Re-merge fix for bug 1960.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementaion of HSPS MhspsInstallationService interface defined
* in hspsThemeManagement.h. For details, see the header file.
#include <bautils.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "hsps_builds_cfg.hrh"
#include "hspsthememanagement.h"
#include "hspsdefinitionrepository.h"
#include "hspsodt.h"
#include "hspsdefinitionengineinterface.h"
#include "hspsdomdocument.h"
#include "hspsresource.h"
#include "hspsresult.h"
#include "hspsthemeserver.h"
#include "hspsinstallationhandler.h"
#include "hspssecurityenforcer.h"
#include "hspsuimanagererrorcodes.h"
#include "hspsdomattribute.h"
#include "hspsdomlist.h"
#include "hspsdomdepthiterator.h"
#include "hspsdomnode.h"
#include "hspsconfiguration.h"
#include "hspsmanifest.h"
#include "hspsserverutil.h"
#include "hspsfamilylistener.h"
#include <hspsodtdump.h>
#include <hspslogbus.h>
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_
#include "hspstimemon.h"
_LIT8(KUnknownMimeType, "unknown");
_LIT8(KhspsDefinitionEngine, "hspsdefinitionengine");
_LIT(KPathDelim, "\\");
_LIT(KPrivateInstall, "\\private\\200159c0\\install\\");
_LIT(KHsps, "\\hsps\\" );
_LIT(KXuikon, "xuikon" );
const TInt KMaxMediaTypeLength = 100;
// ========================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CleanupResetAndDestroy()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class T>
static void CleanupResetAndDestroy( TAny* aObj )
if( aObj )
static_cast<T*>( aObj )->ResetAndDestroy();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class T>
static void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aArray)
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( &CleanupResetAndDestroy<T>, &aArray ) );
// ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callback function for removing repository lock if error occurs while repository is locked
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void UnlockRepository( TAny* aObject )
ChspsDefinitionRepository* DefRep = reinterpret_cast<ChspsDefinitionRepository*>( aObject );
if (DefRep->Locked())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ChspsInstallationHandler()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsInstallationHandler::ChspsInstallationHandler( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer )
: iThemeServer( aThemeServer ),
iDefinitionRepository( aThemeServer.DefinitionRepository() ),
iSecurityEnforcer( aThemeServer.SecurityEnforcer() ),
iCentralRepository( aThemeServer.CentralRepository() ),
iHeaderListCache( aThemeServer.HeaderListCache() )
iPackageVerSupported = EFalse;
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
iConfigurationType = EhspsAppConfiguration;
iThemeStatus = EhspsThemeStatusNone;
iFileNotFound = EFalse;
iLocalized = EFalse;
iDefaultSpecificationSet = EFalse;
iDefaultSpecification = ELangNone;
iInstallationMode = EServiceHandler;
iTrustedInstallation = EFalse;
iInstallationType = EInstallationTypeNew;
iFamilyMask = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsInstallationHandler* ChspsInstallationHandler::NewL( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer )
ChspsInstallationHandler* h = ChspsInstallationHandler::NewLC( aThemeServer );
CleanupStack::Pop( h );
return ( h );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChspsInstallationHandler* ChspsInstallationHandler::NewLC( ChspsThemeServer& aThemeServer )
ChspsInstallationHandler* h = new (ELeave) ChspsInstallationHandler( aThemeServer );
CleanupStack::PushL( h );
return ( h );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iXmlParser;
delete iOdt;
delete iDtdFile;
delete iHeaderData;
delete iThemeFullName;
delete iThemeShortName;
delete iThemeVersion;
delete iThemeDesc;
delete iResourceTag;
delete iPackageVersion;
if ( iTempLocalizedResourceList )
delete iTempLocalizedResourceList;
if( iResourceList )
iResourceList->Reset(); // ODT has an ownership of the items
delete iResourceList;
delete iContent;
delete iXmlFile;
delete iMediaType;
delete iResource;
delete iResult;
if ( iDefEngine )
delete iDefEngine;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ConstructL()
_LIT8(KMimeType, "text/xml");
MContentHandler* contentHandler = this;
iXmlParser = Xml::CParser::NewL( KMimeType, *contentHandler );
iDefEngine = ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface::NewL(KhspsDefinitionEngine);
iOdt = ChspsODT::NewL();
iResourceList = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>( KPathListGranularity );
iTempLocalizedResourceList = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>( KPathListGranularity );
User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Connect() );
iResult = ChspsResult::NewL();
iMultiInstanceFound = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallThemeL
// Starts the actual installation in ChspsInstallationHandler.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallThemeL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
// incoming arguments: TIpcArgs: &iResultData, &aManifestFileName, &aHeader
iMessagePtr = aMessage;
TBuf8<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> headerdata;
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsInstallThemeFailed;
if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
// read name of the manifest file
TBuf<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> manifestfilename;
iMessagePtr.ReadL( 1, manifestfilename, 0 );
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallThemeL() - Manifest file '%S'" ),
&manifestfilename );
// install the manifest file
ret = hspsInstallTheme( manifestfilename, headerdata );
// now there will be the time for query validity check
if ( ret == EhspsInstallThemeSuccess )
ret = EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess;
iResult->iSystemError = KErrInUse;
CompleteRequestL(ret, headerdata);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallNextPhaseL
// Starts subsequent installation phases.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallNextPhaseL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ServiceInstallNextPhaseL():" ) );
TBuf8<KMaxHeaderDataLength8> headerdata;
iInstallationMode = EServiceHandler;
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsInstallThemeFailed;
// incoming arguments: TIpcArgs: &iResultData, &KNullDesC, &aHeaderData
iMessagePtr = aMessage;
// calling installation of next phase
ret = hspsInstallNextPhaseL( headerdata );
CompleteRequestL( ret, headerdata );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::InstallNextPhase()
