removed another .cproject carbide file, which was present in the other branch and made it through the merge.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Shortcut plug-in engine class.
#include <apgnotif.h> // For MApaAppListServObserver
#include <msvapi.h> // For MMsvSessionObserver
#include <favouritesdb.h> // For RFavouritesDb
#include <favouritesdbobserver.h> // For MFavouritesDbObserver
#include <ConeResLoader.h>
#ifdef __WEB_WIDGETS
#include <widgetregistryclient.h>
#include <aiutility.h>
#include "aiscutdefs.h"
#include "taiscutparser.h"
#include "aicontentpublisher.h"
class CCoeEnv;
class CVwsSessionWrapper;
class CActiveFavouritesDbNotifier;
class CAiScutPlugin;
class CAiScutShortcut;
class CRepository;
class CAiScutRepositoryWatcher;
class CAiScutTargetShutter;
class CKeyLockPolicyApi;
* Defines the different scenarios of shortcut access checking.
enum TScutAccessCheckType
* Defines which default can be used, when daulting is needed (uninstall/mem card removed)
enum TScutDefault
EScutUserDefined = 0,
enum TScutLockKey
* Shortcut plug-in engine class.
* Handles most of plug-in activity.
* @since S60 v3.2
class CAiScutEngine : public CBase
, public MMsvSessionObserver
, public MApaAppListServObserver
, public MFavouritesDbObserver
* First phase contructor.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aPlugin Reference to the main plug-in class
static CAiScutEngine* NewL(CAiScutPlugin& aPlugin);
virtual ~CAiScutEngine();
// from base class MMsvSessionObserver
* Handles an event from the message server
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aEvent Indicates the event type.
* @param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value
* @param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value
* @param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value
void HandleSessionEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
// from base class MApaAppListServObserver
* From MApaAppListServObserver.
* Handles a change in the application list
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aEvent Event id
void HandleAppListEvent(TInt aEvent);
* Resumes the engine
* @since S60 v3.2
virtual void ResumeL(TBool aPublishAll, TAiTransitionReason aReason);
* Suspends the engine
* @since S60 v3.2
void Suspend();
static TInt HandleShortcutsChanged(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt HandleHiddenAppsChanged(TAny* aPtr);
TBool IsHidden(const TUid& aAppUid) const;
* Handles an event sent by the AI framework
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aEvent Event (service) id
* @param aParam Event parameter(s)
virtual void HandleAiEventL(TInt aEvent, const TDesC& aParam);
* Called by the timer. Retries the access check for shortcuts.
* @since S60 v3.2
void RetryAccessCheck();
* Checks if application is midlet or widget.
* @param aUid Application uid
* @since S60 v3.2
TBool IsNonNative(const TUid& aUid);
TBool IsHiddenFromFSW( const TUid& aAppUid );
#ifdef __WEB_WIDGETS
* Ask client session if given UID is widget.
TBool IsWidget(const TUid& aUid);
* Handles call state changes (non-static version).
* @since S60 v3.2
void HandleCallStateChange();
* Merges the user defined shortcuts with the defaults.
* @param aType shortcut type
* @param aRecreateAll forces the recreation of shortcuts
* @since S60 v3.2
void MergeShortcuts(TShortcutType aType, TBool aRecreateAll);
*Get Application title
TBool GetAppTitle(
const TUid& aAppUid,
const TUid& aViewId,
TDes& aTitle,
TAiScutAppTitleType aType);
* Returns the application architecture server session owned by the engine
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return Reference to RApaLsSession
inline RApaLsSession& ApaSession();
* Returns reference to the bookmark database owned by the engine
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return Reference to RFavouritesDb
inline RFavouritesDb& FavouritesDb();
* Returns the message server session owned by the engine
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return Pointer to CMsvSession
inline CMsvSession* MsvSession();
* Returns a pointer to view server session wrapper.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return Pointer to view server session wrapper
inline CVwsSessionWrapper* VwsSession();
* Returns a pointer to the coe environment
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return Pointer to coe environment
inline CCoeEnv* Env();
* Creates the shortcuts merging the defaults with user defined ones.
* @since S60 v3.2
void CreateShortcutsL();
* C++ constructor
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aPlugin Reference to the main plug-in class
CAiScutEngine(CAiScutPlugin& aPlugin);
void ConstructL();
* Merges the user defined shortcuts with the defaults.
* Leaving version
* @param aType shortcut type
* @param aRecreateAll forces the recreation of shortcuts
* @since S60 v3.2
void MergeShortcutsL(TShortcutType aType, TBool aRecreateAll);
* Checks shortcut accessibility. If the AppArc server or message server
* respond that they are not ready, a timer is launched to check later.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCheckType Specifies which kind of shortcuts should check its access
* @param aPublishAll All shortcuts are published
void CheckAccessAndPublish(TInt aCheckType, TBool aPublishAll);
* Tells each shortcut to check whether or not its target is accessible.
* Shortcuts will revert to the default setting if the user setting is
* not accessible.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCheckType Specifies which kind of shortcuts should check its access
* @param aPublishAll All shortcuts are published
void CheckAccessAndPublishL(TInt aCheckType, TBool aPublishAll);
* Finds the shortcut object with the given id
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aId Shortcut id
* @return Shortcut index or KErrNotFound
TInt FindShortcutIndex(TInt32 aId);
* Handles the shortcut launch by index.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aParam Index of the shortcut to launch
void HandleLaunchByIndexL(const TDesC& aParam);
* Handles the special launching of a shortcut. The
* launching can be done based on the location of
* the shortcut (sk, toolbar item etc) or based on the
* application it points to. Currently when this function is
* called to a shortcut that points to appshell the fastswap
* window is opened
* @since s60 v5.0
* @param aParam Index of the shortcut to perform the special launch
void HandleLaunchByIndexAlternateL(const TDesC& aParam);
* Handles the shortcut launch by value
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aParam Value of the shortcut to launch
void HandleLaunchByValueL(const TDesC& aParam);
* Shows the plug-in settings dialog.
