Added folder hs_app_idlefw, files there have 'hs_app' prefix(content edited).
homescreen_srv compiles with these changes. Although more warnings appear.
Also I've changed uid of homescreen.exe, ailaunch.exe.
Renamed idlefw files, located in hs_app_idlefw.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Shortcut definition parser
#include "taiscutparser.h"
#include "aiscutdefs.h"
#include "debug.h"
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
* Extract a value with the given name from a URI query string.
* For example a query string of ?view=1234&iconid=3;5&foo=bar
* and we wanted iconid from that string. Function places the 3;5
* into aValue and if needed deletes the "iconid=3;5&" string from the
* query string.
* @param aQueryString The querystring
* @param aParameterName The name of the parameter to find
* @param aValue Where to place the value
* @param aRemoveNameAndValue ETrue to remove the name=value from the querystring
* @return KErrNone on succesful extraction. KErrNotFound if the parameter was not found
TInt ExtractValueFromQueryString( TDes &aQueryString, const TDesC &aParameterName,
TDes &aValue, TBool aRemoveNameAndValue )
TInt err = KErrNone;
HBufC *tempBuffer = aQueryString.Alloc();
if ( !tempBuffer )
return KErrNoMemory;
TPtr temp = tempBuffer->Des();
TInt foundStartPos = 0;
TInt foundStopPos = 0;
foundStartPos = aQueryString.FindC(aParameterName);
if ( foundStartPos != KErrNotFound )
// remove the beginning of the string from temp, so no additional &-marks are found
// at the start of string
foundStopPos = temp.Locate(KParamNextSeparator);
// stop either at the eos or at the next & mark
foundStopPos = (foundStopPos != KErrNotFound ) ? (foundStopPos): (temp.Length() );
// start after the = separator and stop either on eos or at & mark
TInt from = (aParameterName.Length() + 1);
TInt length = foundStopPos - from;
// Get just the value part
if ( aValue.MaxLength() >= length )
aValue = temp.Mid( from, length );
else // Can't place the value to aValue string
err = KErrNoMemory;
if ( err == KErrNone && aRemoveNameAndValue )
// Delete the aParameterName=aValue string from the querystring
// If eos reached then we need to delete the & before us also
// Don't try to delete if this is an only parameter
if ( foundStopPos == temp.Length() && foundStartPos > 0 )
aQueryString.Delete(foundStartPos - 1, (foundStopPos + 1));
aQueryString.Delete(foundStartPos, (foundStopPos + 1));
err = KErrNotFound;
delete tempBuffer;
return err;
* Tests if string ends with given pattern
* @param aString input string
* @param aPattern test pattern
* @return ETrue if string ends with given pattern.
TBool EndsWith( const TDesC& aString, const TDesC& aPattern )
TBuf<10> temp(aString.Right(aPattern.Length()));
return ( aString.Right( aPattern.Length() ) == aPattern );
* Resolves skin item id from pattern majorId;minorId;colourGroupId.
* The colourGroupId in the syntax is optional, and if no value found then
* aColourValue will be -1
* @param aPath skin item id string
* @param aItemId skin item id to fill
* @param aColourValue colour value to fill.
* @return ETrue if id was succesfully parsed.
TBool ResolveSkinItemId( const TDesC& aPath, TAknsItemID& aItemId, TInt& aColourValue )
// Syntax: major;minor;colourgroup
aColourValue = -1;
// Initialize lexer
TLex lex( aPath );
TInt majorId( 0 );
TInt minorId( 0 );
// Resolve major id
TInt error = lex.Val( majorId );
// Resolve minor id
if ( lex.Eos())
return KErrNotFound;
error |= lex.Val( minorId );
// initilize skin item id object
aItemId.Set( majorId, minorId );
if ( lex.Eos())
return KErrNotFound;
TInt colorError = lex.Val( aColourValue );
if ( colorError != KErrNone || aColourValue < 0)
aColourValue = -1;
// Check error
return ( error == KErrNone );
* Resolves filename and id from syntax
* filename.ext;id. If the syntax is incorrect
* aId is -1 and filename zeroed and EFalse is returned
* MIF and MBM supported.
* @param aPath The path to extract the data from
* @param aId Id to fill
* @param aFilename Filename to fill
* @return ETrue if id and path was succesfully parsed.
