--- a/idlefw/plugins/sapidataplugin/src/sapidataplugin.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:23:10 2010 +0200
+++ b/idlefw/plugins/sapidataplugin/src/sapidataplugin.cpp Fri Feb 19 23:07:29 2010 +0200
@@ -11,18 +11,14 @@
* Contributors:
-* Description: Profile plug-in publisher
+* Description: SAPI data plug-in publisher
+// System includes
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
-#include <aicontentobserver.h>
-#include <aiutility.h>
-#include <aipspropertyobserver.h>
#include <PUAcodes.hrh>
-#include <aipluginsettings.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
@@ -30,6 +26,13 @@
#include <AknsUtils.h>
#include <AknsConstants.h>
#include <e32property.h>
+// User includes
+#include <hspublisherinfo.h>
+#include <aicontentobserver.h>
+#include <aiutility.h>
+#include <aipspropertyobserver.h>
+#include <aipluginsettings.h>
#include <activeidle2domainpskeys.h>
#include "sapidatapluginconst.h"
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@
#include "sapidataplugin.h"
#include "sapidata.h"
+// Constants
const TImplementationProxy KImplementationTable[] =
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( KImplUidDataPlugin, CSapiDataPlugin::NewL )
@@ -75,6 +78,7 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : iNetworkStatus( EUnknown ), iPluginState( ENone )
@@ -83,14 +87,10 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSapiDataPlugin::ConstructL()
- {
- iPluginState = ENone;
- iHSForeGround = EFalse;
- iKeyLockOn = EFalse;
- iNetworkStatus = EUnknown;
- iData = CSapiData::NewL(this);
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+ iData = CSapiData::NewL( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -101,123 +101,44 @@
// deactivate the publishers
- if( iData )
+ if ( iData )
- TRAP_IGNORE(iData->DeActivateL());
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KDeActive ));
delete iData;
Release( iContent );
- if( iContentModel)
+ if ( iContentModel )
- for( TInt i = iDataCount-1;i>=0 ; i-- )
+ for ( TInt i = iDataCount - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
- delete []iContentModel;
- }
- iIconArray.Reset();
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// Plug-ins take ownership of the settings array, so it must either
-// store it in a member or free it.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSapiDataPlugin::ConfigureL( RAiSettingsItemArray& aSettings )
- {
- if( iDataCount > 0 )
- {
- // We own the array so destroy it
- aSettings.ResetAndDestroy();
- return;
+ delete [] iContentModel;
- RAiSettingsItemArray contentItemsArr;
- RAiSettingsItemArray configurationItemsArr;
+ iIconArray.Reset();
- TInt count = aSettings.Count();
- for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- MAiPluginSettings* pluginSetting = aSettings[i];
- if( pluginSetting->AiPluginItemType() == EAiPluginContentItem )
- {
- contentItemsArr.Append(pluginSetting);
- }
- else if( pluginSetting->AiPluginItemType() == EAiPluginConfigurationItem )
- {
- configurationItemsArr.Append(pluginSetting);
- }
- }
- iDataCount = contentItemsArr.Count();
- if(iDataCount > 0 )
- {
- // Create the content Model
- HBufC* contentId = HBufC::NewLC( KAiContentIdMaxLength + KAiPluginNameMaxLength );
- iContentModel = new TAiContentItem[iDataCount];
- for(TInt i = 0; i < iDataCount; i++)
- {
- MAiPluginContentItem& contentItem = (contentItemsArr[i])->AiPluginContentItem();
- iContentModel[i].id = i;
- if( contentItem.Type() == KText() || contentItem.Type() == KNewsTicker() )
- {
- // text
- iContentModel[i].type = KAiContentTypeText;
- }
- if( contentItem.Type() == KImage() )
- {
- // image
- iContentModel[i].type = KAiContentTypeBitmap;
- }
- contentId->Des().Copy(contentItem.Name());
- contentId->Des().Delete(0, contentId->Des().LocateReverse(KPluginNameSeprator) +1);
- TInt sizeOfContentId = contentId->Des().Size()+sizeof(wchar_t);
- iContentModel[i].cid = static_cast<const wchar_t*>( User::Alloc( sizeOfContentId ) );
- Mem::Copy((TAny*)iContentModel[i].cid, contentId->Des().PtrZ(), sizeOfContentId);
- contentId->Des().Delete( 0, contentId->Des().Length());
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentId );
- iContent = AiUtility::CreateContentItemArrayIteratorL( iContentModel, iDataCount );
- // Configurations
- iData->ConfigureL(configurationItemsArr);
- // Activate the publisher
- iData->ActivateL();
- // Register for notifications
- iData->RegisterPublisherObserverL();
- PublishL();
- iPluginState = ESuspend;
- iData->RegisterContentObserverL();
- }
- contentItemsArr.Reset();
- configurationItemsArr.Reset();
- // We own the array so destroy it
- aSettings.ResetAndDestroy();
- // publish the initial data
+ iRfs.Close();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Publishes widget's texts and images
