user: kashif.sayed
added dependencies/ssm/ssmdomaindefs.h
added dependencies/ssm/ssmstate.h
added dependencies/ssm/ssmstateawaresession.h
changed dependencies/ssm/bld.inf
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SVG Engine header file
#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
#include <e32base.h>
//does this need to be in a #define
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include "SVGRendererId.h"
#include "SVGListener.h"
const TInt KSvgEngineUidValue=0x040039CE;
const TUid KSvgEngineUid={KSvgEngineUidValue};
typedef TUint TRenderingQuality;
const TRenderingQuality KLowNoAA = 0;
const TRenderingQuality KHighNoAA = 1;
const TRenderingQuality KLowAA = 2;
const TRenderingQuality KHighAA = 3;
const TInt KInvalidEnumAttribute = -10000;
const TReal32 KInvalidFloatAttribute = -10000;
#define KSVGColorNone 2
#define KSVGCurrentColor 3
#define KSVGColorInherit 4
#define KSVGAttributeInherit 5
#define __TLV_ // Needed by orbit.
enum TSvgErrorCode
ESvgNoError = 0,
enum TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType
ESvgPreserveAspectRatio_XmidYmid, //default
enum TSvgMeetOrSliceType
class MSvgHyperlinkListener;
class MSvgTextAreaListener;
class MSvgTextListener;
class MSvgAnimationListener;
class MSvgListener;
class CGfxGeneralPath;
class CFbsBitmap;
class CSvgEngineImpl;
//class CSvgGcStack;
class CSvgElementImpl;
class MSvgEventReceiver;
class MSvgRequestObserver;
class CSvgTimer;
class MXmlElement;
class CSvgDocumentImpl;
class CXmlElementImpl;
class CSvgErrorImpl;
class CSvgTextElementImpl;
class CSvgBitmapFontProvider;
class MRect
* Get the four points for a rectangle
* @since 1.0
* @return : void
virtual void GetPoints(TPoint& aPoint1, TPoint& aPoint2, TPoint& aPoint3, TPoint& aPoint4) const = 0;
virtual TBool Intersects( const MRect& aRect ) = 0;
virtual void Center( TPoint& aCenter ) = 0;
class MSvgError
* Determine wether an error is indicated by this object.
* @since 1.0
* @return : ETrue, if ErrorCode() != ESvgNoError
virtual TBool HasError() = 0;
* Determine wether an error is only a warning.
* This should be a state when the svg may be display, despite
* a conflict.
* @since 1.0
* @return ETrue if HasError() is only a warning.
virtual TBool IsWarning() = 0;
* Get the error code contained by this object.
* @since 1.0
* @return : the TSvgErrorCode value
virtual TSvgErrorCode ErrorCode() = 0;
* Get the error description string for this object.
* @since 1.0
* @return : error description string.
virtual TDesC& Description() = 0;
* Get the system error code contained by this object. For example,
* If ErrorCode() is ESvgDRMFailure, SystemErrorCode() will contain
* the error-code returned by the system for a drm-failure.
* @since 1.0
* @return : the TSvgErrorCode value
virtual TInt SystemErrorCode() = 0;
* This class implements the interface for a SVGT Engine, providing methods
* to load svg contents and manipulate the output, such as zooming, panning
* and rotating the display.
class CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl : public CBase
IMPORT_C MSvgError* CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl::SaveSvgDom(TInt aHandle, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Two phase construction
// April 27th : Add thrid new parameter for specifying the Text height
IMPORT_C static CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* NewL( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec );
IMPORT_C static CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* NewL( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec ,SVGRendererId aRendererType );
* Create a new Svg Engine interface.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aFrameBuffer -- bitmap to draw resulting svg image.
* @param : aReqObserver -- interface for callbacks to retrieve info
* only client can provide, such as opening files.
* @param : aFontSpec -- Font spec to use for text drawing.
* @return : none
IMPORT_C static CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* NewLC( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec );
// NGA:: overloading NewLC to include a renderer selector parameter
IMPORT_C static CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* NewLC( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec ,SVGRendererId aRendererType );
* Added for getting the NVG-TLV from S60SVGTEngine in QT S60 baseport.
* @since 1.0
* @return : Pointer to the tlv data
IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 TLVEncodedData() const;
* Svg Engine interface Destructor.
* @since 1.0
* @param : None
* @return : none
IMPORT_C ~CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl();
* Load a svg document from a file. An error is return if one is encountered.
* Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content
* to display nevertheless.
* @since 1.0
* @param aFileName -- Name of svg file
* @return : Error code if any
IMPORT_C MSvgError* Load( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Load a svg document from a byte array. An error is return if one is encountered.
* Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content
* to display nevertheless.
* @since 1.0
* @param aByteData -- Byte array of svg document.
* @return : Error code if any
IMPORT_C MSvgError* Load( const TDesC8& aByteData );
* Load a svg document from from the RFile Handle passed. An error is return if one is encountered.
* Some errors may be more like warnings, which may allow the svg content
* to display nevertheless.
* @since 1.0
* @param aFileHandle -- RFile handle of svg document.
* @return : Error code if any
IMPORT_C MSvgError* Load( RFile& aFileHandle );
* Destroy the currently "loaded" svg document. Prepared documents,
* must be destroy through DeleteDom, or the engine will destroy them
* in its destructor function.
* @since 1.0
* @param : none
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
* Request the SVG Engine to begin an animation.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aEngine -- NULL to start internal svg-engine
* @param : aIsMainThread -- EFalse to start engine asynchronously,
* defaulted to EFalse.
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Start( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue );
* Request the SVG Engine to begin an animation.
* This method returns an error code.
* @since 1.0
* @param : MSvgError*& -- Pointer to Error object ,
* @param : aEngine -- NULL to start internal svg-engine,
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Start( MSvgError*& aError,
CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL
* Request the SVG Engine to stop an animation.
* @since 1.0
* @param : none
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Stop( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL );
* Request the SVG Engine to pause an animation.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param : none
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Pause( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL );
* Request the SVG Engine to resume an animation.
* @since 1.0
* @param : none
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void Resume( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL );
* Get the animation duration of a svg content, in milliseconds,
* for non-indefinite animations.
* @since 1.0
* @param
* @return the animation duration.
IMPORT_C TUint32 Duration( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Reset the view to the default values. Redraw() must be called to
* update the output image.
