Merge fixes for bugs 1726 and 1960 with duplicate fix for bug 1726.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of XCFW Content tree
#include "xcfwtree.h"
#include "xcfwnode.h"
#include "xcfwpanic.h"
//Helper macro to cast MXCFWNode pointers to CXCFWNode
#define WRAPNODE( aNode ) static_cast<CXCFWNode*>( aNode )
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXCFWTree* self = new( ELeave ) CXCFWTree;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Destructor
//delete dtd name buffer
delete iDTDName;
//delete node array
//reset node array for client
//Null root pointer (owned in the iNodeList array)
iRoot = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding node under certain parent before certain child
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData,
MXCFWNode* aParent,
MXCFWNode* aInsertBefore )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent && aData && aInsertBefore &&
aData->TypeIdentifier() != iRoot->Data()->TypeIdentifier() &&
aInsertBefore->Parent() == aParent, KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create new node and add to arrays.
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//update node references
nodeToAdd->SetParent( aParent );
nodeToAdd->SetNextSibling( aInsertBefore );
nodeToAdd->SetPrevSibling( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() );
//if "insert before" -node has previous sibling, update that
if ( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling( nodeToAdd );
//set previous sibling
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore )->SetPrevSibling( nodeToAdd );
if( aParent->FirstChild() == aInsertBefore )
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetFirstChild( nodeToAdd );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return nodeToAdd;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding node under certain parent as last child
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData,
MXCFWNode* aParent )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
//Legality checks
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent && aData &&
aData->TypeIdentifier() != iRoot->Data()->TypeIdentifier(),
KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create new node and add to arrays
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//set parent for new node
nodeToAdd->SetParent( aParent );
//if parent has a last child
if( aParent->LastChild() )
nodeToAdd->SetPrevSibling( aParent->LastChild() );
WRAPNODE( aParent->LastChild() )->SetNextSibling( nodeToAdd );
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetFirstChild( nodeToAdd );
//update last child of the parent
WRAPNODE( aParent )->SetLastChild( nodeToAdd );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return nodeToAdd;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::AddNodeL
// this overload is for adding root node only
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGECOObjectBase* aData )
CleanupStack::PushL( aData );
//if we already have a root, this is illegal
__ASSERT_LEAVE( iRoot==NULL, KErrAlreadyExists );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//Create root node and add to arrays
CXCFWNode* nodeToAdd = CXCFWNode::NewL( aData );
CleanupStack::Pop( aData );
CleanupStack::PushL( nodeToAdd );
User::LeaveIfError( iNodeList.Append( nodeToAdd ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( nodeToAdd );
//Set internal root member.
iRoot = nodeToAdd;
nodeToAdd = NULL;
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
return iRoot;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::GetChildNodesL
// Put child nodes of the given parent to the given array
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::GetChildNodesL(
MXCFWNode* aParent,
RNodeArray& aNodeList)
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aParent->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
User::LeaveIfError( aNodeList.Append( pointer ) );
pointer = pointer->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::GetNodesOfTypeL
// Put nodes that have dataobject of given type to given array.
