author jake
Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:07:27 +0300
changeset 56 7b5c31fac191
parent 54 666a2952b5b3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   
*  HSPS Application Theme Management Service APIs
*  ************************************************
*  This file introduces the definitions of the interfaces and constanst to be a base of the
*  implementations of HSPS Application Theme Management services.
*  HSPS Application Theme Management Service APIs are introduced by defining Symbian M-classes
*  for each API-functionality groups. These functionality groups and their correcponding M-classes
*  are the following: 
*  - MhspsInstallationService  - defines services for Application Theme 
*                              installations,
*  - MhspsMaintenanceService   - defines services for listing, activation, 
*                              removing and restoring themes set as default, 
*  - MhspsClientRequestService - defines services for usage of Application Themes,
*  - MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver - a generic call-back service API to be utilized by client
*    applications of HSPS Theme Management Services, and
*  - MhspsClientRequestServiceObserver - a dedicated interface to define the call-back service to be
*    utilized by clients of HSPS Client Request Service. Typical client of the request service is
*    some rendering engine implementation like HSPS UI Engine.
*  Typical HSPS Application Theme Management Service use-cases
*  =============================================================
*  Usage of Application Theme is requested by Rendering Engines. Theme rendering happens when 
*  Application's UI (user interface) is shown on the screen of the target device. Principal
*  requestor of Installation and Maintenanace Service APIs is S60 Personalisation Application. 
*  Personalisation UI will present theme installation and activation functionality to the end-user.
*  Also, HSPS-application itself may want to offer some installation and maintenance 
*  functionality on their menus, for e.g. allow a user select the theme to be used - theme 
*  activation (or hot-swap). Some system services of target devices, like OTAPush or DM (Device
*  Management), may also use installation and maintenance APIs. 
*  This supports operators related use-cases where they want to maintain the customisation of mobile
*  phone applications on-line.
*  HSPS UI Manager
*  ***************** 
*  UI Manager is a Symbian Client/Server system which is intended to serve HSPS native 
*  applications - as well as S60-legacy applications - with Application Theme installation, 
*  maintenance and usage related services. UI Manager implements HSPS Application Theme Management
*  Service APIs. 
*  Client-side functionality and APIs
*  ==================================
*  In Client/Server system, only Client-side APIs are meaningful to the client
*  applications. Offered client-side APIs are divided in two categories; 
*  hspsClient API and hspsRequestClient API. Both clients run basicly in 
*  asynchronous mode. however, they offers synchronic services also when 
*  appropriate. Clients are are able to delegate server messages to their 
*  client applications. hspsClient API offers application theme installation 
*  and maintenance related services, meanwhile hspsRequestClient API offers 
*  services related to the usage of Application Themes. 
*  Server-side functionality and APIs
*  ==================================
*  Security
*  ========
*  Security in using services is quarantied by controlling the rights to list 
*  information of the theme set installed as well as to load individual themes.
*  The access control is based on SECUREID of application process.
*  Security is maintained behind the curtain by means of Symbian EKA2 Kernel 
*  services for Platform Security.
*  Scalability
*  ===========
*  Architecture of UI Manager supports scalability in next way: Services 
*  provided on server-side reflects the client-side APIs. Client-side objects 
*  implements exactly the same APIs than services on server-side. This approach
*  is selected to support scalability of the theme management system; 
*  small and one-application systems, for e.g. MP3-player, all services could
*  be implemented on client-side, meanwhile large systems can increase their 
*  performance and features providing powerful and centralised server-side 
*  theme handling operations like OTA Push, theme caching, theme editing etc. 
*  HSPS UI Manager implementation is targeted for medium-wide systems running
*  on Symbian OS 9.x, typically serving multiple applications and operators
*  on-line operations customization on single smartphone.  
*  HSPS Utility Classes
*  ======================
*  HSPS Utility Classes are used as parameters in HSPS Application Theme 
*  Management service calls. They are owned by serveice caller. Utility 
*  classes are kind of data objects and therefore they are not defined with 
*  specific interface (M-classes). Utility classes are the following:
*  - ChspsODT, and 
*  - ChspsResource. 
*  ChspsODT
*  ------
*  HSPS ChspsODT-class, nick-named ODT (Object Description Tree), class is a
*  base unit of information exchanged in HSPS Application Theme Management 
*  operations. 
*  ODT consist of an header-part and its associated DOM-document member class
*  on which it has a dependency. The header contains all information what is
*  needed to distinquish application themes from each others. 
*  HSPS Application Theme Management services handles mainly these 
*  ODT-headers, however, the DOM-document is accessed for applying theme 
*  updates by Installation Handler and to serve the theme usage requests from
*  Rendering Engines. For more information, see ChspsODT documentation. 
*  ChspsResource
*  -----------
*  HSPS ChspsResource-class defines all information what is needed to maintain
*  resources of Application Theme. Every ChspsResource-objects defines just one 
*  resource source, however, the same resource source coud be referenced
*  multible times inside a theme - resources are usually shared. 
*  HSPS Application Theme Management system supports theme resourcing by 
*  offering resource conversations and storing services, and offering Rendering
*  Engines the following services:
*  1) the way to match a resource quoted in xml- or css-module to the 
*  corresponding resource source, and 2) a secure way to access a resource 
*  through the Symbian Platform Security's process separation wall.
*  ChspsResult
*  ---------
*  HSPS ChspsResult-class defines feature called Additional Return Code support
*  for HSPS Application Theme Management Services on service request return.
*  It is quaranteed that ChspsResult-object is always accessible after
*  client request whether the result was successful or not.
*  ChspsResult-class has attributes that informs the result as follows:
*  - iSystemError - Symbian OS returned error code
*  - iHSPSError - HSPS defined error code in HSPS error space
*  - iIntValue1   - additional information relevant the result. 
*  - iIntValue2   - additional information relevant the result.