TBool ResolveFileIdAndPath( const TDesC& aPath, TInt& aId, TDes& aFilename )
// Syntax: filename.ext;index
// Supported: MIF, MBM
TInt pos = aPath.FindF( KScutSkinItemSeparator );
if( pos != KErrNotFound )
aFilename = (aPath.Left(pos));
if ( ( !EndsWith(aFilename, KScutMIFExtension ) ) &&
( !EndsWith(aFilename, KScutMBMExtension ) ) )
return EFalse;
TLex lex(aPath.Mid(pos+1));
TInt error = lex.Val(aId);
if ( error != KErrNone )
aId = -1;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TInt CreateChecksumFromString( const TDesC& aString )
TInt checksum = 0;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aString.Length(); i++ )
checksum += aString[i] * ( i + 1);
return checksum;
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAiScutParser::TAiScutParser() : iType(EScutUnknown), iUid(KNullUid)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static utility function to parse an uid from the given descriptor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUid TAiScutParser::ParseUid(const TDesC& aDesC)
TRadix radix(EDecimal);
// Check if the number is in hexadecimal format.
_LIT(KHexPrefix, "0x");
const TInt prefixLen = 2;
TPtrC ptr(aDesC);
if (ptr.Left(prefixLen).CompareC(KHexPrefix) == 0)
// Strip the '0x' prefix.
ptr.Set(ptr.Right(ptr.Length() - prefixLen));
radix = EHex;
// Do the actual parsing.
TUint uint;
TUid uid(KNullUid);
TLex lexer(ptr);
TInt err = lexer.Val(uint, radix);
if (err == KErrNone)
uid.iUid = uint;
return uid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parses a shortcut definition.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TAiScutParser::Parse(const TDesC& aDefinition)
iType = EScutUnknown;
// Default values for the icon
iIcon.iIconId = KErrNotFound;
iIcon.iSkinId.iMajor = -1;
iIcon.iSkinId.iMinor = -1;
iIcon.iColourGroup = -1;
iIcon.iType = EScutIconNone;
iIcon.iDestination = EScutDestinationNormal;
iIcon.iShortcutType = EScutUnknown;
iIcon.iAppUid = TUid::Uid(0);
iIcon.iViewId = TUid::Uid(0);
TInt err = iUriParser.Parse(aDefinition);
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
TPtrC scheme(iUriParser.Extract(EUriScheme));
if (scheme.Length() == 0 ||
scheme.Compare(KScutURISchemeHttp) == 0 ||
scheme.Compare(KScutURISchemeHttps) == 0)
iType = EScutWebAddress;
if ( iIcon.iType != EScutIconNone )
// create a checksum for unique identifying
TInt checksum = CreateChecksumFromString( aDefinition );
iIcon.iViewId = TUid::Uid( checksum );
iIcon.iShortcutType = iType;
iIcon.iAppUid = KScutBrowserUid;
err = KErrNone;
else if (scheme.Compare(KScutURISchemeLocalApp) == 0)
iType = EScutApplication;
if (!ParseAlias())
iUid = ParseUid(iUriParser.Extract(EUriPath));
if (iUid == KScutAppShellUid)
// appshell shortcut is always of type app view.
iType = EScutApplicationView;
// ParseParams() parses params from an URL. If it encounters
// iconid, iconmifpath or cba parameter from the URL, then it
// places the values to iIcon and removes the parameters from
// the URL. It also extract the additional viewid if needed.
// For example bookmarks and apps with views use them.
// Icon found so apply the appuid and type to icon.
