Attempted fix for AknLayout.lag appearing twice in the same location, but with different cases. This is a bit experimental as I'm doing it on a windows machine (case insensitive), so we'll see how we go.
* Copyright (c) 1020 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: HSPS server
* Architecture
* ************
* ChspsThemeServer derives CPolicyServer when compiled on EKA2 based Symbian OS.
* ChspsThemeServer depends on the following classes:
* - ChspsInstallationHandler which implements MhspsInstallationHandler,
* - ChspsMaintenanceHandler which implements MhspsMaintenanceHandler,
* - ChspsClientRequestHandler which implements MhspsClientRequestHandler,
* - ChspsDefinitionRepository and ChspsODT from Xuikon,
* - ChspsFileChangeListener,
* - ChspsAutoInstaller, and
* - CRepository from Symbian.
* Functionality
* *************
* When client connects to hspsThemeServer, the access rights are checked.
* If access is granted, a server session is created. Once connected, client may
* perform service requests as long as it is connected. Service requests are
* served by initiating appropriate service handlers. These service handlers are
* Symbian active objects, based on CActive-class. In using active ojects, it is
* possible to perform long-lasting service requests without blocking others
* clients getting served on-time. Active objects are also used to assist
* services to perform asynchronous operations internally, for e.g. when service
* is executing slow media conversions. Furthermore, some of these services are
* extended to implement timer-functionality, based on CTimer-class.
* These active timers are used to control different time-based server
* operations and initiate service-state refreshing functionality.
* hspsThemeServer contains auto-install feature that can install Application
* Theme on SISX-packet exctraction.
* Installation Handler
* ====================
* ChspsInstallatioHandler-active object performs all installation related
* functionality. Installation concerns reading installation instructions from
* manifest-file, utilizind Xuikon Definition Engine to parse xml- and
* css-files, and apply style and localisation information defined in dtd-files
* into the DOM-document created. Installer also handles resources that theme
* may include. Some resource types may need conversions to fit on the target
* device's screen or audio device etc. In this case, the installer performs
* media conversions by its Media Converter. Conversions are asynchronous and
* they deploy MIME-types. For more information of media conversions, see
* ChspsMediaConverter documentation. When installation is successful,
* Installation Handler utilizes Xuikon Definition Repository to store the
* results. The resulted objects are for e.g. unlocalised and localised
* versions of application theme. Theme associated resources are also handled
* in unlocalised and localised versions. Resources are stored on repository
* and their related information is stored on the list of ChspsResource-objects
* - a resource list. This list of ChspsResource-objects is called Resource List.
* Definition Repository is located in hspsThemeServer private folder.
* Repository is organisized by theme header information.
* For more information, see hspsResource documentation.
* On theme updates, i.e. installation over previous one, Installation Handler
* deploys ChspsSecurityEnforcer to control theme update rights.
* For more information, see ChspsSecurityEnforcer documentation and
* ChspsInstallatioHandler documentation.
* Maintenance Handler
* ===================
* ChspsMaintenanceHandler-active timer performs all theme maintenance related
* functionality. Maintenance services includes theme listing, theme activation,
* theme removal and default theme restoring operations. Maintenance functions
* deploy Xuikon Definition Repository and Symbian Central Repository.
* Definition Repository maintains Application Themes in save place and Central
* Repository maintains the information about which theme is active for what
* application. Information in Central Repository is presented in pairs of
* application UID and active theme UID.
* For more information, see ChspsMaintenanceHandler documentation.
* Client Request Handler
* ======================
* ChspsClientRequestHandler-active timer performs all request accesses from
* Rendering Engine. When request exists, the just right one application theme
* is delivered to client process using memory chunk passing. Resource List is
* delivered too. Client Request Handler uses Xuikon Definition Repository and
* Symbian Central Repository to get match theme on the request. Client Request
* Handler serves also resource accesses. In using file handle passing
* introduced by Symbian Platform Security concept, Client Request Service
* arranges a resource access to hspsThemeServer's private folder for the client
* process. RFile handle passing is used.
* For more information, see ChspsClientRequestHandler documentation.
* File Change Listener
* ==================
* ChspsFileChangeListener listens to given file folder and notifies its observer
* if there is any file change. Observer is given as a parameter on
* initialising the listener. Observer must implement MhspsFileChangeObserver-interface.
* FileChangeListener is asynchronous object that deploys Symbian RFs client-sideAutoInstaller
* handle on File Manager. FileChangeListener is intended to be used by any object
* that wants listen Symbian file system events.