#ifndef __hspsTHEMEMANAGEMENT_H__
#define __hspsTHEMEMANAGEMENT_H__

#include <f32file.h> // RFile
#include <badesca.h> // descriptors

// --------------------
const TUid KSecureId_Psln =  	{0x10005A32};	// from S60 3.1 Plsn
const TUid KSecureId_RDAS =  	{0x10210EA1};	// 270601889 from S60 3.1 R&D AppShell for Xuikon
const TUid KSecureId_hspsAS =  	{0x101F4CD2};	// 270486738 from S60 3.1 Xuikon AppShell in 3.1 product.
const TUid KSecureId_hsps =    	{0x200159C6};	// HSPS configuration installer (ThemeInstallerCons.exe)
const TUid KSecureId_LE =    	{0x102049AD};
const TUid KSecureId_XTA =   	{0x1020747D}; 	// Xuikon Test Automation
const TUid KSecureId_XKON =  	{0x102049AF}; 	// Xuikon Demo
// changed from 0x102750F0 = 271012080 to 0xEDFF45C4 = 3992929732 for standalone app
const TUid KSecureId_hspsAI =  	{0xEDFF45C4}; 	// 3992929732 support for Xuikon-based ActiveIdle 
const TUid KSecureId_GS =    	{0x100058EC}; 	// S60 3.1 GS-application(General Settings).
const TUid KSecureId_HUIMenu = 	{0x102828BD}; 
const TUid KSecureId_EUnit = 	{0x20000FB1};
const TUid KSecureId_Test =     {0x200159C5};   // HSPS ThemeManager Testapp (internal folder)

// -----------------

/**  Nokia VID: = VID_DEFAULT */
const TInt Nokia_VID  = 0x101FB657;

*   KhspsThemeStatusRepositoryUid. 
*   Central repository entry for HSPS. 
const TUid KhspsThemeStatusRepositoryUid = {0x200159C9};

*   KMaxHeaderDataLength8. Maximun number of data bytes reserved for ODT-header.
*   This is same as the maximum file path length expressed in unicode chars
const TInt KMaxHeaderDataLength8=512;

/** KHeaderListGranularity. List granularity used in header listing operations: */
const TInt KHeaderListGranularity = 4;

*   KHeaderListUpdatePollingTimeSpan. The time between the subsequent 
*   request to check changes in Definition Repository. 
*   The value is expressed in microseconds. 
const TInt KHeaderListUpdatePollingTimeSpan = 1000000;

*   @deprecated KMaxElementDataLength. The maximum size of buffer reserved to
*   internalize theme. 
const TInt KMaxElementDataLength = 1048576;

*   KPathListGranularity. Controls the granularity of the path list retrieved
*   from Definition Repository. 
const TInt KPathListGranularity = 4;

*   KMahspsumberOfThemeLoadRepeats. Controls the maximum number of repeats when delivering 
*   the application theme and its resource list data in memory chunk
*   from the server side to the client size. Value 0 means infinite repeats.
const TInt KMahspsumberOfThemeLoadRepeats = 10; // value 0 means infinite repeats.

*   KThemeLoadRepeatWaitTime. Controls the time to wait between the 
*   tryes to delivere application theme and its resource list data from the server 
*   side to the client size.
const TInt KThemeLoadRepeatWaitTime = 5000000; // 5 seconds

*   KActiveThemeUpdatePollingTimeSpan. 
*   Constant KActiveThemeUpdatePollingTimeSpan controls the time slice 
*   between the checking the theme status change theme and/or resource updates. 
*   The value is expressed in microseconds.
const TInt KActiveThemeUpdatePollingTimeSpan = 1000000; // 1 second

const TInt KMaxPluginIdLenght = 8;

*   KThemeInvalidatedTimeSpan
* Controls the time to wait for client application to notify it has rendered the theme
* successfully. If the notification is not received in time (or clientsession crashes)
* the default operator or licensee theme is restored.
* When client app. starts it requests theme with GetOdt-request
* After the client receives the theme it starts rendering it. 
* After succesfull rendering the client app subscribes for theme updates
* with GetODTUpdate-request. ThemeServer starts a timer when receiving 
* GetODT and if no GetODTUpdate- request if received before the timer expires
* the default operator or licensee theme is restored.
const TInt KThemeInvalidatedTimeSpan = 120000000;

 * Client initiated service requests: an enumeration of function indexes
 * NOTE: hspsThemeRanges array in hspsThemeServer.h file needs to be in sync with the following enumerations,
 * failing to do so results in -5 (Not supported) errors.
enum ThspsServiceRequestMessage
   * Installation related requests: 
  EhspsInstallationBase = 0,
   *	EhspsInstallTheme. 
   * 	Initiates synchronous and asynhronous theme installation process. 
  EhspsInstallTheme = EhspsInstallationBase,
   * 	EhspsInstallNextPhase:
   *	Promotes subsequent asyncronous installation phases 
   * 	and offers client process a point to cancel installation.    
   * 	EhspsCancelInstallTheme:
   * 	Cancels asynchronous installation process. 

   *    EhspsReinstallConf:
   *    Initiates synchronous configuration's reinstallation process 
   * Maintenance related requests: 
   *	EhspsGetListHeaders. 
   *   	Initiates listings of theme headers by setting a query on server. 
  EhspsGetListHeaders = EhspsMaintenanceBase,
   * 	EhspsGetNextHeader:
   * 	Subscribes updates for received header list. 
   * 	EhspsCancelGetListHeaders. 
   * 	Cancels a subscription of header list updates. 
   * 	EhspsSetActiveTheme. 
   * 	Theme activation. 
   *   	EhspsRestoreDefault. 
   *	Restores the default theme in next order: 
   *   	1. Restore the user default theme if one exists.
   *   	2. Restore the operatot default theme if one exist.
   *   	3. Finally, as the last resource, restore the licensee default theme. 
   *   	Licencee default theme is located on ROM (Z-drive), therefore it is
   *   	quaranteed that application is in working condition allways.
   *   	EhspsRemoveTheme. 
   * 	Removes a given theme with all its dependent files and 
   *   	settings. Does not remove the theme which is currently active. 
   *   	Cannot remove the licencee default theme located on ROM, however, it can
   *   	remove possible updates on the licencee default them if not active.
   *  	EhspsAddPlugin. 
   * 	Adds a plug-in configuration into active application configuration.
   *  	EhspsRemovePlugin. 
   * 	Removes a plug-in configuration from active application configuration.