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSapiDataPlugin::PublishL()
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+ {
TInt observers( iObservers.Count() );
TInt transactionId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this );
- for ( int i = 0; i < observers; i++ )
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < observers; i++ )
MAiContentObserver* observer = iObservers[i];
@@ -233,8 +154,7 @@
// Release memory of the published icons
- }
- iRfs.Close();
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -340,19 +260,20 @@
else // Interpret as File path
- RFile* iconFile = new (ELeave) RFile();
- err = iconFile->Open( iRfs, aPath, EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileRead );
+ RFile iconFile;
+ err = iconFile.Open( iRfs, aPath, EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileRead );
if( err == KErrNone )
- aObserver->Publish( *this, aContentId, *iconFile, aContentId );
+ aObserver->Publish( *this, aContentId, iconFile, aContentId );
aObserver->Clean( *this, aContentId, aContentId );
- iconFile->Close();
- delete iconFile;
- iconFile = NULL;
+ iconFile.Close();
@@ -442,8 +363,7 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSapiDataPlugin::RefreshL(TDesC& aContentType, TDesC& aOperation)
- {
- User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+ {
TInt observers( iObservers.Count() );
TInt transactionId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this );
@@ -468,8 +388,7 @@
// Relese memory of the published text
- }
- iRfs.Close();
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -483,269 +402,287 @@
aObserver->Clean( *this, aContentId, aContentId );
+ }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// Plug-in is requested to unload its engines due backup operation
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::Start
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSapiDataPlugin::Start( TStartReason aReason )
+ {
+ if( aReason == ESystemStartup )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->SetStartupReasonL( KSystemStartup ));
+ }
+ else if( aReason == EPageStartup )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->SetStartupReasonL( KPageStartup ));
+ }
+ else if( aReason == EPluginStartup )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->SetStartupReasonL( KPluginStartup));
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::Stop
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSapiDataPlugin::Stop( TStopReason aReason )
+ {
+ if( aReason == ESystemShutdown )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KSystemShutdown ));
+ }
+ else if( aReason == EPageShutdown )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KPageShutdown ));
+ }
+ else if( aReason == EPluginShutdown )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KPluginShutdown ));
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::Resume
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSapiDataPlugin::Stop( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
+void CSapiDataPlugin::Resume( TResumeReason aReason )
+ {
+ if ( aReason == EForeground )
+ {
+ iPluginState = EResume;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KResume ));
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::Suspend
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSapiDataPlugin::Suspend( TSuspendReason aReason )
- if( iPluginState == EResume )
+ if ( aReason == EBackground )
+ {
+ iPluginState = ESuspend;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KSuspend ));
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::SetOnline
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSapiDataPlugin::SetOnline()
+ {
+ if ( iNetworkStatus != EOnline )
- Suspend( aReason );
+ iNetworkStatus = EOnline;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KOnLine ));
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::SetOffline
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSapiDataPlugin::SetOffline()
+ {
+ if ( iNetworkStatus != EOffline )
+ {
+ iNetworkStatus = EOffline;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KOffLine ));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// Plug-in is instructed that it is allowed to consume CPU resources
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSapiDataPlugin::Resume( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE( DoResumeL( aReason ) );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// Plug-in is instructed that it is not allowed to consume CPU resources
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::SubscribeL
-void CSapiDataPlugin::Suspend( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
- {
- switch( aReason )
- {
- case EAiKeylockDisabled:
- case EAiKeylockEnabled:
- {
- // handled in resume
- TRAP_IGNORE( DoResumeL( aReason ) );
