--- a/homescreenpluginsrv/hspsmanager/src/hspsserverutil.cpp Wed Mar 31 13:30:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/homescreenpluginsrv/hspsmanager/src/hspsserverutil.cpp Wed May 12 13:35:37 2010 +0300
@@ -1660,10 +1660,10 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// hspsServerUtil::IsFile
+// hspsServerUtil::IsLogoFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool hspsServerUtil::IsFile(
+TBool hspsServerUtil::IsLogoFile(
const TDesC& aFileDeclaration,
TFileName& aFilename )
@@ -1891,6 +1891,127 @@
return err;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// hspsServerUtil::ResolveLogoPathL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void hspsServerUtil::PopulateLogoPathsL(
+ const TDesC& aLogoDeclaration,
+ const TUint aAppUid,
+ RBuf& aTargetPath,
+ RBuf& aSourcePath,
+ RBuf& aUpdatedDeclaration)
+ {
+ // Process widget types only
+ if ( aLogoDeclaration.Length() && aAppUid > 0 )
+ {
+ // Get possible file name from the optional logo declaration
+ // and if found, populate the paths and update the declaration
+ TFileName filename;
+ if( IsLogoFile( aLogoDeclaration, filename ) )
+ {
+ // Get client's private directory
+ _LIT( KClientPrivatePath, "c:\\private\\%X\\");
+ TPath clientPath;
+ clientPath.Format( KClientPrivatePath, aAppUid );
+ // Updated logo declaration
+ TInt offset = aLogoDeclaration.FindF( filename );
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( offset != KErrNotFound, User::Leave( KErrCorrupt ) );
+ if( aLogoDeclaration.Length() + aLogoDeclaration.Mid( offset ).Length() < KMaxFileName )
+ {
+ aUpdatedDeclaration.Copy( aLogoDeclaration );
+ aUpdatedDeclaration.Insert( offset, clientPath );
+ // Set path and name of the target file
+ if( clientPath.Length() + filename.Length() < KMaxFileName )
+ {
+ aTargetPath.Copy( clientPath );
+ aTargetPath.Append( filename );
+ // Set name of the source file
+ _LIT( KServerPrivateFolder, "c:\\private\\200159c0\\themes\\" );
+ if( KServerPrivateFolder().Length() + filename.Length() < KMaxFileName )
+ {
+ aSourcePath.Copy( KServerPrivateFolder );
+ aSourcePath.Append( filename );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// hspsServerUtil::FindFilesRecursivelyL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void hspsServerUtil::FindFilesRecursivelyL(
+ RFs& aFs,
+ const RArray<TInt>& aDriveArray,
+ const TDesC& aPath,
+ RPointerArray<HBufC>& aFolders,
+ TBool aRecursive )
+ {
+ TParsePtrC parser( aPath );
+ TFindFile fileFinder( aFs );
+ fileFinder.SetFindMask( KDriveAttExclude|KDriveAttRemovable|KDriveAttRemote|KDriveAttSubsted );
+ _LIT(KMaskFile, "*");
+ for( TInt driveIndex=0; driveIndex < aDriveArray.Count(); driveIndex++ )
+ {
+ TChar driveChar;
+ User::LeaveIfError( RFs::DriveToChar( aDriveArray[driveIndex], driveChar ) );
+ TBuf16<2> driveBuf(2);
+ driveBuf[0] = TUint( driveChar );
+ driveBuf[1] = TUint( TChar(':') );
+ TPath path;
+ path.Copy( driveBuf );
+ path.Append( parser.Path() );
+ CDir* dirList( NULL );
+ fileFinder.FindWildByDir( KMaskFile, path, dirList );
+ if ( dirList )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL( dirList );
+ const TInt count = dirList->Count();
+ for( TInt entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < count; entryIndex++ )
+ {
+ const TEntry& entry = (*dirList)[ entryIndex ];
+ TFileName file( path );
+ file.Append( entry.iName );
+ if( entry.IsDir() )
+ {
+ file.Append( KDoubleBackSlash );
+ }
+ if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( aFs, file ) )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( entry.IsDir() && aRecursive )
+ {
+ FindFilesRecursivelyL( aFs, aDriveArray, file, aFolders );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HBufC* nameBuf = file.AllocLC();
+ aFolders.AppendL( nameBuf );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( nameBuf );
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dirList );
+ dirList = 0;
+ } // dirlist
+ } // driveIndex
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hspsServerUtil::hspsServerUtil