* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains declarations of installer parameter classes.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <apmstd.h>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
namespace SwiUI
// Errors
const TInt KSWInstErrUserCancel = -30471; // User cancelled the operation
const TInt KSWInstErrFileCorrupted = -30472; // File is corrupted
const TInt KSWInstErrInsufficientMemory = -30473; // Insufficient free memory in the drive to perform the operation
const TInt KSWInstErrPackageNotSupported = -30474; // Installation of the package is not supported
const TInt KSWInstErrSecurityFailure = -30475; // Package cannot be installed due to security error
const TInt KSWInstErrMissingDependency = -30476; // Package cannot be installed due to missing dependency
const TInt KSWInstErrFileInUse = -30477; // Mandatory file is in use and prevents the operation
const TInt KSWInstErrGeneralError = -30478; // Unknown error
const TInt KSWInstErrNoRights = -30479; // The package has no rights to perform the operation
const TInt KSWInstErrNetworkFailure = -30480; // Indicates that network failure aborted the operation
const TInt KSWInstErrBusy = -30481; // Installer is busy doing some other operation
const TInt KSWInstErrAccessDenied = -30482; // Target location of package is not accessible
const TInt KSWInstUpgradeError = -30483; // The package is an invalid upgrade
// Handeled mime types
_LIT8( KSisxMimeType, "x-epoc/x-sisx-app" );
_LIT8( KSisMimeType, "application/vnd.symbian.install" );
_LIT8( KPipMimeType, "application/x-pip" );
_LIT8( KJadMIMEType, "text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" );
_LIT8( KJarMIMEType, "application/java-archive" );
_LIT8( KJavaMIMEType, "application/java");
_LIT8( KJarxMIMEType, "application/x-java-archive");
const TInt KSWInstMaxUserNameLength = 32;
const TInt KSWInstMaxPasswordLength = 32;
* Operation codes.
* @since 3.0
enum TServerRequest
ERequestInstall = RApaAppServiceBase::KServiceCmdBase,
* Policy for install / uninstall.
* EPolicyUserConfirm is not supported in 3.0,
* and will be interpreted as EPolicyNotAllowed.
* @since 3.0
enum TPolicy
* Code for operation performed by installer
* @since 3.0
enum TOperation
* Represents installation request.
* @since 3.0
class TInstallReq
* Constructor.
inline TInstallReq();
public: // Data
TBuf8<KMaxDataTypeLength> iMIME; // Mime type
TUint iCharsetId; // Id of char set
TFileName iSourceURL; // Source URL / source dir
TUint iIAP; // Access point
//A typedef'd packaged for passing TInstallReq objects.
typedef TPckgBuf<TInstallReq> TInstallReqPckg;
* Represents installation options.
* @since 3.0
class TInstallOptions
* Constructor.
inline TInstallOptions();
public: // Data
* Is it ok to upgrade.
TPolicy iUpgrade;
* Sometimes there are optional items in deployment packages.
TPolicy iOptionalItems;
* Tells whether OCSP should be performed or not.
TPolicy iOCSP;
* If OCSP is performed, but warnings found, what should
* be done then? -> Allow = Go ahead.
TPolicy iIgnoreOCSPWarnings;
* Is installation of untrusted (uncertified) sw ok.
TPolicy iUntrusted;
* Skip infos.
TPolicy iPackageInfo;
* Automatically grant user capabilities.
TPolicy iCapabilities;
* Silently kill an application if needed.
TPolicy iKillApp;
* Can files be overwritten.
TPolicy iOverwrite;
* Is it ok to download.
TPolicy iDownload;
* Download username.
TBuf<KSWInstMaxUserNameLength> iLogin;
* Download password.
TBuf<KSWInstMaxPasswordLength> iPassword;
* Install target drive. (E.g. C, D, etc)
TChar iDrive;
* Which language should be used
TLanguage iLang;
* Force phone default language to be used
TBool iUsePhoneLang;
* In case of upgrade, upgrade the data as well.
TPolicy iUpgradeData;
//A typedef'd packaged for passing TInstallOptions objects.
typedef TPckgBuf<TInstallOptions> TInstallOptionsPckg;
* Represents uninstallation options.
* @since 3.0
class TUninstallOptions
* Constructor.
inline TUninstallOptions();
public: // Data
TPolicy iKillApp;
TPolicy iBreakDependency;
//A typedef'd packaged for passing TUninstallOptions objects.
typedef TPckgBuf<TUninstallOptions> TUninstallOptionsPckg;
// In silent install this means "any drive"
const TUint KUserConfirmDrive = '!';
* Parameters for EOperationUninstallIndex
* @since 3.0
struct TOpUninstallIndexParam
TUid iUid;
TInt iIndex;
//A typedef'd packaged for passing TOpUninstallIndexParam objects.
typedef TPckgBuf<TOpUninstallIndexParam> TOpUninstallIndexParamPckg;
* Heap pointer for URL source. Sometimes URL do not fit in the TFileName
* so we need to have haep descriptor for the data. This class is passed to
* plugins in the TInstallReq.iSourceURL buffer if needed.
* @since 3.1
class TInstallReqHeapURL
inline TInstallReqHeapURL();
TDesC* iSourcePtr;
// A typedef'd packaged for passing TInstallReqHeapURL class.
typedef TPckgBuf<TInstallReqHeapURL> TInstallReqURLPckg;
const TInt KSWInstHeapPointerLength = 4;
#include <SWInstDefs.inl>
#endif // SWINSTDEFS_H