Added folder hs_app_idlefw, files there have 'hs_app' prefix(content edited).
homescreen_srv compiles with these changes. Although more warnings appear.
Also I've changed uid of homescreen.exe, ailaunch.exe.
Renamed idlefw files, located in hs_app_idlefw.
* ============================================================================
* Name : aknlayout.lag
* Part of : Avkon
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation
* ============================================================================
#if !defined(__aknlayout_LAG__)
#define __aknlayout_LAG__
class TAknTextLineLayout;
class TAknWindowLineLayout;
class TAknMultiLineTextLayout;
// New for backport
#include "platform/mw/AknLayout.lag"
#define AKN_LAYOUT_WINDOW_screen AknLayout::screen()