestore );
+    protected: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From CActive, RunL.
+        * Callback function.
+        * Invoked to handle responses from the server.
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * From CActive, DoCancel.
+        * Cancels any outstanding operation.
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+        /**
+        * From CActive Called when asynchronous request has failed
+        * @since S60 3.1
+        */
+        TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+    private: 
+        /**
+        * Updates iResult 
+        * @param aResultData Result data
+        */
+        void UpdatehspsResult( TDesC8& aResultData );
+        /**
+        * Creates a header object from header data (iHeaderData) 
+        * and adds created header to the header list (iHeaderList)
+        * @param aHeaderData Header data
+        */
+        void AppendHeaderListL( TDesC8& aHeaderData );
+        /**
+        * Gets file handle and streams odt from the file.
+        * @since S60 5.0
+        * 
+        * @param aOdtPath - odt file path
+        * @param aAppUid - application uid for accessing to the file
+        * @param aPluginOdt - odt for streaming
+        * @return error code  
+        */
+        TInt StreamOdtL( TDes& aOdtPath, 
+        		const TInt aAppUid, ChspsODT* aPluginOdt );
+    private: // Constructors and destructors
+        /**
+        * ChspsClient.
+        * Performs the first phase of two phase construction.
+        * @param aObserver The object to be used to handle updates from the server.
+        */
+        ChspsClient( MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver& aObserver);
+        /**
+        * ConstructL.
+        * Performs the second phase construction of a ChspsClient object.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+    private: // Members
+        /**
+        * iSession, the theme server session.
+        */
+        RhspsClientSession iSession;
+        /**
+        * iObserver, observer which handles updates from the server.
+        */
+        MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver& iObserver;
+        /**
+        * Message to cancel outstanding request.
+        */
+        ThspsServiceRequestMessage iCancelRequestMessage;
+    private: // Data    
+        /**
+        * An pointer array given by service requester to be filled with headers.
+        */
+        CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>* iHeaderDataList;
+        CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>* iHeaderList; 
+        TBuf8<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> iHeaderData;
+        TBuf8<KMaxResultDataLength8> iResultData;
+        TBool iODTMode;
+        ChspsODT* iOdt;
+        ChspsODT* iHeader;
+        HBufC8* iSearchMaskData;
+        HBufC8* iSetMaskData;
+        ChspsResult* iResult;
+        TBool iSubscription;
+        /**
+         * Log bus.
+         */        
+        ChspsLogBus* iLogBus;
+     };
+#endif //__ChspsCLIENT_H__
+// End of File