author Pat Downey <>
Tue, 18 May 2010 16:21:42 +0100
changeset 75 3310e4b0dae0
parent 9 d0529222e3f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Re-merge fix for bug 1960.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Retrieves configurations from the Definition Repository

#include "hsps_builds_cfg.hrh"

#include <f32file.h> 
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <hspsodtdump.h>
#include <hspslogbus.h>

#include "hspsresource.h"
#include "hspsdomdocument.h"
#include "hspsdomnode.h"
#include "hspsthememanagement.h"
#include "hspsdefinitionrepository.h"
#include "hspsodt.h"
#include "hspsresult.h"
#include "hspsreqnotifparam.h"
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_
#include "hspstimemon.h"
#include "hspsclientrequesthandler.h"
#include "hspsmaintenancehandler.h"
#include "hspssecurityenforcer.h"
#include "hspsthemeserver.h"
#include "hspscenreplistener.h"
#include "hspsserverutil.h"
#include "hspsdomattribute.h"
#include "hspsdomlist.h"
#include "hspsdomdepthiterator.h"
#include "hspsdomnode.h"
#include "hspsconfiguration.h"

_LIT(KSourcesSubFolder, "\\sources\\");
_LIT(KLocalesSubFolder, "\\locales\\");

// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callback function for removing repository lock if error occurs while repository is locked
// Returns: void
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void UnlockRepository( TAny* aObject )
    ChspsDefinitionRepository* DefRep = reinterpret_cast<ChspsDefinitionRepository*>( aObject );
    if( DefRep->Locked() )

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::ChspsClientRequestHandler
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsClientRequestHandler::ChspsClientRequestHandler( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer ): 
    iThemeServer( aThemeServer ), 
    iCentralRepository( aThemeServer.CentralRepository() ),  
    iDefinitionRepository( aThemeServer.DefinitionRepository() ),
    iSecurityEnforcer( aThemeServer.SecurityEnforcer() ),
    iHeaderListCache (aThemeServer.HeaderListCache() )            
    iLastSuccessThemeLoadTime = 0;
    iRestoreDefault = EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsDefinitionRepository::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsClientRequestHandler* ChspsClientRequestHandler::NewL( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer )
    ChspsClientRequestHandler* h = ChspsClientRequestHandler::NewLC( aThemeServer );
    return (h);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsDefinitionRepository::NewLC
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsClientRequestHandler* ChspsClientRequestHandler::NewLC( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer )
    ChspsClientRequestHandler* h = new (ELeave) ChspsClientRequestHandler( aThemeServer );
    return (h);

// Destructor
    delete iOdt;
    delete iResult;
    delete iReqNotifParams;
    delete iRequestData;
    delete iCenRepListener;
    iDefinitionRepository.UnregisterObserver( *this );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsDefinitionRepository::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::ConstructL()
    // call the base class ConstructL
    iResult = ChspsResult::NewL();
    iReqNotifParams = ChspsRequestNotificationParams::NewL();
    iDefinitionRepository.RegisterObserverL( *this );    
    iCenRepListener = NULL;    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetOdtL
// Serves hspsRequestClient on hspsGetODT() service call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetOdtL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
    iThemeLoadRepeatCount = 0;
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    RMessagePtr2 msgPtr = aMessage;
    // Get configuration from IPC slot #1
    ThspsConfiguration configuration;        
    TPckg<ThspsConfiguration> packagedStruct(configuration);    
    aMessage.ReadL(1, packagedStruct);                        
    iRootUid = configuration.rootUid;    
    iSecureId = msgPtr.SecureId().iId;
    iRequestMessage = (ThspsServiceRequestMessage) aMessage.Function();
    // Get header data from IPC slot #2
    TBuf8<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> requestData; 
    msgPtr.ReadL( 2, requestData, 0 );
    ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsGetODTFailed;
    // resetting previous request objects
    if ( iRequestData )
        delete iRequestData;
        iRequestData = NULL;
    // constructing new data request objects  
    iRequestData = requestData.AllocL();
    // reset previous ODT
    if ( iOdt )
        delete iOdt;
        iOdt = NULL;
    // constructing new ODT
    iOdt = ChspsODT::NewL();
    iOdt->UnMarshalHeaderL( iRequestData->Des() );