* @since 1.0
* @param
* @return the animation duration.
IMPORT_C void OriginalView( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Request the SVG Engine to zoom-in on the content given the zoom factor.
* The value range is greater than zero. The current zoom factor is
* multiplied with the given value to yield the final result. Redraw()
* must be called to update the output image.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aScaleFactor -- A value greater than zero.
* @return
IMPORT_C void Zoom( TReal32 aScaleFactor, TInt aEngine = NULL ) __SOFTFP;
* Shift the center of the content in both x and y coordinates. The
* values are in user-coordinate values and may be negative. Redraw()
* must be called to update the output image.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aX -- Number of pixels to pan left (negative) or right.
* @param : aY -- Number of pixels to pan up (negative) or down.
* @return
IMPORT_C void Pan( TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Shift the center of the content in both x and y coordinates. The
* values are in user-coordinate values and may be negative.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aX -- Number of pixels to pan left (negative) or right.
* @param : aY -- Number of pixels to pan up (negative) or down.
* @return TBool
IMPORT_C TBool IsPanPossible( TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Checks the panning possibility in four directions. A efficient
* API for clients which want to show 4 way panning indicators.
* It is efficient for these clients to get the all four direction
* information at one go. Saves rendering time significantly per
* frame.
* @since 1.0
* @param : left: would contain result of whether panning of one pixel
* possible to left.
* @param : right: would contain result of whether panning of one pixel
* possible to right.
* @param : up: would contain result of whether panning of one pixel
* possible to up.
* @param : down: would contain result of whether panning of one pixel
* possible to down.
* @param :
* @return
IMPORT_C void IsPanPossibleFourWay
( TBool& left, TBool& right, TBool& up, TBool& down, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Rotate the content about the given point by the given angle.
* The point is in user-coordinates. Redraw() must be called to
* update the output image.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aAngle -- Number of gradients to rotate.
* @param : aX -- X center of rotation
* @param : aY -- Y center of rotation.
* @return
IMPORT_C void Rotate( TReal32 aAngle,
TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aEngine = NULL ) __SOFTFP;
* Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse down" event. The engine will
* initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aX -- x coordinate of mouse event.
* @param : aY -- y coordinate of mouse event.
* @return
IMPORT_C TInt MouseDown( TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse up" event. The engine will
* initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aX -- x coordinate of mouse event.
* @param : aY -- y coordinate of mouse event.
* @return
IMPORT_C void MouseUp( TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Notify the SVG Engine that a "mouse move" event. The engine will
* initiate mouse-related events, such as links, if appropriate.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aX -- x coordinate of mouse event.
* @param : aY -- y coordinate of mouse event.
* @return
IMPORT_C void MouseMove( TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Notify the SVG Engine that a "key press" event. The engine will
* initiate key-related events if appropriate.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aKeyCode -- key code of key event.
* @return
IMPORT_C void KeyPress( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Retrieve the rendering quality setting. See TRenderingQuality
* for possible values.
* @since 1.0
* @param
* @return
IMPORT_C TRenderingQuality GetRenderQuality( );
* Set the rendering quality. Low-level graphics is always set
* to high -- no effect from this call. Redraw() must be called to
* update the output image.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aQualityLevel -- rendering quality
* @return
IMPORT_C void SetRenderQuality( TRenderingQuality aQualityLevel, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Retrieve the reference to the svg document object.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return current document that was Loaded or Prepare/UseDom.
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl* SvgDocument();
* Set the minimum delay between each frame, in milliseconds.
* Frames per Second = 1000 / aFrameDelay
* The default/minimum value is 67 milliseconds (15 fps).
* @since 1.0
* @param : aFrameDelay -- animation frame duration.
* @return none
IMPORT_C void SetAnimFrameDuration( TUint aAFDur, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Request for updating the off-screen image buffer with the
* svg content.
* @since 1.0
* @param aIsMainThread -- indicate whether this redraw request
* is called in the main thread (executed immediately).
* Otherwise, this request is to be executed asynchronously.
* 'Main thread' used here means the thread which instantiated
* this CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl object.
* @return none
IMPORT_C void Redraw( TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Switch the debugging mode on/off.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return none
IMPORT_C void SwitchDebugInfo( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This is the integer version of ContentDimensions.
* 1) Return the size of the <svg> width/height if given in non-percentage.
* 2) If <svg> width/height are given as percentages:
* A) If viewbox attribute is specified, return the viewbox width/height times the <svg> width/height percentages.
* B) Else return the content bounding-box size times times the <svg> width/height percentages.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return TSize
IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensions( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This is the floating-point version of ContentDimensions.
* 1) Return the size of the <svg> width/height if given in non-percentage.
* 2) If <svg> width/height are given as percentages:
* A) If viewbox attribute is specified, return the viewbox width/height times the <svg> width/height percentages.
* B) Else return the content bounding-box size times times the <svg> width/height percentages.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return
IMPORT_C void ContentDimensions( TReal32& aWidth, TReal32& aHeight, TInt aEngine = NULL ) __SOFTFP;
* Retrieve the content size in user-coordinates if specified as
* percentage.
* @since 3.1
* @param none
* @return TSize
IMPORT_C TSize ContentDimensionsInPercentage( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Set focus coordinates to the next focusable object.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return rectangle area having the focus on an object.
IMPORT_C TRect FocusNext();
* Set focus coordinates to the previous focusable object.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return rectangle area having the focus on the previous object.
IMPORT_C TRect FocusPrevious();
* Activate currently focussed object.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return none
IMPORT_C void ActivateObjectInFocus();
* Get the current animation frame time, in milliseconds.
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return current frame time.
IMPORT_C TInt32 MediaTime( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Set the current animation frame time, in millseconds.
* @since 1.0
* @param aTime -- time to forward/rewind to.
* @return none
IMPORT_C void SetMediaTime( TInt32 aTime, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Returns the Size of Viewport
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return viewport size
IMPORT_C TSize Size( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Returns the Position of Viewport
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return
IMPORT_C TPoint Position( TInt aEngine = NULL ) ;
* Reset the focus list
* This happens in the event of new additions to EventReceiver list and/or
* sorting of this list
* @since 1.0
* @param aIndex - index of object to reset focus.
* @return
void ResetFocusIndex(TInt32 aIndex);
* Generate mask bitmap from the current frame
* @since 1.0
* @param aMask - bitmap to hold masking info.