   *    EhspsSetActivePlugin. 
   *    Set active plugin.

   *    EhspsReplacePlugin. 
   *    Replaces a plug-in in an active application configuration.
   *    EhspsSetSettings. 
   *    Sets settings of plugin in active configuration
    *    EhspsGetPluginOdt. 
    *    Gets plugin odt by UID

   *  	EhspsMovePlugins 
   * 	Updates plugin positions within a configuration

  /**   EhspsSetConfState 
   *    Updates configuration's state. 

  /**   EhspsRestoreActiveAppConf 
   *    Restore active application configuration in following order
   *    1) Restore application configuration from backup folder
   *    2) Activate licensee default restorable configuration
   *    3) Reinstall licensee default restorable configuration  
   *  Updating plugin configuration
   * Restores plugin configurations by either removing all plugins
   * from the active view or by reinstalling all the ROM based plugins.

   * Client Request related requests: 
   *   	EhspsGetODT:
   *	Get currently active theme and resource list for specified application.    
  EhspsGetODT = EhspsClientRequestBase,  
   * 	EhspsGetODTUpdate. 
   * 	Subscribes theme status change and theme update messages.  
   * 	EhspsCancelGetODTUpdate. 
   * 	Cancels a subscription of theme updates. 
   *   	EhspsAccessResourceFile. 
   *	Request access to resource file on hspsThemeServer private folder.
   *    EhspsCopyResources
   *    Copies resource files to the destination folder.
   *    Given destination folder is only prefix for actual destination folder.
   *	Out of range 
*  ThspsServiceCompletedMessage. Response codes used by client-server 
*  communication to indicate a result of the completion of requested service. 
enum ThspsServiceCompletedMessage
/** Installation related responses: */

     * EhspsInstallThemeSuccess. Theme installation was successful. 

     *  EhspsInstallThemeFailed. Theme instalation was failed. 
    *   EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess. Installation service was performed an 
    *   installation phase successfully. 

     * EhspsReinstallConfSuccess. Configuration reinstallation was successful. 

     *  EhspsReinstallConfFailed. Configuration reinstalation was failed. 

/** Maintenance: */
    *   EhspsGetListHeadersSuccess. Query of a header list was successful. 
    *   Client must start listen the delivery events.
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersFailed. Headers cannot be listed. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersUpdate. A header is arrived. 
     *  EhspsGetListHeadersUpdateData
     *  EhspsGetListHeadersUpdate for observing low-level API-calls. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty. Header list is empy - no matching headers on 
     *   current query. Client must clear the list screen. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersNoChange. No change in headers. Server side only. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersRestart. Header list is canged radiacally. Listing 
     *   must start from the begin. Client must clear the list screen. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersRestartData. 
     *   EhspsGetListHeadersRestart for observing low-level API-calls.
     * EhspsSetActiveThemeSuccess. Theme activation was successful. 
     * EhspsSetActiveThemeFailed. Theme activation has failed. 
     * EhspsRestoreDefaultSuccess. Restoring the default theme was successful. 
     * EhspsRestoreDefaultFailed. Restoring the default theme was failed. 
     * EhspsRemoveThemeSuccess. Theme removal was successful. 
     * EhspsRemoveThemeFailed. Theme removal was failed. 
     * EhspsAddPluginSuccess. A plugin was added succesfully. 
     * EhspsAddPluginFailed. Failed to add a plugin. 
     * EhspsRemovePluginSuccess. A plugin was removed succesfully. 
     * EhspsRemovePluginFailed. Failed to remove a plugin. 

     * EhspsSetActivePluginSuccess. A plugin was activated succesfully. 

     * EhspsSetActivePluginFailed. Failed to activate a plugin. 
     * EhspsSetSettingsSuccess. A plugin settings was updated succesfully. 
     * EEhspsSetSettingsFailed. Failed to set settings of plugin. 
     * EhspsMovePluginsSuccess. A plugins list was updated succesfully. 

     * EhspsMovePluginsFailed. Failed to update a plugins list.

     * EhspsReplacePluginSuccess. A plugin was replace succesfully. 

     * EhspsReplacePluginFailed. Failed to update a plugins list.
     *  EhspsGetPluginOdtSuccess. Getting plugin odt was successful.
     * EhspsGetPluginOdtFailed. Failed to get plugin odt.
     * EhspsRestoreConfigurationsSuccess. Restoration was successfull.
     * EhspsRestoreConfigurationsFailed. Restoration failed.
/* Client Requests: */
    *   EhspsGetODTSuccess. 
    *   ODT and associated resource list (if any) were received successfully. 
     * EhspsGetODTFailed. ODT was not received. Request failed.
    *   EhspsGetODTLowMemoryStrategy. Memory chunk big enough could not be created
    *   by the server, switching to low memory strategy. 
    *   EhspsGetODTUpdateSuccess. Subscription of the theme updates and status 
    *   changes was successful. Cient must start observe the server events. 
    * 	EhspsSettingsLoaded. Loading settings for a theme was successful.
    *	EhspsSettingsLoadFailed. Loading settings for a theme failed.
    *	EhspsSettingsUpdated. Updating settings for a theme was successful.
    *	EhspsSettingsUpdateFailed. Updating settings for a theme failed.
    *   EhspsGetODTUpdateFailed. 
    *   Subscription of the theme updates and status changes failed. 
    *   EhspsGetODTUpdateStatus. Theme status is changed. 
    *   Client must reset rendering and request theme again. 
    /** EhspsGetODTUpdateHot. Theme is updated. Client should reload the theme. */
    *   EhspsGetODTUpdateEmpty. 
    *   No update available. Client may retain subscription. 
    /** EhspsGetODTUpdateNone. No update available. Used only on server-side. */

    *   EhspsAccessResourceFileSuccess. 
    *   Request to get access to a theme resource file was successful. 
    *   EhspsAccessResourceFileFailed. Request to get access to a theme resource
    *   file was successful. Possible in due to security fault.
/** Generic: */
    *   @deprecated EhspsThemeServiceCanceled. 
    *   Server has cancelled the service request possible in due to client 
    *   cancellation request. Usually this is not handled by client because of
    *   the cancelled request on client-side. This protocol should not cause any
    *   problem.
    *   EhspsServiceRequestSheduled. Server has sheduled the asynchronous service 
    *   request. Client must start observe the server events. 
    *   EhspsServiceNotSupported. 
    *   Server does not support servinng this request in current implementation.
    *   EhspsServiceRequestError. Server rejects the service request maybe because
    *   the semaphore for this service in rised, or The request was violating 
    *   the security. Addidional return Code tells the exact reason.
    *   EhspsResourceCopyFailed.