    TBool err = EFalse;
    if ( !iRootUid )
        err = ETrue;
        iResult->iSystemError = KErrInUse;
        CompleteRequestL( EhspsServiceRequestError, msgPtr );
    if ( !err )
        // Get configuration: 1st attempt
        ret = hspsGetODT(iRootUid, *iOdt );
        // If fetching failed
        if ( ret != EhspsGetODTSuccess )
            // If not restoring yet
            if ( iRestoreDefault )
                // Restore a default configuration
                TRAP( errorCode, RestoreDefaultL( *iOdt ) );    
                if ( !errorCode )
                    // 2nd attempt: try to fetch the default configuration
                    ret = hspsGetODT(iRootUid, *iOdt );
                    if ( ret != EhspsGetODTSuccess )
                        if( iLogBus )
                            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetODTL(): - default theme for appuid %d is not available." ),
                                    iOdt->RootUid() );
                        CompleteRequestL( EhspsGetODTFailed, msgPtr );
                    } // !errorCode
                } // iRestoreDefault            
            } // !EhspsGetODTSuccess
        // If a configuration was found (either after the first attempt or after restoring the default configuration)
        if ( ret == EhspsGetODTSuccess )
            // If an application configuration was fetched
            if ( iOdt->ConfigurationType() == EhspsAppConfiguration )
                // Finnish installation of the application configuration
                HandlePluginReferencesL( *iOdt );
            // write ODT-file path back to the client for theme load
            msgPtr.WriteL( 3, iODTPath, 0 );
            CompleteRequestL( ret, msgPtr );
            } // success
            if ( !iHeaderListCache.Count() )
                // header list cache is empty. This may also occur when memory is full
                if( iLogBus )
                    iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetODTL(): - theme cache is empty." ) );
                CompleteRequestL( EhspsGetODTFailed, msgPtr ); 
            else if ( iRestoreDefault )
                if( iLogBus )
                    iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetODTL(): - default theme cannot be restored." ) );
                CompleteRequestL( EhspsGetODTFailed, msgPtr );
            else if ( iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
                // possible repository lock, wait for checking the theme availability after a while
                if( iLogBus )
                    iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetODTL(): - theme repository is locked, trying again after reasonable time .." ) );
                CompleteRequestL( EhspsGetODTFailed, msgPtr ); 
                if( iLogBus )
                    iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetODTL(): - theme load failed." ) );
                CompleteRequestL( EhspsGetODTFailed, msgPtr ); 
            } // else (!EhspsGetODTSuccess)
        } // !err
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePluginReferencesL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePluginReferencesL(
        ChspsODT& aAppODT )
    // Input validation
    if ( aAppODT.ConfigurationType() != EhspsAppConfiguration )
        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    // Assume that plugins need to be added
    TBool addPlugins = ETrue;     
    // Check whether the plugins needs to be added
    ChspsDomDocument& appDom = aAppODT.DomDocument(); 
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( *appDom.RootNode() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
    ChspsDomNode* prevNode = NULL;
    ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();
    TInt tempCount = 0;
    while( node && prevNode != node && addPlugins )
        const TDesC8& name = node->Name();                
        if ( name == KConfigurationElement )
            if ( tempCount > 1 )
                addPlugins = EFalse;
        prevNode = node;    
        node = iter->NextL();   
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );
    // If plugin configurations need to be added
    if ( addPlugins )
        if ( iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
            // Repository was locked by another session?!
            User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
        // Lock the Plugin Repository (a.k.a. Def.rep)
        CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( UnlockRepository, &iDefinitionRepository ) );
        // Go through the XML document, find all plugin nodes and append plugin specifc XML configurations
        AppendPluginConfigurationsL( aAppODT );       

