author jake
Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:07:27 +0300
changeset 56 7b5c31fac191
parent 21 11157e26c4a7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

namespace AknTransEffect

// Base transition context ID:s
enum TContext
    ENone = 0,
    EApplicationActivate = 1,
 //   EApplicationDeactivate = 2,
    EApplicationStart = 3,
    EEmbeddedApplicationStart = 4, //not an effect context
    EApplicationExit = 5,
    EApplicationStartRect = 6,
    EApplicationStartSwitch = 7,
    EApplicationStartSwitchRect = 8,
    EEmbeddedApplicationExit = 10,  //not an effect context
    EAppStartComplete = 11,  //this is called when app start 2nd phase _can_ be started. (its started by AO!)
    ELayoutSwitch = 12, // default : swap to portrait.
    ELayoutSwitchExit = 13,
    ELayoutSwitchStart = 14,        
    EAppSpesificEvent = 1000,
    EAppStartupBackground = 15

const TUid KNotDefinedUid = {KNullUidValue};
enum TParameterType

class TParameter
			enum TFlag
				EFlagNone 					= 0x0,  //by default activation is interrupted if UIDs differ
				EActivateExplicitContinue 	= 0x1, 	//this effect is not iterrupted even UID differs
				EActivateExplicitCancel		= 0x2, 	//this effect will cancel the current effect even if UID is the same
				ESecondaryDisplay			= 0x4,  //the effect is viewed in secondary display 
				EEndCheck					= 0x8,	//starts a timer that ensures end is coming
				ENoEffects					= 0x10, //if this flag is set no effects is displayed with this uid (works only in some cases!)
				EResetServerStats			= 0x20, //reset serverstats
				EAvkonCheck					= 0x40, //its check if app is avkon app
				EEnableEffects				= 0x80, //removes NoEffect
				EParentUid					= 0x100,//prev uid is parent					
				EAllowAtBoot				= 0x200,// allow effect at booting time					
				EFlagMask					= 0xFFF,
				EFirstFlag					= 0x1000,
		  inline TParameter(const TUid& aNext, const TUid& aPrev, TInt aFlags);	
		  inline TParameter();		
			const TUid iNext;
			const TUid iPrev;
			const TInt iFlags;

enum TTransitionStatusMask
	EFullScreenTransitionsOff = 0x1,
	EComponentTransitionsOff = 0x2,
	EListGridTransitionsOff = 0x4,
	ELayoutswitchTransitionsOff = 0x8

inline TParameter::TParameter() : 
	iNext(KNotDefinedUid), iPrev(KNotDefinedUid), iFlags(TParameter::EFlagNone)
inline TParameter::TParameter(const TUid& aNext, const TUid& aPrev, TInt aFlags) :
	iNext(aNext), iPrev(aPrev), iFlags(aFlags)
typedef TPckgBuf<AknTransEffect::TParameter> TParamBuffer;

inline TParamBuffer GfxTransParam(const TUid& aNext, const TUid& aPrev, TInt aFlags)
	return TParamBuffer(TParameter(aNext, aPrev, aFlags));
inline TParamBuffer GfxTransParam(const TUid& aNext, const TUid& aPrev)
	return GfxTransParam(aNext, aPrev, TParameter::EFlagNone);
inline TParamBuffer GfxTransParam(const TUid& aNext, TInt aFlags)
	return GfxTransParam(aNext, KNotDefinedUid, aFlags);
inline TParamBuffer GfxTransParam(const TUid& aNext)
 	return GfxTransParam(aNext, KNotDefinedUid, TParameter::EFlagNone);

} // namespace AknTransEffect

#endif // __AKNTRANSEFFECT__