Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of GECODefaultObject
#include "gecodefaultobject.h"
#include "xcfwpanic.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::CGECODefaultObject
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject::CGECODefaultObject()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::NewL
// Two phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject* CGECODefaultObject::NewL(
const TDesC& aTypeIdentifier )
CGECODefaultObject* self = new( ELeave ) CGECODefaultObject() ;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->BaseConstructL( aTypeIdentifier );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::BaseConstructL
// Initializes default object data arrays and type identifier.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::BaseConstructL( const TDesC& aTypeIdentifier )
const TInt KDefaultGranularity = 3;
iTypeIdentifier = aTypeIdentifier.AllocL();
iAttrNames = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KDefaultGranularity );
iAttrValues = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KDefaultGranularity );
// Destructor
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject::~CGECODefaultObject()
delete iTypeIdentifier;
delete iAttrNames;
delete iAttrValues;
delete iText;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::Identifier
// return object TypeIdentifier
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TDesC& CGECODefaultObject::TypeIdentifier()
__ASSERT_PANIC_DEBUG( iTypeIdentifier,
EXCFWPanicNoTypeIdentifier );
return *iTypeIdentifier;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute
// Returns attribute value for given attrib. name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue )
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt count = iAttrNames->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( i ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute
// Returns attribute value and localization status for given attrib. name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue,
TBool& aIsLocalized)
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt count = iAttrNames->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( i ) );
aIsLocalized = iAttrLocStatus[i];
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL
// This function adds new attribute with Localization status EFalse
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue )
SetAttributeL( aAttrName, aAttrValue, EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL
// New attribute is added to object data arrays. Value and localization status
// addition is TRAPped to make sure that all arrays have identical item count
// at all times.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue,
TBool aIsLocalized )
iAttrNames->AppendL( aAttrName );
TInt err = KErrNone;
TRAP( err, iAttrValues->AppendL( aAttrValue ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
//if attribute value addition failed, remove name and leave
TInt lastindex = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
iAttrNames->Delete( lastindex );
User::Leave( err );
TRAP( err, iAttrLocStatus.AppendL( aIsLocalized ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
//if loc status addition failed, remove name and leave
TInt lastindex = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
iAttrNames->Delete( lastindex );
iAttrValues->Delete( lastindex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::TextDetails
// Returns objects text data if any
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::TextDetailsL(
TPtrC& aText,
TBool& aIsLocalized )
if ( iText )
aText.Set( iText->Des() );
aIsLocalized = iTextLocStatus;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::NumAttributes
// Returns number of attributes from internal array
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::NumAttributes()
return iAttrNames->Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL
// Returns details of the attribute in given index (MGECOAttributeProvider IF)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL(
const TInt aIndex,
TPtrC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue,
TBool& aIsLocalized)
if ( aIndex >= 0 && iAttrNames->Count() > aIndex )
aAttrName.Set( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aIsLocalized = iAttrLocStatus[aIndex];
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL
// Returns details of the attribute in given index (MGECOAttributeProvider IF)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL(
const TInt aIndex,
TPtrC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue)
if ( aIndex >= 0 && iAttrNames->Count() > aIndex )
aAttrName.Set( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::RemoveAttribute
// Removes an attribute from the internal attribute name array.
// Value + localization status from same position are deleted as well.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::RemoveAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName )
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt index = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
for ( TInt i = index; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
iAttrNames->Delete( i );
iAttrValues->Delete( i );
iAttrLocStatus.Remove( i );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetText
// Sets the object's text data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetTextL(
const TDesC& aText )
SetTextL( aText, EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetText
// Sets the object's text data and corresponding localization status
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetTextL(
const TDesC& aText,
TBool aIsLocalized )
delete iText;
iText = NULL;
iText = aText.AllocL();
iTextLocStatus = aIsLocalized;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::HasTextData
// Returns ETrue if object has text data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CGECODefaultObject::HasTextData()
TBool ret = EFalse;
if ( iText )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetText
// Returns the text data for this object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetText( TPtrC& aText )
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
if ( iText )
ret = KErrNone;
aText.Set( *iText );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::RemoveText
// Removes possible text data from the object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::RemoveText()
delete iText;
iText = NULL;
iTextLocStatus = EFalse;
// End of File