    *   EhspsResourceCopySuccess.

    *  Configuration state changed successfully

    *  Configuration state change failed

    *  Active application configuration restored successfully

    *  Active application configuration restoring failed
    *  Updating plugin configuration failed
     *  Updating plugin configuration succeed
    * Resolution changed, theme should be changed (emulator environment) 


*   ThspsThemeStatus. 
*   Theme status flag-definitions. Theme status flags are bit-masked. 
enum ThspsThemeStatus
  /** EhspsThemeStatusNone. Theme has no specific staus. This is a common case. */
  EhspsThemeStatusNone            = 0x0000, //0b0000000000000000,
  *   EhspsThemeStatusActive. 
  *   This theme is currently activated in scope of its application. 
  EhspsThemeStatusActive          = 0x0001, //0b0000000000000001,
  *   EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault. 
  *   This theme is licencee default. It is located on ROM (Z-drive) 
  EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeDefault = 0x0002, //0b0000000000000010,
  /** EhspsThemeStatusOperatorDefault. This theme is set as operator default. */
  EhspsThemeStatusOperatorDefault = 0x0004, //0b0000000000000100,
  /** EhspsThemeStatusUserDefault. This theme has set as user default. */
  EhspsThemeStatusUserDefault     = 0x0008,  //0b0000000000001000
  /** EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive. Activates the theme after installation. */
  EhspsThemeStatusMakeActive     = 0x0010,  //0b0000000000010000

  /** EhspsThemeStatusClean. Removes the RAM-installed themes on default restoration. */
  EhspsThemeStatusClean    = 0x0020,  //0b0000000000100000
  *   EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeRestorable. This theme is restored when licensee default 
  *   theme is restored. When using this flag, the ThemeStatusLicenceeDefault
  *   -flag is also automatically activated. It is located on ROM (Z-drive) 
  EhspsThemeStatusLicenceeRestorable = 0x0040, //0b00000000001000000,
  EhspsThemeStatusLocked = 0x0080, //0b00000000010000000,
  /** EhspsThemeStatusHitchcock. Indicates that the theme is meant for a Hitchcock application. */
  EhspsThemeStatusHitchcock = 0x0100, //0b00000000100000000
  /** EhspsThemeStatusIncludeControlBlock. Includes control block to ODT when called with hspsGetODT. */
  EhspsThemeStatusIncludeControlBlock = 0x0200 //0b00000001000000000

 *   ThspsInstallationPhase.
 *   The phases of the installation state-machine in Installation Service. 
 *   In case of failed or canceled installation, the Roll-back process will take 
 *   place from the phase where the instaaltion was before the failure.
enum ThspsInstallationPhase
  /** EhspsPhaseIdle. */
  /** EhspsPhaseInitialise. Header ok and query validity check */
  /** EhspsPhaseCleanup. */
  /** EhspsPhaseInstallODT. */
  /** EhspsPhaseImportPlugins. */
  /** EhspsPhaseRollBack. */

 * ThspsFamily.
 * Identifies resolution for which the widget for designed for.
 * Should be in sync with the hspsmanifest.h file. 
enum ThspsFamily
    EhspsFamilyUnknown = 0x00,
    EhspsFamilyQvga = 0x01,
    EhspsFamilyQvga2 = 0x02,
    EhspsFamilyVga = 0x04,
    EhspsFamilyVga3 = 0x08,
    EhspsFamilyQhd = 0x10,
    EhspsFamilyQhd_tch = 0x20,
    EhspsFamilyVga_tch = 0x40

 * ThspsConfigurationType.
 * Indentifies the configuration type, which is diffrent for application and plugin themes.  
enum ThspsConfigurationType
    EhspsAppConfiguration = 1,

 * ThspsConfigurationState.
 * Indentifies the configuration state  
enum ThspsConfigurationState
    EhspsConfStateNotConfirmed = 1,

 * ThspsConfStateChangeFilter
 * Indentifies the configuration state change options
enum ThspsConfStateChangeFilter
    EhspsConfStateChangeNoFilter = 1,

 * ThspsConfiguration.
 * A definition for passing several uids from client to server session.
struct ThspsConfiguration
    // Application uid or Interface uid
    TInt rootUid;
    // Theme uid
    TInt themeUid;
    // Type of the configuration
    ThspsConfigurationType type;

 * Input parameters for the AddPlugin service
struct ThpsParamAddPlugin
	TInt appUid;					// uid of the application configuration
	TInt configurationId;			// id of the configuration being modified 
	TInt pluginUid;					// uid of the plugin configuration to be added
	TInt positionIndex;				// position of the added plugin in the configuration's plugins list 

 * Input parameters for the RemovePlugin service
struct ThpsParamRemovePlugin
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application configuration
    TInt pluginId;                    // id of the plugin configuration instance

 * Input parameters for the ActivatePlugin service
struct ThpsParamSetActivePlugin
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application configuration
    TInt pluginId;                  // id of the plugin configuration instance

 * Input parameter for the GetSettings service 
struct ThspsParamGetPluginOdt
	TInt appUid;					// uid of the application configuration
	TInt pluginUid;					// uid of the plugin

 * Input parameters for the MovePlugins service
const TInt KMaxPluginIdsLength = 2048;
struct ThpsParamMovePlugins
	TInt appUid;					// uid of the application configuration
	TInt configurationId;			// id of the configuration being modified 
	TBuf8<KMaxPluginIdsLength> pluginIdsBuf; // descriptor for passing externalized plugin ids