        //Append widget instance specific predefined settings
        User::LeaveIfError( AppendInitialSettingsL( aAppODT ));
        // Set first plugin nodes from levels to be active. Others are to be deactivated.
        hspsServerUtil::EditPluginNodeActivityL( aAppODT.DomDocument().RootNode(),
                                                 hspsServerUtil::EActivateFirst );
        // Update changes into the Plug-in Repository
        User::LeaveIfError( iDefinitionRepository.SetOdtL( aAppODT ) );           
        // Unlock after the changes have been done
#ifdef HSPS_LOG_ACTIVE    
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePluginReferencesL(): - dumping updated full XML document" ) );
            ChspsOdtDump::Dump( aAppODT, *iLogBus );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::AddErrorConfigurationL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::AddErrorConfigurationL(
        ChspsDomDocument& aAppDom,
        ChspsDomNode& aMissingPluginNode,
        const TInt aPluginUid
    // Create a new dummy configuration element
    ChspsDomNode* confNode = aAppDom.CreateElementNSL( 
    CleanupStack::PushL( confNode );        
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrType, KConfTypeWidget );
    _LIT8( KUnknown, "unknown" );
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrInterface, KUnknown );
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeNumericL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrUid, aPluginUid, EHex );
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrName, KUnknown );
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrNameEntity, KUnknown );
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrVersion, KUnknown );        
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeNumericL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrMaxChild, 0, EDecimal );        
    // Indicate that the configuration is in error state
    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeDescL( *confNode, KConfigurationAttrState, KConfStateError );
    // Set parent node
    aMissingPluginNode.AddChildL( confNode );
    CleanupStack::Pop( confNode );
    confNode->SetParent( &aMissingPluginNode );
    // Mandatory configuration-control node
    ChspsDomNode* controlNode = aAppDom.CreateElementNSL( 
    CleanupStack::PushL( controlNode );    
    confNode->AddChildL( controlNode );
    CleanupStack::Pop( controlNode );
    controlNode->SetParent( confNode );
    // Mandatory configuration-control-settings node
    ChspsDomNode* settingsNode = aAppDom.CreateElementNSL( 
    CleanupStack::PushL( settingsNode );    
    controlNode->AddChildL( settingsNode );
    CleanupStack::Pop( settingsNode );
    settingsNode->SetParent( controlNode );           
    // Mandatory configuration-resources node
    ChspsDomNode* resourcesNode = aAppDom.CreateElementNSL( 
    CleanupStack::PushL( resourcesNode );    
    confNode->AddChildL( resourcesNode );
    CleanupStack::Pop( resourcesNode );        
    resourcesNode->SetParent( confNode );           