* @return none
IMPORT_C void GenerateMask( CFbsBitmap* aMask, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Set the color for clearing background.
* @since 1.0
* @param aRGBA8888Color - 32-bit color value
* @return none
IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor( TUint32 aRGBA8888Color, CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL );
* Returns SVG Engine State
* @since 1.0
* @param none
* @return 0 == SVG Running and 1 == SVG Paused
IMPORT_C TInt CurrentState( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Returns SVG Engine Pan Position
* @since 1.0
* @param
* @return TPoint
IMPORT_C TPoint PanPosition( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This method is a special case Constructor method used for polymorphic
* DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.
* @since 1.0
* @return
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl();
* Replay the Current Animation.
* @since 1.0
* @param :
* @return : MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* Replay( TInt aEngine = NULL );
/**Added for DOM Caching API changes*/
* Parses and Prepares DOM for given SVG or SVGB file.
* Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be
* delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.
* @param aFileName: the name of the file to be parsed
* @param aHandle: Handle to the created DOM.
* @return: MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* PrepareDom(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt& aHandle, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Parses and Prepares DOM for both svg and svg binary data.
* Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be
* delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.
* @param aByteData: Svg/SvgBinary data.
* @param aHandle: Handle to the created DOM.
* @return: MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* PrepareDom(const TDesC8& aByteData, TInt& aHandle, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Parses and Prepares DOM for given SVG or SVGB file.
* Provides a Handle to the created DOM. A prepared DOM may be
* delete with DeleteDom or when the engine is deleted.
* @param : aFileHandle -- File handle
* @param : aHandle -- Handle to a DOM.
* @return: MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* PrepareDom( RFile& aFileHandle, TInt& aHandle, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Defines view box for SVG content associated with
* handle if not set.
IMPORT_C void ChooseViewBoxIfNotSet(TInt aDomHandle);
* Renders the DOM tree associated with the Handle (UseDom).
* @param : aHandle -- Handle to a DOM.
* @param : aBitmap -- Bitmap to draw DOM content.
*@param : aMaskBuffer - Buffer for mask (alpha values) of framebuffer result (optional).
* @return: MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* RenderDom(TInt aHandle, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aMaskBuffer = NULL);
* Deletes the DOM tree associated with the Handle.
* @param : aHandle -- Handle to a DOM.
* @return: MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured during operation
IMPORT_C MSvgError* DeleteDom( TInt aHandle );
* Enable/Disable DRM.
* @param : aEnable -- Flag to enable/distable DRM.
* @return: none
IMPORT_C void SetDRMMode(TBool aEnable, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* initialization of the engine according to a particular cached DOM tree.
*@param : aHandle -- Handle to DOM Tree.
*@param : aRenderBuffer - Buffer for drawing the DOM Tree.
*@param : aMaskBuffer - Buffer for mask (alpha values) of framebuffer result (optional).
*@param : aEngine - SvgEngine handle to manager DOM (optional).
*@return MSvgError* Error object specifying the error occured.
IMPORT_C MSvgError* UseDom(TInt aHandle, CFbsBitmap* aRenderBuffer, CFbsBitmap* aMaskBuffer = NULL, TInt aEngine = NULL);
IMPORT_C MSvgError* UseDom(TInt aHandle,CFbsBitmap* aRenderBuffer, CFbsBitmap* aMaskBuffer,TSize aRenderBufferSize,TDisplayMode aRenderDisplayMode,TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode,TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Set the SVG dimensions to the root buffer size.
*@param aWidth - width to set root size.
*@param aHeight - height to set root size.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetSvgDimensionToFrameBuffer(TUint aWidth, TUint aHeight, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Return the scaled bounding box for the whole svg document.
*@param none
*@return the scaled bounding box info.
IMPORT_C TRect GetSvgBoundingBox( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Check for interactive/non-interactive content.
*@param aDocument - Document Pointer
*@return wether document has interactive elements.
IMPORT_C TBool IsContentInteractive( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Update the path information with the given element
*@param hPath - path handle
*@param hElement - element handle
*@return none
IMPORT_C void UpdatePath(TInt hPath, CSvgElementImpl* hElement);
* Returns the size (number of external elements) in the given document
*@param aDocument - Document Pointer
*@return number of external elements
IMPORT_C TInt GetExternalListSize(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument);
* Given an index number and a document handle returns an external resource uri associated
* with an element
*@param aDocument - Document Pointer index - index in external list
*@return URI
IMPORT_C void GetExternalListItemL(
CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, TInt aIndex, TPtrC16& aUri);
* Given a document handle and a url this call attaches
* the given data (ldata) to every element that references that url
*@param aDocument - Document Pointer
*@param lUrl- uri string that is an external resource to be retrieved
*@param ldata - byte array containing the data that that external resource recieved
*@return none
* NULL if image-decoding is not initiated.
IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl* AddExternalData( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument,
const TDesC& aUri,
const TDesC8& aData,
TBool aMakeCopy = EFalse,
TInt aSize = 0,
TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Create an instance of a CSvgEngineImpl.
*@param : None
*@return Pointer to CSvgEngineImpl object if creation is succesful, otherwise
* the function leaves.
IMPORT_C CSvgEngineImpl* SvgEngineNewL();
* Intialize the given SVG Engine.
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void StartEngine( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine );
IMPORT_C void RenderFrame( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine, TUint aCurrentTime );
IMPORT_C void ViewportInit( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle );
* Set the GDI context for the given SVG Engine.
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@param : aFrameBuffer -- Bitmap to become gdi context.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void SetGdiContextL( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine, CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer );
* Associate the given document with the given engine.
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG Document
*@return None
IMPORT_C void SetDocument( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
void SvgElementAssignDocument( CSvgElementImpl* aElement, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc );
* Create an empty instance of a SVG document.
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG Document
*@return Svg Document if successful, otherwise the function leaves.
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl* SvgDocumentNewL();
* Fill a SVG document by parsing the given byte array.
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG Document
*@return None if successful, otherwise the function leaves.
IMPORT_C void FillDocumentL( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, const TDesC16& aByteData );
* Destroy the given SVG document
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@return None .
IMPORT_C void DestroyDocument( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
* Destroy the given SVG engine
*@param : aEngine -- SVG Engine.
*@return None .