// Must be completed by EhspsInstallThemeSuccess, EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess or EhspsInstallThemeFailed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsInstallNextPhaseL(
TDes8& aHeaderData,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsServiceNotSupported;
iInstallationMode = EAsynchronousObject;
iRequestStatus = &aRequestStatus;
*iRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
ret = hspsInstallNextPhaseL( aHeaderData );
CompleteRequestL( ret );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ResetL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ResetL()
iFamilyMask = 0;
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseInitialise;
iThemeStatus = EhspsThemeStatusNone;
iTrustedInstallation = EFalse;
iFileNotFound = EFalse;
delete iMediaType;
iMediaType = NULL;
delete iThemeDesc;
iThemeDesc = NULL;
delete iResourceTag;
iResourceTag = NULL;
iLocalized = EFalse;
iDefaultSpecificationSet = EFalse;
iDefaultSpecification = ELangNone;
if ( iOdt )
delete iOdt;
iOdt = NULL;
iOdt = ChspsODT::NewL();
delete iDtdFile;
iDtdFile = NULL;
delete iHeaderData;
iHeaderData = NULL;
if ( iDefEngine )
delete iDefEngine;
iDefEngine = NULL;
iDefEngine = ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface::NewL(KhspsDefinitionEngine);
if ( iResourceList )
iResourceList->Reset(); // ODT has an ownership of the items
delete iResourceList;
iResourceList = NULL;
iResourceList = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>( KPathListGranularity );
if ( iTempLocalizedResourceList )
delete iTempLocalizedResourceList;
iTempLocalizedResourceList = NULL;
iTempLocalizedResourceList = new( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>( KPathListGranularity );
iInstallationType = EInstallationTypeNew;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsInstallTheme()
// From MhspsInstallationService
// Must be completed by EhspsInstallThemeSuccess, EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess or EhspsInstallThemeFailed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsInstallTheme(
const TDesC& aManifestFileName,
TDes8& aHeaderData)
// Assume that the installation fails
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsInstallThemeFailed;
iResult->iXuikonError = 0;
iResult->iIntValue2 = 0;
TRAPD( err, DoInstallThemeL(aManifestFileName) );
if( !err )
// correct headerdata is in iHeaderData set by CheckHeaderL()
aHeaderData = iHeaderData->Des();
// Set next phase
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseCleanup;
ret = EhspsInstallThemeSuccess;
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsInstallTheme(): - Installation failed with error code %d" ),
err );
iResult->iSystemError = err;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::DoInstallThemeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::DoInstallThemeL(
const TDesC& aManifest )
// Reset memeber variables
TParsePtrC parsePtr( aManifest );
// Store the path to the installation file
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aManifest.Length() < KMaxFileName, User::Leave( KErrBadName ) );
iThemeFilePath.Copy( parsePtr.DriveAndPath() );
// If trying to install widgets from one of our private install directories
const TPath path = parsePtr.Path();
if( path.Length() > KPrivateInstall().Length()
&& path.Left( KPrivateInstall().Length() ) == KPrivateInstall() )
// Check if ROM or UDA installation was requested
if( parsePtr.DrivePresent() )
TInt driveNumber;
if ( RFs::CharToDrive( parsePtr.Drive()[0], driveNumber ) == KErrNone )
iTrustedInstallation = ( driveNumber == EDriveZ || driveNumber == EDriveC );
if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, aManifest ) )
if ( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::DoInstallThemeL() - *** Manifest was not found!" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if ( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::DoInstallThemeL() - *** Parsing a manifest file" ) );
// Parse XML from the manifest file
Xml::ParseL( *iXmlParser, iFsSession, aManifest );
// The manifest file has been read at this point and following callbacks have been executed:
// OnContent(), OnStartElement() and OnEndElement()
// Performance optimization: do not check if installing from rom.
if( !iTrustedInstallation )
// Check type of installation
TBool instancesFound = IsPluginUsedInAppConfsL();
if( iThemeServer.PluginInHeaderCache( TUid::Uid( iThemeUid ) ) && instancesFound )
// Plugin should be found from cache, update notifications are
// sent only when plugins are used by one/more app configurations
iInstallationType = EInstallationTypeUpdate;
iInstallationType = EInstallationTypeNew;
// Check the parsed input
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::GetInterfacePath()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFileName ChspsInstallationHandler::GetInterfacePath()
TFileName path;
TParse pathParser;
pathParser.Set( iThemeFilePath, NULL, NULL );
pathParser.PopDir(); // pop locale specific folder
TPtrC parentFolder = pathParser.FullName().Mid( pathParser.FullName().Length() - KHsps().Length() );
if ( parentFolder.CompareF(KHsps) == 0 )
pathParser.PopDir(); // pop "hsps" folder
path.Copy( pathParser.FullName() );
path.Append( KXuikon );
path.Append( KPathDelim );
return path;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ValidateL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::FinalizeParsingL()
// Check resources
TFileName interfacePath( GetInterfacePath() );
if ( interfacePath.Length() )
// If name of the DTD file was specified in the manifest
if ( iDtdFile )
TParse pathParser;
pathParser.Set( iThemeFilePath, NULL, NULL );
pathParser.PopDir(); // pop locale specific folder
// Find locale specific DTD file
AddHspsLocalesV2L( pathParser.FullName() );
// Find Xuikon resources of each locale
AddInterfaceResourcesV2L( interfacePath );
// Find DTD files and locale specific resources from subdirectories under the installation path
AddLocalesL( iThemeFilePath );
// Validate other input from the manifest
if ( iSecurityEnforcer.CheckThemeLockingL( *iOdt ) )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrThemeStatusLocked;
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ValidateL(): - CheckThemeLockingL" ) );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
// printing some debug-info
TPtrC xmlfile = iXmlFile->Des();
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ValidateL(): - iXmlFile = '%S'" ),
&xmlfile );
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ValidateL(): - resources included = %d" ),
iResourceList->Count() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Execution of specific installation phases and transitions in between.