if ( iIcon.iType != EScutIconNone )
iIcon.iShortcutType = iType;
// If we are dealing with messaging icons then the
// appuid needs to be changed in order to match it against
// the shortcuts appuid
switch( iType )
case EScutNewMessage:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutUnifiedEditorUidValue;
case EScutNewEmail:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutEmailEditorUidValue;
case EScutNewSyncMLMail:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutEmailEditorUidValue;
iIcon.iViewId.iUid = KScutSyncMlEmailUidValue;
case EScutNewPostcard:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutPostcardEditorUidValue;
case EScutNewAudioMsg:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutAmsEditorUidValue;
case EScutNewMsgType:
iIcon.iAppUid.iUid = KScutMessagingCenterUidValue;
iIcon.iViewId.iUid = KScutMessagingCenterUidValue;
iIcon.iAppUid = iUid;
err = KErrNone;
err = KErrCorrupt;
__PRINTS( "XAI: TAiScutParser::Parse");
__PRINT( __DBG_FORMAT( "XAI: type = %d, definition = '%S', err = %d"), iType, &aDefinition, err);
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if the shortcut definition was valid.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TAiScutParser::IsValid() const
return iType != EScutUnknown;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the shortcut target type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TShortcutType TAiScutParser::Type() const
return iType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the shortcut target uid. Used for application shortcuts.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUid TAiScutParser::Uid() const
return iUid;
TAiScutIcon TAiScutParser::Icon() const
return iIcon;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a shortcut definition component value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC TAiScutParser::Get(TScutDefComponent aComponent) const
TPtrC componentValue;
switch (aComponent)
case EScutDefScheme:
case EScutDefTarget:
case EScutDefParamName:
case EScutDefParamValue:
case EScutDefParamNameAndValue:
case EScutDefComplete:
return componentValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Composes a shortcut definition string from given parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TAiScutParser::ComposeL(HBufC*& aDes, const TUid aUid,
const TDesC& aParamName, const TDesC& aParamValue)
HBufC* temp = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxDefinitionLength);
TPtr ptr = temp->Des();
if (aParamName.Length() && aParamValue.Length())
ptr.Format(KScutFormatApplicationWithParams, aUid.iUid, &aParamName, &aParamValue);
ptr.Format(KScutFormatApplication, aUid.iUid);
aDes = temp->AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Composes a shortcut definition string from given parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TAiScutParser::ComposeL(HBufC*& aDes, const TUid aUid,
const TDesC& aParamString)
HBufC* temp = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxDefinitionLength);
TPtr ptr = temp->Des();
if (aParamString.Length())
ptr.Format(KScutFormatApplicationWithParamString, aUid.iUid, &aParamString);
ptr.Format(KScutFormatApplication, aUid.iUid);
aDes = temp->AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if an alias was used in shortcut definition and parses an uid from it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TAiScutParser::ParseAlias()
TPtrC ptr(iUriParser.Extract(EUriPath));
// "localapp:msg?..." is an alias for messaging application.
if (ptr.CompareC(KScutTargetAliasMessaging) == 0)
iUid = KScutMessagingUid;
return ETrue;
// "localapp:keylock?..." is an alias for keylock
else if (ptr.CompareC(KScutTargetAliasKeylock) == 0)
iUid = KScutKeyLockUid;
return ETrue;
// "localapp:voicedial..." is an alias for voicedial
else if (ptr.CompareC(KScutTargetAliasVoiceDial) == 0)
iUid = KScutVoiceDialUid;
return ETrue;
// "localapp:logs?..." is an alias for logs
else if (ptr.CompareC(KScutTargetAliasLogs) == 0)
iUid = KScutLogsUid;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parses the possible application shortcut parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TAiScutParser::ParseParams()
TPtrC params(iUriParser.Extract(EUriQuery));
if (params.Length() > 0)
HBufC *tempParams = params.Alloc();
// value can't be longer than the params
// but in some cases it can be equally long
HBufC *value = HBufC::New(params.Length());
// low memory or similar situation so cannot do anything
if ( !value || !tempParams )
TPtr valuePtr = value->Des();
TPtr tempParamsPtr = tempParams->Des();
TBool addonFound = EFalse;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// First extract the CBA
err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,KScutParamNameCBAIcon,valuePtr, ETrue);
if ( err == KErrNone )
iIcon.iDestination = EScutDestinationSoftkey;
// Then the toolbar
err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,KScutParamNameToolbarIcon,valuePtr, ETrue);
if ( err == KErrNone )
iIcon.iDestination = EScutDestinationToolbar;
// then extract the iconskinid
err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,
KScutParamNameIconSkinId,valuePtr, ETrue);
if ( err == KErrNone &&
iIcon.iType = EScutIconSkin;
addonFound = ETrue;
// Then extract the iconmifpath
// Iconmifpath extraction left here for backward compatibility
err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,
KScutParamNameIconMifPath,valuePtr, ETrue);
if ( err == KErrNone &&
ResolveFileIdAndPath(valuePtr,iIcon.iIconId,iIcon.iPath) )
iIcon.iType = EScutIconMif;
addonFound = ETrue;
// Then extract the iconpath.