* Auto Installer
* ==============
* ChspsAutoInstaller installs theme from given location. It is intended
* to be used by hspsThemeServer directly. AutoInstaller is initiated
* when FileChangeListener finds installable theme source on given
* location. Theme source is set during the SISX-package exctraction.
* AutoInstaller is deployed by calling its function InstallThemeL with manifest-file
* of the installable theme source set.
* AutoInstaller deploys ChspsInstallationHandler. ChspsInstallationHandler
* is asynchronous object, there for AutoInstaller is asynchronous object
* as well capable to deploy asynchronous installation.
* When installation ends, AutoInstaller calls its observer with
* ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-type parameter. Observer is given on
* initialising of AutoInstaller and it must be ChspsThemeServer-type.
* AutoInstaller have functions to get ODT-header of successfully installed
* theme and ChspsResult-typed object expressing errors in unsuccessful cases.
* Security Enforcer
* =================
* ChspsSecurityEnforcer performs all security related functions in Xuikon
* Application Theme Management services.
* These functions are the following:
* - locking policy functionality,
* - style locking policy functionality,
* - control user access on service request, and
* - validate content of user queries.
* Performance accelerators
* ************************
* HeaderListCache
* ---------------
* To speed up serving the theme request operations initiated by Rendering
* Engine in theme usage cases, hspsThemeServer maintains cache of the header
* information of the themes stored in Definition Repository. When installation
* occurs, cache is updated. First time the cache is updated when hspsThemeServer
* starts - server is started by system starter service. This quaranties
* that cache is up to date and hit will occur on the very first access.
* Cache is updated also by MaintenanceHandler and ClientRequestHandler on
* the cases where content of repository is affected.
* Pre-initialized objects
* -----------------------
* hspsThemeServer speeds up the performance also by pre-initialized objects
* which it passes to ChspsClientRequestHandler when one is initiated on new
* Client Request Service server session. These objects are the following:
* - ChspsDefinitionRepository
* - CRepository for the KhspsThemeStatusRepositoryUid {0x10207342}
#ifndef __hspsTHEMESERVER_H__
#define __hspsTHEMESERVER_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <abclient.h>
#include "hspsfilechangelistener.h"
#include "hspscenreplistener.h"
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__)
#include "hspsfamilylistener.h"
#endif // defined(WINSCW)
#include "hspsthememanagement.h"
#include "hspsodt.h"
#include "hspsdefinitionrepository.h"
#include "hspsbrobserver.h"
#include "hspsbrhandler.h"
#include "hsps_builds_cfg.hrh"
/** hspsThemeServer name: */
/** Supported manifest version */
/** hspsThemeServer Uid3 = SECUREID. */
const TUid KhspsThemeServerUid3 = {0x200159C0}; //old uid 0x10207254};
* KhspsThemeServerMajorVersionNumber, KhspsThemeServerMinorVersionNumber,
* and KhspsThemeServerBuildVersionNumber.
* These constants define a version to be given for creating a session
* with the hspsThemeServer.
const TUint KhspsThemeServerMajorVersionNumber=1;
const TUint KhspsThemeServerMinorVersionNumber=0;
const TUint KhspsThemeServerBuildVersionNumber=0;
* KDefaultMessageSlots. Number of hspsThemeServer message slots.
* Server slots allocation rules: 1 for synchronous request, 1 for each
* concurrent outstanding asynchronous requests and 1 for each cancellation
* => 3 in this case.
const TInt KDefaultMessageSlots = 3;
// Forward declarations.
class ChspsDefinitionRepository;
class ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface;
class CRepository;
class ChspsSecurityEnforcer;
class ChspsRomInstaller;
class ChspsAutoInstaller;
class ChspsLogBus;
// Keys for the Central Repository
const TInt KCenrepKeyLang = 100000001; // Device language from previous startup
const TInt KCenrepKeyPostRFS = 100000002; // Holds information whether the post RFS initializations have been done
const TInt KCenrepKeyCheckConf = 100000003; // Holds information whether the configuration states must be checked
const TInt KCenrepKeyAccessControlList = 100000004; // Holds information about security access control list
const TInt KCenRepBufferSize = 255; // Control Access List length
* Server's policy.