// Must be completed by EhspsInstallThemeSuccess, EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess or EhspsInstallThemeFailed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsInstallNextPhaseL( TDes8& aHeaderData )
// Defaults
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ret = EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess;
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
if ( !iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
//For unlocking repository in error cases
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( UnlockRepository, &iDefinitionRepository ) );
switch ( iInstallationPhase )
case EhspsPhaseIdle:
ret = EhspsServiceRequestError;
case EhspsPhaseCleanup:
if ( iOdt )
// Remove existing/old files from the Plug-in Repository
TRAP( errorCode, CleanupL( *iOdt ) );
if ( errorCode )
iResult->iSystemError = errorCode;
iResult->iXuikonError = errorCode;
return EhspsInstallThemeFailed;
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseInstallSkeleton;
case EhspsPhaseInstallSkeleton:
// Parses and stores DOM into the ODT being installed
iResult->iIntValue2 = 0;
TRAP( errorCode, InstallSkeletonL( ret ) );
if ( errorCode )
ret = EhspsInstallThemeFailed;
iResult->iIntValue2 = 0;
// Success - installation finished
ret = EhspsInstallThemeSuccess;
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
iResult->iSystemError = KErrNotReady;
ret = EhspsServiceRequestError;
} // switch
if ( iHeaderData )
aHeaderData = iHeaderData->Des();
aHeaderData = KNullDesC8;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsCancelInstallTheme()
// Cancels the theme installation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThspsServiceCompletedMessage ChspsInstallationHandler::hspsCancelInstallTheme()
TRAP_IGNORE( CompleteRequestL( EhspsServiceRequestCanceled ));
return EhspsServiceRequestCanceled;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckAutoInstallationValidityL()
// Returns EFalse if the user tries to install Licensee default theme
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckAutoInstallationValidityL()
if ( iOdt->Flags() & EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrIllegalInstallation;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::SetLogBus()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::SetLogBus( ChspsLogBus* aLogBus )
iLogBus = aLogBus;
// ChspsInstallationHandler::InstallOdtL()
// Installs DOM-document ODT and processes resource list
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::InstallSkeletonL( ThspsServiceCompletedMessage& /*aReturnMsg*/ )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "hspsInstallationHandler::InstallSkeletonL(): - installing and localizing configuration" ) );
iOdt->SetOdtLanguage( ELangNone );
// Parse DOM
ParseDocumentL( *iOdt );
// Save ODT itself as a resource
SetODTAsResourceL( *iOdt );
// Add resources parsed from the manifest file into the new ODT instance, generate
// target paths and update the iResourcesList array with the new paths
User::LeaveIfError( iDefinitionRepository.SetResourceListL( *iOdt, *iResourceList ) );
// Update DOM's configuration node with attributes from the manifest
hspsServerUtil::GenerateConfigurationAttributesL( *iOdt );
TBuf8<10> uid;
_LIT8( KFormat8, "%X" );
_LIT8( KHexPrefix, "0x" );
uid.Append( KHexPrefix );
uid.AppendFormat( KFormat8, iOdt->ThemeUid() );
// Update configuration max child count
if ( hspsServerUtil::FindNodeByTagL(
*( iOdt->DomDocument().RootNode() ) ) )
TPtrC8 maxChildCnt;
// Plugins node found - Configuration can include child configurations
TRAPD( err, hspsServerUtil::GetAttributeValueL(
maxChildCnt) );
if ( err )
// Set default max child configuration count
_L8( "6" ) );
// Configuration cannot indluce child configurations
_L8( "0" ) );
if ( iTrustedInstallation )
// Update configuration state to KConfStateConfirmed
iOdt->SetOdtLanguage( ELangTest );
// Add a resouces node and its objects from the manifest into the DOM
hspsServerUtil::GenerateObjectAttributesL( *iOdt );
// Make localizations according to the active device language
*iOdt );
// Store the ODT instance into the file system
iDefinitionRepository.SetOdtL( *iOdt );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL()
// Checks the installed theme's header correctness
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL()
// Check whether the manifest is supported by the installer
if ( !iPackageVerSupported )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - package version is not supported by the server!" ) );
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - Update plug-in configurations and try again" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
ChspsFamily* family = iThemeServer.Family();
if ( !family )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
ThspsFamily familyType = family->GetFamilyType();
if ( familyType == EhspsFamilyUnknown )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
#if !defined(WINSCW) && !defined(__WINS__)
if ( !( familyType & iFamilyMask ) )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
#endif // !defined(WINSCW) && !defined(__WINS__)
iOdt->SetFamily( iFamilyMask );
// Store root, provider and theme uid
if ( iRootUid && iProviderUid && iThemeUid )
iOdt->SetRootUid( iRootUid );
iOdt->SetProviderUid( iProviderUid );
iOdt->SetThemeUid( iThemeUid );
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - Manifest file error, no UIDs" ) );
// If the content is empty, the file is supposedly wrong
if( !iContent )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrWrongManifestFile;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// something goes wrong...
if( !iRootUid && !iProviderUid && !iThemeUid &&
!iThemeFullName && !iThemeShortName && !iThemeVersion )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrOtherXuikonError;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !iRootUid )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrAppUidDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !iProviderUid )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrProviderUidDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !iThemeUid )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrThemeUidDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// Store name, short name and version
HBufC* themeFullName = NULL;
HBufC* themeShortName = NULL;
HBufC* themeVersion = NULL;
if ( iThemeFullName && iThemeShortName && iThemeVersion )
themeFullName = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeFullName->Length() );
themeFullName->Des().Copy( *iThemeFullName );
themeShortName = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeShortName->Length() );
themeShortName->Des().Copy( *iThemeShortName );
themeVersion = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeVersion->Length() );
themeVersion->Des().Copy( *iThemeVersion );
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - Manifest file error, no names" ) );
if( !iThemeFullName )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrThemeFullNameDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !iThemeShortName )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrThemeShortDefinitionNameMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !iThemeVersion )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrThemeVersionDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
iOdt->SetThemeFullNameL( themeFullName->Des() );
iOdt->SetThemeShortNameL( themeShortName->Des() );
iOdt->SetThemeVersionL( themeVersion->Des() );
if ( iThemeDesc )
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeDesc->Length() );
buf->Des().Copy( iThemeDesc->Des() );
iOdt->SetDescriptionL( buf->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
iOdt->SetMultiInstance( iMultiInstance );
iMultiInstanceFound = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( themeVersion );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( themeShortName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( themeFullName );
iOdt->SetConfigurationType( iConfigurationType );
iOdt->SetFlags( iThemeStatus );
// If configuration file is missing
if( !iXmlFile )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - XML was not declared!" ) );
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrXmlFileDefinitionMissing;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// If name of the DTD file has been set
if ( iDtdFile )
// Expect localization for at least ELangTest (folder name "00")
if ( !iDefaultSpecificationSet || iDefaultSpecification != ELangTest )
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrDtdFileNotFound;
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CheckHeaderL(): - check localization!" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// all header-information is in place, now try to marshall it as a return of the service call
iHeaderData = iOdt->MarshalHeaderL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL
// Parses the skeleton DOM with the help of Definition Engine
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL( ChspsODT& aOdt )
TInt deferror = KErrNone;
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface::TError t_error;
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_
// service time prints
