fix for bug hsps.iby includes 200159C9.txt which is already included by s60cenrep_variant.iby
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <gecoobjectbase.h>
#include <gecodefaultobject.h>
#include <gecoattributeprovider.h>
#include "menuengobjectattr.h"
class CMenuEng;
* Menu Engine Object.
* Menu Engine Object represent menu items in the Engine. Object are normally
* owned by the Engine; exception are the items that are created but not yet
* added to the Engine (these are temporarily owned by the client.)
* The primary identity of objects is the Id(), this is persistent and unique.
* 0 is not a valid ID.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMenuEngObject ): public CGECODefaultObject
public: // construction
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CMenuEngObject();
protected: // construction
* Constructor.
* @param aEng Engine.
CMenuEngObject( CMenuEng& aEng );
* Second phase constructor.
* @param aType Type.
void ConstructL( const TDesC& aType );
public: // new methods
* Get ID. The object always has a valid unique ID (even if the object is
* not added to the Engine yet).
* @return ID.
IMPORT_C TInt Id() const;
* Get flags.
* @param aFactoryCall for call from factory object(used to skip central repository check).
* @return Flags.
IMPORT_C TUint32 Flags( TBool aFactoryCall = EFalse ) const;
* Get type.
* @return Type.
IMPORT_C TPtrC Type() const;
* Get number of attributes.
* @return Number of attributes.
IMPORT_C TInt NumAttributes() const;
* Get attribute by index.
* @param aIndex Attribute index.
* @param aName Name is returned here.
* @param aValue Value is returned here.
* @param aLocalized ETrue if attribute is localized.
* @return ETrue (unless aIndex is not valid).
IMPORT_C TBool GetAttribute(
TInt aIndex,
TPtrC& aName,
TPtrC& aValue,
TBool& aLocalized ) const;
* Find attribute by name.
* @param aName Name.
* @param aValue Value is returned here.
* @param aLocalized Etrue if attribute is localized.
* @return ETrue if found.
IMPORT_C TBool FindAttribute(
const TDesC& aName,
TPtrC& aValue,
TBool& aLocalized ) const;
* Set or clear flags.
* @param aMask Flags to set or clear.
* @param aOn ETrue to set, EFalse to clear.
IMPORT_C void SetFlags( TUint32 aMask, TBool aOn );
* Set attribute value. Old value, if any, is replaced.
* @param aAttrName Name.
* @param aAttrValue Value.
* @param aLocalized ETrue if attribute is localized.
IMPORT_C void SetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue,
TBool aLocalized ); // Set attribute value.
* Set attribute value. Old value, if any, is replaced.
* For use when reading xml file with initial data
* and as a helper method for SetAttributeL.
* @param aAttrName Name.
* @param aAttrValue Value.
* @param aLocalized ETrue if attribute is localized.
void SetInitialAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue,
TBool aLocalized ); // Set attribute value.
* Method to set iNative for apps.
IMPORT_C void SetNative( TBool aNative );
* Method to get iNative for apps.
* @return ETrue if app is native.
IMPORT_C TBool GetNative() const;
* Remove attribute.
* @param aAttrName Name.
IMPORT_C void RemoveAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName );
* Remove all attributes and flags.
IMPORT_C void Reset(); // Remove all attributes and clear all flags.
public: // but not imported: for the engine's use only.
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aEng Engine.
* @param aType Type.
* @return The created object.
static CMenuEngObject* NewL( CMenuEng& aEng, const TDesC& aType );
* Set ID.
* @param aId ID.
void SetId( TInt aId );
* Get engine.
* @return Engine.
CMenuEng& Engine();
private: // from CGECOObjectBase
* Get type identifier.
* @return Type identifier.
const TDesC& TypeIdentifier();
* Updates flags with hidden flag from central repository if nececerry.
* @param aFlags flags.
void UpdateCrHiddenFlagL( TUint32& aFlags ) const;
* Parses descriptor containing folders hidden in central repository.
* @param aHiddenFolders descriptor containing folders hidden in central repository.
* @param aHiddenFoldersArray array to fill with names of folders hidden in central repository.
void ParseHiddenFoldersL(
const TDesC& aHiddenFolders,
RArray<TPtrC>& aHiddenFoldersArray ) const;
* Checks wether folder name is in Central Repository.
* @param aFolderName descriptor containing name of a folder.
* @return ETrue if folder is in array, EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsInCrL( const TDesC& aFolderName ) const;
private: // data
TInt iId; ///< ID.
CMenuEng& iEng; ///< Engine. DO NOT USE! Only needed to check ID-generator.
RBuf iType; /// Type. Own.
RMenuEngObjectAttrArray iAttributes; ///< Attributes. Own.
TUint32 iFlags; ///< Flags.
TBool iNative; ///< app is not of midlet/java type
#endif // __MENUENGOBJECT_H__