- break;
- }
- default :
- {
- iPluginState = ESuspend;
- TRAP_IGNORE ( iData->SuspendL() );
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// The plug-in MUST maintain a registry of subscribers and send
-// notification to all of them whenever the state changes or new content
-// is available
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSapiDataPlugin::SubscribeL( MAiContentObserver& aObserver )
- {
+ {
iObservers.AppendL( &aObserver );
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// Returns the extension interface. Actual type depends on the passed
-// aUid argument.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::ConfigureL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TAny* CSapiDataPlugin::Extension( TUid aUid )
- {
- if ( aUid == KExtensionUidProperty )
- {
- return static_cast<MAiPropertyExtension*>( this );
- }
- else if (aUid == KExtensionUidEventHandler)
- {
- return static_cast<MAiEventHandlerExtension*>( this );
- }
- else
- {
- return NULL;
- }
+void CSapiDataPlugin::ConfigureL( RAiSettingsItemArray& aSettings )
+ {
+ if ( iDataCount > 0 )
+ {
+ // We own the array so destroy it
+ aSettings.ResetAndDestroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ RAiSettingsItemArray contentItemsArr;
+ RAiSettingsItemArray configurationItemsArr;
+ TInt count( aSettings.Count() );
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ MAiPluginSettings* setting( aSettings[i] );
+ if ( setting->AiPluginItemType() == EAiPluginContentItem )
+ {
+ contentItemsArr.Append( setting );
+ }
+ else if ( setting->AiPluginItemType() == EAiPluginConfigurationItem )
+ {
+ configurationItemsArr.Append( setting );
+ }
+ }
+ iDataCount = contentItemsArr.Count();
+ if ( iDataCount > 0 )
+ {
+ // Create the content Model
+ HBufC* contentId = HBufC::NewLC(
+ KAiContentIdMaxLength + KAiPluginNameMaxLength );
+ iContentModel = new TAiContentItem[iDataCount];
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iDataCount; i++ )
+ {
+ MAiPluginContentItem& contentItem(
+ contentItemsArr[i]->AiPluginContentItem() );
+ iContentModel[i].id = i;
+ if( contentItem.Type() == KText() ||
+ contentItem.Type() == KNewsTicker() ||
+ contentItem.Type() == KTextEditor() )
+ {
+ // text
+ iContentModel[i].type = KAiContentTypeText;
+ }
+ if( contentItem.Type() == KImage() )
+ {
+ // image
+ iContentModel[i].type = KAiContentTypeBitmap;
+ }
+ contentId->Des().Copy( contentItem.Name() );
+ contentId->Des().Delete( 0,
+ contentId->Des().LocateReverse( KPluginNameSeprator ) + 1 );
+ TInt sizeOfContentId( contentId->Des().Size() + sizeof( wchar_t ) );
+ iContentModel[i].cid =
+ static_cast< const wchar_t* >( User::Alloc( sizeOfContentId ) );
+ Mem::Copy( ( TAny* )iContentModel[i].cid,
+ contentId->Des().PtrZ(), sizeOfContentId );
+ contentId->Des().Delete( 0, contentId->Des().Length() );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentId );
+ iContent = AiUtility::CreateContentItemArrayIteratorL(
+ iContentModel, iDataCount );
+ iData->SetContentIdL( PublisherInfo().Namespace() );
+ // Configurations
+ iData->ConfigureL( configurationItemsArr );
+ // Activate the publisher
+ iData->ChangePublisherStatusL( KActive );
+ // Register for notifications
+ iData->RegisterPublisherObserverL();
+ PublishL();
+ iPluginState = ESuspend;
+ iData->RegisterContentObserverL();
+ }
+ contentItemsArr.Reset();
+ configurationItemsArr.Reset();
+ // We own the array so destroy it
+ aSettings.ResetAndDestroy();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MAiPropertyExtension
-// Read property of publisher plug-in.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::GetProperty
-TAny* CSapiDataPlugin::GetPropertyL( TInt aProperty )
- {
- TAny* property = NULL;
- switch ( aProperty )
- {
- case EAiPublisherInfo:
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* CSapiDataPlugin::GetProperty( TProperty aProperty )
+ {
+ if ( aProperty == EPublisherContent )
- property = static_cast<TAiPublisherInfo*>( &iInfo );
- break;
- }
- case EAiPublisherContent:
- {
- property = static_cast<MAiContentItemIterator*>( iContent );
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
+ return static_cast< MAiContentItemIterator* >( iContent );
- return property;
+ return NULL;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MAiPropertyExtension
-// Write property value to optimize the content model.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::HandleEvent
-void CSapiDataPlugin::SetPropertyL( TInt aProperty, TAny* aValue )
- {
- if( aProperty == EAiPublisherInfo )
- {
- ASSERT( aValue );
- const TAiPublisherInfo* info(
- static_cast<const TAiPublisherInfo*>( aValue ) );
- iInfo = *info;
- iData->SetContentIdL( info->iNamespace );
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MAiEventHandlerExtension.