IMPORT_C void DestroyEngine( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine );
* Return the root element of the given document.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@return root element .
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetRootElement( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
* Set a default SvgSvg root element of the given document.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@return void.
IMPORT_C void InitRootElement( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
* Return the root element of the given document.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@param : aId -- id string to search for element.
*@return element with given id .
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetElementById( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, const TDesC& aId );
* Return the number of ids in a given document
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@return number of ids found.
IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfIds( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
* Return the id at from the document at index
*@param : aDocument -- SVG document.
*@param : index -- which id to return
*@param : myId -- id string to return by reference.
*@return none
IMPORT_C TDesC* GetId( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, TInt index );
* Return parent element of the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return element with given child.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetParentElement( CXmlElementImpl* aElement );
* Set parent element for the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@param : aParentElement -- SVG parent element.
*@return void
IMPORT_C void SetParentElement( CXmlElementImpl* aElement, CXmlElementImpl* aParentElement );
* Set the first child for the given element.
*@param : aFirstChildElement -- SVG element.
*@param : aParentElement -- SVG parent element.
*@return void
IMPORT_C void SetFirstChildElement( CXmlElementImpl* aFirstChildElement, CXmlElementImpl* aParentElement );
* Create an element of the given type.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG element document.
*@param : aElementType -- SVG element type.
*@return element.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* CreateElementL( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, TInt aElementType );
* Create an element of the given type.
*@param : aDocument -- SVG element document.
*@param : aElementType -- SVG element type.
*@return element.
IMPORT_C void DestroyElement( CXmlElementImpl* aElement );
* Append the given child element to the given parent element.
*@param : aParentElement -- SVG parent element.
*@param : aChildElement -- SVG child element.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void AppendChild( CXmlElementImpl* aParentElement, CXmlElementImpl* aChildElement, TBool aIsJSR226Element = EFalse);
* Remove the given child element from the given parent element.
*@param : aParentElement -- SVG parent element.
*@param : aChildElement -- SVG child element.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void RemoveChild( CXmlElementImpl* aParentElement, CXmlElementImpl* aChildElement);
* Get the first child element in the given parent.
*@param : aParentElement -- SVG parent element.
*@return The first child element.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetFirstChild( CXmlElementImpl* aParentElement );
* Get the next sibling element of the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return The next sibling element.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetNextSibling( CXmlElementImpl* aElement );
* Set the next sibling element for the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@param : aSibling -- SVG sibling element.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void SetNextSibling( CXmlElementImpl* aElement, CXmlElementImpl* aSibling );
* Get the document that is associated with the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return svg document.
IMPORT_C CSvgDocumentImpl* GetOwnerDocument( CXmlElementImpl* aElement );
* Get the element type, such as rect, circle, etc. for the given element.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return element type
IMPORT_C TInt GetElementType( CXmlElementImpl* aElement );
* Set the given request-observer for the given svg engine.
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return element type
IMPORT_C void SetRequestObserver( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine, MSvgRequestObserver* aObserver );
* Get the Bounding Box for an element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aX -- X coordinate for the top left.
*@param : aY -- Y coordinate for the top left.
*@param : aWidth -- Width of the bounding rectangle.
*@param : aHeight -- Height for the bounding rectangle.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void GetElementBoundingbox(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,TReal32& aX ,TReal32& aY,TReal32& aWidth,TReal32& aHeight) __SOFTFP;
* Get the unscaled Bounding Box for an element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aX -- X coordinate for the top left.
*@param : aY -- Y coordinate for the top left.
*@param : aWidth -- Width of the bounding rectangle.
*@param : aHeight -- Height for the bounding rectangle.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void GetElementUnScaledBoundingBox( CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,TReal32& aX ,TReal32& aY,TReal32& aWidth,TReal32& aHeight) __SOFTFP;
* Get the Bounding Box for an element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aPoint1 -- coordinate for the top left.
*@param : aPoint2 -- coordinate for the top right.
*@param : aPoint3 -- coordinate for the bottom left.
*@param : aPoint4 -- coordinate for the bottom right.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void GetFourPointElementBoundingBox(CSvgTextElementImpl* aElementHandle,TPoint& aPoint1 ,TPoint& aPoint2,TPoint& aPoint3,TPoint& aPoint4);
* Get the Float attribute for the element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@return The float attribute value.
IMPORT_C TReal32 GetElementFloatAttribute( CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle, const TInt aAttributeId) __SOFTFP;
* Set the Float attribute for the element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@param : aValue the value to for the float attribute to be set.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void SetElementFloatAttribute( CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle, const TInt aAttributeId, TReal32 aValue) __SOFTFP;
* Set the Descriptor attribute for the element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@param : aAttributeValue the value to for the Desc attribute to be set.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void SetElementDesAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId, const TDesC& aAttributeValue);
* Get the Desc attribute for the element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@param : aValue . reference to the attribute value.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C TInt GetElementDesAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId,TPtrC16& aValue);
* Set the Color attribute for the element.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@param : aColorValue The Integer value corresponding to the color.
*@return None.
IMPORT_C void SetElementColorAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId,TInt32 aColorValue);
* Get the CoLor attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@return : Integer containing the RGB value for the color.
IMPORT_C TInt32 GetElementColorAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId);
* Get the Enum attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@param : Integer containing the enum value for the attribute.
IMPORT_C void SetEnumAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId,TInt32 lValue);
* Set the preserve aspect ratio setting for the current document
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@param : TPreserveAspectRatio a preserve aspect ratio setting
IMPORT_C void SetPreserveAspectRatio( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, TSvgPreserveAspectAlignType aPreserveAspectSetting, TSvgMeetOrSliceType aSmilFitSetting, TBool aFrameBufferOverridesViewport = EFalse );
* Set the Enum attribute for the element. // this basically means the fill and stroke.
*@param : aElementHandle -- SVG element.
*@param : aAttribute Id the attribute Id corresponding to the attribute.
*@return : Integer containing the enum value for the attribute.
IMPORT_C TInt GetEnumAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle,const TInt aAttributeId,TInt32& lValue);
* Get the rect values.
*@param : aElementHandle, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight
*@return TBool a viewbox existed
IMPORT_C TBool GetRectAttribute( CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle,
float* aX, float* aY, float* aWidth, float* aHeight );
* Set the rect values.