_LIT( KStartTiming, "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL(): - calling iDefEngine->CreateDOM()..");
TTime start_time = ChspsTimeMon::StartTiming( KStartTiming );
t_error = iDefEngine->CreateDOM( iFsSession, *iXmlFile, aOdt );
deferror = t_error.iDefEngError + t_error.iSubComponentError;
if (!deferror)
// get ODT information
ChspsDomDocument& domDocument = aOdt.DomDocument();
TInt domNodeCount = domDocument.DomNodeCount();
// write the result
iResult->iIntValue1 = 0;
iResult->iIntValue2 = domNodeCount;
#ifdef _hsps_PERFORMANCE_TEST_
// calculating service time
_LIT( KStopTiming, "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL(): - Parsing success." );
ChspsTimeMon::StopTiming(start_time, KStopTiming );
errorCode = KErrCorrupt;
iResult->iXuikonError = errorCode;
iResult->iIntValue1 = t_error.iDefEngError;
iResult->iIntValue2 = t_error.iSubComponentError;
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL(): - TRAP returned %d" ),
errorCode );
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL(): - ChspsDefinition Engine::TError.iParserError: %d" ),
t_error.iDefEngError );
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseDocumentL(): - ChspsDefinition Engine::TError.iSubComponentError: %d" ),
t_error.iSubComponentError );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::AddResourceL()
// Adds parsed resource into a temporary resource list, from which the resources
// are applied to an ODT instance at later phase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddResourceL(
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsResource>& aArray,
const TPtrC aFilename,
const TLanguage aLanguage,
const ThspsResourceType aResourceType,
const TPtrC8 aMimetype,
const TPtrC8 aTag )
TParsePtrC parsePtr( aFilename );
ChspsResource* r = ChspsResource::NewL();
r->SetLockingPolicy( EhspsUnlocked );
if ( iThemeStatus & EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault )
r->SetLockingPolicy( EhspsLocked );
r->SetResourceIdL( parsePtr.NameAndExt() );
// Common resources are parsed first - thus when the iLanguageSpecification is other than ELangNone,
// then we are parsing language specific resources
r->SetConfigurationUid( iThemeUid );
r->SetLanguage( aLanguage );
r->SetFileNameL( aFilename );
r->SetResourceType( aResourceType );
if ( aMimetype.Length() )
r->SetMimeTypeL( TDataType( aMimetype ) );
const TInt l = aTag.Length();
if ( l )
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( l );
buf->Des().Copy( aTag );
r->SetTagsL( *buf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
aArray.AppendL( r );
CleanupStack::Pop( r );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::CleanupL()
// Executes cleaning of the target folder prior to the installation process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::CleanupL( const ChspsODT& aOdt )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "hspsInstallationHandler::CleanupL(): - removing previous installation" ) );
// Get ODT's relative path in Plug-in Repository without the drive information
HBufC* relativePath = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr ptr = relativePath->Des();
iDefinitionRepository.GetODTPathL( aOdt, ptr );
// Strip file name and append path with a drive symbol
TParsePtr parser( ptr );
TPtrC confPath = parser.Path();
TPath file;
file.Format( _L("%S%S"), &KCDrive, &confPath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( relativePath );
// If there was an existing configuration folder
if( BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, file ) )
// Remove the old configuration
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFsSession );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->RmDir( file ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan );
aOdt.ThemeUid() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::RollBackL()
// Rolls back the installation if it fails or is cancelled. Functionality depends
// on the state where the installation was.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::RollBackL(ChspsODT& aOdt)
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "hspsInstallationHandler::RollBackL(): - rolling back.." ) );
// then rolling back the installation in according to in which state it was before cancel
switch ( iInstallationPhase )
case EhspsPhaseIdle:
case EhspsPhaseInitialise:
case EhspsPhaseCleanup:
case EhspsPhaseInstallSkeleton:
iDefinitionRepository.RemoveThemeL( aOdt );
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle; // roll-back is completed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::CompleteRequestL()
// Completes client request
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::CompleteRequestL(const ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aReturnMessage,
const TDesC8& aHeaderData )
TBool wasLocked( EFalse );
if( iDefinitionRepository.Locked() )
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( UnlockRepository, &iDefinitionRepository ) );
wasLocked = ETrue;
// only EhspsInstallThemeSuccess and EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess quaranties valid header to be returned
TBool complete( ETrue );
switch( iInstallationMode )
case EServiceHandler:
if( aReturnMessage == EhspsInstallThemeSuccess )
// Activate the installed application configuration if EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive is set
if ( iThemeStatus & EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive )
if ( iConfigurationType == EhspsAppConfiguration )
// lets try to delete temp files. Server will delete them only
// if there are not current resource holders
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
// write the result
iResult->iIntValue1 = 0;
iResult->iIntValue2 = 0;
if ( !iDisableNotifications )
// Inform server that a configuration was added or replaced and that the
// header cache should be updated (specific header to be added can be obtained
// from the uids)
if( iInstallationType == EInstallationTypeNew )
ThspsRepositoryInfo info(
ThspsRepositoryEvent( EhspsODTAdded ),
0, //=Any file
(TLanguage)( iOdt->OdtLanguage() )
iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( info );
else if( iInstallationType == EInstallationTypeUpdate )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CompleteRequestL(): - configuration %d was successfully installed (EServiceHandler)" ),
iOdt->ThemeUid() );
else if ( aReturnMessage == EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess )
iResult->iIntValue1 = iInstallationPhase;
else if ( aReturnMessage == EhspsServiceRequestSheduled )
complete = EFalse;
else if (aReturnMessage == EhspsServiceRequestCanceled)
// installation failed, resetting
// system error and xuikon error are writen in iResult when error was encountered
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
if( !iMessagePtr.IsNull() )
iMessagePtr.WriteL( 2, KNullDesC8, 0 );
RollBackL ( *iOdt );
if( complete && !iMessagePtr.IsNull() )
RDesWriteStream writeBuf( iResultData );
iResult->ExternalizeL( writeBuf );
iMessagePtr.WriteL( 0, iResultData, 0 );
iMessagePtr.WriteL( 2, aHeaderData, 0 );
iMessagePtr.Complete( aReturnMessage );
case EAsynchronousObject:
if( aReturnMessage == EhspsInstallThemeSuccess )
// Activate the installed application configuration if EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive is set
if( iThemeStatus & EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive )
if ( iConfigurationType == EhspsAppConfiguration )
// lets try to delete temp files. Server will delete them only if there are not
// current resource holders
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
if ( !iDisableNotifications )
if( iInstallationType == EInstallationTypeNew )
// Inform server there are files to be cleaned and cache has been updated
ThspsRepositoryInfo info( ThspsRepositoryEvent( EhspsODTAdded ),
0, //=Any file
(TLanguage)( iOdt->OdtLanguage() ) );
iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( info );
else if( iInstallationType == EInstallationTypeUpdate )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::CompleteRequestL(): - configuration %d was successfully installed (EAsynchronousObject)" ),
iOdt->ThemeUid() );
else if( aReturnMessage == EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess )
iResult->iIntValue1 = iInstallationPhase;
else if( aReturnMessage == EhspsServiceRequestSheduled )
complete = EFalse;
// installation failed, resetting
// system error and xuikon error are written in iResult when error was encountered
iInstallationPhase = EhspsPhaseIdle;
RollBackL ( *iOdt );
if ( complete )
User::RequestComplete( iRequestStatus, (TInt)aReturnMessage );
if( wasLocked )
CleanupStack::Pop( &iDefinitionRepository );
User::Leave( KErrCancel );
if( wasLocked )
CleanupStack::Pop( &iDefinitionRepository );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::IsPluginUsedInAppConfsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool ChspsInstallationHandler::IsPluginUsedInAppConfsL()
TBool isUsed = EFalse;
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 3;
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>* activeAppConfs = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>( KArrayGranularity );
CleanupStack::PushL( activeAppConfs );
// Retrieve active application configurations. These are not owned!