-// Handles an event sent by the AI framework.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSapiDataPlugin::HandleEvent( TInt /*aEvent*/, const TDesC& /*aParam*/ )
- {
- // This is not as there is no event id to retrieve in this dynamic plugin.
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MAiEventHandlerExtension.
-// Handles an event sent by the AI framework.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSapiDataPlugin::HandleEvent( const TDesC& aEventName, const TDesC& aParam )
- // We have no way of reporting errors to framework so just ignore them.
- TRAP_IGNORE(iData->ExecuteActionL( aEventName , aParam ) );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iData->ExecuteActionL( aEventName , aParam ) );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::HasMenuItem
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSapiDataPlugin::HasMenuItem( const TDesC16& aMenuItem )
+ {
+ return iData->HasMenuItem ( aMenuItem );
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MAiEventHandlerExtension.
-// Invoked by the framework for querying if plugin has menu item
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::IsActive
-TBool CSapiDataPlugin::HasMenuItem( const TDesC& aMenuItem )
- {
- return iData->HasMenuItem ( aMenuItem );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAiContentPublisher
-// framework instructs plug-in that it is allowed to consume CPU resources
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CSapiDataPlugin::DoResumeL( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
+TBool CSapiDataPlugin::IsActive() const
- //update in startup phase and idle is on foreground.
- switch ( aReason )
- {
- case EAiIdleOnLine:
- {
- iNetworkStatus = EOnline;
- iData->OnLineL();
- break;
- }
- case EAiIdleOffLine:
- {
- iNetworkStatus = EOffline;
- iData->OffLineL();
- break;
- }
- case EAiIdlePageSwitch:
- {
- if ( iPluginState == EResume )
- {
- iData->SuspendL();
- }
- iPluginState = EInActive;
- iData->InActiveL();
- }
- break;
- case EAiSystemStartup:
- case EAiIdleForeground:
- {
- iHSForeGround = ETrue;
- }
- case EAiBacklightOn:
- {
- if ( iPluginState == ESuspend && !iKeyLockOn )
- {
- iPluginState = EResume;
- iData->ResumeL();
- }
- break;
- }
- case EAiKeylockDisabled:
- {
- iKeyLockOn = EFalse;
- // Key lock events considered only if HS is in foreground
- if ( iHSForeGround && iPluginState == ESuspend )
- {
- iPluginState = EResume;
- iData->ResumeL();
- }
- break;
- }
- case EAiKeylockEnabled:
- {
- iKeyLockOn = ETrue;
- // Key lock events considered only if HS is in foreground
- if ( iHSForeGround && iPluginState == EResume )
- {
- iPluginState = ESuspend ;
- iData->SuspendL();
- }
- break;
- }
- case EAiScreenLayoutChanged:
- {
- // ignore events
- break;
- }
- case EAiGeneralThemeChanged:
- {
- // ignore event
- break;
- }
- case EAiIdleBackground:
- {
- iHSForeGround = EFalse;
- }
- default :
- {
- if ( iPluginState == EResume )
- {
- iPluginState = ESuspend;
- iData->SuspendL();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ return iPluginState == EResume;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Is plugin active to publish the data
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::Data
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CSapiDataPlugin::IsActive()
+CSapiData* CSapiDataPlugin::Data() const
- return (iPluginState == EResume );
+ return iData;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSapiDataPlugin::NetworkStatus
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSapiDataPlugin::TPluginNetworkStatus CSapiDataPlugin::NetworkStatus() const
+ {
+ return iNetworkStatus;
+ }
+// End of file