* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: State Provider
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <hwrmlight.h>
#include <AknsSrvClient.h>
// User includes
#include <aifwstatehandler.h>
#include "aiecomobserver.h"
// Forward declarations
class MAiPSPropertyObserver;
class MAiStateObserver;
class TAiFwPublisherInfo;
// Class declaration
* State Provider
* @ingroup group_aifw
* @lib aifw.lib
* @since S60 5.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAiStateProvider ) : public CBase,
public MCoeMessageMonitorObserver,
public MHWRMLightObserver,
public MAknsSkinChangeObserver,
public MAiEcomObserver,
public MAiFwStateHandler
// Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAiStateProvider* NewL( MAiStateObserver& aObserver );
* Two-phased constructor. Leaving on stack
static CAiStateProvider* NewLC( MAiStateObserver& aObserver );
* Destructor
// private constructors
* 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* C++ default constructor
CAiStateProvider( MAiStateObserver& aObserver );
// new methods
* Start state providing
* @since S60 5.2
* @param aCoeEnv Control environment
void StartL( CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv );
* Stop state providing
* @since S60 5.2
void Stop();
// from MCoeMessageMonitorObserver
* @see MCoeMessageMonitorObserver
void MonitorWsMessage( const TWsEvent& aEvent );
// from MHWRMLightObserver
* @see MHWRMLightObserver
void LightStatusChanged( TInt aTarget,
CHWRMLight::TLightStatus aStatus );
// from MAknsSkinChangeObserver
* @see MAknsSkinChangeObserver
void SkinContentChanged();
* @see MAknsSkinChangeObserver
void SkinConfigurationChanged(
const TAknsSkinStatusConfigurationChangeReason aReason );
* @see MAknsSkinChangeObserver
void SkinPackageChanged(
const TAknsSkinStatusPackageChangeReason aReason );
// from MAiEcomObserver
* @see MAiEcomObserver
void NotifyEcomRegistryChanged();
// from MAiFwStateHandler
* @see MAiFwStateHandler
void LoadPlugin( const TAiFwPublisherInfo& aInfo );
* @see MAiFwStateHandler
void DestroyPlugin( const TAiFwPublisherInfo& aInfo );
* @see MAiFwStateHandler
void ChangePluginState( TAiFwState aState );
// new functions
static TInt BackupRestoreEvent( TAny* aAny );
static TInt SwiUidListEvent( TAny* aAny );
// data
/** ECom observer, owned */
CAiEcomObserver* iEcomObserver;
/** State observer, Not owned */
MAiStateObserver& iObserver;
/** Control environment, Not owned */
CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
/** Light status observer, Owned */
CHWRMLight* iLightObserver;
/** Skin server session, Owned */
RAknsSrvSession iSkinSrv;
/** Backup Restore observer, Owned */
MAiPSPropertyObserver* iBackupRestoreObserver;
/** Flag to indicate whether state providing is started */
TBool iStarted;
/** SWI UID list observer, owned */
MAiPSPropertyObserver* iSwiUidListObserver;
// friend classes
friend class UT_AiStateProvider;
// End of file