GetActiveAppConfsL( *activeAppConfs );
// Loop found headers
for( TInt i = 0; i < activeAppConfs->Count(); i++ )
ChspsODT* const header = (*activeAppConfs)[i];
if( header )
// Clone header to avoid modification of original
ChspsODT* odt = header->CloneL();
CleanupStack::PushL( odt );
// Get full ODT instance with DOM data
User::LeaveIfError( iDefinitionRepository.GetOdtL( *odt ) );
// Get all plugin instances with the configuration UID that was just installed
RArray<TInt> pluginIds;
CleanupClosePushL( pluginIds );
TUid::Uid( iThemeUid ),
pluginIds );
isUsed = ( pluginIds.Count() > 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pluginIds
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( odt );
if ( isUsed )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activeAppConfs );
return isUsed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::NotifyOdtUpdatedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::NotifyOdtUpdatedL()
// Nothing to do if notifications disabled.
if( iDisableNotifications )
// This method should only be called when type is update.
if( iInstallationType != EInstallationTypeUpdate )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::NotifyOdtUpdatedL(): Error: Installation type is not update." ) );
// Sanity check.
if( !iOdt )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::NotifyOdtUpdatedL(): Error: iOdt == NULL." ) );
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 2;
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>* activeAppConfs = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>( KArrayGranularity );
CleanupStack::PushL( activeAppConfs );
// Retrieve active application configurations. These are not owned!
GetActiveAppConfsL( *activeAppConfs );
// Notification list.
RArray<ThspsRepositoryInfo> notifications;
CleanupClosePushL( notifications );
// Construct notifications for every changed plugin id
// in every active application configuration.
for( TInt i = 0; i < activeAppConfs->Count(); i++ )
ChspsODT* const activeODT = (*activeAppConfs)[i];
// Sanity check.
if( !activeODT )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::NotifyOdtUpdatedL(): Error: active ODT list contains NULL." ) );
// Clone activeOdt to avoid modification of original.
ChspsODT* fullODT = activeODT->CloneL();
CleanupStack::PushL( fullODT );
User::LeaveIfError( iDefinitionRepository.GetOdtL( *fullODT ) );
RArray<TInt> pluginIds;
CleanupClosePushL( pluginIds );
// Get plugin ids.
hspsServerUtil::GetPluginIdsByUidL( *fullODT,
TUid::Uid( iOdt->ThemeUid() ),
pluginIds );
// Construct notifications. One for each plugin instance
// that is affected by update.
for( TInt j = 0; j < pluginIds.Count(); j++ )
ThspsRepositoryInfo info(
ThspsRepositoryEvent( EhspsODTUpdated ),
0, //=Any file
(TLanguage)( fullODT->OdtLanguage() ) );
notifications.Append( info );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pluginIds.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullODT );
fullODT = NULL;
// Send applications notifications in one group.
for( TInt k = 0; k < notifications.Count(); k++ )
// If last...
if( k == notifications.Count() - 1 )
// ... Modify accordingly.
notifications[ k ].iLastNotification = ETrue;
// Send.
iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( notifications[ k ] );
// Clean notifications list.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // notifications.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activeAppConfs );
activeAppConfs = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::GetActiveAppConfsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::GetActiveAppConfsL( CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>& aActiveAppConfs )
const TInt count = iHeaderListCache.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
ChspsODT* header = iHeaderListCache.At( i );
if( header && header->ConfigurationType() == EhspsAppConfiguration )
// Check if application configuration is active.
TInt tmp = 0;
if ( iCentralRepository.Get( header->RootUid(), tmp ) == KErrNone )
if( tmp == header->ThemeUid() )
// Active application configuration found.
aActiveAppConfs.AppendL( header );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves ODT itself as an resource
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::SetODTAsResourceL( ChspsODT& aOdt )
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
ChspsResource* res = ChspsResource::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( res );
ThspsLockingPolicy lockingPolicy = EhspsUnlocked;
if ( aOdt.Flags() & EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault )
lockingPolicy = EhspsLocked;
// ODT-resource is handled as a cached resource
res->SetLockingPolicy( lockingPolicy );
res->SetResourceType( EResourceODT );
res->SetResourceIdL( aOdt.ThemeShortName() );
//res->SetFileNameL( filepath ); will be set by the repository
res->SetMimeTypeL(TDataType( KUnknownMimeType ));
res->SetConfigurationUid( aOdt.ThemeUid() );
// Creates a path for given ODT
iDefinitionRepository.MakeODTPathL( aOdt, *res );
aOdt.AddResourceL( res );
User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ActivateThemeL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ActivateThemeL()
const TUint32 fullMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
RArray<TUint32> res;
CleanupClosePushL( res );
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
iCentralRepository.FindL( iOdt->RootUid(), fullMask, res );
if ( res.Count() == 0 )
errorCode = iCentralRepository.Create( iOdt->RootUid(), iOdt->ThemeUid() );
errorCode = iCentralRepository.Set( iOdt->RootUid(), iOdt->ThemeUid() );
if ( !errorCode )
TUint flags = iOdt->Flags();
iOdt->SetFlags( flags | EhspsThemeStatusActive );
// If not processing ROM installations
if ( !iDisableNotifications )
// inform for cache update to the repository so that everyone will know
// about the change
ThspsRepositoryInfo info( EhspsODTActivated );
iDefinitionRepository.RegisterNotification( info );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //res
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::OnStartElementL
// Verifies that the installer is able to parse the manifest file,
// parses language specifications and resources
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::OnStartElementL(
const RTagInfo& aElement,
const RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
TPtrC8 localName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
if( iContent )
delete iContent;
iContent = NULL;
if ( localName == KPackage )
// Check whether the version attribute is specified
TInt argCount = aAttributes.Count();
if( argCount )
for( TInt argIndex=0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++ )
const TDesC8& attName = aAttributes[argIndex].Attribute().LocalName().DesC();
if ( attName.Compare(KPackageVersion) == 0 )
delete iPackageVersion;
iPackageVersion = NULL;
iPackageVersion = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
iPackageVersion->Des().Copy( aAttributes[argIndex].Value().DesC() );
// Is manifest supported by this parser?
