# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# -version -adds Qt version (4,6,0) intp pkg files
# -target -replaces $(PLATFORM)/$(TARGET) into armv5/urel
# -test -creates script for test app
# default -version
use strict;
use File::Find;
my $base = `cd`;
$base =~ s/\\\w+\s+$//; #move one dir upper
my $modulebase = `cd`;
$modulebase =~s/(\s+)$//; #remove linefeed from end
print $base;;
my $qtversion = "\, 4\, 6\, 0\,";
my $target = "armv5\/urel";
my $qtversionchnage = 0;
my $qtversionarg = "-version";
my $targetchnage = 0;
my $targetarg = "-target";
my $module = 0;
my $modulearg = "-test";
my $delmodule = 0;
my $delmodulearg = "-delmodule";
my $moduledir = "testsis";
my $modulepath = $base."\\".$moduledir;
my $ccert = $modulebase."\\"."cert.cer";
my $ckey = $modulebase."\\"."key.pem";
my $modulebatpath = $modulebase."\\".$moduledir."\\createmodulesis.bat";
if ( $qtversionchnage == 1 || $targetchnage == 1 )
find( \&edits, $base );
if ( $module == 1 )
system "mkdir $moduledir";
if ( not ( open (FWM, ">$modulebatpath") ) )
print "\n***Error: Couldn't open $modulebatpath file to write\n";
binmode FWM;
print FWM "del /S/Q *.SIS\r\n";
print FWM "del /S/Q *.SISX\r\n";
close FWM;
find( \&moduleSis, $base );
if ( $delmodule == 1 )
find( \&delModuleSis, $base );
sub edits()
my $file=$_;
my $winpath=$File::Find::name;
if( -f $file && $file=~/(_template\.pkg)$/i )
print "$winpath ";
system "attrib -R $winpath";
if ( not ( open (FR, $winpath) ) )
print "Error: Couldn't open $winpath file to read\n";
binmode FR;
my $buf="";
my $length = 0;
$length = -s $winpath;
read( FR, $buf, $length );
close FR;
if ( $qtversionchnage == 1 )
$buf =~s/\,\s*\,\s*\,\s*\,\s*\{\"Qt\"\}/$qtversion \{\"Qt\"\}/si;
if ( $targetchnage == 1 )
$buf =~s/\$\(PLATFORM\)\/\$\(TARGET\)/$target/si;
if ( not ( open (FW, ">$winpath") ) )
print "\n***Error: Couldn't open $winpath file to write\n";
binmode FW;
print FW $buf;
close FW;
print "\r\n";
sub checkCmdLine()
my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if ( $numArgs == 0 )
$qtversionchnage = 1;
foreach my $argnum ( 0 .. $#ARGV )
my $argName = lc $ARGV[$argnum];
if ( $argName eq $qtversionarg )
$qtversionchnage = 1;
elsif ( $argName eq $targetarg )
$targetchnage = 1;
elsif ( $argName eq $modulearg )
$module = 1;
elsif ( $argName eq $delmodulearg )
$delmodule = 1;
die "\n***Error: Bad arguments\n";
sub moduleSis()
my $file=$_;
my $winpath=$File::Find::name;
if( -f $file && $file=~/(.*test.*_template\.pkg)$/i )
print "$winpath ";
system "attrib -R $winpath";
if ( not ( open (FR, $winpath) ) )
print "Error: Couldn't open $winpath file to read\n";
binmode FR;
my $buf="";
my $length = 0;
$length = -s $winpath;
read( FR, $buf, $length );
close FR;
$buf =~s/\,\s*\,\s*\,\s*\,\s*\{\"Qt\"\}/$qtversion \{\"Qt\"\}/si;
$buf =~s/\$\(PLATFORM\)\/\$\(TARGET\)/$target/si;
if ( not ( open (FW, ">$winpath") ) )
print "Error: Couldn't open $winpath file to write\n";
binmode FW;
print FW $buf;
close FW;
print "\r\n";
my $pkgname = sisName( $winpath );
if ( not ( open (FWM2, ">>$modulebatpath") ) )
print "Error: Couldn't open $modulebatpath file to append\n";
binmode FWM2;
print FWM2 "makesis $winpath $pkgname\.SIS\r\n";
print FWM2 "signsis $pkgname\.SIS $pkgname\.SISX $ccert $ckey\r\n";
close FWM2;
sub sisName()
my $path = shift;
my $name = "";
if ( $path =~ /\\(\w+)\.pkg/i )
$name = $1;
return $name;
sub delModuleSis()
my $file=$_;
my $winpath=$File::Find::name;
if( -f $file && $file=~/(_template\.pkg)$/i && ( $file=~/^(t_)/i || $file=~/test/i ) )
print "Deleting: ";
print "$winpath ";
system "attrib -R $winpath";
system "del /S/Q $winpath";
print "\r\n";