author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 18:59:18 +0300
changeset 110 2c7f27287390
parent 78 1b207dd38b72
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201025 Kit: 2010127

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  This class maintains a list of the running apps, and listen
*  for changes in the running apps. It calls the observer if there is such a
*  change.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <w32std.h>

#include "menuengoperation.h"
#include "menusrvengutils.h"

//Forward declatations
class CMenuEng;
class CMcsCacheHandler;
class CMcsRunningAppsWgMonitor;
class CMcsRunningAppsFswMonitor;
class CMcsRunningAppsHiddenAttrScanner;
class CMcsRunningAppsAddRemoveHandler;

class TRunningAppsAttr
    TRunningAppsAttr ( TUid aUid, TBool aFswHidden = EFalse,
        TBool aHidden = EFalse, TBool aIsRunning = EFalse )
        iUid = aUid;
        iHidden = aHidden;
        iFswHidden = aFswHidden;
        iIsRunning = aIsRunning;

    TUid GetUid() const
        return iUid;

    TBool IsHidden() const
        return iHidden;

    void SetHidden( TBool aHidden )
        iHidden = aHidden;

    TBool IsFswHidden() const
        return iFswHidden;

    void SetFswHidden( TBool aFswHidden )
        iFswHidden = aFswHidden;

    TBool IsRunning() const
        return iIsRunning;

    void SetRunning( TBool aIsRunning )
        iIsRunning = aIsRunning;

    static TBool MatchByUid( const TRunningAppsAttr& aArg1,
            const TRunningAppsAttr& aArg2)
        return aArg1.GetUid() == aArg2.GetUid();

private:    // data

    TUid iUid;
    TBool iHidden;
    TBool iFswHidden;
    TBool iIsRunning;


 * Interface for updating RunningApps list stored in CMcsRunningAppsHandler class
 * @since S60 v3.2
class MMcsRunningAppsHandler
	enum TArrayDataType
	 * Called by HiddenAttr scanner, FSW monitor or WindowsGroup
	 * Monitor.
     * @param aArray an array containing UIDs of running, hidden or
     * 	fsw apps
     * @param aType type of data stored in aArray
    virtual void HandleListUpdateL(const RArray<TUid>& aArray,
    		TArrayDataType aType ) = 0;

	 * Called by AddRemoveHandler
	 * @param aFolder id of folder for which the method was invoked
    virtual void HandleAddRemoveRunningAppL( TInt aFolder ) = 0;


 *  RunningApps Handler.
 *  @lib mcsmenu.lib
 *  @since S60 v5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMcsRunningAppsHandler ): public CBase, MMcsRunningAppsHandler

	*   Factory method.
    static CMcsRunningAppsHandler* NewL(
		CMenuEng& aEng,
    	CMcsCacheHandler& aCacheHandler );

    *   Destructor.

     * Called by EngineEvents method
     * @param aFolder folder id
     * @param aEvents events
    void EngineEventsL( TInt aFolder, TInt aEvents );

     * Called by CMenuSrvEng class object
     * @param aFolder folder id
     * @param aEvents events
    void EngineEvents( TInt aFolder, TInt aEvents );

     * Fills aArray with UIDs of running apps
     * @param aArray array to be filled with UIDs of running apps
    void GetRunningAppsL( RArray<TUid>& aArray );

     * Returns running status of an item
     * @param aItemId id of the item
     * @return running status of an item
    TBool GetRunningStatusL( TInt aItemId );

// from MMcsRunningAppsHandler

	 * Called by HiddenAttr scanner, FSW monitor or WindowsGroup
	 * Monitor.
     * @param aArray an array containing UIDs of running, hidden or
     * 	fsw apps
     * @param aType type of data stored in aArray
    void HandleListUpdateL(const RArray<TUid>& aArray, TArrayDataType aType );

	 * Called by AddRemoveHandler
	 * @param id of folder for which the method was invoked
	void HandleAddRemoveRunningAppL( TInt aFolder );

	*   Constructor.
		CMenuEng& aEng,
	    CMcsCacheHandler& aCacheHandler );

	 * 2nd phase constructor
	void ConstructL();

    * Called by HandleListUpdateL
    * @param aArray array with UIDs of running apps
	void HandleRunningAppsChangedL( const RArray<TUid>& aArray );

    * Called by HandleListUpdateL
    * @param aArray array with UIDs of FSW hidden apps
	void HandleFswHiddenAppsChangedL( const RArray<TUid>& aArray );

    * Called by HandleListUpdateL
    * @param aArray array with UIDs of hidden apps
	void HandleHiddenAppsChangedL(const RArray<TUid>& aArray );

	 * Sends AttributeChange notification for item and parents of the item
	 * it it is necessary, it is also responsible for removing data from cache
	 * if attribute value cahnged
	 * @param aId id of item with changed running status attribute
	void HandleNotificationL( TInt aId );

	 * Sends AttributeChange notification for items and parents of items with
	 * given uid, it is also responsible for removing data from cache
	 * if attribute value has changed
	 * @param aAppUid uid of items with changed running status attribute
	void HandleNotificationL( TUid aAppUid );

	 * Gets list of items with secified uid
	 * @param aAppUid items uid
	 * @return KErrNotFound if no item was found KErrNone if succesfull
	TInt GetItemsListL( TUid aAppUid, RArray<TMenuItem>& aItemArray );

	 * Updates array containing folders with running status
	 * @param aFolderId id of a folder
	 * @param aNewRunningStatus current running status
	void UpdateFolderRunningStatusL( TInt aFolderId, TBool aNewRunningStatus );

	 * Updates array containing folders with running status.
	 * It is called at startup and it scans all folders
	void UpdateFoldersRunningStatusL( );

	 * Gets running status for CMenuEngObject
	 * @param aEngObj object to be checked
	 * @return running status of an object
	TBool GetRunningStatusL( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj );

	 * Gets previous Folder running status
	 * @param aId id of the folder
	 * @return previous running status of a folder (stored in
	 * 	iRunningFolderStatus array )
	TBool GetFolderPreviousRunningStatusL( TInt aId );

	 * Gets current folder running status
	 * @param aId id of the folder
	 * @return running status of a folder
	TBool GetFolderRunningStatusL( TInt aId );

	 * Gets current application running status
	 * @param aUid UID of an application
	 * @return running status of an application
	TBool GetAppRunningStatusL( TUid aUid );


    CMenuEng& iEng ; ///< Engine. not own

    /** not own
    CMcsCacheHandler& iCacheHandler;

    * own
    CMcsRunningAppsWgMonitor* iWindowGroupMonitor;

    * own
    CMcsRunningAppsFswMonitor* iFswMonitor;

     * own
    CMcsRunningAppsHiddenAttrScanner* iHiddenAttrScanner;

     * own
    CMcsRunningAppsAddRemoveHandler* iAddRemoveHandler;

    * own
    RArray<TRunningAppsAttr> iRunningApps;

    * own
    RArray<TInt> iRunningFolderStatus;