iPackageVerSupported = EFalse;
if ( iPackageVersion->Des().Compare( KhspsSupportedManifestVersion ) == 0 )
iPackageVerSupported = ETrue;
else if ( localName == KLocalized )
// From now on, we are parsing filenames of localized resources
iLocalized = ETrue;
else if ( localName == KFileResource )
if ( iMediaType )
delete iMediaType;
iMediaType = NULL;
// Get attributes of the resource element and store them for adding in ::OnEndElementL()
TInt attrCount( aAttributes.Count() );
for( TInt i=0; i<attrCount; i++ )
const TDesC8& attValueDes8 = aAttributes[i].Value().DesC();
// If mediatype attribute was found
if ( aAttributes[i].Attribute().LocalName().DesC() == KMediaType )
TPtrC8 orginalPtr( aAttributes[i].Value().DesC() );
TInt length = orginalPtr.Length();
// Length limit
if ( length > KMaxMediaTypeLength )
length = KMaxMediaTypeLength;
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::OnStartElementL(): - mediatype was too long!" ) );
iMediaType = HBufC8::NewL( length );
iMediaType->Des().Copy( orginalPtr.Left( length ) );
else if ( aAttributes[i].Attribute().LocalName().DesC() == KTag )
delete iResourceTag;
iResourceTag = NULL;
if ( attValueDes8.Length() )
iResourceTag = attValueDes8.Left( KMaxTagsLength ).AllocL();
} // for
if ( !iMultiInstanceFound )
iMultiInstance = KMultiInstanceDefaultValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing of the manifest elements.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
TPtrC8 localName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
if ( localName == KFamily )
const TPtrC8 familyPtr( iContent->Des() );
iFamilyMask |= ChspsFamily::GetFamilyType( familyPtr );
else if ( localName == KConfigurationType )
// Get configuration type from the manifest
if( *iContent == KManifestTypeApp )
iConfigurationType = EhspsAppConfiguration;
else if ( *iContent == KManifestTypeView )
iConfigurationType = EhspsViewConfiguration;
else if ( *iContent == KManifestTypeWidget )
iConfigurationType = EhspsWidgetConfiguration;
else if( *iContent == KManifestTypeTemplate )
iConfigurationType = EhspsTemplateConfiguration;
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
else if ( localName == KInterfaceUid )
if( iContent )
// Delete extra whitespaces.
// Convert to Uint.
User::LeaveIfError( hspsServerUtil::HexString2Uint( *iContent, iRootUid ) );
ApplyUidRangeTestsL( iRootUid );
else if ( localName == KProviderUid )
if( iContent )
// Delete extra whitespaces.
// Convert to Uint.
User::LeaveIfError( hspsServerUtil::HexString2Uint( *iContent, iProviderUid ) );
ApplyUidRangeTestsL( iProviderUid );
else if ( localName == KThemeUid )
if( iContent )
// Delete extra whitespaces.
// Convert to Uint.
User::LeaveIfError( hspsServerUtil::HexString2Uint( *iContent, iThemeUid ) );
ApplyUidRangeTestsL( iThemeUid );
else if ( localName == KThemeStatus )
if( *iContent == KStatusNone )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusNone;
else if( *iContent == KStatusLicenceeDefault )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault;
else if( *iContent == KStatusLicenceeRestorable )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeRestorable;
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault;
else if( *iContent == KStatusOperatorDefault )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusOperatorDefault;
else if( *iContent == KStatusUserDefault )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusUserDefault;
else if( *iContent == KStatusMakeActive )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive;
else if( *iContent == KStatusLocked )
iThemeStatus = iThemeStatus | EhspsThemeStatusLocked;
else if ( localName == KThemeFullName )
// Store value of the parsed "fullname" element
if ( iThemeFullName )
delete iThemeFullName;
iThemeFullName = NULL;
iThemeFullName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
TInt contentLength = iContent->Des().Length();
if ( contentLength > KMaxFileName )
contentLength = KMaxFileName;
TPtr ptr( iThemeFullName->Des() );
ptr.Copy( iContent->Des().Left(contentLength) );
else if ( localName == KThemeShortName )
delete iThemeShortName;
iThemeShortName = NULL;
iThemeShortName = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxFileName );
TPtr8 themeShortNameDes( iThemeShortName->Des() );
themeShortNameDes = *iContent;
else if ( localName == KThemeVersion )
delete iThemeVersion;
iThemeVersion = NULL;
iThemeVersion = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxFileName );
TPtr8 themeVersionDes( iThemeVersion->Des() );
themeVersionDes = *iContent;
else if ( localName == KThemeDesc )
if ( iContent )
delete iThemeDesc;
iThemeDesc = NULL;
iThemeDesc = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxDescLength );
TPtr8 descPtr8( iThemeDesc->Des() );
descPtr8.Copy( (*iContent).Left( KMaxDescLength ) );
else if ( localName == KFileLogo )
if ( iContent )
// Get possible file references and add them to the
// resource array with a logo tag
HBufC* result = NULL;
result );
if ( result )
// Store logo declaration
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
iOdt->SetLogoFileL( *result );
else if ( localName == KFilePreview )
if ( iContent )
// Get possible file references and add them to the
// resource array with a preview tag
HBufC* result = NULL;
if ( result )
// Store preview declaration
CleanupStack::PushL( result );
iOdt->SetPreviewFileL( *result );
else if ( localName == KFileXML )
if( iContent )
// Convert from 8 to 16bit string
HBufC* nameBuf = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *iContent );
// Find full path to the file
TFileName fullName;
fullName );
delete nameBuf;
nameBuf = NULL;
if( !fullName.Length() )
iFileNotFound = ETrue;
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrXmlFileNotFound;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
delete iXmlFile;
iXmlFile = NULL;
iXmlFile = fullName.AllocL();
else if ( localName == KFileDTD )
// Parse name of the DTD files
if ( !iContent || iContent->Length() < 1 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if ( iDtdFile )
delete iDtdFile;
iDtdFile = 0;
iDtdFile = HBufC::NewL( iContent->Length() );
iDtdFile->Des().Copy( iContent->Des() );
else if ( localName == KFileResource )
// Following attributes are parsed in OnStartElement callback
TPtrC8 mediaPtr;
if ( iMediaType )
mediaPtr.Set( iMediaType->Des() );
TPtrC8 tagsPtr;
if ( iResourceTag )
tagsPtr.Set( iResourceTag->Des() );
// Parse name of the resource file and make 8bit to 16bit conversion
HBufC* fileName = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *iContent );
if ( !fileName || fileName->Des().Length() < 1 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileName );
// If parsing localized resources
if ( iLocalized )
// Add locale specific resources into temp array
tagsPtr );
// If Xuikon resource
TFileName interfacePath( GetInterfacePath() );
HBufC* resourceFile = NULL;
if( interfacePath.Length() )
_LIT(KSubFolder, "00\\");
resourceFile = HBufC::NewLC( interfacePath.Length() + KSubFolder().Length() + fileName->Length() );
resourceFile->Des().Copy( interfacePath );
resourceFile->Des().Append( KSubFolder );
resourceFile->Des().Append( *fileName );
resourceFile = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeFilePath.Length() + fileName->Length() );
resourceFile->Des().Copy( iThemeFilePath );
resourceFile->Des().Append( *fileName );
// Validate the file
if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, *resourceFile ) )
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> name8;
name8.Copy( *resourceFile );
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L8( "ChspsInstallationHandler::OnEndElementL(): - resource file does not exist '%S'" ),
&name8 );
iFileNotFound = ETrue;
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrResourceFileNotFound;
// Add common resources
tagsPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resourceFile );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
if ( iMediaType )
delete iMediaType;
iMediaType = NULL;
if ( iResourceTag )
delete iResourceTag;
iResourceTag = NULL;
else if ( localName == KMultiInstance)
iMultiInstanceFound = ETrue;
if( iContent )
// Delete extra whitespaces.