 * Input parameter for the SetConfState service 
struct ThspsParamSetConfState
    TInt appUid;                       // uid of the application
    TInt confId;                       // id of the configuration
    ThspsConfigurationState state;     // new configuration state
    ThspsConfStateChangeFilter filter; // filter parameter

 * Input parameter for the ReinstallConf service 
struct ThspsParamReinstallConf
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application
    TInt confUId;                   // uid of the reinstalled configuration

 * Input parameter for the RestoreActiveAppConf service 
struct ThspsParamRestoreActiveAppConf
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application
    TInt confUid;                   // uid of the restored configuration

 * Input parameter for the ReplacePlugin service 
struct ThspsParamReplacePlugin
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application
    TInt pluginId;                  // id of the existing plugin to be replaced
    TInt confUid;                   // uid of the new plugin configuration
 * Input parameter for the ReplacePlugin service 
struct ThspsParamSetPluginSettings
    TInt pluginId;                  // id of the existing plugin to be replaced
    TBool storingStatus;            // storing status telling if modified plugin settings are needed to stored its reference.

 * Input parameter for the RestoreActiveAppConf service 
struct ThspsParamRestoreConfigurations
    TInt appUid;                    // uid of the application
    TBool restoreAll;               // false: if all widget plugins should be removed from the active view,
                                    // true: if all widget plugins should be removed from the first locked view
                                    //       (or if locked views were not found then from first unlocked view) 
                                    //       and if all other views should be removed

class ChspsODT;
class ChspsResource;
class ChspsDomDocument;
class ChspsRequestNotificationParams;
*  Part of HSPS Plugin Configuration Management Service APIs.
*  MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver. Interface definition for the HSPS 
*  Installation and Maintenance Service related events observation.
*  The call-back function HandlehspsClientMessage() must be inplemented by client 
*  application if it want to handle messages coming from the 
*  hspsInstallationHandler and hspsMaintenanceHandler. 
*  For more information of different Installation and Maintenance Service 
*  related messages, see the documentaion of ThspsServiceCompletedMessage.
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsclients
class MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver
        * HandlehspsClientMessage
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aMessage contains a service completion message returned from 
        *        the hspsInstallationHandler and hspsMaintenanceHandler to their 
        *        observer.
        virtual void HandlehspsClientMessage(ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aMessage) = 0;

*  Part of HSPS Plugin Configuration Management Service APIs.
*  MhspsClientRequestServiceObserver. Interface definition for the HSPS Client 
*  Request Service events observation. 
*  The call-back function HandlehspsRequestClientMessage() must be inplemented by
*  the client applications if it want to handle messages coming from the 
*  hspsClientRequestHandler. 
*  For more information of different Client Request Service related messages, 
*  see the documentaion of ThspsServiceCompletedMessage.
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsclients
class MhspsClientRequestServiceObserver
        * HandlehspsRequestClientMessage
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aMessage contains a service completion message returned from 
        *        the hspsClientRequestHandler to its observer.
        * @param aParams contains data for changes what are observed
        virtual void HandlehspsRequestClientMessageL(ThspsServiceCompletedMessage aMessage, ChspsRequestNotificationParams& aParams ) = 0;

*  Part of HSPS Plugin Configuration Management Service APIs.
*  MhspsInstallationService. API-definition for HSPS Plugin Installation Service.
*  HSPS Plugin Installation Service is intended to serve Homescreen as well as S60 
*  legacy applications - expecially the Personalisation Application - with the 
*  Homescreen Application Configuartion installation functionality. Implementation of this 
*  interface will offer high- and low-level API-functionality. 
*  High-level and low-level calls are diffrentiated by their parametrization. 
*  High-level parametrization is directed to the be used by applications which 
*  need human readable data and offer a user interface. Low-level 
*  parametrization is directed to the machine-originated requestors like 
*  OTA Push or DM (Device Management) sub-systems where data is not needed to
*  understand semanticly.
*  Processing a installation task works in asynchronous mode, howvere, synchronous mode is applied 
*  everytime the installation is initiated. After checking installation rights and files valididies,
*  hsps Theme Server will allow actual installation. Client application must call actual  
*  installation by commencing next phase execution explicitly. First call of installation returns 
*  the ODT-header of the teme to be installed. This is to enable previewing information about 
*  a theme to be installed. In this point, user can accept or decline the installation. 
*  Installation preview feature is useful expecially in OTA-service cases when user acception on 
*  theme installation might be selected a a part of user policy settings.
*  A theme can include resources that can be imported to the target system as such like some audio
*  files etc., however, most of the images must be fitted on to the target device's color depth and
*  pixel density. In these cases, the needed conversions will be executed asynchronously on 
*  server-side. Asynchronous installation is executed in phases - resource by resource. 
*  Installation phases are promoted automaticly, however, client application can control and 
*  monitor installation phases, and also cancel installation at any time. If installation is 
*  canceled, hspsThemeServer initiates roll-back functionality removing inconsistent installation.  
*  Client application must call hspsInstallNextPhase() after testing that the synchronous call 
*  hspsInstallTheme() has returned EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess return code signalling that actual 
*  installation is allowed. The rest of the installation phases will be executed automatically,
*  however, installation can be interrupted by calling hspsCancelInstallTheme() at any time. 
*  If installation is canceled, hspsThemeServer initiates roll-back functionality removing
*  inconsistent installation.
*  Installation service uses specific manifest-file format to get informed about the xml, css, 
*  dtd, and resource files to be installed. Resource files might be locale-specific or generic
*  as well.
*  hspsThemeServer takes care of saving everything on their appropriate places in the target device's
*  user disk. Theme storage is located in hspsThemeServer's private-folder.
*  Locales are instructed in manifest file also. Manifest file's file-extension must be .dat, 
*  but actually, the file-name can be whatever, however, when low-level parametrization is used, 
*  the name must be "manifest.dat" and it must be the last file extracted from the installation 
*  package.
*  For more information of manifest-file format, see "Xuikon Manifest File User Guide.doc".
*  Installation functions can return one of the following 
*  ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-codes:
*  - EhspsInstallThemeSuccess,
*  - EhspsInstallPhaseSuccess, or
*  - EhspsInstallThemeFailed.
*  Client application must implement MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver-interface
*  and listen these messages
*  mentionaed. Let it be emphasised that both synchronous and asynchronous calls 
*  can return the codes above.
*  Installation functions may also return one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
*  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
*  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see 
*  ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsclients
class MhspsInstallationService
        * hspsInstallTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aManifestFileName is the full path to the installation script file - a manifest 
        *        file.
        * @param aHeader is an empty ChspsODT-object in which a valid ODT-header of the newly 
        *        installed theme will be returned if the request is successful. The use of 
        *        ChspsODT-type parameter follows the high-level parametrization schema.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallTheme(const TDesC& aManifestFileName,
                                  ChspsODT& aHeader) = 0;

        * hspsInstallTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aManifestFileName is full path of the installation script file - a manifest file
        * @param aHeaderData will return ODT-header of the newly installed theme in serialized 
        *        (i.e. marshalled) data mode. This follows the low-level parametrization schema.  
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallTheme(const TDesC& aManifestFileName,
                                  TDes8& aHeaderData) = 0;
        /** hspsInstallNextPhase
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aHeader is an empty ChspsODT-object in which a valid ODT-header of the latest 
        *        installation phase completed if the request was successful. 
        *        The use of ChspsODT-type parameter follow the high-level parametrization schema.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallNextPhaseL(ChspsODT& aHeader) = 0;
        /** hspsInstallNextPhase
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aHeaderData will return ODT-header of the latest installation phase in 
        *        serialized (i.e. marshalled) data mode. This follows the low-level 
        *        parametrization schema.  
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsInstallNextPhaseL(TDes8& aHeaderData) = 0;
        /** hspsCancelInstallTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelInstallTheme() = 0;

*  Part of Xuikon Application Theme Management Service APIs.
*  MhspsMaintenanceService. API-definition for Xuikon Theme Maintenance Service.
*  Xuikon Theme Maintenance Service is intended to serve Xuikon applications as well as S60 legacy 
*  applications - especially Personalisation Application - with Theme Maintenance Services. 
*  Theme maintenance can take place after a set of themes are installed by Xuikon Theme Installation
*  Service. Maintenance services includes theme listings, theme activation, theme removal, and 
*  default theme restoring functionality.
*  Maintenance functions are presented in high-level and low-level parametrization mode. 
*  This is the same approach that was introduced with Xuikon Theme Installation Service - to support 
*  user-intefaces with human-readable high-level elements and on otherhand, machine-originated users 
*  with low-level data. Most of the maintenance functions are synchronous, only one is asynchronous;
*  hspsGetNextHeader(). Others functions are stright forward to use but hspsGetListHeaders(). This will 
*  be explained next; synchronous call hspsGetListHeaders() initiates the theme header listing by 
*  passing search mask to Xuikon Theme Server's Maintenance Service. This search mask is called 
*  a query. It also passes a list object in where maintenance service should append theme-header 
*  objects (type of ChspsODT-class without DOM-document) when one is retrieved asychronously. 
*  Search mask should be filled with proper parameters matching the need in hand. 
*  If no parameters are given, all headers of Application Themes available in Definition Repository
*  will be delivered, otherwise, only sub-set of theme-headers will be delivered. 
*  After the query-call hspsGetListHeaders(), the delivering of the theme-headers is asynchronous.
*  Asynchronous service must be initiated by calling hspsGetNextHeader() after checking that any 
*  theme matching on current query is found. This action is called a subscription. To receive theme
*  listing, the client application must implement MhspsThemeManagementServiceObserver-interface and 
*  start to listen call-back messages. The headers matching on query will be delivered immediately. 
*  Query remains until hspsCancelGetListHeaders() is called by client. If a new Application Theme 
*  exist in repository, it will be delivered. As mentioned, when hspsGetListHeaders() returns, 
*  the return value must be checked. Return value could be one of the following:
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersSuccess - there is at least one Application Theme available matching on query. Call first
*                               hspsGetNextHeader() to get the headers. Same call will set the subscribtion of 
*                               new ones possible coming available later.
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - there is no themes matching on the query available at the time, however, some might 
*                               be exist later in due to installations. Client application should retain the
*                               subcription.
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - service request failed in some reason. Possible reasons are for e.g. the missing 
*                               rights to list headers queried.  
*  In the near future, there will be s.c. Additional Return Code Support feature available in Xuikon. This code 
*  will express for e.g. the number of headers to be delivered or possible system error code in failed cases.
*  By MhspsServiceObserver::HandlehspsServiceMessage() call-back function implementation, client application
*  must listen the following ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-messages:
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersUpdate  - header list on the client side has a new object appended at the end of the list,
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersRestart - header list on server side has changed so much that the client must empty 
*                               the list printed on screen. New list will be delivered immediately. 
*                               The subscription stands.
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersEmpty   - header list on server side is now empty. The client must empty 
*                               the list on screen if printed. The subscription stands. 
*  - EhspsGetListHeadersFailed  - operation has failed. Client should cancel request and restart, perhaps.
*  Maintenanace functions may also return one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
*  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
*  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsclients
class MhspsMaintenanceService
        /** hspsGetListHeaders
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSearchMask is ChspsODT-object which attributes are filled to present search 
        *        parameters for theme set queried by client. This parametrisation follows the 
        *        high-level schema. 
        * @param aHeaderList is an list object able to carry ChspsODT-objects. 
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(const ChspsODT& aSearchMask,
                                 CArrayPtrFlat<ChspsODT>& aHeaderList) = 0;

