Many of the components were not compilingm,because bld.inf had undefined flag #ifdef RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI. All the flags removed now. Components do not compile right away. E.g. many icons are missing and need to be copied from Symbian3. See example from MCSPlugin. Shortcut plugin does not need to be compiled as MCSPlugin replaces it.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of XCFW Content tree
#include "xcfwtree.h"
#include "xcfwnode.h"
#include "xcfwpanic.h"
//Helper macro to cast MXCFWNode pointers to CXCFWNode
#define WRAPNODE( aNode ) static_cast<CXCFWNode*>( aNode )
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXCFWTree* self = new( ELeave ) CXCFWTree;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Destructor
//delete dtd name buffer
delete iDTDName;
//delete node array
//reset node array for client
//Null root pointer (owned in the iNodeList array)
iRoot = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding node under certain parent before certain child
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData,
MXCFWNode* aParent,
MXCFWNode* aInsertBefore )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent && aData && aInsertBefore &&
aData->TypeIdentifier() != iRoot->Data()->TypeIdentifier() &&
aInsertBefore->Parent() == aParent, KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create new node and add to arrays.
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//update node references
nodeToAdd->SetParent( aParent );
nodeToAdd->SetNextSibling( aInsertBefore );
nodeToAdd->SetPrevSibling( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() );
//if "insert before" -node has previous sibling, update that
if ( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling( nodeToAdd );
//set previous sibling
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore )->SetPrevSibling( nodeToAdd );
if( aParent->FirstChild() == aInsertBefore )
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetFirstChild( nodeToAdd );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return nodeToAdd;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding node under certain parent as last child
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData,
MXCFWNode* aParent )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
//Legality checks
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent && aData &&
aData->TypeIdentifier() != iRoot->Data()->TypeIdentifier(),
KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create new node and add to arrays
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//set parent for new node
nodeToAdd->SetParent( aParent );
//if parent has a last child
if( aParent->LastChild() )
nodeToAdd->SetPrevSibling( aParent->LastChild() );
WRAPNODE( aParent->LastChild() )->SetNextSibling( nodeToAdd );
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetFirstChild( nodeToAdd );
//update last child of the parent
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetLastChild( nodeToAdd );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return nodeToAdd;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding root node only
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
//if we already have a root, this is illegal
__ASSERT_LEAVE( iRoot==NULL, KErrAlreadyExists );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create root node and add to arrays
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//Set internal root member.
iRoot = nodeToAdd;
nodeToAdd = NULL;
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return iRoot;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::GetChildNodesL
// Put child nodes of the given parent to the given array
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::GetChildNodesL(
MXCFWNode* aParent,
RNodeArray& aNodeList)
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aParent->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
User::LeaveIfError( aNodeList.Append( pointer ) );
pointer = pointer->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::GetNodesOfTypeL
// Put nodes that have dataobject of given type to given array.
// In case of recursion, pre-order recursion is used
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::GetNodesOfTypeL(
const TDesC& aType,
RNodeArray& aNodeList,
MXCFWNode* aParent,
TBool aRecursive )
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aParent->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
if ( pointer->Data()->TypeIdentifier().Compare( aType ) == 0 )
User::LeaveIfError( aNodeList.Append( pointer ) );
if ( aRecursive )
GetNodesOfTypeL( aType, aNodeList, pointer, aRecursive );
pointer = pointer->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::MoveNodeL
// Moves a node in tree and updates the relative nodes in both original and
// new location.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::MoveNodeL(
MXCFWNode* aNodeToMove,
MXCFWNode* aNewParent,
MXCFWNode* aInsertBefore )
// assure parameter legality
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aNodeToMove && aNewParent &&
aNodeToMove != iRoot && aInsertBefore != iRoot &&
aNodeToMove != aNewParent,
KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//if "insert before" node is child node of the given parent, move is illegal
if ( aInsertBefore && aInsertBefore->Parent() != aNewParent )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* check = aNewParent->Parent();
while ( check )
//if user tries to move a node under itself (it is among the parents
// of the given new parent) we'll leave
if ( check == aNodeToMove )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
check = check->Parent();
check = NULL;
//first update old parent if necessary
if ( aNodeToMove->Parent()->FirstChild() == aNodeToMove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->Parent() )->SetFirstChild(
aNodeToMove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToMove->Parent()->LastChild() == aNodeToMove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->Parent() )->SetLastChild(
aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() );
//update old siblings
if ( aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->PrevSibling())->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToMove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToMove->NextSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->NextSibling() )->SetPrevSibling(
aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() );
//set new parent:
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetParent( aNewParent );
//update new siblings
if ( aInsertBefore )
//if "insert before" -node has a sibling before it, we update that
if ( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToMove );
//no previous sibling => insertbefore is the first child of new parent
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetFirstChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling( aInsertBefore );
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore )->SetPrevSibling( aNodeToMove );
//if new parent had children
if ( aNewParent->LastChild() )
WRAPNODE( aNewParent->LastChild() )->SetNextSibling( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( aNewParent->LastChild() );
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetLastChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling(NULL);
else //no children before
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetFirstChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetLastChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( NULL );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling( NULL );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::Nodes
// return tree nodes as array of MXCFWNode pointers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C RNodeArray& CXCFWTree::Nodes()
//see if we should update the MXCFWNode array to reflect the new
if ( iClientListDirty )
if ( iNodeListForClient.Count() > 0 )
TInt count = iNodeList.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
iNodeListForClient.Append( (MXCFWNode*)iNodeList[i] );
iClientListDirty = EFalse;
return iNodeListForClient;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeL
// Removes a node from tree by updating all relative nodes and removing from
// arrays.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeL(
MXCFWNode* aNodeToRemove )
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aNodeToRemove != NULL, KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
if ( iRoot != aNodeToRemove )
//update related nodes before removal, unless removing root node.
if ( aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() )->SetPrevSibling(
aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->Parent()->FirstChild() == aNodeToRemove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->Parent() )->SetFirstChild(
aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->Parent()->LastChild() == aNodeToRemove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->Parent() )->SetLastChild(
aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() );
//root was removed.
iRoot = NULL;
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
RemoveNodeRecursiveL( aNodeToRemove );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveFromArray
// Removes node pointer from CXCFWNode and MXCFWNode pointer arrays.
// Deletes from CXCFWNode array as well.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::RemoveFromNodeList(
MXCFWNode* aNode )
//remove node from the pointer array.
TInt i = iNodeList.Count() - 1 ;
for ( ;i>=0 && aNode != iNodeList[i] ; i-- ){}
if ( i>=0 )
//delete object
delete iNodeList[i];
//remove from pointer arrays.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeRecursiveL
// Post-order recursion is used to make sure that no orhpan nodes are left
// floating.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeRecursiveL(
MXCFWNode* aNode )
__ASSERT_LEAVE ( aNode != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aNode->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
MXCFWNode* temp = pointer->NextSibling();
RemoveNodeRecursiveL( pointer );
pointer = temp;
RemoveFromNodeList( aNode );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::Root
// Returns MXCFWNode pointer to root node.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return iRoot;
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::SetLocked( TBool aLockStatus )
iLocked = aLockStatus;
EXPORT_C TBool CXCFWTree::IsLocked()
return iLocked;
const TDesC& CXCFWTree::DTDName()
if ( !iDTDName )
return KNullDesC;
return *iDTDName;
void CXCFWTree::SetDTDNameL( const TDesC& aName )
delete iDTDName;
iDTDName = NULL;
iDTDName = aName.AllocL();
// End of File