// Convert to int
TLex8 lex( iContent->Des() );
TInt err = lex.Val( iMultiInstance );
// iContent is not a number - check for strings
if ( err != KErrNone )
if ( iContent->CompareF( KMultiInstanceUnlimited )
== KErrNone )
iMultiInstance = KMultiInstanceUnlimitedValue;
else if ( iContent->CompareF( KMultiInstanceHidden ) ==
KErrNone )
iMultiInstance = KMultiInstanceHiddenValue;
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// iContent is a number - check whether it is valid
if ( ( iMultiInstance < KMultiInstanceMinimumCountValue ) ||
( iMultiInstance > KMultiInstanceMaximumCountValue ) )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The needed memory for each element information is reserved here.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::OnContentL(const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode)
if ( aErrorCode == KErrNone )
if ( !iContent )
iContent = HBufC8::NewL( aBytes.Size() );
*iContent = aBytes;
iContent = iContent->ReAllocL( iContent->Size() + aBytes.Size() );
TPtr8 c( iContent->Des() );
c.Append( aBytes );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disables "configuration was installed" notifications
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::DisableNotifications()
iDisableNotifications = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds locale specific subdirectories and DTD resources and appends those
// into the resource array
// Should be executed prior to the CheckHeader method!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddHspsLocalesV2L(
const TDesC& aPath )
// Find all locale specific subfolders
TFindFile fileFinder( iFsSession );
_LIT( KFilter, "*" );
CDir* fileList( NULL );
fileFinder.FindWildByDir( KFilter, aPath, fileList );
if ( fileList )
CleanupStack::PushL( fileList );
TFileName localePath;
for( TInt i = 0; i < fileList->Count(); i++ )
const TEntry& entry = (*fileList)[i];
if ( entry.IsDir() )
TInt languageIndex = 0;
TLex lex( entry.iName );
TInt error = lex.Val( languageIndex );
// See enumarations from e32lang.h
if( !error && languageIndex >= ELangTest )
// Process only supported languages
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* languageCodes = NULL;
hspsServerUtil::GetInstalledLanguagesL( languageCodes );
CleanupStack::PushL( languageCodes );
TBool isSupported = EFalse;
for( TInt i=0; i<languageCodes->Count(); i++ )
if( languageCodes->At( i ) == languageIndex )
isSupported = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( languageCodes );
if( !isSupported )
// If we found the first language specification
if ( !iDefaultSpecificationSet )
// Assume this is the default language shown incase
// there is no locale for the active UI language
iDefaultSpecification = (TLanguage)languageIndex;
iDefaultSpecificationSet = ETrue;
// Setup a path to the subdirectory
localePath.Copy( aPath );
localePath.Append( entry.iName );
localePath.Append( KPathDelim );
// Find localized resources
(TLanguage)languageIndex );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileList );
fileList = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds localized resources from the provided subdirectory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddLocalizedResourcesDTDV2L(
const TDesC& aPath,
const TLanguage aLanguage )
// Append path with the default name of DTD files
const TInt len = aPath.Length() + iDtdFile->Des().Length();
HBufC* dtdPath = HBufC::NewLC( len );
dtdPath->Des().Copy( aPath );
dtdPath->Des().Append( *iDtdFile );
// Check whether the file exists
if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, *dtdPath ) )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::AddLocalizedResourcesDTDV2L(): - DTD file was not found '%S'" ),
&dtdPath );
iFileNotFound = ETrue;
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrDtdFileNotFound;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// Store locale specific DTD files into the resource array
TPtrC8 mediaType;
TPtrC8 tags;
tags );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dtdPath );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::AddInterfaceResourcesV2L
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddInterfaceResourcesV2L(
const TDesC& aPath )
// Retrieve supported localizations.
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* systemEpocLanguageCodes = NULL;
systemEpocLanguageCodes );
CleanupStack::PushL( systemEpocLanguageCodes );
// Find all entries under the Xuikon folders that
// match our eclipsing rules and localisations supported by phone.
