Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This version of the file contains the reordered version of the IPC table for the purpose
// of having a more efficient policy table as part of the platform security framework.
// Previously IPCs were ordered by functional area and now they are ordered by the capability
// associated with them.
// All IPCs policed with SIDs should be added here.
#if !defined (__ET_CLISVR_H__)
#define __ET_CLISVR_H__
#define IPC_ETEL_CORE (0)
Used by extension APIs to offset their cancel IPC values
#define EMobileCancelOffset 500
// None
EEtelOpenFromSession = 0, // 0
EEtelOpenFromSubSession, // 1
EEtelOpenByNameFromSession, // 2
EEtelOpenByNameFromSubSession, // 3
EEtelClose, // 4
EEtelCancelSubSession, // 5
EETelLineCapsChangeNotification, // 6
EETelLineCapsChangeNotificationCancel, // 7
EETelPhoneCapsChangeNotification, // 8
EETelPhoneCapsChangeNotificationCancel, // 9
EEtelCallCapsChangeNotification, // 10
EEtelCallCapsChangeNotificationCancel, // 11
EEtelCallGetBearerServiceInfo, // 12
EEtelCallGetCallDuration, // 13
EEtelCallGetCallParams, // 14
EEtelCallGetCaps, // 15
EEtelCallGetFaxSettings, // 16
EEtelCallGetInfo, // 17
EEtelCallGetOwnershipStatus, // 18
EEtelCallGetStatus, // 19
EEtelCallNotifyDurationChange, // 20
EEtelCallNotifyDurationChangeCancel, // 21
EEtelCallNotifyHookChange, // 22
EEtelCallNotifyHookChangeCancel, // 23
EEtelCallNotifyStatusChange, // 24
EEtelCallNotifyStatusChangeCancel, // 25
EEtelCallReferenceCount, // 26
EEtelDbgCheckHeap, // 27
EEtelDbgDoDumpDebugInfo, // 28
EEtelDbgFailNext, // 29
EEtelDbgMarkEnd, // 30
EEtelDbgMarkHeap, // 31
EEtelDbgSetDebugPrintMask, // 32
EEtelFaxWaitForEndOfPage, // 33
EEtelLineEnumerateCall, // 34
EEtelLineGetCallInfo, // 35
EEtelLineGetCaps, // 36
EEtelLineGetHookStatus, // 37
EEtelLineGetInfo, // 38
EEtelLineGetStatus, // 39
EEtelLineNotifyCallAdded, // 40
EEtelLineNotifyCallAddedCancel, // 41
EEtelLineNotifyHookChange, // 42
EEtelLineNotifyHookChangeCancel, // 43
EEtelLineNotifyStatusChange, // 44
EEtelLineNotifyStatusChangeCancel, // 45
EEtelPhoneEnumerateLines, // 46
EEtelPhoneGetCaps, // 47
EEtelPhoneGetInfo, // 48
EEtelPhoneGetLineInfo, // 49
EEtelPhoneGetStatus, // 50
EEtelPhoneNotifyModemDetected, // 51
EEtelPhoneNotifyModemDetectedCancel, // 52
EEtelServerClosePhoneModule, // 53
EEtelServerEnumeratePhones, // 54
EEtelServerGetTsyName, // 55
EEtelServerGetTsyVersionNo, // 56
EEtelServerLoadPhoneModule, // 57
EEtelServerOpen, // 58
EEtelServerPhoneInfoByIndex, // 59
EEtelServerQueryTsyFunctionality, // 60
EEtelServerSetExtendedErrorGranularity // 61
// NetworkServices
EEtelAdoptFaxSharedHeaderFile = 62, // 62
EEtelCallAcquireOwnership, // 63
EEtelCallAcquireOwnershipCancel, // 64
EEtelCallConnect, // 65
EEtelCallConnectCancel, // 66
EEtelCallHangUp, // 67
EEtelCallHangUpCancel, // 68
EEtelCallTransferOwnership, // 69
EEtelFaxTerminateFaxSession, // 70
EEtelLineNotifyIncomingCall, // 71
EEtelLineNotifyIncomingCallCancel // 72
// WriteDeviceData
EEtelCallSetFaxSettings = 73, // 73
// NetworkControl
EEtelGlobalKernelObjectHandle = 74, // 74
// None
EEtelPhoneInitialise = 75, // 75
EEtelPhoneInitialiseCancel, // 76
// NetworkControl + SID
EEtelServerSetPriorityClient = 77, // 77
// NetworkControl NetworkServices
EEtelCallAnswer = 78, // 78
EEtelCallAnswerCancel, // 79
EEtelCallDial, // 80
EEtelCallDialCancel, // 81
EEtelCallLoanDataPort, // 82
EEtelCallLoanDataPortCancel, // 83
EEtelCallRecoverDataPort // 84
// NetworkServices ReadUserData
EEtelFaxRead = 85, // 85
// NetworkServices WriteUserData
EEtelFaxWrite = 86, // 86
// None
EEtelDbgFailNextAvail = 87, //87
// WriteDeviceData
EETelPhoneSetEmergencyClient = 88, // 88
// SID
EEtelOpenFromSubSessionLcs = 89, // 89
// NetworkControl + SID
EEtelServerSetPriorityClientV2 = 90, // 90
// NetworkServices NetworkControl SID
EMobileCallDialCallControl = 91 // 91
// None
EEtelFlushInterfaceQueue = 92 // 92
EMobileCallDialCallControlCancel = EMobileCallDialCallControl + EMobileCancelOffset // 591