Attempted fix for AknLayout.lag appearing twice in the same location, but with different cases. This is a bit experimental as I'm doing it on a windows machine (case insensitive), so we'll see how we go.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Profile plug-in publisher
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
#include <aicontentobserver.h>
#include <aiutility.h>
#include <PUAcodes.hrh>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include "aiprofileplugincontentmodel.h"
#include <aiprofilepluginuids.hrh>
#include "caiprofileplugin.h"
#include "caiprofileengine.h"
#include "aipluginsettings.h"
// PUA code for the timed profile, missing from PUAcodes.hrh
#define KAiTimedProfilePUA 0xF815
#define KAiRTL 0x200F
const TImplementationProxy KImplementationTable[] =
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( KImplUidProfilePlugin, CAiProfilePlugin::NewL )
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAiProfilePlugin* CAiProfilePlugin::NewL()
CAiProfilePlugin* self = new (ELeave) CAiProfilePlugin;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::ConstructL()
iContent = AiUtility::CreateContentItemArrayIteratorL( KAiProfileContent );
iEvents = AiUtility::CreateContentItemArrayIteratorL( KAiProfileEvents );
iResources = AiUtility::CreateContentItemArrayIteratorL( KAiProfileResources );
iIsUpdated = ETrue;
iAlive = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// Deletes all data created to heap
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Release( iContent );
Release( iEvents );
Release( iResources );
delete iActiveProfileAndChar;
delete iPreviousProfileNameAndChar;
delete iEngine;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Publishes the profiles
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::PublishL()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt observers( iObservers.Count() );
TInt transactionId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this );
iCurrentCount = iEngine->NumberOfProfiles();
for ( int i = 0; i < observers; i++ )
MAiContentObserver* observer = iObservers[i];
err = observer->StartTransaction( transactionId );
if ( err == KErrNotSupported )
// The observer does not support transactions, check for real errors.
//Active Profile name
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName ) )
observer->Publish( *this, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName, iEngine->ActiveProfileName(), EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName );
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileNameAndIconChar, 0 ) )
delete iActiveProfileAndChar;
iActiveProfileAndChar = NULL;
// silent/non-silent icon + timed icon + space + possible RTL*2 = 5
TInt maxChars = iEngine->ActiveProfileName().Length() + 5;
iActiveProfileAndChar = HBufC::NewL( maxChars );
TPtr profileNamePtr = iActiveProfileAndChar->Des();
if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
profileNamePtr.Append( KAiRTL );
if ( iEngine->IsActiveProfileTimedL() )
profileNamePtr.Append( KAiTimedProfilePUA );
if( iEngine->IsActiveProfileSilentL() )
profileNamePtr.Append( KPuaCodeSilentSymbol );
profileNamePtr.Append( KPuaCodeAprofSound );
_LIT( KSpace, " " );
profileNamePtr.Append( KSpace );
if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
profileNamePtr.Append( KAiRTL );
profileNamePtr.Append( iEngine->ActiveProfileName() );
if ( !iPreviousProfileNameAndChar ||
iPreviousProfileNameAndChar->CompareC( *iActiveProfileAndChar ) != 0 )
delete iPreviousProfileNameAndChar;
iPreviousProfileNameAndChar = NULL;
observer->Publish( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileNameAndIconChar, profileNamePtr, 0 );
iPreviousProfileNameAndChar = iActiveProfileAndChar->AllocL();
//Swap Profile name ( 1.phase: General or Silent )
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileContentSwapProfileName, EAiProfileContentSwapProfileName ) )
observer->Publish( *this, EAiProfileContentSwapProfileName, iEngine->SwapProfileName(), EAiProfileContentSwapProfileName );
//All profile names
// clean profiles that are already deleted.