*@param : aElementHandle, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetRectAttribute( CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle,
float aX, float aY, float aWidth, float aHeight );
* Get the matrix values.
*@param : aElementHandle, aAVal, aBVal, aCVal, aDVal, aEVal, aFVal
*@return none
IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute( CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle, float* aAVal,
float* aBVal, float* aCVal, float* aDVal,
float* aEVal, float* aFVal );
* Get the matrix values for a given matrix type.
*@param : aElementHandle, aAVal, aBVal, aCVal, aDVal, aEVal, aFVal
*@return none
IMPORT_C void GetMatrixAttribute( CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle, TInt aAttributeType,
float* aAVal, float* aBVal,
float* aCVal, float* aDVal,
float* aEVal, float* aFVal );
* Set the matrix values.
*@param : aElementHandle, aAVal, aBVal, aCVal, aDVal, aEVal, aFVal
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetMatrixAttribute( CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle, float aAVal,
float aBVal, float aCVal, float aDVal,
float aEVal, float aFVal );
* Get the Viewport Width .
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@return TInt integer containing the width of the viewport. viewport means
* svg element.
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportWidth( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle );
* Get the Viewport Height.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@return TInt integer containing the Height of the viewport. Viewport means
* svg Element.
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportHeight( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle );
* Set the Viewport Width.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@param TInt integer containing the Width of the viewport. Viewport means
* svg Element.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetViewportWidth( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle, TInt aWidth );
* Set the Viewport Height.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@param TInt integer containing the Height of the viewport. Viewport means
* svg Element.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetViewportHeight( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle, TInt aHeight );
* Get the Viewport Units. This means the units in which the width and height of
* <svg> element are specified.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@return TInt integer containing the units.
IMPORT_C TInt GetViewportUnits( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle );
* Set the end time for an animation element.
*@param : aElementHandle
*@param : aOffsetTime
*@return none.
IMPORT_C void SvgEndElementAt(CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle , TUint32 aOffsetTime, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle = NULL);
* Set the Begin time for an animation element.
*@param : aElementHandle
*@param : aOffsetTime
*@return none.
IMPORT_C void SvgBeginElementAt(CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle , TUint32 aOffsetTime, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle = NULL);
* Sets the Media time for a Document.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@param : aTimeInMilliSeconds. This represents the time in milliseconds.
*@return none.
IMPORT_C void SvgSetMediaTime(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle ,TUint32 aTimeInMilliSeconds);
* Gets the Media time for a Document.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@return TReal32 . Media time in seconds.
IMPORT_C TReal32 SvgGetMediaTime(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle ) __SOFTFP;
* checks whether the document has any animation elements present.
*@param : aDocumentHandle
*@return TBool . ETrue if animation present otherwise EFalse.
IMPORT_C TBool SvgHasAnimation(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle );
* Return true if element is removeable (no id or children with ids)
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return true if removeable false if not removeable
IMPORT_C TBool IsRemoveable( CSvgElementImpl* hElement, TBool aCheckSibling = EFalse );
* Return true if element is removeable (no id or children with ids)
*@param : aElement -- SVG element.
*@return true if removeable false if not removeable
IMPORT_C TBool IsElementActive( CSvgElementImpl* hElement );
* returns the pointer to the focussed element.
*@param : None.
*@return : CXmlElementImpl* pointer to the focussed element at present.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* GetFocusedElement(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument);
* Sets the focus on a specific element.
*@param : aElement.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void SetFocusElement(CXmlElementImpl* aElement, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument);
* checks whether a given element is present in DOM.
*@param : aDocument. this is pointer to the document which is to be searched for the presence
* of the element.
*@param : aElement. This represents the pointer to the element.
*@return : TBool. True if element is present otherwise false.
IMPORT_C TBool SVGElementInDom(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument, CXmlElementImpl* aElement);
* This API will start the animation if the focussed object is an animation element.
*@param : aDocument. This is a pointer to the document. ?? this may not be needed.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void SvgActivateAnimation(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument);
* SVGElement_GetUsedElement :- This API will return a pointer to the original
* element which was cloned to use it. i.e.the cloned element is made a chld of the <use>
* element.
* @param : aElement :- this is handle to the cloned element. this is child of the
* : <use> element.
* @return : CXmlElementImpl* this is the pointer to the actual element, which is
* cloned.
IMPORT_C CXmlElementImpl* SVGElementGetUsedElement(CXmlElementImpl* aElement);
* This API will add the given element to the event receiver list.
*@param : aElement. This is pointer to the element which is to be added.
*@param : aEventMask. This is the event mask.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void AddToEventReceiverList(CXmlElementImpl* aElement, const TUint8 aEventMask);
* This API will remove the given element to the event receiver list.
*@param : aElement. This is pointer to the element which is to be removed.
*@param : aEventMask. This is the event mask.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void RemoveFromEventReceiverList(CXmlElementImpl* aElement);
* DispatchMouseEventsAt This will send mouse events to the Engine at this points.
*@param : aDocumentHandle. which document should get the engine.
*@param : aMouseX. X coordinate for the mouseEvents
*@param : aMouseY. Y coordinate for the mouseEvents
*@return : int.
IMPORT_C TInt DispatchMouseEventsAt(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle, TInt aMouseX, TInt aMouseY, MSvgMouseListener* aListener);
* SvgCreatePath his will create a new empty path.
*@param : None.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath* SvgCreatePath();
* SvgDestroyPath this will delete a path given a pointer to it.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void SvgDestroyPath(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle);
* GetSegmentCount Returns the number of segments in a PATH.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@return : integer representing the number of segments.
IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentCount(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle);
* GetSegmentType Returns the segment type for a specific segment in a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aSegmentIndex , Segment index for the specific segments.
*@return : integer representing the type of segments.
IMPORT_C TInt GetSegmentType(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle, TInt aSegmentIndex);
* GetSegmentParameter Returns the segment parameter for a specific segment in a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aSegmentIndex , Segment index for the specific segments.
*@param : aSegmentParameterIndex. This gives the segment parameter index.
*@return : TReal32 representing the segment parameter.
IMPORT_C TReal32 GetSegmentParameter(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle,TInt aSegmentIndex,TInt aSegmentParameterIndex) __SOFTFP;
* ADDMoveTo Adds a moveTo segment to a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aX , x coordinate for the MoveTo command.