// In case of recursion, pre-order recursion is used
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::GetNodesOfTypeL(
const TDesC& aType,
RNodeArray& aNodeList,
MXCFWNode* aParent,
TBool aRecursive )
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aParent != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aParent->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
if ( pointer->Data()->TypeIdentifier().Compare( aType ) == 0 )
User::LeaveIfError( aNodeList.Append( pointer ) );
if ( aRecursive )
GetNodesOfTypeL( aType, aNodeList, pointer, aRecursive );
pointer = pointer->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::MoveNodeL
// Moves a node in tree and updates the relative nodes in both original and
// new location.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::MoveNodeL(
MXCFWNode* aNodeToMove,
MXCFWNode* aNewParent,
MXCFWNode* aInsertBefore )
// assure parameter legality
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aNodeToMove && aNewParent &&
aNodeToMove != iRoot && aInsertBefore != iRoot &&
aNodeToMove != aNewParent,
KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
//if "insert before" node is child node of the given parent, move is illegal
if ( aInsertBefore && aInsertBefore->Parent() != aNewParent )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* check = aNewParent->Parent();
while ( check )
//if user tries to move a node under itself (it is among the parents
// of the given new parent) we'll leave
if ( check == aNodeToMove )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
check = check->Parent();
check = NULL;
//first update old parent if necessary
if ( aNodeToMove->Parent()->FirstChild() == aNodeToMove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->Parent() )->SetFirstChild(
aNodeToMove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToMove->Parent()->LastChild() == aNodeToMove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->Parent() )->SetLastChild(
aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() );
//update old siblings
if ( aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->PrevSibling())->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToMove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToMove->NextSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove->NextSibling() )->SetPrevSibling(
aNodeToMove->PrevSibling() );
//set new parent:
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetParent( aNewParent );
//update new siblings
if ( aInsertBefore )
//if "insert before" -node has a sibling before it, we update that
if ( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToMove );
//no previous sibling => insertbefore is the first child of new parent
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetFirstChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( aInsertBefore->PrevSibling() );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling( aInsertBefore );
WRAPNODE( aInsertBefore )->SetPrevSibling( aNodeToMove );
//if new parent had children
if ( aNewParent->LastChild() )
WRAPNODE( aNewParent->LastChild() )->SetNextSibling( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( aNewParent->LastChild() );
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetLastChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling(NULL);
else //no children before
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetFirstChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNewParent )->SetLastChild( aNodeToMove );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetPrevSibling( NULL );
WRAPNODE( aNodeToMove )->SetNextSibling( NULL );
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::Nodes
// return tree nodes as array of MXCFWNode pointers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C RNodeArray& CXCFWTree::Nodes()
//see if we should update the MXCFWNode array to reflect the new
if ( iClientListDirty )
if ( iNodeListForClient.Count() > 0 )
TInt count = iNodeList.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
iNodeListForClient.Append( (MXCFWNode*)iNodeList[i] );
iClientListDirty = EFalse;
return iNodeListForClient;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeL
// Removes a node from tree by updating all relative nodes and removing from
// arrays.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeL(
MXCFWNode* aNodeToRemove )
__ASSERT_LEAVE( aNodeToRemove != NULL, KErrArgument );
__ASSERT_LEAVE( !iLocked, KErrAccessDenied );
if ( iRoot != aNodeToRemove )
//update related nodes before removal, unless removing root node.
if ( aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() )->SetNextSibling(
aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() )->SetPrevSibling(
aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->Parent()->FirstChild() == aNodeToRemove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->Parent() )->SetFirstChild(
aNodeToRemove->NextSibling() );
if ( aNodeToRemove->Parent()->LastChild() == aNodeToRemove )
WRAPNODE( aNodeToRemove->Parent() )->SetLastChild(
aNodeToRemove->PrevSibling() );
//root was removed.
iRoot = NULL;
//Set client list dirty => will be updated on next Nodes() request.
iClientListDirty = ETrue;
RemoveNodeRecursiveL( aNodeToRemove );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveFromArray
// Removes node pointer from CXCFWNode and MXCFWNode pointer arrays.
// Deletes from CXCFWNode array as well.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::RemoveFromNodeList(
MXCFWNode* aNode )
//remove node from the pointer array.
TInt i = iNodeList.Count() - 1 ;
for ( ;i>=0 && aNode != iNodeList[i] ; i-- ){}
if ( i>=0 )
//delete object
delete iNodeList[i];
//remove from pointer arrays.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeRecursiveL
// Post-order recursion is used to make sure that no orhpan nodes are left
// floating.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXCFWTree::RemoveNodeRecursiveL(
MXCFWNode* aNode )
__ASSERT_LEAVE ( aNode != NULL, KErrArgument );
MXCFWNode* pointer = aNode->FirstChild();
while ( pointer )
MXCFWNode* temp = pointer->NextSibling();
RemoveNodeRecursiveL( pointer );
pointer = temp;
RemoveFromNodeList( aNode );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXCFWTree::Root
// Returns MXCFWNode pointer to root node.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return iRoot;
EXPORT_C void CXCFWTree::SetLocked( TBool aLockStatus )
iLocked = aLockStatus;
EXPORT_C TBool CXCFWTree::IsLocked()
return iLocked;
const TDesC& CXCFWTree::DTDName()
if ( !iDTDName )
return KNullDesC;
return *iDTDName;
void CXCFWTree::SetDTDNameL( const TDesC& aName )
delete iDTDName;
iDTDName = NULL;
iDTDName = aName.AllocL();
// End of File