// Cleans the array blindly from the end, because in the next
// step all the profiles are republished
if( iPreviousCount > iCurrentCount )
for( TInt k = iCurrentCount; k < iPreviousCount; k++ )
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileContentProfileName, k + 1 );
for ( TInt j = 0; j < iCurrentCount; j++ )
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileContentProfileName, j + 1 ) )
observer->Publish(*this, EAiProfileContentProfileName, iEngine->ProfileNameByIndex( j ), j + 1 );
//Active Profile silent indicator char
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar ) )
if ( iEngine->IsActiveProfileSilentL() )
TBuf<1> silent; // one character
silent.Append( KPuaCodeSilentSymbol );
observer->Publish( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar, silent, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar );
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar );
//Active Profile silent indicator resource
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon ) )
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentIconResource );
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, EAiProfileActiveProfileGeneralIconResource );
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, EAiProfileActiveProfileTimedIconResource );
if ( iEngine->IsActiveProfileTimedL() )
observer->Publish( *this,
EAiProfileActiveProfileTimedIconResource );
else if ( iEngine->IsActiveProfileSilentL() )
observer->Publish( *this,
EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentIconResource );
observer->Publish( *this,
EAiProfileActiveProfileGeneralIconResource );
// in case of Offline profile profile indicator is not shown
if ( observer->CanPublish( *this, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName ) &&
iEngine->IsOffline() )
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar, EAiProfileActiveProfileSilentChar );
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, 1 );
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileActiveProfileIcon, 2 );
// uncomment also this and respective policy lines in profiles.xml if whole widget needs to be hidden in AI3
//observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName, EAiProfileContentActiveProfileName );
if ( err == KErrNone )
err = observer->Commit( transactionId );
if ( err == KErrNotSupported)
iIsUpdated = EFalse;
iPreviousCount = iCurrentCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// Plug-in is requested to unload its engines due backup operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::Stop( TAiTransitionReason /*aReason*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// Plug-in is instructed that it is allowed to consume CPU resources
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::Resume( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
TRAP_IGNORE( DoResumeL( aReason ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// Plug-in is instructed that it is not allowed to consume CPU resources
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::Suspend( TAiTransitionReason /*aReason*/ )
if ( iEngine && iAlive )
iAlive = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// The plug-in MUST maintain a registry of subscribers and send
// notification to all of them whenever the state changes or new content
// is available
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::SubscribeL( MAiContentObserver& aObserver )
iObservers.AppendL( &aObserver );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// Plug-ins take ownership of the settings array, so it must either
// store it in a member or free it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::ConfigureL( RAiSettingsItemArray& aSettings )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// Returns the extension interface. Actual type depends on the passed
// aUid argument.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAny* CAiProfilePlugin::Extension( TUid aUid )
if (aUid == KExtensionUidProperty)
return static_cast<MAiPropertyExtension*>(this);
else if (aUid == KExtensionUidEventHandler)
return static_cast<MAiEventHandlerExtension*>(this);
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MAiPropertyExtension
// Read property of publisher plug-in.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAny* CAiProfilePlugin::GetPropertyL( TInt aProperty )
TAny* property = NULL;
switch ( aProperty )
case EAiPublisherInfo:
property = static_cast<TAiPublisherInfo*>( &iInfo );
case EAiPublisherContent:
property = static_cast<MAiContentItemIterator*>( iContent );
case EAiPublisherEvents:
property = static_cast<MAiContentItemIterator*>( iEvents );
case EAiPublisherResources:
property = static_cast<MAiContentItemIterator*>( iResources );
return property;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MAiPropertyExtension
// Write property value to optimize the content model.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::SetPropertyL( TInt aProperty, TAny* aValue )
if( aProperty == EAiPublisherInfo )
ASSERT( aValue );
const TAiPublisherInfo* info(
static_cast<const TAiPublisherInfo*>( aValue ) );
iInfo = *info;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MAiEventHandlerExtension.
// Handles an event sent by the AI framework.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::HandleEvent(TInt aEvent, const TDesC& aParam)
if ( iEngine )
// We have no way of reporting errors to framework so just ignore them.
TRAP_IGNORE( iEngine->HandleAiEventL( aEvent, aParam ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This method is called from the engine, when the profile
// data content has been changed. Method call is made through
// the MAiProfilePluginNotifier interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::NotifyContentUpdate()
iIsUpdated = ETrue;
TRAP_IGNORE( PublishL() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class CAiContentPublisher
// framework instructs plug-in that it is allowed to consume CPU resources
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::DoResumeL( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
if ( !iEngine )
iEngine = CAiProfileEngine::NewL( this );
//update in startup phase and idle is on foreground.
if( aReason != EAiBacklightOff && aReason != EAiIdleBackground )
// force republish in case layout has changed
if ( aReason == EAiScreenLayoutChanged )
delete iPreviousProfileNameAndChar;
iPreviousProfileNameAndChar = NULL;
if ( !iAlive )
iAlive = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frees engine resources
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::FreeEngine()
delete iEngine;
iEngine = NULL;
iAlive = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clean profile names from content
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAiProfilePlugin::CleanPublishedProfileNames()
TInt obsCount( iObservers.Count() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < obsCount; i++ )
MAiContentObserver* observer = iObservers[i];
for( TInt j( 0 ); j < iCurrentCount && observer; j++ )
observer->Clean( *this, EAiProfileContentProfileName, j + 1 );
// ======== GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructs and returns an application object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(
TInt& aTableCount )
aTableCount = sizeof( KImplementationTable ) /
sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
return KImplementationTable;