err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,
KScutParamNameIconPath,valuePtr, ETrue);
if ( err == KErrNone &&
ResolveFileIdAndPath(valuePtr,iIcon.iIconId,iIcon.iPath) )
if ( EndsWith(iIcon.iPath, KScutMIFExtension ))
iIcon.iType = EScutIconMif;
else if ( EndsWith(iIcon.iPath, KScutMBMExtension ))
iIcon.iType = EScutIconMbm;
addonFound = ETrue;
// Use the new params string where the addons
// have been removed
if( addonFound )
// no need to process anything because there are no
// parameters left after our addons have been taken out
if ( params.Length() <= 0)
delete value;
delete tempParams;
delete value;
iType = EScutApplicationWithParams;
const TInt valueSeparatorPos = params.Locate(KParamValueSeparator);
if (valueSeparatorPos >= 0)
if (valueSeparatorPos >= 0)
iParamValue.Set(params.Mid(valueSeparatorPos + 1));
if (valueSeparatorPos == -1)
if (iParamName.CompareC(KScutParamNameView) == 0)
iType = EScutApplicationView;
if (iUid == KScutPersonalisationUid)
TUid uid = ParseUid(iParamValue);
if (uid == KScutChangeThemeViewId)
iType = EScutChangeTheme;
iIcon.iViewId = uid;
if (iUid == KScutLogsUid)
if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueMissedCalls) == 0)
iType = EScutLogsMissedCallsView;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueDialledCalls) == 0)
iType = EScutLogsDialledCallsView;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueReceivedCalls) == 0)
iType = EScutLogsReceivedCallsView;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueMainView) == 0)
iType = EScutLogsMainView;
if (iUid == KScutGeneralSettingsUid)
if (ParseUid(iParamValue) == KScutParamValueConnectivityView)
iType = EScutConnectivityStatusView;
else if (ParseUid(iParamValue) == KScutInstallationViewId)
iType = EScutApplicationManagerView;
else if (iUid == KScutMessagingUid)
if (iParamName.CompareC(KScutParamNameNew) == 0)
if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueMsg) == 0)
iType = EScutNewMessage;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueEmail) == 0)
iType = EScutNewEmail;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueSyncMLMail) == 0)
iType = EScutNewSyncMLMail;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValuePostcard) == 0)
iType = EScutNewPostcard;
else if (iParamValue.CompareC(KScutParamValueAudioMsg) == 0)
iType = EScutNewAudioMsg;
iType = EScutNewMsgType;
else if (iParamName.CompareC(KScutParamNameMailbox) == 0)
iType = EScutMailbox;
else if (iUid == KScutKeyLockUid)
iType = EScutKeylock;
else if (iUid == KScutSettingsDllUid || iUid == KScutBrowserUid)
if (iParamName.CompareC(KScutParamNameBookmark) == 0)
iType = EScutBookmark;
iIcon.iViewId = ParseUid(iParamValue);
else if (iParamName.CompareC(KScutParamNoEffect) == 0)
iType = EScutNoEffect;
delete tempParams;
TInt TAiScutParser::ChecksumForString( const TDesC& aDefinition) const
return CreateChecksumFromString( aDefinition );
TInt TAiScutParser::CustomTitle( TDes& aTarget ) const
TPtrC params(iUriParser.Extract(EUriQuery));
HBufC *tempParams = params.Alloc();
if ( !tempParams )
return KErrNoMemory;
TPtr tempParamsPtr = tempParams->Des();
TInt err = ExtractValueFromQueryString(tempParamsPtr,
KScutParamNameCustomTitle, aTarget, EFalse);
delete tempParams;
return err;
void TAiScutParser::RemoveExtraDefinitionsL( TDes &aString ) const
HBufC *temp = HBufC::NewL( aString.Length( ));
TPtr tempPtr = temp->Des();
KScutParamNameCBAIcon, tempPtr, ETrue);
KScutParamNameIconSkinId,tempPtr, ETrue);
KScutParamNameIconMifPath,tempPtr, ETrue);
KScutParamNameCustomTitle, tempPtr, ETrue);
KScutParamNameIconPath, tempPtr, ETrue);
delete temp;
// End of File.