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::PrepareAndCompleteRequestL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( const ThspsRepositoryInfo& aInfo,
                                                            const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage& aMessage )
    TBool LastDefinitionRepositoryEvent(ETrue);
    if( !iReqNotifParams )
        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
    if( !aInfo.iLastNotification )
        LastDefinitionRepositoryEvent = EFalse;
    // Prepare request notification object.
    if(iReqNotifParams->iEvent == EhspsNoEvent || iReqNotifParams->iEvent == aInfo.iEventType )
        iReqNotifParams->iEvent = aInfo.iEventType;  
        iReqNotifParams->iAppUid = aInfo.iAppUid;
        iReqNotifParams->iAppConfUid = aInfo.iAppConfUid;
        iReqNotifParams->iOrigUid = aInfo.iSecureId;
        iReqNotifParams->iPluginUid = aInfo.iPluginUid;
        iReqNotifParams->iPluginIds.Append( aInfo.iPluginId );
        if( aInfo.iName.Length() > 0 )
            iReqNotifParams->SetNameL( aInfo.iName );
    if( LastDefinitionRepositoryEvent )
        // Externalize request notification object to message structure.
        TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
        RDesWriteStream writeBuf( iReqNotifData );
        CleanupClosePushL( writeBuf );
        TRAP( errorCode, iReqNotifParams->ExternalizeL( writeBuf ) );
        if ( !iMessagePtr.IsNull() )
            if ( errorCode )    
                iMessagePtr.WriteL( 1, KNullDesC8, 0 );
                iMessagePtr.WriteL( 1, iReqNotifData, 0 );   
        // theres no request message pending until request new one
        iRequestMessage = EhspsClientRequestBase;
        // Send message.    
        CompleteRequestL( aMessage, iMessagePtr );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendPluginConfigurationsL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendPluginConfigurationsL( 
        ChspsODT& aAppODT )
    ChspsDomDocument& appDom = aAppODT.DomDocument(); 
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( *appDom.RootNode() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
    // Each configuration element get's an unique id value - same applies to the plugin elements.
    // The ids are then used for referencing a specific configuration or plug-in instance 
    // in the whole application configuration
    TInt confId = 0;
    TInt pluginId = 0;    
    ChspsDomNode* prevNode = NULL;
    ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();
    while( node && prevNode != node )
        const TDesC8& name = node->Name();
        // Configuration element 
        if ( name == KConfigurationElement )
            // Generate an ID attribute for the configuration element
            hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeNumericL( *node, KConfigurationAttrId, confId );                                    
        // Plugin element
        else if ( name == KPluginElement )
            // Check parent element
            ChspsDomNode* parentNode = node->Parent();
            const TDesC8& parentName = parentNode->Name();
            if( parentName == KPluginsElement )
                ChspsDomList& attrList = node->AttributeList();
                // Get configuration attribute from the plugin configuration                                                               
                ChspsDomAttribute* pluginUidAttr = 
                    static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*> ( attrList.FindByName(KPluginAttrUid) );                                                
                if( !pluginUidAttr )
                    if( iLogBus )
                        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendPluginConfigurationsL(): - Invalid XML" ) );
                    User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
                // Convert uids from string to numeric format                                        
                const TDesC8& pluginUidValue = pluginUidAttr->Value();                    
                const TUid pluginUid = hspsServerUtil::ConvertDescIntoUid(pluginUidValue);
                // Get plugin configuration                                 
                ChspsODT* pluginOdt = ChspsODT::NewL();
                const TInt interfaceUid = 0; 
                CleanupStack::PushL( pluginOdt );
                if ( !pluginOdt || !pluginOdt->ThemeUid() )
                    if( iLogBus )
                        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendPluginConfigurationsL(): - Failed to find plugin uid %d" ),
                                pluginUid.iUid );
                    // Append an empty configuration with error status
                            pluginUid.iUid );
                    // Generate an ID attribute for the plugin element
                    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeNumericL( *node, KPluginAttrId, pluginId );                                        
                    // Generate an ID attribute for the plugin element
                    hspsServerUtil::AddAttributeNumericL( *node, KPluginAttrId, pluginId );
                    // Copy plug-in resources to the application configuration              
                    TInt resourceCount = pluginOdt->ResourceCount();
                    for ( TInt index=0; index < resourceCount; index++ )
                        ChspsResource* pluginResource = &pluginOdt->ResourceL(index);
                        // Add only those that are located under the sources or locales folder
                        if ( pluginResource->FileName().FindF( KSourcesSubFolder ) > 0
                            || pluginResource->FileName().FindF( KLocalesSubFolder ) > 0 )
                            ChspsResource* r = pluginResource->CloneL();
                            CleanupStack::PushL( r );
                            aAppODT.AddResourceL( r ); 
                            CleanupStack::Pop( r );
                    ChspsDomDocument& document = pluginOdt->DomDocument();   
                    if ( !document.RootNode() )
                        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
                    // Find the KConfigurationElement to step over any optional xml elements 
                    ChspsDomDepthIterator* pluginIter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( *document.RootNode() );
                    CleanupStack::PushL( pluginIter );                                
                    ChspsDomNode* pluginNode =  pluginIter->First();                              
                    TBool steppingtoConfNode(EFalse);                     
                    while( pluginNode && !steppingtoConfNode )
                        const TDesC8& pluginNodeName = pluginNode->Name();
                        if( pluginNodeName == KConfigurationElement )
                            pluginNode = pluginIter->NextL();
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pluginIter );
                    if ( pluginNode )
                        // Copy the plugin configuration to the main document.
                        ChspsDomNode* rootCopy = pluginNode->CloneL( node->StringPool());
                        if ( rootCopy )
                            rootCopy->SetParent( node );
                            node->AddChildL( rootCopy );
                    } // !pluginOdt else
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pluginOdt );
                } // KPluginsElement
        prevNode = node;    
        node = iter->NextL();   
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );     
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendInitialSettingsL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt ChspsClientRequestHandler::AppendInitialSettingsL( 
        ChspsODT& aAppODT )
    ChspsDomDocument& appDom = aAppODT.DomDocument(); 
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( *appDom.RootNode() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
    TInt error = KErrNone;  
    ChspsDomNode* prevNode = NULL;
    ChspsDomNode* parentNode = NULL;
    ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();
    while( node && error == KErrNone  && prevNode != node)
        if( prevNode )
            const TDesC8& prevNodeName = prevNode->Name();
            if( prevNodeName == KInitialSettingsElement )
                // clean initial_settings
                parentNode = prevNode->Parent();
                delete prevNode;
                prevNode = NULL;
        const TDesC8& name = node->Name();
        // Initial settings
        if ( name == KInitialSettingsElement )
            // Check parent element
            parentNode = node->Parent();
            const TDesC8& parentName = parentNode->Name();            
            if( parentName == KPluginElement )
                ChspsDomList& initial_settings_childList = node->ChildNodes();                                              
                ChspsDomNode* initialSettingsNode = 
                        static_cast<ChspsDomNode*>(initial_settings_childList.FindByName( KSettingsElement ));
                if( initialSettingsNode )
                    ChspsDomList& initial_items = initialSettingsNode->ChildNodes();                                    
                    ChspsDomNode* controlNode = hspsServerUtil::FindNodeByTagL(KControlElement, *parentNode ); 
                    if( controlNode )
                        ChspsDomList& controlNode_childList = controlNode->ChildNodes();
                        ChspsDomNode* settingsNode = static_cast<ChspsDomNode*>(controlNode_childList.FindByName( KSettingsElement ));
                        if( settingsNode )
                            ChspsDomList& items = settingsNode->ChildNodes();
                            if( items.Length() == initial_items.Length() )                    
                                TInt index = controlNode->ItemIndex( *settingsNode );
                                ChspsDomNode* clone = initialSettingsNode->CloneL( aAppODT.DomDocument().StringPool() );
                                CleanupStack::PushL( clone  );
                                controlNode->AddChildL( clone, index );
                                clone->SetParent( controlNode );             
                                CleanupStack::Pop( clone );
                            else if( items.Length() > initial_items.Length() )
                                error = ParseInitialSettingsItemsL(*initialSettingsNode,*settingsNode);        
                                error = KErrCorrupt;
                            error = KErrNotFound;
                        error = KErrCorrupt;
                    // clean settings under initialsettings
                    node->ChildNodes().RemoveItem( initialSettingsNode );
                    delete initialSettingsNode;
                    initialSettingsNode = NULL;                    
                    // initialSettingsNode (KSettingsElement) not found
                    error = KErrCorrupt;
        prevNode = node;    
        node = iter->NextL();   
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );      
    return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::ParseInitialSettingsItems
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt ChspsClientRequestHandler::ParseInitialSettingsItemsL(ChspsDomNode& aInitialSettingsNode,ChspsDomNode& aSettingsNode)
    TInt error(KErrNone);
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( aInitialSettingsNode );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
    ChspsDomNode* sourceNode = iter->First();
    ChspsDomNode* prevSourceNode = NULL;
    ChspsDomNode* targetNode = NULL;
    while( sourceNode && error == KErrNone && sourceNode != prevSourceNode   )
        const TDesC8& s_name = sourceNode->Name();
        if ( s_name == KItemElement )
            ChspsDomList& s_attrList = sourceNode->AttributeList();
            ChspsDomAttribute* s_itemIdAttr = 
                          static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*> ( s_attrList.FindByName(KItemAttrId) ); 
            if( s_itemIdAttr )
                targetNode = &( FindRootNodeByIdentifierL( KItemElement, s_itemIdAttr->Value(), aSettingsNode ));
                if( targetNode )
                    if( HandlePropertyNodeL( *sourceNode, *targetNode) != KErrNone )
                        error = KErrNotFound;
                    error = KErrNotFound;
                error = KErrCorrupt;
        prevSourceNode = sourceNode;    
        sourceNode = iter->NextL();
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );  
    return error;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePropertyNodeL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
TInt ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePropertyNodeL( 
     ChspsDomNode& aSourceItemNode, ChspsDomNode& aTargetItemNode  )
   TInt error(KErrNone);