        /** hspsGetListHeaders
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSearchMaskData is serialized ChspsODT-object. Before serializing, attributes 
        *        in ChspsODT-object were filled to present a search parameters for theme set queried.
        *        Serialized data parametrisation follows the low-level schema.  
        * @param aHeaderDataList is an list object able to carry serialized ChspsODT-objects. 
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetListHeaders(const TDesC8& aSearchMaskData,
                                 CArrayPtrSeg<HBufC8>& aHeaderDataList) = 0;
        /** hspsGetNextHeader
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetNextHeader() = 0;        
        /** hspsCancelGetListHeaders
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetListHeaders() = 0;        
        /** hspsSetActiveTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSetMask represents parameters by which the new theme activation will be done.
        *        There must be sufficient set of parameters presented, at least a theme UID.
        * @param aHeader is an empty ODT-object which will contain the header of activated 
        *        theme on the return of the call. This parametrisation follows the high-level 
        *        schema. There must be sufficient set of parameters presented, at least a theme UID.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme(const ChspsODT&  aSetMask,
                                  ChspsODT& aHeader) = 0;

        /** hspsSetActiveTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSetMaskData is externalized version of ChspsODT-object presenting parameters by 
        *        which the new theme activation will be done. There must be sufficient set of 
        *        parameters presented, at least a theme UID. This parametrisation follows the 
        *        low-level schema.
        * @param aHeaderData is an empty description for externalized ODT-object data. 
        *        When internalized, this object will contain the header of newly activated theme
        *        as a result of the call.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActiveTheme(const TDesC8& aSetMaskData,
                                    TDes8& aHeaderData) = 0;
        * hspsRestoreDefault
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSetMask is an ODT-header paramerized engough to express the theme querid to made
        *        active.
        * @param aHeader is an empty ODT-header object that will contain the header of the theme
        *        actually made active if the request was successful.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreDefault(const ChspsODT&  aSetMask,
                                    ChspsODT& aHeader) = 0;

        /** hspsRemoveTheme
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aSetMask is an ODT-header parametrized enough to express the theme to be removed.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemoveThemeL(const ChspsODT&  aSetMask) = 0;
        * Adds a new plugin configuration to the defined application configuration.
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid identifies the application configuration to be updated        
        * @param aConfId is an ID of the configuration being modified
        * @param aPluginUid is an UID of the plugin configuration to be added
        * @param aPosition is an UID of the added/new plugin configuration instance
        * @param aAddedPluginId is an ID of the added plugin configuration        
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAddPlugin(
        		const TInt aAppUid,
        		const TInt aConfId,
        		const TInt aPluginUid,
        		const TInt aPosition, 
        		TInt& aAddedPluginId ) = 0;
        /** hspsRemovePlugin
        * Removes an existing plugin configuration instance from the defined application configuration.
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid identifies the application configuration to be updated                
        * @param aPluginId is an ID of the plugin configuration instance to be removed                
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRemovePlugin(
        		const TInt aAppUid,        		
        		const TInt aPluginId ) = 0;

        * Activates plugin.
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid    identifies the application configuration to be updated                
        * @param aPluginId  is an ID of the plugin configuration instance to be activated                
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetActivePlugin(
                const TInt aAppUid,
                const TInt aPluginId ) = 0;        
        * hspsSetSettings
        * @since S60 5.0          
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetPluginSettings(
               const ChspsODT& aHeader,
               const TInt aPluginId,
               ChspsDomDocument& aDom,
               const TBool aPluginStoringStatus) = 0;

        * Updates plugin positions in an existing plugins list.
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid identifies the application configuration to be updated
        * @param aConfId is an ID of the configuration being updated (parent of the plugins node)                
        * @param aPluginIdList is an array of plugin IDs for setting the plugin positions                
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsMovePluginsL(
        		const TInt aAppUid,        
        		const TInt aConfId,
        		const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aPluginIdList ) = 0;

        * Updates configuration's state
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid identifies the application configuration
        * @param aConfId is an ID of the configuration which state is updated                
        * @param aState is a new state of the configuration                
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsSetConfState(
                const TInt aAppUid,        
                const TInt aConfId,
                const ThspsConfigurationState aState,
                const ThspsConfStateChangeFilter aFilter ) = 0;

        * Restores active application configuration
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid identifies the application which configuration is requested to be restored
        * @param aConfUid identifies the configuration to be restored
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsRestoreActiveAppConf(
                const TInt aAppUid,
                const TInt aConfUid ) = 0;
         * Updates plugin configuration in all application configurations
         * @since S60 5.0
         * @param aOdt is odt header information of the plugin configuration               
         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsPluginUpdateL(
                const ChspsODT& aOdt ) = 0;
         * Replaces existing plugin configuration instance in an active application configuration.
         * @since S60 5.0
         * @param aAppUid identifies the application configuration
         * @param aPluginId identifies the plugin to be replaced                
         * @param aConfUid is an uid of the new plugin configuration                
         * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsReplacePlugin(
                const TInt aAppUid,
                const TInt aPluginId,             
                const TInt aConfUid ) = 0;