*@param : aY. Y coordinate for the MoveTo command.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void ADDMoveTo(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle, TReal32 aX,TReal32 aY) __SOFTFP;
* ADDLineTo Adds a LineTo segment to a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aX , x coordinate for the LineTo command.
*@param : aY. Y coordinate for the LineTo command.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void ADDLineTo(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle,TReal32 aX,TReal32 aY) __SOFTFP;
* ADDQuadTo Adds a QuadTo segment to a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aX1 , X coordinate for the first control point.
*@param : aY1 , Y coordinate for the first control point.
*@param : aX2 , X coordinate for the end point.
*@param : aY2 , Y coordinate for the end point.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void ADDQuadTo(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle,TReal32 aX1,TReal32 aY1,TReal32 aX2,TReal32 aY2) __SOFTFP;
* ADDCurveTo Adds a curveTo segment to a path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@param : aX1 , X coordinate for the first control point.
*@param : aY1 , Y coordinate for the first control point.
*@param : aX2 , X coordinate for the second control point.
*@param : aY2 , Y coordinate for the second control point.
*@param : aX3 , X coordinate for the end point.
*@param : aY3 , Y coordinate for the end point.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void ADDCurveTo(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle,TReal32 aX1,TReal32 aY1,TReal32 aX2,TReal32 aY2, TReal32 aX3, TReal32 aY3) __SOFTFP;
* ADDCloseTo Closes a given path element.
*@param : aPathHandle. Path element pointer.
*@return : None.
IMPORT_C void ADDCloseTo(CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle);
* GetPathAttribute gets a pointer to the path attribuite for a given element.
*@param : aElementHandle. Svg element pointer.
*@param : aAttributeId. This gives you the attributeId for the element to get.
*@return : CGfxGeneralPath* this gives you the path attribute pointer fetched.
IMPORT_C CGfxGeneralPath* GetPathAttribute(CXmlElementImpl* aElementHandle, TInt aAttributeId);
* SetPathAttribute sets the path attribute for a given element.
*@param : aElementHandle. Svg element pointer.
*@param : aAttributeId. This gives you the attributeId for the element to get.
*@param : PathHandle this gives you the path attribute pointer fetched.
*@return : NONE.
IMPORT_C void SetPathAttribute(CSvgElementImpl* aElementHandle, TInt lSvgAttrId, CGfxGeneralPath* aPathHandle);
* Change the frame Buffer dynamically
*@aRenderBuffer :- Buffer for drawing the DOM Tree.
IMPORT_C void SetFrameBuffer(CFbsBitmap* aRenderBuffer, TInt aEngine = NULL);
IMPORT_C void ClearFrameBuffer(CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer, TUint32 aClearingColor, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Search for all occurrences of a string in the current svg document,
* in the cdata of the <text> elements. The bounding-boxes are transformed,
* accounted for zooming/panning.
*@param : aSearchString -- String to search
*@param : aBoundingBoxes -- Array to contain the bounding boxes of texts found.
* The bounding boxes are already transformed so that they're related
* to the frame buffer origin.
*@param : aTexts -- Array to contain cdata of the <text> elements containing
* the search-string.
*@param : aCaseSensitive -- Flag to indicate whether to search with case-sensitivity
* or not, defaults to ETrue.
*@return ETrue if at least one occurrence is found, EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C TBool SearchForText( const TDesC& aSearchString,
RPointerArray<MRect>& aBoundingBoxes,
RArray<TPtrC>& aTexts,
RArray<TInt>& aElementIds,
TBool aCaseSensitive = ETrue,
TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Add a HyperlinkListener to the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- HyperlinkListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void AddHyperlinkListener( MSvgHyperlinkListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Add a TextAreaListener to the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- TextAreaListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C TBool AddTextAreaListener( MSvgTextAreaListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Remove a TextAreaListener from the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- TextAreaListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextAreaListener( MSvgTextAreaListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Add a TextListener to the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- TextListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C TBool AddTextListener( MSvgTextListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Remove a TextListener from the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- TextListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C TBool RemoveTextListener( MSvgTextListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Add a text string to a text area
*@param : aTextAreaElementId, aString
*@return ETrue EFalse
IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextAreaElement( TInt aTextAreaElementId, TDesC& aXmlString );
* Get the entire text string from the specified text area
*@param : aTextAreaElementId, is text area editable, aString
*@return is text area editable
IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextAreaElement( TInt aTextAreaElementId, TBool& editable, TDes& aXmlString );
* Add a text string to a text element
*@param : aTextElementId, aString
*@return ETrue EFalse
IMPORT_C TBool SetTextForTextElement( TInt aTextElementId, TDesC& aXmlString );
* Get the entire text string from the specified text element
*@param : aTextElementId, is text editable, aString
*@return is text editable
IMPORT_C TBool GetTextForTextElement( TInt aTextElementId, TBool& editable, TDes& aXmlString );
* Remove a HyperlinkListener from the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- HyperlinkListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void RemoveHyperlinkListener( MSvgHyperlinkListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Add a HyperlinkListener to the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- HyperlinkListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void AddAnimationListener( MSvgAnimationListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Remove a HyperlinkListener from the SVG Engine..
*@param : aListener -- HyperlinkListener to receive callbacks.
*@return None
IMPORT_C void RemoveAnimationListener( MSvgAnimationListener* aListener, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Return whether an element is visible on the frame buffer.
*@param : aElementHandle -- an SVG element identifier.
*@return ETrue if element is visible, EFalse otherwise.
IMPORT_C TBool IsElementVisible( TInt aElementHandle, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Set the engine to load SVG contents as thumbnails:
* a) Only DRM protected contents are affected by this API.
* b) In thumbnail mode, DRM rights in not consumed.
* c) In thumbnail mode, the svg contents are drawn only
* to frame-buffers of 64x64 or smaller.
*@param : aThumbNailMode -- Flag to turn on/off thumbnial mode.
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void SetThumbNailMode( TBool aThumbNailMode, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Set the engine to enable/disable consuming DRM rights
*@param : aEnable -- Flag to turn off/on consuming rights
*@return: none
IMPORT_C void SetDRMRights(TBool aEnable);
* Adds a text element to display the frames per second if isShowOn = true
*@param : isShowOn specified whether or not to display fps
*@return : frames per second in the engine
IMPORT_C TReal FramesPerSecond(TBool isShowOn = EFalse, TInt aEngine = NULL) __SOFTFP;
* Used for testing purpose.
