author hgs
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:55:55 +0200
changeset 88 7f0462e8c3da
parent 87 9d806967057c
child 92 782e3408c2ab
permissions -rw-r--r--

 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL "".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description: caservice.cpp

#include <QMetaType>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>

#include "caservice.h"
#include "caservice_p.h"
#include "caquery.h"
#include "caentry.h"
#include "canotifier.h"
#include "canotifier_p.h"
#include "cadefs.h"

#include "caclientproxy.h"
#include "caobjectadapter.h"
#include "caclienttest_global.h"

// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========


 \class CaService.
 \brief This class operates on data, anable creating and inserting new entry
 to DB, removing entry from DB, update entry or get entry from DB, execute
 command on entry and create notifier to notify client about changes onto DB.

 CaService class uses singleton design pattern, so that it contains static
 method called instance() to get instance of a class.

 QSharedPointer<CaService> service = CaService::instance();

 For every operations on data is used always one instantiation of a class.
 Below are examples how to create data and work on those ones.


// Initialization of a static member variable.
QWeakPointer<CaService> CaService::m_instance = QWeakPointer<CaService>();
 \param parent pointer to a parent. It defaults to NULL.
CaService::CaService(QObject *parent) :
    QObject(parent), m_d(new CaServicePrivate(this))


 Returns a pointer to the instance of the CaService class.
 \retval A pointer to the instance of the CaService class.
QSharedPointer<CaService> CaService::instance()
    QSharedPointer<CaService> service(m_instance);
    if (!service) {
        // Register custom types used as types of signal parameters.
        qRegisterMetaType<ChangeType> ("ChangeType");
        qRegisterMetaType<CaEntry> ("CaEntry");

        service = QSharedPointer<CaService>(new CaService);
        m_instance = service.toWeakRef();
    return service;

    delete m_d;

 Search for an entry
 \param entryId id of the entry to find.
 \retval pointer to the found entry.

 CaEntry * entryFromDB = service->getEntry( newItem->id() );

CaEntry *CaService::getEntry(int entryId) const
    QList<CaEntry *> entries = getEntries(QList<int> () << entryId);
    if (entries.count()) {
        // there should be exactly one entry with specified ID if present
        Q_ASSERT(entries.count() == 1);
        return entries[0];
    } else {
        return NULL;

 Search for entries.
 \param entryIdList list of ids.
 \return list of found entries.

 QList<CaEntry *> entriesFromDB = service->getEntries(
 QList<int>() << newItem->id() << newGroup->id() );
 QList<int> idsList;
 QStringList textEntry;
 CaEntry *entry(NULL);
 foreach( entry, entriesFromDB ) {
 idsList << entry->id();
 textEntry << entry->text();

QList<CaEntry *> CaService::getEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->getEntries(entryIdList);

 Search for entries.
 \param query query
 \retval list of entries

 CaQuery query;
 query.setEntryRoles( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
 query.setEntryTypeNames( QStringList() << "TypeNameGroup" << "ItemNameGroup" );
 QList<CaEntry *> entriesFromDB = service->getEntries( query );
 QList<int> idsList;
 QStringList typeNames;
 CaEntry *entry(NULL);
 foreach( entry, entriesFromDB ) {
 idsList << entry->id();
 typeNames << entry->entryTypeName();

QList<CaEntry *> CaService::getEntries(const CaQuery &query) const
    return m_d->getEntries(query);

 Search for entries and return their ids.
 \param query query
 \retval list of ids

 CaQuery query;
 query.setEntryRoles( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
 query.setEntryTypeNames( QStringList() << "TypeNameGroup" << "ItemNameGroup" );
 QList<int> entriesIdsFromDB = service->getEntryIds( query );
 QList<int> idsList;
 QStringList typeNames;
 int id( -1 );
 foreach( id, entriesIdsFromDB ) {
 idsList << id
 typeNames << entry->entryTypeName();

QList<int> CaService::getEntryIds(const CaQuery &query) const
    return m_d->getEntryIds(query);

 Create copy of entry.
 \param entry entry to copy
 \retval pointer to newely created copy

 // creating new entry and add to DB
 CaEntry group( GroupEntryRole );
 group.setText( "TextGroup" );
 group.setTypeName( "TypeNameGroup" );