*  Part of HSPS Plugin Configuration Management Service APIs.
*  MhspsClientRequestService. HSPS Client Request Service API-definition.
*  HSPS Client Request Service is intended to serve Rendering Engines with Application Themes 
*  and their associated resources. Implementation of this interface will provide access to 
*  HSPS Plugin Configuration database maintained by HSPS Definition Repository aka Plugin Registry.
*  Definition Repository maintains plugin configurations in ChspsODT-objects. 
*  Themes can have resources like bitmaps etc. Resources can be accessed through this API also. 
*  Every individual resource has corresponding ChspsResource-object. Resource-objects are delivered 
*  to the client side in a resource list which is associated to its theme. Resource list exist only 
*  if there is any resources belonging to a theme.
*  There can be only one theme activated for a specific application at one time. 
*  The information of activation of themes is stored in Symbian Central Repository -object. 
*  The Central Repository is requested on every theme request that Rendering Engine commences. 
*  To initaite theme usage, Rendering Engine must call hspsGetODT(). There is no high-level or 
*  low-level parametrization used, however, API supports two parametrization mode; retrieving a 
*  theme with or without resources. The cases of retrieving a theme without resources are currently
*  rare, but with partial theme update cases to be implemented with OTA Push and DM-cases, it will 
*  be quite applicable. 
*  hspsGetODT() returns one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsGetODTSuccess. Theme was received successfully. Client can start its rendering.
*  - EhspsGetODTFailed. Theme was not received. Check Additional Return Code (not yet implemented) 
*                     for the exact reason. Theme load can fail for e.g. for missing rights.
*  - EhspsGetODTLowMemoryStrategy. Possible memory low to create memory chunk. Something must do to 
*                                free memory and then try again.
*  After receiving the theme, Rendering Engine may subscribe the theme related events. 
*  These events may concern the changes of the theme status (meaning that some other theme is 
*  activated), or that the theme is updated. In both cases, client should reload the theme and do 
*  the rendering again. To act as a subscriber of these events, client must implement the interface 
*  MhspsClientRequestServiceObserver. Subscription is applied by calling hspsGetODTUpdate(). 
*  This function returns immediately one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsGetODTUpdateSuccess - The subscription of the theme updates and/or status changes was 
*                             successful.           
*                             The cient must start observe the server events.
*  - EhspsGetODTUpdateFailed  - The subscription of the theme updates and status changes was failed.
*  Once success-response was received, the observation of the Client Request Service events can 
*  return one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsGetODTUpdateStatus - Theme status was changed. Client must reset rendering and request theme 
*                            again. 
*  - EhspsGetODTUpdateHot    - Theme was updated. Client should reload the theme and then do the 
*                            theme rendering again. 
*  Rendering Engine can get information of the theme resources through the ChspsResource-objects 
*  delivered on Resource List. When ChspsODT-object's DOM-document has a reference to some URL, 
*  the access method to the URL-related resource can be found in ChspsResource-object. 
*  When access-method is clear, client should call hspsAccessResourceFile() function with resource 
*  file path and empty RFile-handle. In successful cases, valid file handle to the associated 
*  resource file is returned. This functionality is arranged by the means of Symbian 9.0 EKA2 
*  Kernel's support for Platform Security Concept. The return code can be one of the following:
*  - EhspsAccessResourceFileSuccess - request to get access to a theme resource file was successful.
*  - EhspsAccessResourceFileFailed  - request to get access to a theme resource file was unsuccessful  
*    possible in due to a security fault.
*  Client Request Service functions may also return one of the following codes:
*  - EhspsServiceRequestSheduled, or
*  - EhspsServiceRequestError.
*  For explanation of the meanings of these messages, see ThspsServiceCompletedMessage-documentation.
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsclients
class MhspsClientRequestService
        /** hspsGetODT
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aAppUid is the UID of the application for which the theme is requested for.
        * @param aODT is an empty ChspsODT-object in where the theme is expected to be placed when the
        *        call returns.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODT(TInt aAppUid, ChspsODT& aODT) = 0;
        /** hspsGetODTUpdate
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsGetODTUpdate() = 0;

        /** hspsCancelGetODTUpdate
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage telling the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsCancelGetODTUpdate() = 0;        
        /** hspsAccessResourceFile
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aResourceFileName is the path for resource file to requested. Resource file name 
        *        is given in every ChspsResource-object listed on the resource list.
        * @param aConfiguration identifies the application or interface from which the theme is to be found
        * @param aFile is an empty RFile object which a valid file handle to the resourec file will 
        *        be placed on return. The file access is arranged by means of Symbian 9.0 EKA2 
        *        Platform Security file handle sharing concept.
        * @return ThspsServiceCompletedMessage expressing the result of the call.
        virtual ThspsServiceCompletedMessage hspsAccessResourceFile( 
        		const TDesC& aResourceFileName,
        		const ThspsConfiguration& aConfiguration,
        		RFile& aFile) = 0;   

* MhspsSecurityService.  
* Part of HSPS Application Theme Management Service APIs.
*  These functions are the following:
*  - control user access on service request, and
*  - adjust user access in queries.
*  Function are explained below:
*  CheckAccessRightsL()
*  --------------------
*  CheckAccessRights function is used to limit client accesses to hsps Theme Server to 
*  the predefined ones. There will be a hardcoded access list with extension mechanism.
*  CheckQueryValidityL() function is used to limit theme request to the set allowed for this 
*  particular user. For example, S60 Personalisation Application is allowed to operate with
*  all themes in theme storage, however, AppShell is limited to operate with it own themes only.
*  CheckAccessRightsL() function is called by CPolicyServer when hspsThemeServer receives user 
*  request. Access rights are hard-coded here for S60 3.1, however, in later versions, 
*  support for dynamic configuration of access rights must atken care. This would be appropriate
*  to solve together TARM-policy implementation.
*  CheckQueryValidityL()
*  -------------------
*  CheckQueryValidityL() function is called by hsps Theme Server's service handlers 
*  (ChspsInstallionHandler, ChspsMaintenanceHandler, and ChspsClientRequestHandler) for adjusting 
*  user request to match the access rights level that user actually will have.
*  This function is to be called immediately when actual ODT is known. 
*  In the istallation cases, ODT is known after manifest-file parsing.
*  In the maintenanace cases, ODT is known immediately on query.
*  In the theme usage cases, ODT is known when it application theme has retrieved from 
*  UI Definition Repository.  
*  For instance, if user is requesting the theme listing (message hspsGetListHeaders) with
*  application UID set to 0 in query meaning that the query concerns all themes in storage.
*  However, if user is not S60 Personalisation Application, the query must not be allowed.
*  @lib hspsThemeServer.exe
*  @since S60 5.0
*  @ingroup group_hspsserver
class MhspsSecurityService
        /** CheckL
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aOdt is the ODT of the theme whose  policy is checked
        virtual void CheckIfLicenseeDefaultExistsL( const ChspsODT& aOdt ) = 0;

        * CheckAccessRightsL
        * @since S60 5.0
        * @param aMessage is the RMessage2 containing the client request data. 
        *        Client's access rights to the hsps Theme Server is to be checked.
        * @return ETrue if request has passed the access rights check, otherwise return EFalse.
        virtual TBool CheckAccessRightsL( const RMessage2& aMessage ) = 0;

#endif// __hspsTHEMEMANAGEMENT_H__