author jake
Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:07:27 +0300
changeset 56 7b5c31fac191
parent 0 79c6a41cd166
permissions -rw-r--r--
Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Implementation of ChspsLiwDump.

#include "hspsbytebuffer.h"
#include "hspsliwdump.h"
#include "hspslogbus.h"
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <liwcommon.h>

// indentation delimiter
_LIT8 (KDelim8, "\t" );
_LIT( KDelim, "\t" );
_LIT( KCPlusPlusArrayStart, "const TUint8 liwDump[] = {" );
_LIT( KCPlusPlusArrayEnd, "};" );
const TInt KCPlusPlusArraySanityLimit = 16384;   // 16kb.
_LIT( KByteFormat, "0x%02x" );
_LIT( KLiwListBinaryDumpStartTag, "#LIW LIST BINARY DUMP START" );
_LIT( KLiwListBinaryDumpEndTag, "#LIW LIST BINARY DUMP END" );
_LIT( KLiwListTextDumpStartTag, "#LIW LIST TEXT DUMP START" );
_LIT( KLiwListTextDumpEndTag, "#LIW LIST TEXT DUMP END" );

// ChspsLiwDump::~ChspsLiwDump
EXPORT_C ChspsLiwDump::~ChspsLiwDump()

// ChspsLiwDump::NewLC
EXPORT_C ChspsLiwDump* ChspsLiwDump::NewLC( ChspsLogBus& aLogBus )
    ChspsLiwDump* self = new (ELeave)ChspsLiwDump( aLogBus );
    return self;

// ChspsLiwDump::NewL
EXPORT_C ChspsLiwDump* ChspsLiwDump::NewL( ChspsLogBus& aLogBus )
    ChspsLiwDump* self = ChspsLiwDump::NewLC( aLogBus );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self ); // self;
    return self;

// ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsText
EXPORT_C void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsText( CLiwGenericParamList& aLiwList )
    TRAP_IGNORE( LogLiwListAsTextL( aLiwList ); );
EXPORT_C void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsText( CLiwGenericParamList& /*aLiwList*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinary
EXPORT_C void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinary( CLiwGenericParamList& aLiwList )
    TRAP_IGNORE( LogLiwListAsBinaryL( aLiwList ); );
EXPORT_C void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinary( CLiwGenericParamList& /*aLiwList*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::ChspsLiwDump
ChspsLiwDump::ChspsLiwDump( ChspsLogBus& aLogBus ) : iLogBus( aLogBus )
    iDepth = 0;

// ChspsLiwDump::ConstructL
void ChspsLiwDump::ConstructL()

// ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsTextL
void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsTextL( CLiwGenericParamList& aLiwList )
    iLogBus.LogText( KLiwListTextDumpStartTag );
    // implementation for GetActiveAppConf and GetPluginConf that has map
    // as base root.      
    iDepth = 0;
    TInt count = aLiwList.Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        //get Generic param and check for param id and name.
        TLiwGenericParam param = aLiwList[i];
        //Check for the param identifier:
        LIW::TGenericParamId identifier = param.SemanticId();
        //print semanticId:
        iLogBus.LogText( _L8(" SemanticId: %d"), identifier );
        if( identifier == LIW::EGenericParamError )
            iLogBus.LogText( _L8(" ERROR: EGenericParamError") );
        //get generic param name.
        //print name.
        iLogBus.LogText( param.Name() );
        //get Variant
        TLiwVariant value = param.Value();
        //get variant type.
        PrintVariantL( value );
    iLogBus.LogText( KLiwListTextDumpEndTag );
void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsTextL( CLiwGenericParamList& /*aLiwList*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinaryL
void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinaryL( CLiwGenericParamList& aLiwList )
    iLogBus.LogText( KLiwListBinaryDumpStartTag );
    const TInt byteSize = aLiwList.Size();
    if( byteSize <= 0 )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    // Create memory buffer.
    ChspsByteBuffer* buffer = ChspsByteBuffer::NewL( byteSize );
    CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );    