 CaEntry item( ItemEntryRole );
 item.setText( "TextItem" );
 item.setTypeName( "TypeNameItem" );

 CaEntry * newGroup = service->createEntry( group );
 CaEntry * newItem = service->createEntry( item );
CaEntry *CaService::createEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
    return m_d->createEntry(entry);

 Remove entry.
 \param entryId id of an entry to remove
 \retval true if operation was successful

 bool result = service->removeEntry( newItem->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntry(int entryId) const
    return removeEntries(QList<int> () << entryId);

 Remove entries.
 \param entry entry to remove
 \retval true if operation was successful

 bool result = service->removeEntry( *newItem );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
    return removeEntry(;

 Remove entries.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to remove
 \retval true if operation was successful

 bool result = service->removeEntries( QList<int>() << newItem->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->removeEntries(entryIdList);

 Remove entries.
 \param entryList list of entries to remove
 \retval true if operation was successful

 bool result = service->removeEntries( QList<CaEntry *>() << newItem );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntries(const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
    QList<int> idList;
    CaEntry *entry(NULL);
    foreach(entry, entryList) {
        idList << entry->id();
    return removeEntries(idList);

 Update entry.
 \param entry entry to update
 \retval true if operation was successful

 newItem->setAttribute( "attrName", "attrValue" );
 bool result = service->updateEntry( *newItem );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::updateEntry(const CaEntry &entry) const
    return m_d->updateEntry(entry);

 Performs touch operation on entry.
 \param entry of entry to be touched
 \retval boolean with result of operation

 bool result = service->touch( newItem );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::touch(const CaEntry &entry) const
    return m_d->touch(entry);

 Insert entry into a given group.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryId id of an entry to insert.
 \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAdd;
 itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
 itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
 CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
 bool result = service->insertEntryIntoGroup(
 newGroup->id(), entryToAdd->id(), newItem->id());
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::insertEntryIntoGroup(int groupId, int entryId,
                                     int beforeEntryId) const
    return insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId,

 Insert entry into a given group.
 \param group group.
 \param entry entry to insert.
 \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAdd;
 itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
 itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
 CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
 bool result = service->insertEntryIntoGroup(
 *newGroup, *entryToAdd, newItem->id());
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::insertEntryIntoGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                     const CaEntry &entry, int beforeEntryId) const
    return insertEntryIntoGroup(,, beforeEntryId);

 Insert entries into a given group.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to insert.
 \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAdd;
 itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
 itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
 CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
 bool result = service->insertEntriesIntoGroup(
 newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAdd->id(), newItem->id());
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup(int groupId,
                                       const QList<int> &entryIdList, int beforeEntryId) const
    if (beforeEntryId < 0) {
            "CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup: beforeEntryId cannot be negative: %d",
        return false;
    } else {
        return m_d->insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, entryIdList,

 Insert entry into a given group.
 \param group group.
 \param entryList list of entries (pointers) to insert.
 \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAdd;
 itemToAdd.setText( "TextAdd" );
 itemToAdd.setTypeName( "TypeNameAdd" );
 CaEntry * entryToAdd = service->createEntry( itemToAdd );
 bool result = service->insertEntriesIntoGroup(
 *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAdd, newItem->id());
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::insertEntriesIntoGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                       const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList, int beforeEntryId) const
    QList<int> idList;
    CaEntry *entry(NULL);
    foreach(entry, entryList) {
        idList << entry->id();
    return insertEntriesIntoGroup(, idList, beforeEntryId);

 Remove entry from a given group.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryId id of entry to remove.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
 itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
 itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
 CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
 service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
 bool result = service->removeEntryFromGroup(
 newGroup->id(), entryToAddRemove->id());
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntryFromGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
    return removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);

 Remove entry from a given group.
 \param group group.
 \param entryId id of entry to remove.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
 itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
 itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
 CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
 service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
 bool result = service->removeEntryFromGroup(
 *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntryFromGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                     const CaEntry &entry) const
    return removeEntryFromGroup(,;

 Remove entries from a given group.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to remove.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
 itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
 itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
 CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
 service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
 bool result = service->removeEntriesFromGroup(
 newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAddRemove->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntriesFromGroup(int groupId,
                                       const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, entryIdList);

