author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 16:30:05 +0300
changeset 74 edd621764147
parent 51 15e4dd19031c
child 82 ace62b58f4b2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201017 Kit: 201019

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

// System includes
#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <sendui.h>
#include <SendUiConsts.h>
#include <viewcli.h>                // For CVwsSessionWrapper
#include <viewclipartner.h>

#include <vwsdef.h>                 // For TVwsViewId
#include <mcsmenuutils.h>
#include <mcsmenuitem.h>
#include <mcspluginparamval.h>
#include <LogsUiCmdStarter.h>

// User includes
#include "mcsplugincompletedoperation.h"
#include "mcspluginhandler.h"
#include "mcspluginuids.hrh"

// Constants
_LIT( KMenuTypeShortcut, "menu:shortcut" ); ///< Menu folder type.
_LIT( KMenuAttrParamLogs, "logs:dialed" );

/** Argument value for parameter*/
_LIT( KMenuAttrParam, "param" );

#define KMCSCmailUidValue 0x2001E277
#define KMCSCmailMailboxViewIdValue 0x2
#define KMCSCmailMtmUidValue 0x2001F406


const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
    IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( KImplUidMCSPluginHandler, CMCSPluginHandler::NewL)

// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMCSPluginHandler::~CMCSPluginHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------
    delete iVwsSession;
    delete iMsvSession;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMCSPluginHandler::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CMCSPluginHandler* CMCSPluginHandler::NewL( RMenu &aMenu )
    CMCSPluginHandler* handler = new (ELeave) CMCSPluginHandler( aMenu );
    CleanupStack::PushL( handler );
    CleanupStack::Pop( handler );
    return handler;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMCSPluginHandler::CMCSPluginHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CMCSPluginHandler::CMCSPluginHandler( RMenu &aMenu )
: CMenuHandlerPlugin( aMenu )
    iEikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CMCSPluginHandler::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CMCSPluginHandler::ConstructL()
    iVwsSession = CVwsSessionWrapper::NewL();
    iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenAsObserverL(*this);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Supported menu item types
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMCSPluginHandler::SupportsType( const TDesC& aType )
    if ( !aType.Compare( KMenuTypeFolder() ) ||
         !aType.Compare( KMenuTypeSuite() )  ||
         !aType.Compare( KMenuTypeShortcut ) )
        return ETrue;
    return EFalse;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Main command handler
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CMenuOperation* CMCSPluginHandler::HandleCommandL(
        CMenuItem& aItem,
        const TDesC8& aCommand,
        const TDesC8& /*aParams*/,
        TRequestStatus& aStatus )
    if ( aCommand != KMenuCmdOpen() )
        User::Leave ( KErrNotSupported );

    if( aItem.Type() == KMenuTypeFolder() )
        return CMCSPluginCompletedOperation::NewL
            ( iMenu, CActive::EPriorityStandard, aStatus, KErrNone );
    else if ( aItem.Type() == KMenuTypeSuite() )
        return CMCSPluginCompletedOperation::NewL
            ( iMenu, CActive::EPriorityStandard, aStatus, KErrNone );
    else if ( aItem.Type() == KMenuTypeShortcut() )
        LaunchShortcutL( aItem );
        return CMCSPluginCompletedOperation::NewL
            ( iMenu, CActive::EPriorityStandard, aStatus, KErrNone );
        User::Leave ( KErrNotSupported );
    return NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MMsvSessionObserver.
// Handles an event from the message server.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMCSPluginHandler::HandleSessionEventL(
          TMsvSessionEvent /*aEvent*/, 
          TAny* /*aArg1*/, 
          TAny* /*aArg2*/,
          TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
    // No event handling

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Handles menu:shortcut specific commands
// Must be extended to launch e.g. MailBoxes
// caiscuttargetmessagingview.cpp implements the mailbox launching in old shortcut plugin
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CMCSPluginHandler::LaunchShortcutL( CMenuItem& aItem )

    // menu:shortcut type of items are launched based on attribute param
    TBool attrExists = ETrue;
    TPtrC param = aItem.GetAttributeL( KMenuAttrParam, attrExists );

    if ( !attrExists )
        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );

    // Messaging specific commands
    CSendUi* sendUi = CSendUi::NewLC();
    if ( param == KParamValueSelType ) // Select message type
        TSendingCapabilities capabs( 0, 0, TSendingCapabilities::ESupportsEditor );

        TUid uid = sendUi->ShowTypedQueryL( CSendUi::EWriteMenu, NULL, capabs, NULL, KNullDesC );
        if ( uid != KNullUid )
            sendUi->ServiceCapabilitiesL( uid, capabs );
            sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( uid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse ); // launch standalone
    else if ( param == KParamValueMsg ) // New text message
        sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL(KSenduiMtmUniMessageUid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse);
    else if ( param == KParamValueEmail ) // New email
        if ( GetEmailAccountCountL() > 0 )
            sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmSmtpUid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse );
            iVwsSession->StartApp( TUid::Uid( KMCSCmailUidValue ) );

    else if ( param == KParamValueSyncMLMail ) // New SyncML mail
        sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse );
    else if ( param == KParamValuePostcard ) // New postcard
        sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmPostcardUid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse );
    else if ( param == KParamValueAudioMsg ) // New audio message
        sendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid, NULL, KNullUid, EFalse );
    else if ( param.Find( KParamValueMailbox ) != KErrNotFound ) // Mailbox
        TInt pos = param.Locate( TChar( ':' ) ) + 1;
        TPtrC mailboxId = param.Mid( pos );
        TInt number;
        TLex16 lextmp( mailboxId );
        lextmp.Val( number );
        TUid uId = TUid::Uid( number );
        const TVwsViewId viewId( TUid::Uid( KMCSCmailUidValue ), TUid::Uid( KMCSCmailMailboxViewIdValue ) );
        iVwsSession->CreateActivateViewEvent( viewId, uId, KNullDesC8() );
    else if ( param.Find( KMenuAttrParamLogs ) != KErrNotFound )
        LogsUiCmdStarter::CmdStartL( LogsUiCmdStarterConsts::KDialledView() );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sendUi );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns count of Email accounts
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMCSPluginHandler::GetEmailAccountCountL()
    CMsvEntry* rootEntry = iMsvSession->GetEntryL( KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue );
    TInt cnt = rootEntry->Count();
    if ( cnt > 0 )
        cnt = 0;
        rootEntry->SetSortTypeL( TMsvSelectionOrdering( 
            KMsvGroupByType | KMsvGroupByStandardFolders, 
            EMsvSortByDetailsReverse, ETrue ) );
        for ( TInt i = rootEntry->Count(); --i >= 0; )
            const TMsvEntry& tentry = (*rootEntry)[i];
            if (tentry.iMtm.iUid == KMCSCmailMtmUidValue )
    return cnt;

// ============================ GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ===============================

EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
    aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
    return ImplementationTable;