   TInt propertiesCount = (aSourceItemNode.ChildNodes()).Length();     
   if ( propertiesCount > 0 )
       ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( aSourceItemNode );
       CleanupStack::PushL( iter ); 
       ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();
       ChspsDomNode* prevNode = NULL;
            // Find items for plugin settings
       while( node && error == KErrNone && node != prevNode )
           const TDesC8& name = node->Name();
           if ( name == KPropertyElement ) 
               ChspsDomList& attrList = node->AttributeList();
               ChspsDomAttribute* nameAttr = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*> ( attrList.FindByName(KPropertyAttrName) ); 
               ChspsDomAttribute* valueAttr = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*> ( attrList.FindByName(KPropertyAttrValue) );     
               if( nameAttr && valueAttr )
                    const TDesC8& propertyName = nameAttr->Value();
                    const TDesC8& propertyValue = valueAttr->Value();
                   error = HandlePropertyAttributesL(propertyName, propertyValue, aTargetItemNode );
                   error = KErrCorrupt;
            prevNode = node;    
            node = iter->NextL();                 
       CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter ); 
    return error;
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePropertyAttributesL 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandlePropertyAttributesL(
         const TDesC8& aAttrName,
         const TDesC8& aAttrValue,
        ChspsDomNode& aNode )
    TInt error(KErrNotFound);
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( aNode );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );                                
    ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();                              
    TBool replaced(EFalse);                     
    while( node && !replaced )
        const TDesC8& nodeName = node->Name();
        if( nodeName == KPropertyElement )
            ChspsDomList& attrList = node->AttributeList();
            ChspsDomAttribute* attr = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*>( attrList.FindByName(KPropertyAttrName) );     
            if ( attr )
                const TDesC8& name = attr->Value(); 
                if (aAttrName.Compare( name )== 0 ) 
                    ChspsDomAttribute* attr2 = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*>( attrList.FindByName(KPropertyAttrValue) );
                    if( attr2 )
                        attr2->SetValueL( aAttrValue );
                        error = KErrNone;
        if( !replaced )
            node = iter->NextL();
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );
    return error;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::FindRootNodeByIdentifierL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsDomNode& ChspsClientRequestHandler::FindRootNodeByIdentifierL( 
        const TDesC8& aNodeTag,
        const TDesC8& aNodeIdentifier,
        ChspsDomNode& aNode )
    ChspsDomDepthIterator* iter = ChspsDomDepthIterator::NewL( aNode );
    CleanupStack::PushL( iter );
    ChspsDomNode* targetNode( NULL );
    ChspsDomNode* node = iter->First();
    TBool found = EFalse;
    while( !found && node )
        const TDesC8& name = node->Name();
        if ( name.Compare( aNodeTag ) == 0)
            ChspsDomList& attrList = node->AttributeList();
            ChspsDomAttribute* attr = static_cast<ChspsDomAttribute*>( 
                                          attrList.FindByName( KItemAttrId ));
            if( attr )
                const TDesC8& value = attr->Value();
                if( value.CompareF( aNodeIdentifier ) == 0 )
                    found = ETrue;
                    targetNode = node;
        node = iter->NextL();
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );
    return *targetNode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetOdtUpdateL
// Serves hspsRequestClient on hspsGetODTUpdate() service call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetOdtUpdateL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
    if( iLogBus )
        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceGetOdtUpdateL(): - subscription received." ) );
        // only allow one request to be submitted at a time and request must be valid
    if( iMessagePtr.IsNull() ) 
        iMessagePtr = aMessage;
        iRequestMessage = (ThspsServiceRequestMessage)aMessage.Function();     
        if ( !iCenRepListener )
            iCenRepListener = ChspsCenRepListener::NewL( *this, KhspsThemeStatusRepositoryUid );
        iCenRepListener->Setup( iOdt->RootUid() );
        CompleteRequestL(EhspsServiceRequestError, iMessagePtr );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceAccessResourceFileL
// Serves hspsRequestClient on hspsAccessResourceFile() service call.
// Allows synchronic request to be submitted even if there is a asynchronous request outstanding.
// This function should return a file handle to a file in its private area 
// in the parameter fileSubSessionHandle
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceAccessResourceFileL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
    // incoming data: TIpcArgs: &iReturnData, aAppUid, &aFileName, &fileSubSessionHandle 
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    // Read packaged structure from slot 1
    ThspsConfiguration configuration;        
    TPckg<ThspsConfiguration> packagedStruct(configuration);    
    aMessage.ReadL(1, packagedStruct);
    // Read packaged file name from slot 2
    TFileName filename;
    RMessagePtr2 messagePtr = aMessage;
    aMessage.ReadL( 2, filename, 0 ); //file to open is in param slot 2
    if( iLogBus )
        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceAccessResourceFileL(): - %S" ),
                &filename );
    // file server session and file to share to client
    RFile file;
    errorCode = iFs.ShareProtected();
    errorCode = file.Open(iFs, filename, EFileShareReadersOnly );
    CleanupClosePushL( file );
    // transfer the file to the client in parameter 3 of the IPC message
    if ( !errorCode )
        // client takes care of it from now on
        errorCode = file.TransferToClient(aMessage,3);
        // MARKMOIL 14.1.2006: 
		// Make sure that cache is up to date. This is actually needed in emulator only
		// because of possible manually altered repository content by a user;
		// user has removed a theme or resource. But next try should provide a better result.
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::ServiceAccessResourceFileL(): - cannnot access file, restoring default.." ) );
		//RestoreDefaultL( *iOdt ); 
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file ); 

