Merge fixes for bugs 1726 and 1960 with duplicate fix for bug 1726.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of GECODefaultObject
#include "gecodefaultobject.h"
#include "xcfwpanic.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::CGECODefaultObject
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject::CGECODefaultObject()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::NewL
// Two phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject* CGECODefaultObject::NewL(
const TDesC& aTypeIdentifier )
CGECODefaultObject* self = new( ELeave ) CGECODefaultObject() ;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->BaseConstructL( aTypeIdentifier );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::BaseConstructL
// Initializes default object data arrays and type identifier.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::BaseConstructL( const TDesC& aTypeIdentifier )
const TInt KDefaultGranularity = 3;
iTypeIdentifier = aTypeIdentifier.AllocL();
iAttrNames = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KDefaultGranularity );
iAttrValues = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( KDefaultGranularity );
// Destructor
EXPORT_C CGECODefaultObject::~CGECODefaultObject()
delete iTypeIdentifier;
delete iAttrNames;
delete iAttrValues;
delete iText;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::Identifier
// return object TypeIdentifier
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TDesC& CGECODefaultObject::TypeIdentifier()
__ASSERT_PANIC_DEBUG( iTypeIdentifier,
EXCFWPanicNoTypeIdentifier );
return *iTypeIdentifier;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute
// Returns attribute value for given attrib. name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue )
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt count = iAttrNames->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( i ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute
// Returns attribute value and localization status for given attrib. name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue,
TBool& aIsLocalized)
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt count = iAttrNames->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( i ) );
aIsLocalized = iAttrLocStatus[i];
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL
// This function adds new attribute with Localization status EFalse
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue )
SetAttributeL( aAttrName, aAttrValue, EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL
// New attribute is added to object data arrays. Value and localization status
// addition is TRAPped to make sure that all arrays have identical item count
// at all times.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetAttributeL(
const TDesC& aAttrName,
const TDesC& aAttrValue,
TBool aIsLocalized )
iAttrNames->AppendL( aAttrName );
TInt err = KErrNone;
TRAP( err, iAttrValues->AppendL( aAttrValue ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
//if attribute value addition failed, remove name and leave
TInt lastindex = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
iAttrNames->Delete( lastindex );
User::Leave( err );
TRAP( err, iAttrLocStatus.AppendL( aIsLocalized ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
//if loc status addition failed, remove name and leave
TInt lastindex = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
iAttrNames->Delete( lastindex );
iAttrValues->Delete( lastindex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::TextDetails
// Returns objects text data if any
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::TextDetailsL(
TPtrC& aText,
TBool& aIsLocalized )
if ( iText )
aText.Set( iText->Des() );
aIsLocalized = iTextLocStatus;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::NumAttributes
// Returns number of attributes from internal array
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::NumAttributes()
return iAttrNames->Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL
// Returns details of the attribute in given index (MGECOAttributeProvider IF)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL(
const TInt aIndex,
TPtrC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue,
TBool& aIsLocalized)
if ( aIndex >= 0 && iAttrNames->Count() > aIndex )
aAttrName.Set( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aIsLocalized = iAttrLocStatus[aIndex];
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL
// Returns details of the attribute in given index (MGECOAttributeProvider IF)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::AttributeDetailsL(
const TInt aIndex,
TPtrC& aAttrName,
TPtrC& aAttrValue)
if ( aIndex >= 0 && iAttrNames->Count() > aIndex )
aAttrName.Set( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
aAttrValue.Set( iAttrValues->MdcaPoint( aIndex ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::RemoveAttribute
// Removes an attribute from the internal attribute name array.
// Value + localization status from same position are deleted as well.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::RemoveAttribute(
const TDesC& aAttrName )
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
const TInt index = iAttrNames->Count() - 1;
for ( TInt i = index; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( iAttrNames->MdcaPoint( i ) == aAttrName )
error = KErrNone;
iAttrNames->Delete( i );
iAttrValues->Delete( i );
iAttrLocStatus.Remove( i );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetText
// Sets the object's text data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetTextL(
const TDesC& aText )
SetTextL( aText, EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::SetText
// Sets the object's text data and corresponding localization status
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::SetTextL(
const TDesC& aText,
TBool aIsLocalized )
delete iText;
iText = NULL;
iText = aText.AllocL();
iTextLocStatus = aIsLocalized;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::HasTextData
// Returns ETrue if object has text data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CGECODefaultObject::HasTextData()
TBool ret = EFalse;
if ( iText )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::GetText
// Returns the text data for this object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CGECODefaultObject::GetText( TPtrC& aText )
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
if ( iText )
ret = KErrNone;
aText.Set( *iText );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGECODefaultObject::RemoveText
// Removes possible text data from the object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CGECODefaultObject::RemoveText()
delete iText;
iText = NULL;
iTextLocStatus = EFalse;
// End of File