--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dependencies/activebackupclient/abclient.h Thu Mar 25 09:33:14 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Declaration of MActiveBackupDataClient and CActiveBackupClient
+ @file
+ @released
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <connect/sbdefs.h>
+namespace conn
+ {
+ class MActiveBackupDataClient
+ /**
+ MActiveBackupDataClient is a Mixin to be implemented by an Active Backup client.
+ The client connects to the Secure Backup Server using the CActiveBackupClient
+ class and provides an instance of MActiveBackupDataClient to be called for a
+ range of functions.
+ The bulk transfer of data and snapshots is expected to be by means of shared
+ heaps for performance reasons so the API is expected to change in these areas.
+ @released
+ @publishedAll
+ */
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks
+ */
+ virtual ~MActiveBackupDataClient() {}
+ ///// Backup Methods /////
+ /**
+ This method informs the active backup data client that all snapshots have
+ been supplied. If the client has not received a snapshot then it should
+ perform a base backup.
+ */
+ virtual void AllSnapshotsSuppliedL() = 0;
+ /**
+ This method receives all or part of a snapshot of data to allow calculation of an
+ incremental backup. The snapshot is one that was previously supplied by the data
+ owner. The snapshot data should be read from the location supplied.
+ The snapshot data may be larger than the location supplied in which case the routine will
+ be called repeatedly until all data has been supplied.
+ Snapshot data will also be supplied as part of a restore operation.
+ @param aDrive the drive being backed up
+ @param aBuffer a pointer to the base of the location from whence data can be copied.
+ @param aLastSection ETrue if this is the last section of snapshot data, else EFalse.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported if the data owner does not support incremental backups.
+ */
+ virtual void ReceiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method returns the expected size of backup data that will be supplied. If an
+ incremental backup is underway then this method will not be called until after
+ ReceiveSnapshotDataL(). The size data will be used for the purpose of tracking progess
+ during a backup. If it is inaccurate then the user may see irregular progress but the
+ actual backup data will not be affected so it is acceptable to return an estimated
+ value.
+ @param aDrive the drive being backed up.
+ @return the size of the data that will be returned
+ */
+ virtual TUint GetExpectedDataSize(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method returns a snapshot of data to accompany a backup. The snapshot is expected
+ to contain details on files / data being backed up. The format of the snapshot is only
+ meaningful to the data owner. The snapshot will be supplied if the data owner is asked
+ for an incremental backup and for a restore operation. The snapshot data should be
+ copied to the location supplied.
+ The snapshot data may be larger than the location supplied in which case the routine will
+ be called repeatedly until all data has been retrieved.
+ @param aDrive the drive being backed up
+ @param aBuffer a pointer to the base of the location where data can be copied.
+ @param aFinished on return ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported if the data owner does not support incremental backups.
+ */
+ virtual void GetSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aFinished) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method prepares the implementor to return backup data. It will be followed by a
+ sequence of calls to request the actual data.
+ @param aDrive the drive being backed up.
+ */
+ virtual void InitialiseGetBackupDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method requests a section of backup data. InitialiseGetBackupDataL() will have been
+ called prevously to specify the drive concerned. The data returned may be base or
+ incremental depending on the type of backup and the capability of the data owner.
+ @param aBuffer a pointer to the base of the location where data can be copied.
+ @param aFinished on return ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.
+ */
+ virtual void GetBackupDataSectionL(TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aFinished) = 0;
+ ///// Restore Methods /////
+ /**
+ This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for a drive.
+ It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data.
+ @param aDrive the drive being restored.
+ */
+ virtual void InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method receives a section of base restore data.
+ InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL() will have been called prevously to specify the drive concerned.
+ @param aBuffer a pointer to the base of the location whence data can be read.
+ @param aFinished ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.
+ */
+ virtual void RestoreBaseDataSectionL(TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFinished) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method prepares the implementor to receive incremental restore data for a drive.
+ It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data. If multiple
+ increments are supplied then this methid will be called before each increment.
+ @param aDrive the drive being restored.
+ */
+ virtual void InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method receives a section of increment restore data.
+ InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL() will have been called prevously to specify the
+ drive concerned.
+ @param aBuffer a pointer to the base of the location whence data can be read.
+ @param aFinished ETrue if all data has been returned for this increment, else EFalse.