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::SetLogBus
// Set log bus to be used
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::SetLogBus( ChspsLogBus* aLogBus )
    iLogBus = aLogBus;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODT
// Implements hspsGetODT() API-function of MhspsClientRequestService interface.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODT(TInt aAppUid, ChspsODT& aODT)
    // Get application's active theme from the central repository
    TInt themeUid;       
    TInt errorCode = iCentralRepository.Get( aAppUid, themeUid );    
    if ( !errorCode )
        // Update ODT: prepare mask for a search
        aODT.SetRootUid( aAppUid );
        aODT.SetThemeUid( themeUid );
        // Store the active theme uid 
        iActiveThemeUid = themeUid;
        if ( iRequestMessage == EhspsGetODT )
            TRAP(errorCode, CallGetODTPathL( aODT, iODTPath ));
            errorCode = KErrGeneral;
    ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsGetODTFailed; 
    if (errorCode)
        ret = EhspsGetODTFailed;
        iResult->iSystemError = errorCode;  
        ret = EhspsGetODTSuccess;   
  return ret;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODT
// Implements hspsGetODT(with resource  API-function of MhspsClientRequestService interface.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODT(TInt /*aAppUid*/, ChspsODT& /*aODT*/,
                                                      CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>& /*aResourceList*/)
    return EhspsServiceNotSupported;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODTUpdate
// Implements hspsGetODTUpdate() API-function of MhspsClientRequestService interface.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsGetODTUpdate()
    return EhspsServiceNotSupported;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsCancelGetODTUpdate
// Implements hspsCancelGetODTUpdate() API-function of MhspsClientRequestService interface.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsCancelGetODTUpdate()
    ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsServiceRequestCanceled;
    iRequestMessage = EhspsCancelGetODTUpdate;
    TRAP_IGNORE(CompleteRequestL( ret, iMessagePtr ));
    return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsAccessResourceFile
// Not supported
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsClientRequestHandler::hspsAccessResourceFile( 
        const TDesC& /*aResourceFileName*/,
        const ThspsConfiguration& /*aConfiguration*/,
        RFile& /*aFile*/ )
    return EhspsServiceNotSupported;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent()
// Handles events coming from hspsDefinitionRepository.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent( ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo )
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    TBool status(EFalse);
    TRAP( errorCode, status = HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL( aRepositoryInfo ) );
    if( errorCode != KErrNone )
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - Error occured in HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL" ) );
    return status;    
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL()
// Handles events coming from hspsDefinitionRepository.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEventL( ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo )
    if ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventTime <= iLastSuccessThemeLoadTime )
        // Do not consume this event because there could
        // be some other still waiting for it.
        return EFalse;