* @since S60 v3.2
void ShowSettingsL(const TDesC& aParam);
* Shows the plug-in setting.
* @since S60 v5.0
void ShowSettingL(const TDesC& aParam);
* Opens the fast swap window
* @since S60 v5.0
void OpenFastSwap();
* Handles PS commands from WSPlugin.
* @since S60 v3.2
static TInt HandlePSCommand(TAny* aAny);
* Handles call state changes.
* @since S60 v3.2
static TInt CallStateChangeCallback(TAny* aPtr);
* Callback for delay timer
static TInt DelayTimerCallBack(TAny *aSelf );
* Get soft key uid
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aSoftkeyId shortcut index
TUid SoftkeyUid(TUint32 aSoftkeyId);
*Check softkey delay is required
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param AppUid application uid
TBool IsDelayRequired(TUid aAppUid);
* Handles PS commands from WSPlugin (leaving version).
* @since S60 v3.2
void DoHandlePSCommandL();
* Activates phone/video call application
* @since S60 v3.2
void ActivateTopMostApp();
* Check MsvSession is Needed
TBool IsMsvSessionNeeded();
* Check Bookmark Observer is Needed
TBool IsBookmarkObserverNeeded();
* Load application titles list
void LoadAppTitleListL();
* Get hidden applications
void GetHiddenAppsL();
void CheckForThemeDefaultReinstalledL();
TBool IsLockKey( TInt aScanCode, TScutLockKey aLockKey ) const;
TInt AddOverrideIcon( TAiScutIcon &aIcon );
* Starts a delay timer that calls HandleLaunchByIndexL() after
* a short delay. Delay is read from cenrep with the key KAIKeyLockTimeout
* @param aParam The parameter to pass to HandleLaunchByIndexL()
void DelayedLaunchByIndexL( const TDesC &aParam );
private: // From MFavouritesDbObserver
* Handles database event.
* @param aEvent Database event.
void HandleFavouritesDbEventL(RDbNotifier::TEvent aEvent);
protected: // data
* Shortcut objects.
* Own.
RAiShortcutArray iShortcuts;
* Shortcut objects for storing theme default scuts.
* Own.
RAiShortcutInfoArray iThemeShortcuts;
* Flags for shortcuts to indicate whether platform or theme default is used.
RArray<TScutDefault> iDefaultUsed;
* Central Repository session.
* Own.
CRepository* iRepository;
* Notifier for changes in the application list
* (installations / uninstallations).
* Own.
CApaAppListNotifier* iAppNotifier;
* Notifier for changes in the shortcut settings.
* Own.
CAiScutRepositoryWatcher* iSettingsNotifier;
* Message server session.
* Own.
CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
* Timer that performs the availability check after a given delay.
* Own
CPeriodic* iTimer;
* Reference to the plug-in.
* Not own.
CAiScutPlugin& iPlugin;
* Application architecture server session.
RApaLsSession iApaSession;
* Bookmark database session.
* Own.
RFavouritesSession iBookmarkSess;
* Bookmark database.
* Own.
RFavouritesDb iBookmarkDb;
* Bookmark database change observer.
* Own.
CActiveFavouritesDbNotifier* iBookmarkDbObserver;
* View server session wrapper.
* Own
CVwsSessionWrapper* iVwsSession;
* Flag to indicate that all shortcus are to be published. Used when resuming.
TBool iPublishAll;
*Call key event observer
* Own
MAiPSPropertyObserver* iKeyEventObserver;
* Call state PS observer.
* Own.
MAiPSPropertyObserver* iCallStateObserver;
* Call state
TBool iActiveCall;
* First keylock key
TInt iFirstLockKey;
* First keylock key pressed flag to ensure first lock has been
* pressed when skipping key lock. Enabling the correct response to
* skip command.
TBool iFirstLockKeyPressed;
* Second keylock key
TInt iSecondLockKey;
* Resource loader for common text resources.
RConeResourceLoader iResourceLoaderTexts;
* Resource loader for sendui text resources.
RConeResourceLoader iResourceLoaderSendUi;
* Coe environment.
* Not own.
CCoeEnv* iEnv;
* Array of UIDs which are hidden from the TARM
RArray<TUid> iHiddenApps;
* Central repository object for Hidden Apps
* Own
CRepository* iHiddenAppsRepository;
* Central repository change handler for Hidden Apps
* Own
CAiScutRepositoryWatcher* iHiddenAppsNotifier;
* Application titles list
RArray<TAiScutAppTitleEntry> iAppTitleList;
* Own
CAiScutTargetShutter* iScutShutter;
TBool iSoftkeyAppRunning;
#ifdef __WEB_WIDGETS
* Widget registry client session to check if UID means widget.
RWidgetRegistryClientSession iWidgetRegistry;
TBool iWidgetRegistryConnected;
* for parsing the icon overrides and softkeys
TAiScutParser iParser;
* Override icons and softkeyicons are held here
RArray <TAiScutIcon> iIcons;
* For checking keylock buttons
* Own
CKeyLockPolicyApi *iKeylockApi;
* Timer user to delay the launching
* of specific shortcuts.
* Own
CPeriodic *iDelayTimer;
* Command passed to HandleLaunchByIndexL()
* when delayed launching is used
* Own
HBufC *iDelayedLaunchCmd;
* Delayed launching delay. Read from cenrep
TInt iDelayTimerDelay;
#include "caiscutengine.inl"
// End of File.