/* Total number of ranges */
const TUint hspsThemeRangeCount = 4;
/* Definition of the ranges of IPC numbers */
const TInt hspsThemeRanges[hspsThemeRangeCount] =
EhspsInstallationBase, /* installation messages (0,1,2 ) */
EhspsMaintenanceBase, /* maintenance messages (3,4,5,6,7,8) */
EhspsClientRequestBase, /* client request messages (9,10,11,12,13) */
EhspsNotSupported, /* and up; non implemented function end of range check ; ENotSupported */
/* Policy to implement for each of the above ranges */
const TUint8 hspsThemeElementsIndex[hspsThemeRangeCount] =
CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck, //applies to 0th range
CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck, //applies to 1st range
CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck, //applies to 2nd range
CPolicyServer::ENotSupported //applies to 3rd range (out of range IPC)
/* Specific capability checks */
const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement hspsThemeElements[] =
{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityReadUserData), CPolicyServer::EFailClient},
//policy "0"; fail call if ReadUserData not present
{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityTCB), CPolicyServer::EFailClient}
//policy "1"; fail call if TCB not present
/* Package all the above together into a policy */
const CPolicyServer::TPolicy hspsThemePolicy =
CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, /* specifies all connect attempts should pass */
hspsThemeRangeCount, /* number of ranges */
hspsThemeRanges, /* ranges array */
hspsThemeElementsIndex, /* elements<->ranges index */
hspsThemeElements, /* array of elements */
// File filters related to imports folder
_LIT( KFilterAllImportsV1, "*.dat");
_LIT( KFilterAllAppImportsV1, "app_*.dat");
_LIT( KFilterAllPluginImportsV1, "plugin_*.dat");
_LIT( KFilterAllImportsV2, "*.*");
* MShutdownObserver
* Observer for automatic shutdown class.
* @since S60 5.0
class MShutdownObserver
* Notifies observer that shutdown is initiating.
* @since S60 5.0
virtual void ShutdownInitiating() = 0;
* CShutdown.
* Auto shutdown class (standard pattern)
* @since S60 5.0
class CShutdown : public CTimer
* Create new shutdown timer.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aObserver Shutdown observer.
static CShutdown* NewL( MShutdownObserver& aObserver );
* Start shutdown timer.
* @since S60 5.0
void Start();
* C++ constructor.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aObserver Shutdown observer.
CShutdown( MShutdownObserver& aObserver );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
* @since S60 5.0
void ConstructL();
* From CActive.
void RunL();
// Shutdown delay.
enum { KhspsShutdownDelay = 2000000 };
// Shutdown observer.
MShutdownObserver& iObserver;
// States of the auto installer
enum TAutoInstallerStates
EAutoInstallerStateIdle = 0,
EAutoInstallerStateInstall = 1,
EAutoInstallerUninstall = 2
// Operations for header cache updates
enum ThspsCacheOperations
// Backup states
enum ThspsBRStates
EhspsBRNormal = 0,
* @ingroup group_hspsserver
* ChspsThemeServer.
* @since S60 5.0
class ChspsThemeServer : public CPolicyServer,
public MhspsFileChangeObserver,
public MhspsDefinitionRepositoryObserver,
public MhspsCenRepObserver
, public MShutdownObserver
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__)
, public MhspsFamilyObserver
#endif // defined(WINSCW)
* NewLC
* @since S60 3.1
static CServer2* NewLC();
* AddSession
* @since S60 3.1
void AddSession();
* DropSession
* @since S60 3.1
void DropSession();
public: // public functions
* UpdateHeaderListCacheL
* Re-scans the file system under the Plug-in Repository.
* Execution is slow and should be used only when absolutely required.
* Updates headerlist cache
* @since S60 5.0
void UpdateHeaderListCacheL();
* Updates the header list cache based on the provided ODT information.
* Should be preferred over the previous API.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aOperation is an enumeration of the cache operations
* @param aRootUid is an UID of the application/interface
* @param aProviderUid is an UID of the provider
* @param aConfUid is an UID of the plug-in configuration
TInt UpdateHeaderListCache(
ThspsCacheOperations aOperation,
const TInt aRootUid,
const TInt aProviderUid,
const TInt aConfigurationUid );
* CleanupTemporaryFilesL
* Cleans temporary files
* @since S60 3.1
void CleanupTemporaryFilesL(TInt secureId = 0);
* IncreaseRequestClientCount
* Increases count of client requests
* @since S60 5.0
void IncreaseRequestClientCount();
* DecreaseRequestClientCount
* Decreases count of client requests
* @since S60 5.0
void DecreaseRequestClientCount();
* HandleAutoInstallerEvent
* Handles autoinstaller events
* @since S60 3.1
void HandleAutoInstallerEvent( ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aMsg );
* DefinitionRepository
* @since S60 3.1
ChspsDefinitionRepository& DefinitionRepository();
* SecurityEnforcer
* @since S60 3.1
ChspsSecurityEnforcer& SecurityEnforcer();
* CentralRepository
* @since S60 3.1
CRepository& CentralRepository();
* DeviceLanguage
* Returns device language
* @since S60 3.1
TLanguage DeviceLanguage();
* HeaderListCache
* Returns headerlist cache
* @since S60 3.1
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>& HeaderListCache();
* GetConfigurationL
* Retrieves a configuration with the provided UIDs.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aInterfaceUid An uid of the interface or application (e.g. AI3, Java etc), optional.
