author William Roberts <>
Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:50:10 +0100
changeset 52 df659e3ed8b2
parent 51 15e4dd19031c
child 74 edd621764147
permissions -rw-r--r--
Transplant fix for Bug 2098 and latest version of the fix for Bug 1960

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Makefile of hspsThemeServer

#include <platform_paths.hrh>
#include "../../inc/hsps_builds_cfg.hrh"
#include "../../inc/hsps_log_cfg.hrh"

TARGET        hspsthemeserver.exe

targettype exe

UID             0x1000008d 0x200159C0
SECUREID        0x200159C0

epocheapsize  0x1000 0x400000   // 4KB - 4 MB

SOURCEPATH      ../src
SOURCE          hspsthemeserver.cpp
SOURCE          hspsthemeserversession.cpp
SOURCE          hspsinstallationhandler.cpp
SOURCE          hspsmaintenancehandler.cpp
SOURCE          hspsclientrequesthandler.cpp
SOURCE          hspssecurityenforcer.cpp
SOURCE          hspsfilechangelistener.cpp
SOURCE          hspscenreplistener.cpp
SOURCE          hspsautoinstaller.cpp
#ifdef _hsps_EMULATOR_SUPPORT_
SOURCE          hspsfilechangelisteneremu.cpp
#endif //_hsps_EMULATOR_SUPPORT_
SOURCE          hspsserverutil.cpp
SOURCE          hspsrominstaller.cpp
SOURCE          hspsbrobserver.cpp
SOURCE          hspsbrhandler.cpp
SOURCE          hspsinstaller.cpp
SOURCE          hspsfamily.cpp
#if defined(WINSCW) || defined(__WINS__) 
SOURCE          hspsfamilylistener.cpp

USERINCLUDE     ../inc
USERINCLUDE     ../../inc

SYSTEMINCLUDE   /epoc32/include/xml
SYSTEMINCLUDE   /epoc32/include/connect

LIBRARY     hal.lib    // monitoring memory etc.
LIBRARY     euser.lib  // CBase etc.
LIBRARY     efsrv.lib  // file manager
LIBRARY     bafl.lib   // descriptors
LIBRARY     estor.lib  // streamstores
LIBRARY     centralrepository.lib
LIBRARY     apmime.lib // MIME-support
LIBRARY     xmlframework.lib
LIBRARY     charconv.lib // utf-unicode
LIBRARY     sysutil.lib // sysutil::
LIBRARY     hspsdefrep.lib
LIBRARY     hspsodt.lib
LIBRARY     hspsresource.lib
LIBRARY     hspsresult.lib
LIBRARY     hspsdomdocument.lib
LIBRARY     hspsdefinitionengineinterface.lib
LIBRARY     ecom.lib // definition engine
LIBRARY     MemMan.lib
LIBRARY     ws32.lib    // RWsSession

#ifdef _hsps_DEBUG_
LIBRARY     flogger.lib
#endif // _hsps_DEBUG_
LIBRARY     sysversioninfo.lib
LIBRARY     abclient.lib

LANG      SC