changeset 60 f62f87b200ec
child 66 32469d7d46ff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contentstorage/caclient/stub/src/hswidgetregistryservice.cpp	Fri Mar 19 09:35:23 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Manages installed widgets information
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QPluginLoader>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include "hswidgetregistryservice.h"
+#include "hswidgetregistryservice_p.h"
+#include "hswidgetprovidermanifest.h"
+#include "servicefinder.h"
+const char POSTERURI[] = "";
+const char POSTERWIDGETNAME[] = "name";
+const char POSTERWIDGETID[] = "posterwidgetid";
+const char PUBLISHER[] = "publisher";
+const char TEMPLATETYPE[] = "templatetype";
+const char CONTENTID[] = "contentid";
+const char CONTENTTYPE[] = "contenttype";
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+    const QString &installationPath, HsWidgetRegistryService *ptrToPublic,
+    QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+    Q_UNUSED(ptrToPublic);
+    QStringList manifestPaths;
+    this->mInstallationPath = installationPath;
+    QDir currentDir = QDir::current();
+    QString currentPath = currentDir.absolutePath();
+    //Check widget installation dirs from root of different drives
+    QFileInfoList drives = QDir::drives();
+    // ?
+    for (int i=0; i < drives.count(); i++) {
+        QFileInfo drive =;
+        QString driveLetter = drive.absolutePath();
+        QString path = currentPath + "/" + mInstallationPath;
+        QDir registryDir(path);
+        if (registryDir.exists()) {
+            // ?
+            mManifestDirectories[path] = readManifestDirectories(path);
+        }
+    }
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+QList<HsWidgetToken> HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::widgets()
+    QList<HsWidgetToken> widgets;
+    QMapIterator<QString, QStringList> i(mManifestDirectories);
+    while (i.hasNext()) {
+        QStringList manifestFileList = i.value();
+        QDir manifestDir(i.key());
+        // ?
+        for (int h=0; h < manifestFileList.count(); h++) {
+            widgets << readManifestFile(manifestDir.absoluteFilePath(;
+        }
+    }
+    return widgets;
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+IHsWidgetProvider *HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::loadProviderFromPlugin(
+    const QString &pluginName)
+    QPluginLoader loader(pluginName);
+    QObject *plugin = loader.instance();
+    IHsWidgetProvider *provider = qobject_cast<IHsWidgetProvider *>(plugin);
+    if (provider) {
+        // ?
+        return provider;
+    }
+    // Don't leak memory if provider not IHsWidgetProvider
+    if (plugin) {
+        //qDebug("Widget provider load - !provider, deleting plugin.")
+        delete plugin;
+    }
+    // qDebug("Widget provider load failed - Not found.")
+    return 0;
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+QStringList HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::readManifestDirectories(const QString &path)
+    QStringList widgetDirPaths;
+    QDir registryDir(path);
+    QStringList widgetDirs = registryDir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs);
+    // ?
+    for (int i=0; i < widgetDirs.count(); ++i) {
+        widgetDirPaths << registryDir.absoluteFilePath(;
+    }
+    return widgetDirPaths;
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+void HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::doWidgetRemove(const QString &path,
+        const QStringList &originalList, const QStringList &currentList)
+    Q_UNUSED(path);
+    const int originalCount = originalList.count();
+    // ?
+    for (int i=0; i<originalCount; i++) {
+        QString widgetDir =;
+        if (!currentList.contains(widgetDir)) {
+            // ?
+            QDir dir(widgetDir);
+            int widgetUid = dir.dirName().toUInt(0, 16);
+            mPublic->emitWidgetRemovedFromRegistry(widgetUid);
+        }
+    }
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+QList<HsWidgetToken> HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::readManifestFile(
+    const QString &manifestFilePath)
+    QList<HsWidgetToken> widgets;
+    HsWidgetProviderManifest manifest;
+    QStringList filters("*.manifest");
+    QDir dir(manifestFilePath);
+    QStringList manifestDir = dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files);
+    if (!manifestDir.isEmpty()) {
+        // ?
+        QString fileName = manifestDir.first();
+        if (fileName != "hsposterwidgetprovider.manifest") {
+            // Directory differs from the poster widget's directory
+            // which is not supported for the time being.
+            manifest.loadFromXml(dir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
+            widgets = manifest.widgets();
+            int widgetUid = dir.dirName().toUInt(0, 16);
+            // ?
+            for (int i=0; i<widgets.count(); i++) {
+                widgets[i].mUid = widgetUid;
+                widgets[i].mLibrary = manifestFilePath + "/" + widgets[i].mLibrary;
+                if (widgets[i].mIconUri != "") {
+                    // ?
