Added icons for MCSPlugin.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Text scrolling functionality.
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <babitflags.h>
class TAknTextComponentLayout;
* Marquee control for AVKON
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknMarqueeControl) : public CCoeControl, MCoeForegroundObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aLoops Max number of loops to be executed
* @param aScrollAmount The amount of pixels scrolled per iteration
* @param aScrollDelay The interval between iterations
IMPORT_C static CAknMarqueeControl* NewL(const TInt aLoops = 1,
const TInt aScrollAmount = 6, const TInt aScrollDelay = 1000000);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aLoops Max number of loops to be executed
* @param aScrollAmount The amount of pixels scrolled per iteration
* @param aScrollDelay The interval between iterations
IMPORT_C static CAknMarqueeControl* NewLC(const TInt aLoops = 1,
const TInt aScrollAmount = 6, const TInt aScrollDelay = 1000000);
* set redraw event callback
IMPORT_C void SetRedrawCallBack( TCallBack& aRedrawEventCallback );
* Draws text in the current position.
* After the marquee object is created calling this should be enough.
* @return ETrue = All the loops have been executed, EFalse = There are loops to be executed.
IMPORT_C TBool DrawText( CWindowGc& aGc,
const TRect& aTextRect,
const TDesC& aText,
const TInt aBaselineOffset,
const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlign,
const CFont& aFont );
* Draws text in the current position.
* After the marquee object is created calling this should be enough.
* @since S60 3.1
* @deprecated, use version taking color as last parameter instead
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aRect Parent rectangle for the text layout.
* @param aTextLayout Text layout that is used to draw the text.
* @param aText Text to marquee.
* @param aFont Font used in drawing. If this is NULL then the font is
* taken from the aTextLayout.
* @return ETrue = All the loops have been executed, EFalse = There are loops to be executed.
IMPORT_C TBool DrawText( CWindowGc& aGc,
const TRect& aRect,
const TAknTextComponentLayout& aTextLayout,
const TDesC& aText,
const CFont* aFont );
* Draws text in the current position.
* After the marquee object is created calling this should be enough.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aGc Graphics context.
* @param aRect Parent rectangle for the text layout.
* @param aTextLayout Text layout that is used to draw the text.
* @param aText Text to marquee.
* @param aFont Font used in drawing. If this is NULL then the font is
* taken from the aTextLayout.
* @param aColor Color of the text
* @return ETrue = All the loops have been executed, EFalse = There are loops to be executed.
IMPORT_C TBool DrawText( CWindowGc& aGc,
const TRect& aRect,
const TAknTextComponentLayout& aTextLayout,
const TDesC& aText,
const CFont* aFont,
TRgb aColor );
* Enable or disable logical to visual reordering in text drawing.
* By default, it is enabled. This has any effect only when bidirectional text
* is rendered.
* If the text is converted to visual order prior to passing it to DrawText methods
* of this class, then the conversion should be disabled by calling this method.
* @since 3.1
* @param aUseConversion Enable or disable conversion.
IMPORT_C void UseLogicalToVisualConversion( TBool aUseConversion );
* Starts scrolling the text.
IMPORT_C void Start();
* Stops scrolling the text.
IMPORT_C void Stop();
* Resets the animation data.
IMPORT_C void Reset();
* Is marquee on?
#ifdef __WINS__
IMPORT_C const TBool IsMarqueeOn();
IMPORT_C TBool IsMarqueeOn();
#endif // __WINS__
* Sets the amount of pixels the text moves per animation loop
IMPORT_C void SetSpeedInPixels(TInt aSpeed);
* Sets the delay between loops.
IMPORT_C void SetDelay(TInt aDelay);
* Sets the animation interval (=frames/second)
IMPORT_C void SetInterval(TInt aInterval);
* Sets the maximum number of loops to be executed.
IMPORT_C void SetLoops(TInt aLoops);
* Enables / disables marquee feature but does NOT start it yet.
IMPORT_C void EnableMarquee(TBool aEnable); // ETrue = ON, EFalse = OFF
* Destructor
virtual ~CAknMarqueeControl();
// from CCoeControl
* From @c CCoeControl
* Handles fade and unfade message for stops and starts scrolling the text.
* @param aType Type of resource change.
void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
enum TMarqueeFlags
// Is marquee enabled or not
// RTL when the first directional character is LTR character
// If true, there needs to be a delay before the scrolling starts
// Is conversion needed
// In case of two-lined lists etc, this flag is turned on
// when the text has been scrolled all the way to the left/right.
* Default constructor
CAknMarqueeControl(const TInt aLoops, const TInt aScrollAmount, const TInt aScrollDelay);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* advance text and issue a callback to parent
void DoScroll();
* static callback for periodic timer
static TInt ScrollEvent(TAny * aPtr);
* From CCoeControl
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
private: // Functions from MCoeForegroundObserver
* Handles the application coming to the foreground.
void HandleGainingForeground();
* Handles the application going into the background.
void HandleLosingForeground();
private: // Data
CPeriodic* iPeriodicTimer; // creates scrolling events
TInt iDelta; // The difference between the old and new position in pixels
TInt iDelay; // Delay between loops in microseconds
TInt iSpeed; // Amount of pixels the text moves in a frame
TInt iInterval; // The interval between frame updates (= "frames/second")
TCallBack iCallBack; // Callback to parent
TInt iLoops; // Amount of loops executed
TInt iMaxLoops; // Amount of loops *to be executed*
TBitFlags iFlags;
TBool iLastCharacter; // It is ETrue if last character has appeared, otherwise.