RArray<TInt> driveArray;
CleanupClosePushL( driveArray );
driveArray.Append( EDriveE );
driveArray.Append( EDriveC );
driveArray.Append( EDriveZ );
FindResourceFilesL( aPath, ETrue, driveArray, systemEpocLanguageCodes );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // driveArray
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( systemEpocLanguageCodes );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds locale specific subdirectories and resources and appends those
// into the resource array
// Should be executed prior to the CheckHeader method!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddLocalesL(
const TDesC& aPath )
// Find all locale specific subfolders
TFindFile fileFinder( iFsSession );
_LIT( KFilter, "*" );
CDir* fileList( NULL );
fileFinder.FindWildByDir( KFilter, aPath, fileList );
if ( fileList )
CleanupStack::PushL( fileList );
TFileName localePath;
for( TInt i = 0; i < fileList->Count(); i++ )
const TEntry& entry = (*fileList)[i];
if ( entry.IsDir() )
TInt languageIndex = 0;
TLex lex( entry.iName );
TInt error = lex.Val( languageIndex );
// See enumarations from e32lang.h
if( !error && languageIndex >= ELangTest )
// Process only supported languages
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* languageCodes = NULL;
hspsServerUtil::GetInstalledLanguagesL( languageCodes );
CleanupStack::PushL( languageCodes );
TBool isSupported = EFalse;
for( TInt i=0; i<languageCodes->Count(); i++ )
if( languageCodes->At( i ) == languageIndex )
isSupported = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( languageCodes );
if( !isSupported )
// If we found the first language specification
if ( !iDefaultSpecificationSet )
// Assume this is the default language shown incase
// there is no locale for the active UI language
iDefaultSpecification = (TLanguage)languageIndex;
iDefaultSpecificationSet = ETrue;
// Setup a path to the subdirectory
localePath.Copy( aPath );
localePath.Append( entry.iName );
localePath.Append( KPathDelim );
// Find localized resources
(TLanguage)languageIndex );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileList );
fileList = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds localized resources from the provided subdirectory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::AddLocalizedResourcesL(
const TDesC& aPath,
const TLanguage aLanguage )
// If FileDTD was declared
if ( iDtdFile && iDtdFile->Des().Length() )
// Append path with the default name of DTD files
const TInt len = aPath.Length() + iDtdFile->Des().Length();
HBufC* dtdPath = HBufC::NewLC( len );
dtdPath->Des().Copy( aPath );
dtdPath->Des().Append( *iDtdFile );
// Check whether the file exists
if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, *dtdPath ) )
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::AddLocalizedResourcesL(): - DTD file was not found '%S'" ),
&dtdPath );
iFileNotFound = ETrue;
iResult->iXuikonError = KErrDtdFileNotFound;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// Store locale specific DTD files into the resource array
TPtrC8 mediaType;
TPtrC8 tagsPtr;
tagsPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dtdPath );
// Find localized files from the provided directory
RArray<TInt> driveArray;
CleanupClosePushL( driveArray );
driveArray.Append( EDriveC );
FindResourceFilesL( aPath, EFalse, driveArray, NULL );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // driveArray
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ApplyUidRangeTestsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ApplyUidRangeTestsL( const TUint aUid )
// Check for TUint to TInt conversion
const TInt intValue( aUid );
if ( intValue < 1 )
// Check UID ranges in the manifest file
if( iLogBus )
iLogBus->LogText( _L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ApplyUidRangeTestsL() - Invalid UID value '%d'" ), aUid );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseIconDeclarationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseIconDeclarationL(
HBufC8& aValue8,
const TDesC8& aTag,
HBufC*& aResultString )
// 8bit > 16bit conversion
TInt size = KMaxFileName - iThemeFilePath.Length();
aResultString = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr resultPtr( aResultString->Des() );
resultPtr.Copy( aValue8.Des().Left( size ) );
// check whether skin/mif/uid declarations were used
TFileName filename;
if ( hspsServerUtil::IsLogoFile( resultPtr, filename ) )
// check whether the file reference is valid
TPath fullname;
fullname.Copy( iThemeFilePath );
fullname.Append( filename );
if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, fullname ) )
if( iLogBus )
_L( "ChspsInstallationHandler::ParseIconDeclarationL(): - '%S' was not found " ),
&fullname );
// User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// Store logo as a common resource file
TPtrC8 mediaType;
aTag );
// get offset of the filename
TInt nameOffset = resultPtr.FindF( (TPtrC)filename );
if ( nameOffset >= 0 )
// get relative path under the HSPS
if ( iRootUid < 1 || iProviderUid < 1 || iThemeUid < 1 || !iThemeVersion || iThemeVersion->Des().Length() < 1 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// 8bit > 16bit
HBufC* verBuf = HBufC::NewLC( iThemeVersion->Des().Length() );
verBuf->Des().Copy( *iThemeVersion );
_LIT(KPathFormat, "%D\\%D\\%D\\%S\\sources\\");
TFileName relativePath;
verBuf );
if ( resultPtr.Length() + relativePath.Length() > KMaxFileName - 1 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
resultPtr.Insert( nameOffset, relativePath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( verBuf );
} // IsFile
CleanupStack::Pop( aResultString );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ChspsInstallationHandler::FindResourceFilesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ChspsInstallationHandler::FindResourceFilesL( const TDesC& aPath,
const TBool aRecursive,
RArray<TInt>& aDriveArray,
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aDeviceLanguages )
RPointerArray<HBufC> filesArray;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( filesArray );
aRecursive );
// Filter search results and select only relevant files
TInt error = KErrNone;
for( TInt i = 0; i < filesArray.Count(); i++ )
const TFileName fileName = filesArray[ i ]->Des();
// Check that file is listed in manifest resource.
error = KErrNotFound;
TParsePtrC fileNameParser( fileName );
const TFileName fixedName =
hspsServerUtil::GetFixedOdtName( fileNameParser.NameAndExt() );
ChspsResource* temporaryResource = NULL;
for( TInt j = 0;
j < iTempLocalizedResourceList->Count();
j++ )
temporaryResource = iTempLocalizedResourceList->At( j );
if( fixedName.CompareF( temporaryResource->FileName() ) == 0 )
error = KErrNone;
// Extract localisation code from path.
TInt localizationCode = 0;
if( error == KErrNone )
TPath path = fileNameParser.Path();
if( path.Right( KPathDelim().Length() ).Compare( KPathDelim() ) == 0 )
path.Delete( path.Length() - KPathDelim().Length(), KPathDelim().Length() );
TParsePtrC localizationParser( path );
TLex lex( localizationParser.Name() );
error = lex.Val( localizationCode );
if( error == KErrNone && localizationCode < ELangTest )
error = KErrCorrupt;
// Check for duplicates.
if( error == KErrNone )
for( TInt k = 0; k < iResourceList->Count(); k++ )
ChspsResource* resource = iResourceList->At( k );
if( resource->Language() == localizationCode &&
resource->FileName().CompareF( fileName ) == 0 )
error = KErrAlreadyExists;
// Add to actual resource list.
if( error == KErrNone )
TPtrC8 tag;
HBufC8* tagBuf8 = NULL;
if ( temporaryResource->Tags().Length() )
tagBuf8 = HBufC8::NewLC( temporaryResource->Tags().Length() );
tagBuf8->Des().Copy( temporaryResource->Tags() );
tag.Set( tagBuf8->Des() );
TDataType dataType( temporaryResource->MimeType() );
// Add localized files into the resource array
tag );
if ( tagBuf8 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tagBuf8 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // filesArray
// end of file