    // Check if event regards currently active configuration. 
    TBool affectsActiveConfiguration = EFalse;
    if( aRepositoryInfo.iAppUid == iRootUid &&
        aRepositoryInfo.iAppConfUid == iActiveThemeUid )
        affectsActiveConfiguration = ETrue;
    // Work.
    if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTUpdated ) &&
         affectsActiveConfiguration )
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme update occurred." ) );
        if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
            PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsGetODTUpdateHot );                
    else if( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTAdded )
        //new plugin installed
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme update occurred." ) );
        if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
            PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsAddPluginSuccess );            
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsSettingsChanged ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme settings changed occurred." ) );
        if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
            PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsSetPluginSettingsSuccess );            
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTModified ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme settings changed occurred." ) );
         if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() ) 
             PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsGetODTUpdateHot );
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsODTRemoved ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
          if( iLogBus )
              iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme settings changed occurred." ) );
          if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() ) 
              PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsRemovePluginSuccess );
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsClean ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
          if( iLogBus )
              iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - theme settings changed occurred." ) );
          if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
              PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsGetODTUpdateHot );
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsPluginActivated ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
          if( iLogBus )
              iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - plugin active state change occured." ) );
          if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
              PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsSetActivePluginSuccess );
     else if ( ( aRepositoryInfo.iEventType & EhspsPluginReplaced ) &&
               affectsActiveConfiguration )
          if( iLogBus )
              iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent(): - plugin replace occured." ) );
          if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
              PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( aRepositoryInfo, EhspsReplacePluginSuccess );
    // do not consume this event because there could be some other still waiting for it    
    return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleCenRepChangeL()
// Handles events coming from CentralRepository.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleCenRepChangeL( const TUint32 aId )
    // 1. Check if another theme is activated
    TInt themeUid(0);
    TInt errorCode = iCentralRepository.Get( aId, themeUid );
    if ( !errorCode )
        if ( iActiveThemeUid != themeUid )
            if( iLogBus )
                iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::HandleCenRepChangeL(): - theme status change occurred." ) );
            if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
                ThspsRepositoryInfo info( 
                PrepareAndCompleteRequestL( info, EhspsGetODTUpdateStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::CompleteRequestL()
// Completes client request. Writes hspsResult data back.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::CompleteRequestL(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aReturnMessage,
                        RMessagePtr2& aMessagePtr, const TDesC8& /*aHeaderData*/ )
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    RDesWriteStream writeBuf( iResultData );
    CleanupClosePushL( writeBuf );
    TRAP( errorCode, iResult->ExternalizeL( writeBuf ));
    if ( !aMessagePtr.IsNull() ) 
        if ( errorCode )
            aMessagePtr.WriteL( 0, KNullDesC8, 0 );
            aMessagePtr.WriteL( 0, iResultData, 0 );
        aMessagePtr.Complete( aReturnMessage ); 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::CallGetODTPathL
// Retrieves a file path to the provided ODT instance
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::CallGetODTPathL( ChspsODT& aODT, TDes& aODTPath )
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_
    TTime start_time;
    TBuf<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> tmp;
        _L("ChspsClientRequestHandler::CallGetODTPathL(): -  getting path for theme %d .."), 
    start_time = ChspsTimeMon::StartTiming( tmp ); 
    ChspsTimeMon::PrintUserMem( _L("SERVER: - ready to get theme path.") );
    // retrieve specific ODT instance from the header cache
    TInt errorCode = iThemeServer.GetConfigurationL( 
            aODT );        
    if ( !errorCode )
        // get path to the ODT file
        iDefinitionRepository.GetResourcePathL( aODT, EResourceODT, aODTPath );
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_ 
        // calculating service time
        tmp.Format(_L("ChspsClientRequestHandler::CallGetODTPathL(): - ODT ready."));      
        ChspsTimeMon::StopTiming(start_time, tmp);
        ChspsTimeMon::PrintUserMem( _L("SERVER: - theme file path ready.") );
        // repository was unlocked but theme could not be found 
        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::CallGetODTPathL(): - theme cannot be accessed." ) );
        // default theme must be restored
        iRestoreDefault = ETrue;
    User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreDefaultL
// Restoring default theme after failed theme load because no active theme found.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreDefaultL( ChspsODT& aOdt )
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    ChspsMaintenanceHandler* mh = ChspsMaintenanceHandler::NewL(iThemeServer);
    ChspsODT* setmask = ChspsODT::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( setmask );
    // lets make sure that all themes are in cache
    if( iLogBus )
        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreDefaultL(): - updating cache." ) );
    ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = mh->hspsRestoreDefault(*setmask, aOdt);
    if ( ret == EhspsRestoreDefaultSuccess )
        // inform for cache update to the repository so that everyone will know 
        // about the change
        ThspsRepositoryInfo info( EhspsCacheUpdate );
        iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( info );