*@param : aCustomOption specified whether or not to use OpenVG implementation
*@return : none
EXPORT_C void CustomOption(TBool aCustomOption = EFalse, TInt aEngine = NULL);
// return an array with all of the elements of a certain type
// passing in a -1 for element id will return all elements
IMPORT_C void FindAllElements( CSvgElementImpl* aStartElement, TInt aElementId,
RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aList, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Create an svg element that can be added to the a document
* to draw the given rectangle.
*@param : aRect - rectangle to request element.
*@return : element represent rectangle.
IMPORT_C CSvgElementImpl* DrawBox(TRect aRect, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Return the default size of the given document handle, defined
* by the union of the bounding boxes of the elements. This function
* is independent of frame-buffer or any other document.
* @since 1.0
* @param aDomHandle - Handle to svg document (thru PrepareDom)
* @return Size of svg content
IMPORT_C TSize GetUnscaledContentSize( TInt aDomHandle );
* Generate frames, defined by the given
* duration, delay per seconds, etc. The calling client will be
* responsible for managing the bitmaps created by this method that
* are appended to the given bitmap arrays. The starting frame can
* be specified with the starting time parameter.
* Note: Embedded images/svg files will not be rendered, due
* to asynchronous image decoder.
* Redundant frames removal is implemented, defaulted to EFalse.
* aDomHandle -- Handle to the svg dom.
* aDimensionOfBitmaps -- Size of bitmaps to generate (same for mask)
* aStartTime -- Start time of first frame (in milliseconds)
* aDuration -- Total time of animation (in milliseconds)
* aMillisecondsPerFrame -- Request delay time between each frame.
* aColorDepth -- Color display mode for main bitmaps
* aMaskType -- Color display mode for mask bitmaps
* aBitmapFrames -- Array to hold animation bitmaps
* aMaskFrames -- Array to hold mask bitmaps
* aDelayIntervals -- Delay interval between each frame (in milliseconds)
* aRemoveRedundantFrames -- If ETrue, remove consecutive frames that are the same
* and set the correct delay.
* Return Non-NULL Pointer to a svg error (MSvgError*)
IMPORT_C MSvgError* RenderFrames( TInt aDomHandle,
const TSize& aDimensionOfBitmaps,
TUint aStartTime,
TUint aDuration,
TUint aMillisecondsPerFrame,
TDisplayMode aColorDepth,
TDisplayMode aMaskType,
RPointerArray<CFbsBitmap>& aBitmapFrames,
RPointerArray<CFbsBitmap>& aMaskFrames,
RArray<TUint>& aDelayIntervals,
TBool aRemoveRedundantFrames = EFalse );
* Used when creating an element from the java interface
* initializes all of the style properties attribute array to
* null for a newly created element so that attributes can be added
* to that element
*@param : aElementHandle -- an SVG element identifier.
IMPORT_C void InitSvgStylePropertiesWithNullL( CSvgElementImpl* aElement );
* Add a specific event listener to the engine
*@param : aListener, a listener type
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void AddListener( const MSvgListener* aListener, TSvgListenerType aType, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Remove a specific event listener from the engine
*@param : aListener, a listener type
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void RemoveListener( const MSvgListener* aListener, TSvgListenerType aType, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Request the given engine (or internal engine) to
* initialize from information in the svg-document attached
* to it (if any). This is used to setup the display information
* from the <svg> tag. Usually called from MSvgLoadingListener
* method when <svg> reached. If aEngine is NULL, then
* the internal engine is used.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aEngine -- svg engine to request initialization.
* A NULL value, by default, indicates to use the internal
* engine for initialization.
* @param : aIsMainThread -- indicates whether this call is
* made in the "main thread" or not, default to ETrue.
* @return : none
IMPORT_C void InitializeEngine( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue );
* Set the timeout duration for fetching external data
* (Fetchimage calls). A value of zero,
* indicates no timeout (by default). This is designed mainly
* for SVGT Plugin.
* @param : aTimeoutSeconds --
IMPORT_C void SetDataRetrievalTimeOut( TUint aTimeoutSeconds, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Request canceling of parsing of the current document being
* parsed (through Load API). This API allows a different thread
* other than the loading thread to cancel a Load call.
* @since 1.0
IMPORT_C void CancelLoad( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Query wether a document is currently bieng parsed through
* the Load API. EFalse is returned when a document has completed
* parsing or CancelLoad has completed successfully.
* @since 1.0
IMPORT_C TBool IsLoading( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* In _DEBUG mode all elements in the documents DOM will be printed out
* this method may be used in the future to regenerate the DOM tree
* could also be used as an encoder
*@param : aDocument
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void PrintAllElements( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocument );
* In _DEBUG mode print all of the values that are in the styles
* for the element
*@param : aElement
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void PrintElementsStyles( CSvgElementImpl* aElement );
* Set to indicate whether the contents should be rendered
* or wait for all images in a content to be decoded, defaults
* to waiting for all images.
*@param : aBool -- indicates waiting for all images to finish
* decoding before drawing any content.
*@return : none
IMPORT_C void WaitForImages( TBool aBool = ETrue, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This API provides a delayed (asynchronous) assignment of image
* data to <image> elements. This is used when the clients
* returns a non-KErrNone value for FetchImage callback, so that
* FetchImage does not block the parsing thread.
*@param aUri- uri string that is passed by FetchImage,
* the URI of the image files.
*@param aData - byte array containing the image data to
* be decoded. This object will be managed (deleted)
* by svg-engine.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void AssignImageData( const TDesC& aUri, HBufC8* aData );
* This API provides API for client to set RWindow so that svgengine
* is aware of the window that client is using. This will benefit
* video rendering.
*@param aWindow- RWindowBase that retrieve from CCoeControl to derived
* classes.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SetClientWindow( RWindow* aWindow );
* Method to output the currently loaded SVG content in standard SVG XML form
* or output a binary encoded version to a file
*@param aIsEncodeOn tell whether or not to output binary or standard SVG file.