* @param aConfigurationUid An uid of the plugin configuration
* @param aRetrievedODT Retrieved configuration
* @return KErrNone if operation succeeded
TInt GetConfigurationL(
const TInt aInterfaceUid,
const TInt aConfigurationUid,
ChspsODT& aRetrievedODT );
* GetConfigurationHeaderL
* Retrieves a configuration header matching the search criteria
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aSearchMask ODT header defining search criteria
* @param aConfHeader Found ODT header
* @param aPos Start/Found position
void GetConfigurationHeader(
ChspsODT& aSearchMask,
ChspsODT*& aConfHeader,
TInt& aPos );
* Localizes an ODT.
* Testing: change first two digits from \epoc32\RELEASE\WINSCW\udeb\
* Z\resource\BootData\Languages.txt file and reboot the emulator.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEngine is a service for replacing DTD entities in XML.
* @param aOdt is an ODT instance to be localized.
* @return ETrue if the ODT was successfully localized
TBool LocalizeL(
ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface& aEngine,
ChspsODT& aOdt );
* Parses name of a manifest from the provided import's name.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aImportFile is a name of the import to be parsed
* @param aPath is a path from which the import should be found
* @return descriptor holding name of the manifest or NULL
HBufC* GetManifestFromImportLC(
const TDesC& aImportFile,
const TDesC& aPath );
* Check the installed configurations
* @param aAppUid Application UID which configurations are checked
* @since S60 5.0
void CheckConfigurationL(
const TInt aAppUid );
* Reinstalls defined configuration
* @param aAppUid Application UID which configuration is reinstalled
* @param aConfUid Configuration UID of reinstalled configuration
* @since S60 5.0
void ReinstallConfL(
TInt aAppUid,
TInt aConfUid );
* Handles received backup event
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEvent Backup event
void HandleBREventL( TInt aEvent );
* Prepares backup data for passive backup
* @since S60 5.0
void CreateBackupDataL();
* Check the installed plugin is used in some application configuration
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aPluginUid Plugin UID of installed configuration
TInt CheckInstalledPluginUsageL( const TInt aPluginUid );
* Check if given plugin is in header cache.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aPluginUid Plugin UID to search from header cache.
TBool PluginInHeaderCache( const TUid aPluginUid );
* Cleanup server resources. This method is called when server is been
* shut down and active scheduler is still installed.
* @since S60 5.0
void Cleanup();
* Activates provided application configuration.
* @param aSetMask Identifies an application configuration which is to be activated.
* @param aOdt Activated application configuration
TInt ActivateThemeL(
const ChspsODT& aSetMask,
ChspsODT& aOdt );
* Retrieves active application configuration from Central Repository.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aAppUid Identifies the application
* @param aOdt Contains currently active application configuration
TInt GetActivateAppConfigurationL(
const TInt aAppUid,
ChspsODT& aOdt );
* Gets family information from an active application configuration.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aAppUid Identifies the application
* @returns The active family
TUint32 GetActiveFamilyL(
const TInt aAppUid );
public: // from MhspsFileChangeObserver
* HandleFileSystemChange
* Handles change of filesystem
* @since S60 3.1
void HandleFileSystemChange();
* HandleRepositoryChange
* Handles change of repository
* @since S60 3.1
inline void HandleRepositoryChange() {};
public: // From MShutdownObserver
* From MShutdownObserver.