        if( iLogBus )
            iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreDefaultL(): - default theme restored." ) );
    if( iLogBus )
        iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreDefaultL(): - failed." ) );
        errorCode = KErrNotFound;
    iRestoreDefault = EFalse;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, mh ); 
    User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );     
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreValidThemeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsClientRequestHandler::RestoreValidThemeL(ChspsODT& aCorruptedOdt)    

    // Get current theme
    ChspsODT* setmask = ChspsODT::NewL();
    setmask->SetRootUid( aCorruptedOdt.RootUid() );
    setmask->SetThemeUid( aCorruptedOdt.ThemeUid() );

    if (aCorruptedOdt.Flags() & EhspsThemeStatusOperatorDefault)
         // Need to delete corrupted operator theme to restore licensee default theme

    ChspsODT* restoredOdt = ChspsODT::NewL();
    TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
    ChspsMaintenanceHandler* mh = ChspsMaintenanceHandler::NewL(iThemeServer);
    ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = mh->hspsRestoreDefault(*setmask, *restoredOdt);
    if ( ret == EhspsRestoreDefaultSuccess )
        // inform for cache update to the repository so that everyone will know 
        // about the change
        ThspsRepositoryInfo info( EhspsCacheUpdate );
        iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( info );
        errorCode = KErrNotFound;

    iRestoreDefault = EFalse;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mh ); 
    User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );     

//  End of File