+ */
+ virtual void RestoreIncrementDataSectionL(TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFinished) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method is called when all data to be restored has been supplied.
+ @param aDrive the drive being restored.
+ */
+ virtual void RestoreComplete(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ /**
+ This method prepares the implementor to return backup data on behalf of another data owner.
+ It will be followed by a sequence of calls to request the actual data. This method is only
+ for use by a proxy data manager that backs up data on behalf of other data owners. There
+ is no corresponding method for snapshots as it is assumed that a proxy data manager will
+ only handle base data.
+ @param aSID the data owner whose data is to be backed up
+ @param aDrive the drive being backed up.
+ */
+ virtual void InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive);
+ /**
+ This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for another data owner
+ for a drive. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data.
+ This method is only for use by a proxy data manager that restores up data on behalf of
+ other data owners. There is no corresponding method for incremental data as it is assumed
+ that a proxy data manager will only handle base data.
+ @param aSID the data owner whose data is to be restored
+ @param aDrive the drive being restored.
+ */
+ virtual void InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive);
+ ///// General Methods /////
+ /**
+ This method is called if copying of data is terminated prematurely to allow the
+ implementor to tidy up. The same method applies to all types of data and to backup
+ and restore
+ */
+ virtual void TerminateMultiStageOperation() = 0;
+ /**
+ Gets an extended interface based on a supplied uid.
+ @param aUid Uid which identifies an extended interface
+ @return Pointer to an extended interface
+ */
+ virtual TAny* GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 aUid);
+ ///// Test Methods /////
+ /**
+ Gets a 32-bit checksum for its private data.
+ This routine is for test purposes. It must be implemented but an invariant checksum
+ value can be provided. Some tests may cause checksum values to be compared.
+ @param aDrive the drive containing data being checksummed
+ @return the 32-bit checksum
+ */
+ virtual TUint GetDataChecksum(TDriveNumber aDrive) = 0;
+ };
+ inline void MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(TSecureId /*aSID*/, TDriveNumber /*aDrive*/)
+ /** Initialises the proxy backup data
+ This is not supported here.
+ @param aSID the secure Id
+ @param aDrive the driver number
+ @leave KErrNotSupported Always.
+ */
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ inline void MActiveBackupDataClient::InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(TSecureId /*aSID*/, TDriveNumber /*aDrive*/)
+ {
+ /** Initialises the proxy backup base data
+ This is not supported here.
+ @param aSID the secure Id
+ @param aDrive the driver number
+ @leave KErrNotSupported Always.
+ */
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ inline TAny* MActiveBackupDataClient::GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 /*aUid*/)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ class RABClientSession;
+ class CActiveBackupCallbackHandler;
+ class CActiveBackupClient : public CBase
+ /**
+ CActiveBackupClient provides a connection to the Secure Backup Server for a data owning
+ process.
+ It can be used to obtain information about an active backup or restore operation.
+ It can also be used to signal to the Secure Backup Server when the data owner is ready
+ for backup or restore.
+ It is also used by data owners that implement active backup or restore to provide a
+ MActiveBackupDataClient implementation.
+ This class owns a RActiveBackupSessionImpl instance and publishes the
+ public API to the outside world. The reason for this facade class is twofold:
+ @li Hiding the implementation details of RActiveBackupSessionImpl
+ @li Future binary compatibility
+ @released
+ @publishedAll
+ */
+ {
+ public:
+ IMPORT_C static CActiveBackupClient* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C static CActiveBackupClient* NewL(MActiveBackupDataClient* aClient);
+ IMPORT_C ~CActiveBackupClient();
+ IMPORT_C void BURModeInfoL(TDriveList& aDriveList, TBURPartType& aBackupType, TBackupIncType& aIncBackupType);
+ IMPORT_C TBool DoesPartialBURAffectMeL();
+ IMPORT_C void ConfirmReadyForBURL(TInt aErrorCode);
+ private:
+ CActiveBackupClient();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void ConstructL(MActiveBackupDataClient* aClient);
+ private:
+ /** Pointer to the client session R class that's wrapped up by this class */
+ RABClientSession* iClientSession;
+ /** Pointer to the Active Backup Callback Handler */
+ CActiveBackupCallbackHandler* iABCallbackHandler;
+ };
+ } // end namespace