void ShutdownInitiating();
public: // from MhspsDefinitioRepositoryObserver
* HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent
* Handles change events received from definition repository
* @since S60 3.1
TBool HandleDefinitionRespositoryEvent( ThspsRepositoryInfo aRepositoryInfo );
public: // from MhspsCenRepObserver
void HandleCenRepChangeL( const TUint32 aId );
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__)
public: // from MshspFamilyObserver
TBool HandleFamilyChangeL( const ThspsFamily aNewFamily );
#endif // defined(WINSCW)
* ChspsThemeServer
* @since S60 3.1
* ~ChspsThemeServer
* @since S60 3.1
* ConstructL
* @since S60 3.1
void ConstructL();
* NewSessionL
* @since S60 3.1
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
* ComparePaths
* @since S60 3.1
TBool ComparePaths(const ChspsODT& aOldHeader, const ChspsODT& aNewHeader);
* GetHeaderListL
* Gets current headerlist from filesystem
* @param aHeaderList Destination for read headerlists from filesystem
* @param aSearchMask SearchMask to use when reading headerlists from filesystem
* @since S60 3.1
void GetHeaderListL(CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>& aHeaderList, const ChspsODT& aSearchMask );
* CheckActiveThemesL
* Check active themes from the central repository and if needed open path info file for them
* @since S60 3.1
void CheckActiveThemesL();
//From CPolicyServer
* CustomSecurityCheckL
* @since S60 3.1
CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& aAction,
TSecurityInfo& aMissing);
* HandleFileSystemChangeL
* Does the actual filesystem change handling
* @since S60 3.2
void HandleFileSystemChangeL();
* RunAutoInstaller
* Runs auto installer
* @since S60 5.0
TBool RunAutoInstaller( TAutoInstallerStates aState );
* StopAutoInstaller
* Stops auto installer and does house keeping after installation
* @since S60 3.2
void StopAutoInstaller();
* HandleThemeUpgrade;
* Handles the SIS theme upgrade
void HandleThemeUpgradeL();
* Checks whether the device language has been changed and updates
* configurations accordingly
void HandleLanguageChangeL();
* Localizes ODT files according to the device language.
* @since S60 5.0
void LocalizeConfigurationsL();
* Localizes an application configuration with a device language.
* This function is used by the LocalizeL service.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEngine is a service for replacing DTD entities in XML.
* @param aRequestedLanguage is the requsted language
* @return ETrue if all the application and plugin configurations were localized
TBool LocalizeApplicationConfigurationL(
ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface& aEngine,
ChspsODT& aOdt,
const TLanguage aRequestedLanguage );
* Localizes a plugin configuration with a device language.
* This function is used by the LocalizeL service.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEngine is a service for replacing DTD entities in XML.
* @param aRequestedLanguage is the requsted language
* @param aPluginUid is > 0 when LocalizeApplicationConfigurationL() is used
* @return ETrue if the plugin configuration was localized
TBool LocalizePluginConfigurationL(
ChspsDefinitionEngineInterface& aEngine,
ChspsODT& aOdt,
const TLanguage aRequestedLanguage,
TInt aPluginUid );
* Handles installation of ROM based manifest files when a Restore Factory Settings (RFS)
* operation has been executed (controlled via the Central Repository).
* This function is executed at bootup when the server starts.
* @since S60 5.0
void HandleRomInstallationsL();
* Executes installation of manifest files from the ROM drive.
* @since S60 5.0
void InstallManifestsFromRomDriveL();
* V2 method for finding manifest files from Z\private\200159C0\install subfolders,
* these folders should have a "hsps" subfolder.
* Appends iManifestFiles array.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aPluginFolders holds names of the plugin folders which are V2 based
void FindRomInstallationsV2L(
RPointerArray<HBufC>& aPluginFolders );
* Initiates uninstallation of a manifest file located under the imports folder.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aFilelist is a list of dat files under the imports folder or NULL
void UninstallImport(
const CDir* aFilelist );
* Installs new configuration based on the information in imports name.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aFilelist is a list of dat files to be parsed under the imports folder
void InstallImportsL(
const CDir& aFilelist );
* Handles installation/uninstallation of imported configurations.
* A file filter controls which type of configurations are to be handled.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aFilePrefix is a prefix for finding either plugin or application configuration imports.
void HandleConfigurationImportsL(
const TDesC& aFilePrefix );
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aAppUid is an UID of the application
void UnlockSisxImportL(
const TUint32 aAppUid );
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aAppUid is an UID of the application
* @param aConfUid is an UID of the active configuration
void LockSisxImportL(
const TUint32 aAppUid,
const TInt aConfUid );
* GetDeviceLanguage
* @since S60 5.0
TLanguage GetDeviceLanguage();
* Retrieves a list of headers matching a iCacheMask search mask.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aHeaderList is a list of headers found from the Plug-in Repository
* @return KErrNone if operation was successfull
TInt DoUpdateHeaderListCache(
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>& aHeaderList );
* Adds specific header to the cache.