 Remove entries from a given group.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param group group.
 \param entryList list of entries (pointers) to remove.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAddRemove;
 itemToAddRemove.setText( "TextAddRemove" );
 itemToAddRemove.setTypeName( "TypeNameAddRemove" );
 CaEntry * entryToAddRemove = service->createEntry( itemToAddRemove );
 service->prependEntryToGroup( *newGroup, *entryToAddRemove );
 bool result = service->removeEntriesFromGroup(
 *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAddRemove );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::removeEntriesFromGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                       const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
    QList<int> idList;
    CaEntry *entry(NULL);
    foreach(entry, entryList) {
        idList << entry->id();
    return removeEntriesFromGroup(, idList);

 Performs touch operation on entry.
 \param entry to be touched
 \retval boolean with result of operation
bool CaServicePrivate::touch(const CaEntry &entry)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::touch" << "entryId: " <<;

    mErrorCode = mProxy->touch(entry);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::touch mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;

    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Place entries in a given group at the end.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryId id of entry to append.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAppend;
 itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
 itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
 CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
 bool result = service->appendEntryToGroup(
 newGroup->id(), entryToAppend->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::appendEntryToGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
    return appendEntriesToGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);

 Place entries in a given group at the end.
 \param group group.
 \param entry entry to append.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAppend;
 itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
 itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
 CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
 bool result = service->appendEntryToGroup(
 *newGroup, *entryToAppend );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::appendEntryToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                   const CaEntry &entry) const
    return appendEntryToGroup(,;

 Place entries in a given group at the end.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param groupId group.
 \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to append.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAppend;
 itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
 itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
 CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
 bool result = service->appendEntriesToGroup(
 newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToAppend->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::appendEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
                                     const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->appendEntriesToGroup(groupId, entryIdList);

 Place entries in a given group at the end.
 \param group group.
 \param entryList list of entries to append.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToAppend;
 itemToAppend.setText( "TextAppend" );
 itemToAppend.setTypeName( "TypeNameAppend" );
 CaEntry * entryToAppend = service->createEntry( itemToAppend );
 bool result = service->appendEntriesToGroup(
 *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToAppend );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::appendEntriesToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                     const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
    QList<int> idList;
    CaEntry *entry(NULL);
    foreach(entry, entryList) {
        idList << entry->id();
    return appendEntriesToGroup(, idList);

 Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
 \param groupId id of a group.
 \param entryId id of entry to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToPrepend;
 itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
 itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
 CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
 bool result = service->prependEntryToGroup(
 newGroup->id(), entryToPrepend->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::prependEntryToGroup(int groupId, int entryId) const
    return prependEntriesToGroup(groupId, QList<int> () << entryId);

 Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
 \param group group.
 \param entry entry to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToPrepend;
 itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
 itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
 CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
 bool result = service->prependEntryToGroup(
 *newGroup, *entryToPrepend );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::prependEntryToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                    const CaEntry &entry) const
    return prependEntryToGroup(,;

 Place entries in a given group at the beginning.
 All others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one.
 \param groupId group.
 \param entryIdList list of ids of entries to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToPrepend;
 itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
 itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
 CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
 bool result = service->prependEntriesToGroup(
 newGroup->id(), QList<int>() << entryToPrepend->id() );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::prependEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
                                      const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->prependEntriesToGroup(groupId, entryIdList);

 Place entries in a given group at the begin.
 \param group group.
 \param entryList list of entries to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemToPrepend;
 itemToPrepend.setText( "TextPrepend" );
 itemToPrepend.setTypeName( "TypeNamePrepend" );
 CaEntry * entryToPrepend = service->createEntry( itemToPrepend );
 bool result = service->prependEntriesToGroup(
 *newGroup, QList<CaEntry *>() << entryToPrepend );
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::prependEntriesToGroup(const CaEntry &group,
                                      const QList<CaEntry *> &entryList) const
    QList<int> idList;
    CaEntry *entry(NULL);
    foreach(entry, entryList) {
        idList << entry->id();
    return prependEntriesToGroup(, idList);

 Execute command.
 \param entryId id of an entry.
 \param command command.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemExecute;
 itemExecute.setAttribute("application:uid", "0x12345678");
 CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
 bool result = service->executeCommand(entryExecute->id(), "remove");
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::executeCommand(int entryId, const QString &command) const
    bool result = false;
    CaEntry *const temporaryEntry = getEntry(entryId);
    if (temporaryEntry != NULL) {
        result = executeCommand(*temporaryEntry, command);
        delete temporaryEntry;
    return result;

 Execute command.
 \param entry entry.
 \param command command.
 \retval true if operation was successful.