*@return none
IMPORT_C void SaveSvg( TBool aIsEncodeOn, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aEngine );
* This method sets the volume with user input as a percentage
* value (unsigned between 0 and 100 )
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aPercentage percentage value of volume
* @return none
IMPORT_C void SetAudioVolume( TInt aPercentage , TInt aEngine = NULL);
* This method mutes the volume of the SVG content
* @since S60 3.1
* @return none
IMPORT_C void MuteAudioVolume( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This API provides client the functionality to trigger focus-in
* event for a particular element
*@param aDocumentHandle- Pointer to the document of type SvgDocumentImpl
* aElement- Pointer to the element for which focus needs to be set
*@return none
IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusInEvent(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle,CSvgElementImpl *aElement);
* This API provides client the functionality to trigger focus-in
* event for a particular element
*@param aDocumentHandle- Pointer to the document of type SvgDocumentImpl
* aElement- Pointer to the element for which focus needs to be set
*@return none
IMPORT_C void DispatchFocusOutEvent(CSvgDocumentImpl* aDocumentHandle,CSvgElementImpl *aElement);
IMPORT_C void ResetContext(TInt aEngine = NULL );
* This method is a special case "ConstructL" method used for polymorphic
* DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aFrameBuffer -- Bitmap to draw svg content.
* @param : aReqObserver -- Request observer called by svg engine.
* @return
IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec );
//NGA :: ConstructL overload is added to include renderertype selector
IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CFbsBitmap* aFrameBuffer,
MSvgRequestObserver* aReqObserver, TFontSpec& aFontSpec ,SVGRendererId aRendererType );
* This method is a special case "ConstructL" method used for polymorphic
* DLL loading, which enforces this method to be public.
* @since 1.0
* @return
IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TFontSpec& aFontSpec);
* Adds a text element to display the frames per second if isShowOn = true
*@param : isShowOn specified whether or not to display fps
*@return : frames per second in the engine
TReal FramesPerSecondL( TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Get the current focus object's bounding box.
* @since 1.0
* @param ETrue - Get the next object
* @param EFalse - Get the previous object
* @return
TRect GetFocusBbox(TBool aNextObject, TInt aEngine = NULL );
* Checks whether the Handle is associated with a DOM
* @param : aHandle -- Handle to a DOM.
* @return: TBool boolean
TBool IsDomCached(TInt aHandle);
* Request the SVG Engine to resume an animation after certain amount of time
* @since 1.0
* @param : none
* @return : none
void Resume(TInt32 aTime, TInt aEngine = NULL);
* Utility function to clean-up after loading a file -- mainly,
* removing the prepared dom from Dom-list, since it's loaded and
* more prepared.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aDocumentHandle -- document info to handle clean up
* @return : none
void PostLoadProcessing( TInt aDocumentHandle );
* ImageLoadingObserver interface method.
* Called from Image loading class to notify image loading
* completion.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aErrorStatus -- error status, if any
* @return : none
void ImageLoadingCompleted( TInt aErrorStatus );
* Returns the first child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements
* @since 1.2
* @param aParentElement - a handle to a parent element
* @return a handle to the first child of the parent element
CSvgElementImpl* FirstElementChild(CSvgElementImpl* aParentElement);
* last child element node of this element. null if this element has no child elements
* @since 1.2
* @param aParentElement - a handle to a parent element
* @return a handle to the first child of the parent element
CSvgElementImpl* LastElementChild(CSvgElementImpl* aParentElement);
* Returns the next sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come after this one in the document tree
* @since 1.2
* @param aSiblingElement - a handle to a sibling element
* @return a handle to the sibling before the sibling passed in
CSvgElementImpl* PreviousElementSibling(CSvgElementImpl* aSiblingElement);
* previous sibling element node of this element. null if this element has no element sibling nodes that come before this one in the document tree.
* @since 1.2
* @param aParentElement - a handle to a sibling element
* @return a handle to the next sibling of the parameter element
CSvgElementImpl* NextElementSibling(CSvgElementImpl* aSiblingElement);
* Return whether the two given bitmaps are the same.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aBitmapA -- Bitmap A
* @param : aBitmapB -- Bitmap B
* @return : ETrue both bitmaps are the same.
TBool AreBitmapsTheSame( CFbsBitmap& aBitmapA, CFbsBitmap& aBitmapB );
* Create a new CFbsBitmap object with the specific size and color mode.
* @since 1.0
* @param : aSize -- size of bitmap to create
* @param : aColorMode : Color mode to create bitmap
* @param : aError : Error object to hold error info, if an error occurs
* @return : Non-Null CFbsBitmap object if no error was encounter
CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapL( TSize aSize, TDisplayMode aColorMode,
CSvgErrorImpl& aError );
* This mathod restores some style properties back to the
* original value of the animatied elements' iSvgStyleProperties.
* @since S60 3.0
* @return none
void RestoreAnimStyleProperties( TInt aEngine = NULL );
CSvgEngineImpl* ChooseEngine( TInt aEngine );
//Utility method to write out the current SVG engine framebuffer to a file
void ConvertBitmapToFileL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, const TDesC& aText);
// Current SvgEngine instance
CSvgEngineImpl* iSvgEngine;
// Current iSvgDocument through Load( ) method
CSvgDocumentImpl* iSvgLoadedDocument;
// Flag to indicate if a content is present, to perform or
// ignore operations.
TBool iFileIsLoaded;
// Error object to pass back to clients, maintained by this object.
CSvgErrorImpl* iSvgError;
// List of prepared DOMs (created by PrepareDom).
// Deleted by destructor or calling DeleteDom.
RPointerArray<CSvgDocumentImpl> iSvgDocumentPointers;
RPointerArray<CSvgEngineImpl> iSvgEnginePointers;
// Keeping track of rotation applied.
TReal32 iTotalRotation;
IMPORT_C void Start(MSvgError*& aError, const TDesC8* aHeaderData ,
CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL );
IMPORT_C void Start( const TDesC8* aHeaderData, CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine = NULL,
TBool aIsMainThread = ETrue);
// DRM related
TBool iDrmEnabled;
// Thumbnail mode
TBool iIsThumbNailMode;
// DRM Rights consumption
TBool iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled;
// MSvgLoadingListener list
RPointerArray<MSvgLoadingListener> iSvgLoadingListeners;
// Keep track of elements currently having mouse pointer inside
// to report mouse-exit when it is moved.
RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> iSvgMouseEnteredElements;
// Flag to indicate Load or PrepareDom call.
TBool iIsLoadingRequest;
TBool iMouseDownFlag;
//Stores Font Type information
CSvgBitmapFontProvider *iSvgBitmapFontProvider;