* An alternative to UpdateHeaderListCacheL API for updating the header
* cache with a minimum performance hit.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aRootUid is an UID of the application/interface
* @param aProviderUid is an UID of the provider
* @param aConfUid is an UID of the plug-in configuration
void HeaderCacheAddL(
const TInt aRootUid,
const TInt aProviderUid,
const TInt aConfigurationUid );
* Removes specific header from the cache.
* An alternative to UpdateHeaderListCacheL API for updating the header
* cache with a minimum performance hit.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aRootUid is an UID of the application/interface
* @param aProviderUid is an UID of the provider
* @param aConfUid is an UID of the plug-in configuration
TInt HeaderCacheRemove(
const TInt aRootUid,
const TInt aProviderUid,
const TInt aConfigurationUid );
* Handles backup events in EhspsBRNormal backup state
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEvent is a received backup event
void HandleBRNormalStateL(
TInt aEvent );
* Handles backup events in EhspsBRBackup backup state
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEvent is a received backup event
void HandleBRBackupStateL(
TInt aEvent );
* Handles backup events in EhspsBRRestore backup state
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEvent is a received backup event
void HandleBRRestoreStateL(
TInt aEvent );
* Creates active backup and restore handler
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aEvent is a received backup event
void CreateBRHandlerL(
TInt aEvent );
* Deletes active backup and restore handler
* @since S60 5.0
void DeleteBRHandler();
* Enables autoinstallations
* @since S60 5.0
void EnableAutoInstallationL();
* Disable autoinstallations
* @since S60 5.0
void DisableAutoInstallation();
* Installs restored configurations from backup/import folder
* @since S60 5.0
void RestoreImportedConfigurationsL();
* Restores application configurations from backup/themes folder
* @since S60 5.0
void RestoreApplicationConfigurationsL();
* Validates restored application configuration
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aOdt is reference to application configuration to be validated
void ValidateRestoredConfigurationL(
ChspsODT& aOdt );
* Restore configuration
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aOdt is reference to application configuration to be restored
void RestoreConfigurationL(
ChspsODT& aOdt );
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__)
* Executed at startup to activate root configurations which were designed
* for the current resolution.
* @since S60 5.0
void ActivateRootConfigurationsL();
#endif // defined(WINSCW)
TInt iSessionCount;
CShutdown* iShutdown;
* iRequestClientCount counts the number of RequestClientHandler instances
* when this number is 0, no resource file access exist and the temporary resource
* file instances can be removed safely
TInt iRequestClientCount;
// Contents of the header cache
CArrayPtrSeg<ChspsODT>* iHeaderListCache;
TBool iHeaderListPending;
RFs iFsSession;
ChspsDefinitionRepository* iDefinitionRepository;
CRepository* iCentralRepository;
ChspsSecurityEnforcer* iSecurityEnforcer;
ChspsFileChangeListener* iFileChangeListener;
// Active device language
TLanguage iDeviceLanguage;
ChspsODT* iCacheMask;
// Installation handler for ROM imports
ChspsRomInstaller* iRomInstaller;
// Installation handler for SISX imports
ChspsAutoInstaller* iAutoInstaller;
// Array of installable *.dat files under the imports folder
RPointerArray<HBufC> iInstallableSisxThemes;
// Array of installed *.dat files under the imports folder
RPointerArray<HBufC> iInstalledSisxThemes;
// Array of installable manifest files
RPointerArray<HBufC> iManifestFiles;
// Index of a manifest in autoinstallation
TInt iCurrentManifestFile;
// State of the SISX installer
TInt iAutoInstallerState;
// Index of the theme to be removed
TInt iThemeIndexToRemove;
// File locks for preventing uninstallation of active SISX configurations
RFile iFileAS;
RFile iFileAI;
RFile iFileLT;
// Pointer to Central Repository Listener
ChspsCenRepListener* iCenRepListener;
// Pointer to backup event listener
CHSPSBRObserver* iBRObserver;
// Backup state
ThspsBRStates iBRState;
// Active backup client
conn::CActiveBackupClient* iActiveBackupClient;
// Backup handler
CHSPSBRHandler* iBRHandler;
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__)
// Listener for resolution and orientation changes
ChspsFamilyListener* iFamilyListener;
#endif // defined(WINSCW)
* Log bus.
ChspsLogBus* iLogBus;
#endif //__hspsTHEMESERVER_H__