 CaEntry itemExecute;
 itemExecute.setAttribute("url", "");
 CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
 bool result = service->executeCommand(*entryExecute, "open");
 \b Output:
 result == true
bool CaService::executeCommand(const CaEntry &entry, const QString &command) const
    return m_d->executeCommand(entry, command);

 Creates notifier.
 \param const reference to CaNotifierFilter.
 \retval pointer to created CaNotifier instance.

 // creating notifier with specified notifier filter
 CaNotifierFilter notifierFilter;
 notifierFilter.setIds( QList<int>() << newGroup->id() << newItem->id() );
 notifierFilter.setEntryRole( ItemEntryRole | GroupEntryRole );
 CaNotifier * notifier = service->createNotifier( notifierFilter );
CaNotifier *CaService::createNotifier(const CaNotifierFilter &filter) const
    return m_d->createNotifier(filter);

    Set new order of collection's items set by user.
    \groupId Group id.
    \param entryIdList consists of new order of items.
    \retval true if new order of collection's items is set correctly,
     otherwise return false.

bool CaService::customSort(int groupId, QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    return m_d->customSort(groupId, entryIdList);

 Returns code of an error caused by the last executed operation.
 \retval code of error, zero means no error.

 CaEntry itemExecute;
 itemExecute.setAttribute("url", "");
 CaEntry * entryExecute = service->createEntry(itemExecute->id());
 bool result = service->executeCommand(*entryExecute, "open");

 ErrorCode errorCode = lastError();
 switch (errorCode) {
 case NoErrorCode:
 case BadArgumentErrorCode:

ErrorCode CaService::lastError() const
    return m_d->lastError();

 \param servicePublic pointer to public service
CaServicePrivate::CaServicePrivate(CaService *servicePublic) :
    m_q(servicePublic), mProxy(new CaClientProxy)
    const ErrorCode connectionResult = mProxy->connect();

            << "CaServicePrivate::CaServicePrivate - unable to connect proxy";

    mErrorCode = connectionResult;

    delete mProxy;

 Search for entries.
 \param entryIdList list of entry ids
 \retval list of entries (pointers)
QList<CaEntry *> CaServicePrivate::getEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList) const
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries"
             << "entryIdList:" << entryIdList;


    QList<CaEntry *> resultList;

    mErrorCode = mProxy->getData(entryIdList, resultList);

    // figure out whether all entries have been retrieved and
    // store the operation status
    if (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode
            && entryIdList.count() != resultList.count()) {
        mErrorCode = NotFoundErrorCode;

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries mErrorCode:"
             << mErrorCode;

    return resultList;

 Fetches data from database.
 \param query the query information to select specific entries.
 \param placeholder list of entries for a specific select.
QList<CaEntry *> CaServicePrivate::getEntries(const CaQuery &query) const
    QList<CaEntry *> resultList;

    mErrorCode = mProxy->getData(query, resultList);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntries mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;

    return resultList;

 Search for entries and return their ids.
 \param query query
 \retval list of ids
QList<int> CaServicePrivate::getEntryIds(const CaQuery &query) const

    QList<int> resultList;
    mErrorCode = mProxy->getEntryIds(query, resultList);
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::getEntryIds mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;
    return resultList;

 Create copy of entry.
 \param query const reference to entry to copy
 \retval pointer to newely created copy
CaEntry *CaServicePrivate::createEntry(const CaEntry &entry)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::createEntry"
             << "entry id:" <<;


    CaEntry *newEntry = NULL;
    ErrorCode addDataResult = NoErrorCode;

    try {
        newEntry = new CaEntry(entry.role());

        QScopedPointer<CaEntry> entryClone(new CaEntry(entry));

        const int nonExistingObjectId = 0;

        CaObjectAdapter::setId(*entryClone, nonExistingObjectId);

        addDataResult =
            mProxy->addData(*entryClone, *newEntry);
    } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
        addDataResult = OutOfMemoryErrorCode;

    if (addDataResult != NoErrorCode) {
        delete newEntry;
        newEntry = NULL;

    mErrorCode = addDataResult;