+                    widgets[i].mIconUri = manifestFilePath + "/" + widgets[i].mIconUri;
+                }
+            }
+            qDebug() << "HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::readManifestFile - " \
+                     "widget added: " << fileName;
+        }
+    }
+    return widgets;
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+void HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::ensureWidgetRegistryPaths()
+    /*
+    mFileSystemWatcher.disconnect();
+    QStringList pathList = mManifestDirectories.keys();
+    // ?
+    for(int i=0; i < pathList.count(); i++) {
+        QDir registryDir(;
+    	if(!registryDir.exists()) {
+    		// ?
+            registryDir.mkpath(;
+        }
+    }
+    mFileSystemWatcher.removePaths(QStringList(mManifestDirectories.keys()));
+    mFileSystemWatcher.addPaths(QStringList(mManifestDirectories.keys()));
+    connect(&mFileSystemWatcher,SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString&)),SLOT(directoryChanged(const QString&)));
+    */
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+void HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::directoryChanged(const QString &path)
+    Q_UNUSED(path);
+    /*
+    int installationStatus = mInstallerObserver.value();
+    if ((installationStatus & KSASwisOperationMask) == ESASwisNone) {
+        // ?
+        QStringList originalList = mManifestDirectories.value(path);
+        QStringList currentList = readManifestDirectories(path);
+        doWidgetAdd(path, originalList, currentList);
+        doWidgetRemove(path, originalList, currentList);
+        mManifestDirectories[path] = currentList;
+        ensureWidgetRegistryPaths();
+    } else {
+        // ?
+        mFileSystemWatcher.disconnect();
+        connect(&mInstallerObserver,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),SLOT(installerStateChanged(int)));
+        mInstallerObserver.subscribe();
+        mLatestChangedDirectory = path;
+    }
+    */
+    ?Qt_style_documentation
+void HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate::installerStateChanged(int newValue)
+    Q_UNUSED(newValue);
+    /*
+    if ((newValue & KSASwisOperationMask) == ESASwisNone) {
+    	// ?
+        mInstallerObserver.unSubscribe();
+        mInstallerObserver.disconnect();
+        QStringList originalList = mManifestDirectories.value(mLatestChangedDirectory);
+        QStringList currentList = readManifestDirectories(mLatestChangedDirectory);
+        doWidgetAdd(mLatestChangedDirectory, originalList, currentList);
+        doWidgetRemove(mLatestChangedDirectory, originalList, currentList);
+        connect(&mFileSystemWatcher,SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString&)),SLOT(directoryChanged(const QString&)));
+        mManifestDirectories[mLatestChangedDirectory] = currentList;
+        ensureWidgetRegistryPaths();
+    }
+    */
+    \class HsWidgetRegistryService
+    \ingroup group_hsruntimeservices
+    \brief Manages installed widgets information
+    Manages information on available widgets and inform observers on
+    registry modifications, i.e installing and uninstalling widgets.
+    Constructor.
+    \a installationPath is the path where the widget is installed
+    and the \a parent is the parent object.
+    const QString &installationPath,
+    QObject *parent)
+    :QObject(parent),
+     mPrivate(new HsWidgetRegistryServicePrivate(installationPath, this, this))
+    Destructor.
+    Fetch available widgets information
+    Return List of widget tokens.
+QList<HsWidgetToken> HsWidgetRegistryService::widgets()
+    return mPrivate->widgets();
+    \fn HsWidgetRegistryService::widgetAddedToRegistry(const QList<HsWidgetToken> &widgetTokenList);
+    Emitted when new widgets are added to registry. \a widgetTokenList
+    contains list of widget tokens.
+    \fn HsWidgetRegistryService::widgetRemovedFromRegistry(int uid)
+    Emitted when a widget is removed from registry
+    \fn HsWidgetRegistryService::posterWidgetRemovedFromRegistry(int posterWidgetId)
+    Emitted when a poster widget publisher is removed from cps
+    \a posterWidgetId Poster widget id.
+    Emits the widgetAddedToRegistry() signal
+    \a widgetsAdded Identifies the added widgets.
+void HsWidgetRegistryService::emitWidgetAddedToRegistry(const QList<HsWidgetToken> &widgetsAdded)
+    emit widgetAddedToRegistry(widgetsAdded);
+    Emits the widgetRemovedFromRegistry() signal
+    \a uid HsWidget uid.
+void HsWidgetRegistryService::emitWidgetRemovedFromRegistry(int uid)
+    emit widgetRemovedFromRegistry(uid);