    // Wrap buffer using memory stream.
    RMemWriteStream stream;    
    stream.Open( buffer->Buffer(), byteSize );
    // Use stream that wraps buffer to enable direct-to-RAM
    // streaming from CLiwGenericParamList.
    aLiwList.ExternalizeL( stream );
    // Clean stream wrapper.
    // Create C++ array and print it.
    HBufC* cplusplusDump = CreateCPlusPlusDumpL( *buffer );
    iLogBus.LogText( *cplusplusDump );
    delete cplusplusDump;
    cplusplusDump = NULL;
    // Clean memory buffer
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );        
    iLogBus.LogText( KLiwListBinaryDumpEndTag );
void ChspsLiwDump::LogLiwListAsBinaryL( CLiwGenericParamList& /*aLiwList*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::PrintVariantL
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintVariantL( TLiwVariant value )
    LIW::TVariantTypeId variantId = value.TypeId();
    if( variantId == LIW::EVariantTypeDesC8 )
        PrintString8L( value );
    else if( variantId == LIW::EVariantTypeDesC )
        PrintStringL( value );
    else if ( variantId == LIW::EVariantTypeMap )
        HBufC* text = GetFixedTextLC( _L("<Map>"), iDepth, KDelim );
        iLogBus.LogText( *text );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
        PrintMapL( value );
    else if ( variantId == LIW::EVariantTypeList )
        HBufC* text = GetFixedTextLC( _L("<List>"), iDepth, KDelim );
        iLogBus.LogText( *text );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
        PrintListL( value );
        iLogBus.LogText( _L8("--- TODO: Unknown --- "));
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintVariantL( TLiwVariant /*value*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::PrintMapL
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintMapL( TLiwVariant value )
    //get map from the variant.
    //get map values.
    const CLiwMap* map = value.AsMap();
    TInt count = map->Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        HBufC* index = GetFixedTextLC( _L("---"), iDepth, KDelim );
        iLogBus.LogText( *index );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( index );
        TBuf8<100> buf;
        map->AtL( i, buf);
        HBufC8* text = GetFixedText8LC( buf, iDepth, KDelim8 );
        iLogBus.LogText( *text );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
        TLiwVariant value;
        map->FindL( buf, value );
        PrintVariantL( value );
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintMapL( TLiwVariant /*value*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::PrintStringL
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintStringL( TLiwVariant value )
    TPtrC textValue = value.AsDes();
    HBufC* text = GetFixedTextLC( textValue, iDepth, KDelim );
    iLogBus.LogText( *text );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintStringL( TLiwVariant /*value*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::PrintString8L
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintString8L( TLiwVariant value )
    TPtrC8 textValue = value.AsData();
    HBufC8* text = GetFixedText8LC( textValue, iDepth, KDelim8 );
    iLogBus.LogText( *text );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintString8L( TLiwVariant /*value*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::PrintListL
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintListL( TLiwVariant value )
    const CLiwList* list = value.AsList();
    TInt count = list->Count();
    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        HBufC* index = GetFixedTextLC( _L("---"), iDepth, KDelim );
        iLogBus.LogText( *index );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( index );
        TLiwVariant value;
        list->AtL( i, value );
        PrintVariantL( value );
void ChspsLiwDump::PrintListL( TLiwVariant /*value*/ )

// ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedText8LC
HBufC8* ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedText8LC( const TDesC8& aText, 
                                       const TInt aDepth, 
                                       const TDesC8& aDelim )
    HBufC8 *buf = HBufC8::NewLC( aDepth * aDelim.Length() + aText.Length() + 1 );   
    TInt i = 0;
    for( ; i < aDepth; i++ )
        buf->Des().Append( aDelim );
    buf->Des().Append( aText );
    return buf;
HBufC8* ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedText8LC( const TDesC8& /*aText*/, 
                                       const TInt /*aDepth*/, 
                                       const TDesC8& /*aDelim*/ )
    return NULL;

// ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedTextLC
HBufC* ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedTextLC( const TDesC& aText, 
                                     const TInt aDepth, 
                                     const TDesC& aDelim )
    HBufC *buf = HBufC::NewLC( aDepth * aDelim.Length() + aText.Length() + 1 ); 
    TInt i = 0;
    for( ; i < aDepth; i++ )
        buf->Des().Append( aDelim );
    buf->Des().Append( aText );
    return buf;
HBufC* ChspsLiwDump::GetFixedTextLC( const TDesC& /*aText*/, 
                                     const TInt /*aDepth*/, 
                                     const TDesC& /*aDelim*/ )
    return NULL;

// ChspsLiwDump::CreateCPlusPlusDumpL
HBufC* ChspsLiwDump::CreateCPlusPlusDumpL( ChspsByteBuffer& aBuffer ) const
    if( aBuffer.Size() <= 0 )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    if( aBuffer.Size() > KCPlusPlusArraySanityLimit )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    // Calcute required space.
    const TInt KOneByteFootprint = 5; // hex is like 0x00 = 4 bytes, then trailing ',' for each one.   
    const TInt KRequiredSpace = KCPlusPlusArrayStart().Length() +                                
                                ( aBuffer.Size() * KOneByteFootprint ) +
    // Create descriptor.
    HBufC* descriptor = HBufC::NewLC( KRequiredSpace );
    TPtr16 pointer = descriptor->Des();
    pointer.Append( KCPlusPlusArrayStart );
    for( TInt i = 0; i < aBuffer.Size(); i++ )
        TUint byte = ( TUint ) ( ( aBuffer.Buffer() )[i] );
        pointer.AppendFormat( KByteFormat, byte );
        // Add ',' for all but the last element.
        if( i != ( aBuffer.Size() - 1 ) )
            pointer.Append( TChar( ',' ) );
    pointer.Append( KCPlusPlusArrayEnd );
    CleanupStack::Pop( descriptor );
    return descriptor;
HBufC* ChspsLiwDump::CreateCPlusPlusDumpL( ChspsByteBuffer& /*aBuffer*/ ) const
    return NULL;