fix for bug hsps.iby includes 200159C9.txt which is already included by s60cenrep_variant.iby
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The API supports item information that is not supported by
* the MCS server itself
#include <e32base.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <widgetregistryclient.h>
#include "menuengobject.h"
#include "menueng.h"
#include "menuengfilter.h"
/// Number of characters in UID and in MMC-id strings.
const TInt KUidChars = 10;
const TInt KUidLegacyChars = 8;
class TApaAppInfo;
class CMcsSatHandler;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMenuSrvEngUtils ) : public CBase
virtual ~CMenuSrvEngUtils();
static CMenuSrvEngUtils* NewL( CMenuEng& aEng );
static TInt GetAppUid( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj, TUid& aAppUid );
// Caption support
TInt GetAppInfo( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj, TApaAppInfo& aAppInfo ) const;
TInt GetAppInfoL( TInt aItemId, TApaAppInfo& aAppInfo ) const;
// Icon support
TInt GetFolderIcon( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj,
HBufC*& aFullFileName,
TInt& aBitmapId,
TInt& aMaskId ) const;
TInt GetFolderIconL( TInt aItemId,
HBufC*& aFullFileName,
TInt& aBitmapId,
TInt& aMaskId ) const;
// DRM protection info
enum TDRMProtectionInfo
TInt GetDrmProtectionL( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj,
TDRMProtectionInfo& aProtectionInfo ) const;
TInt GetDrmProtectionL( TInt aItemId,
TDRMProtectionInfo& aProtectionInfo ) const;
TInt GetDrmProtectionL(
const TUid aAppUid,
TDRMProtectionInfo& aProtectionInfo ) const;
// TBool GetAppRunningL( TInt aItemId ) ;
// TBool GetAppRunningL( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj ) ;
void SetValueSkinId( TDes& aAttrName, TInt aValue );
TInt GetApaAppInfo(
const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj,
TApaAppInfo& aInfo ) const;
TInt GetApaAppInfo( TUid aUid, TApaAppInfo& aInfo ) const;
static void GetJavaContentIdL( TUid aUid, TDes& aContentId );
* Fetches aEngObj native attribute value.
* @param aEngObj engine object.
* @param aAttrExists ETrue if attribute exist.
* @param aAttrVal attribute value.
void IsNative( const CMenuEngObject& aEngObj,
TBool& aAttrExists, TDes& aAttrVal );
static TBool IsMiddlet( const TApaAppInfo& aInfo );
// void GetChildrenRunningAppL( TInt id, TBool& aRunningApp ) ;
// void CheckAppRunningL( TUid aUid, TBool& aRunningApp ) ;
TInt GetSatAppInfo( TApaAppInfo& aAppInfo ) const;
CMenuSrvEngUtils( CMenuEng& aEng );
void ConstructL();
TInt GetDrmProtectionByContentIdL(
const TDesC& aConstenId,
TDRMProtectionInfo& aProtectionInfo )const;
* Checks wether application is native
* @since S60 v5.0.
* @param aAppUid applications uid
* @param aIsNative ETrue if apppication is native
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
TInt IsNative( TUid aAppUid, TBool& aIsNative );
private: // Data
CMcsSatHandler* iSatHandler;
CMenuEng& iEng; ///< Engine. Not own.
RApaLsSession iApaLsSession;
RWidgetRegistryClientSession iWidgetSession;
RWsSession iWsSession;
* Static utility functions.
static void UidToStringL( TUint aUid, TDes& aResult,
TBool aLegacy, TRadix aRadix );
* Type filter: match objects by type.
class TMenuSrvTypeFilter: public MMenuEngFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
public: // new methods
* Set type filter.
* @param aType Type.
void SetType( const TDesC& aType )
{ iType.Set( aType ); }
private: // data
TPtrC iType; ///< Type filter.
* Type + attribute filter: match objects by type
* and attribute with a specific value.
class TMenuSrvTypeAttrFilter: public TMenuSrvTypeFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
public: // new methods
* Set attribute filter.
* @param aName Attribute name.
* @param aValue Attribute value.
void SetAttr( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue )
{ iAttrName.Set( aName ); iAttrValue.Set( aValue ); }
private: // data
TPtrC iAttrName; ///< Attr name.
TPtrC iAttrValue; ///< Attr value.
* Type + attribute filter: match objects by type
* and attribute with a specific value.
class TMenuSrvAttrFilter: public MMenuEngFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
public: // new methods
* Set attribute filter.
* @param aName Attribute name.
* @param aValue Attribute value.
void SetAttr( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue )
{ iAttrName.Set( aName ); iAttrValue.Set( aValue ); }
private: // data
TPtrC iAttrName; ///< Attr name.
TPtrC iAttrValue; ///< Attr value.
* Type + attribute filter: match objects by type
* and attribute with a specific value.
class TMenuSrvTypeAttrExistsFilter: public TMenuSrvTypeFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
public: // new methods
* Set attribute filter.
* @param aName Attribute name.
void SetAttr( const TDesC& aName )
{ iAttrName.Set( aName ); }
private: // data
TPtrC iAttrName; ///< Attr name.
* Type + attribute filter: match objects by type
* and attribute with a specific value.
class TMenuSrvAttrExistsFilter: public TMenuSrvTypeFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
public: // new methods
* Set attribute filter.
* @param aName Attribute name.
void SetAttr( const TDesC& aName )
{ iAttrName.Set( aName ); }
private: // data
TPtrC iAttrName; ///< Attr name.
* Hidden attr filter for application items
class TMenuSrvHiddenAppFilter: public MMenuEngFilter
public: // from MMenuEngFilter
* Filter test function.
* @param aObject Object.
* @return ETrue if aObject matches this filter.
TBool MatchesObject( const CMenuEngObject& aObject ) const;
class TRunningAppsAttr
TRunningAppsAttr ( TUid aUid, TBool aFswHidden = EFalse,
TBool aHidden = EFalse, TBool aIsRunning = EFalse )
iUid = aUid;
iHidden = aHidden;
iFswHidden = aFswHidden;
iIsRunning = aIsRunning;
TUid GetUid() const
return iUid;
TBool IsHidden() const
return iHidden;
void SetHidden( TBool aHidden )
iHidden = aHidden;
TBool IsFswHidden() const
return iFswHidden;
void SetFswHidden( TBool aFswHidden )
iFswHidden = aFswHidden;
TBool IsRunning() const
return iIsRunning;
void SetRunning( TBool aIsRunning )
iIsRunning = aIsRunning;
static TBool MatchByUid( const TRunningAppsAttr& aArg1,
const TRunningAppsAttr& aArg2)
return aArg1.GetUid() == aArg2.GetUid();
private: // data
TUid iUid;
TBool iHidden;
TBool iFswHidden;
TBool iIsRunning;