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::createEntry mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;


    return newEntry;

 Update entry.
 \param entry entry const reference of entry to update
 \retval true if operation was successful
bool CaServicePrivate::updateEntry(const CaEntry &entry)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::updateEntry"
             << "entry id:" <<;


    ErrorCode updateEntryResult = UnknownErrorCode;

    if ( != 0) {
        try {
            QScopedPointer<CaEntry> updatedEntry(new CaEntry(entry.role()));

            updateEntryResult = mProxy->addData(entry, *updatedEntry);

        } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
            updateEntryResult = OutOfMemoryErrorCode;

    mErrorCode = updateEntryResult;

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::updateEntry mErrorCode on return:"
             << mErrorCode;

    return (updateEntryResult == NoErrorCode);

 Remove entries.
 \param entryIdList list of entries ids to remove
 \retval true if operation was successful
bool CaServicePrivate::removeEntries(const QList<int> &entryIdList)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntries"
             << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;


    mErrorCode = mProxy->removeData(entryIdList);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntries mErrorCode:" << mErrorCode;


    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Insert entry into a given group.
 \param groupId groupId.
 \param entryIdList list of entries ids to insert.
 \param beforeEntryId id of an entry before which the given entry is inserted.
 \retval true if operation was successful.
bool CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup(
    int groupId,
    const QList<int> &entryIdList,
    int beforeEntryId) // all others are convenience methods implemented in terms of this one
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup"
             << "groupId: " << groupId << " beforeEntryId: " << beforeEntryId
             << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;


    mErrorCode = mProxy->insertEntriesIntoGroup(groupId, entryIdList, beforeEntryId);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::insertEntriesIntoGroup mErrorCode:"
             << mErrorCode;


    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Remove entries from a given group.

 \param groupId groupId.
 \param entryIDList list of entries ids to remove.
 \retval true if operation was successful.
bool CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup(
    int groupId,
    const QList<int> &entryIdList)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup"
             << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList" << entryIdList;


    mErrorCode = mProxy->removeEntriesFromGroup(groupId, entryIdList);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::removeEntriesFromGroup mErrorCode:"
             << mErrorCode;


    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Place entries in a given group at the end.
 \param groupId groupId.
 \param entryIdList list of entries ids to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.
bool CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup(
    int groupId,
    const QList<int> &entryIdList)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup"
             << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;


    const bool result = insertEntriesIntoGroup(

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::appendEntriesToGroup result:"
             << QString(result ? "true" : "false");


    return result;

 Place entries in a given group at the begin.
 \param groupId groupId.
 \param entryIdList list of entries ids to prepend.
 \retval true if operation was successful.
bool CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup(int groupId,
        const QList<int> &entryIdList)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup"
             << "groupId: " << groupId << "entryIdList: " << entryIdList;


    const bool result =

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::prependEntriesToGroup result:"
             << QString(result ? "PASS" : "FAIL");


    return result;

 Executes command on entry (fe. "open", "remove")
 \param const reference to an entry on which command will be issued
 \param string containing a command
 \retval boolean which is used as an error code return value, true means positive result
bool CaServicePrivate::executeCommand(const CaEntry &entry,
                                      const QString &command)
    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::executeCommand"
             << "entry id:" << << "command:" << command;


    if (command == caCmdOpen) {

    mErrorCode = mProxy->executeCommand(entry, command);

    qDebug() << "CaServicePrivate::executeCommand mErrorCode on return:"
             << mErrorCode;


    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Creates new notifier. Factory class
 \param CaNotifierFilter which is used be new notifier
 \retval pointer to new Notifier
CaNotifier *CaServicePrivate::createNotifier(const CaNotifierFilter &filter)
    return new CaNotifier(new CaNotifierPrivate(filter));

    Set new order of collection's items set by user.
    \param groupId Group id.
    \param entryIdList consists of new order of items.
    \retval true if new order of collection's items is set correctly,
     otherwise return false.
bool CaServicePrivate::customSort(int groupId, QList<int> &entryIdList)

    mErrorCode = mProxy->customSort(entryIdList, groupId);


    return (mErrorCode == NoErrorCode);

 Returns code of an error caused by the last executed operation.
 \retval code of error, zero means no error.
ErrorCode CaServicePrivate::lastError() const
    return mErrorCode;