changeset 54 48dd0f169f0d
parent 42 2e2a89493e2b
--- a/imagehandlingutilities/thumbnailmanager/thumbnailserver/src/thumbnailscaletask.cpp	Fri Sep 03 10:29:37 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Task for scaling thumbnails.
- *
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <fbs.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <bitdev.h>
-#include <bitstd.h>
-#include "thumbnailscaletask.h"
-#include "thumbnailprovider.h"
-#include "thumbnailserver.h"
-#include "thumbnailmanagerconstants.h"
-#include "thumbnaillog.h"
-#include "thumbnailpanic.h"
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "thumbnailscaletaskTraces.h"
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::NewL()
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CThumbnailScaleTask* CThumbnailScaleTask::NewL( CThumbnailTaskProcessor&
-    aProcessor, CThumbnailServer& aServer, const TDesC& aFilename, CFbsBitmap*
-    aBitmap, const TSize& aOriginalSize, const TSize& aTargetSize, TBool aCrop,
-    TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TInt aPriority, const TDesC& aTargetUri,
-    const TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize, const TInt64 aModified,
-    TBool aBitmapToPool, const TBool aEXIF, const TThumbnailServerRequestId aRequestId,
-    const TBool aImportVirtual)
-    {
-    // We take ownership of aBitmap
-    CleanupStack::PushL( aBitmap );
-    CThumbnailScaleTask* self = new( ELeave )CThumbnailScaleTask( aProcessor,
-        aServer, aFilename, aBitmap, aOriginalSize, aTargetSize, aCrop,
-        aDisplayMode, aPriority, aTargetUri, aThumbnailSize, aModified,
-        aBitmapToPool, aEXIF, aRequestId, aImportVirtual);
-    CleanupStack::Pop( aBitmap );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::CThumbnailScaleTask()
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CThumbnailScaleTask::CThumbnailScaleTask( CThumbnailTaskProcessor& aProcessor,
-    CThumbnailServer& aServer, const TDesC& aFilename, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
-    const TSize& aOriginalSize, const TSize& aTargetSize, TBool aCrop,
-    TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TInt aPriority, const TDesC& aTargetUri,
-    const TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize, const TInt64 aModified,
-    TBool aBitmapToPool, const TBool aEXIF, const TThumbnailServerRequestId aRequestId,
-    const TBool aVirtualUri):
-    CThumbnailTask( aProcessor, aPriority ), iServer( aServer ), iOwnBitmap( aBitmap ),
-    iOriginalSize( aOriginalSize ), iTargetSize(aTargetSize), iTargetSizeTN( aTargetSize ), iCrop( aCrop ),
-    iDisplayMode( aDisplayMode ), iFilename( aFilename ), iTargetUri( aTargetUri ),
-    iThumbnailSize(aThumbnailSize), iModified(aModified),
-    iBitmapToPool(aBitmapToPool), iEXIF(aEXIF), iVirtualUri( aVirtualUri )
-    {
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::CThumbnailScaleTask()", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK, "CThumbnailScaleTask::CThumbnailScaleTask;this=%o", this );
-    iRequestId = aRequestId;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::ConstructL()
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::ConstructL()
-    {
-    iServer.AddBitmapToPoolL( iRequestId.iSession, iOwnBitmap, iRequestId );
-    // Successfully added bitmap to pool, we are no longer responsible for
-    // deleting it directly.
-    iBitmap = iOwnBitmap;
-    iOwnBitmap = NULL;
-    iBitmapInPool = ETrue;
-    iScaledBitmap = NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::~CThumbnailScaleTask()
-// Destructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    iServer.CancelScale();
-    if ( iBitmapInPool && iBitmap )
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::~CThumbnailScaleTask() delete original bitmap from pool");
-        OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP1_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK, "CThumbnailScaleTask::~CThumbnailScaleTask - delete original bitmap from pool" );
-        // Original bitmap is owned by server, decrease reference count
-        iServer.DeleteBitmapFromPool( iBitmap->Handle());
-        }
-    // Scaled bitmap is owned by us, delete now
-    delete iScaledBitmap;
-    iScaledBitmap = NULL;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL()
-    {
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL()", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL;this=%o", this );
-    CThumbnailTask::StartL();
-    if ( !iCrop )
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() - cropping OFF", this );
-        OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP1_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - cropping OFF;this=%o", this );
-        // target size at max, keep aspect ratio
-        CalculateTargetSize();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() - cropping ON", this );
-        OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP2_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - cropping ON;this=%o", this );
-        // exact target size, crop excess
-        CalculateCropRectangle();
-        }
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() - sizes calculated", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP3_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - sizes calculated;this=%o", this );
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    aStart.UniversalTime();
-    delete iScaledBitmap;
-    iScaledBitmap = NULL;
-    iScaledBitmap = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
-    TSize bitmapSize = iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
-    if(bitmapSize.iHeight == iTargetSize.iHeight && bitmapSize.iWidth == iTargetSize.iWidth)
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() - no need for scaling", this);
-        OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP4_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - no need for scaling;this=%o", this );
-        // copy bitmap 1:1
-        User::LeaveIfError( iScaledBitmap->Create( bitmapSize, iBitmap->DisplayMode() ));
-        CFbsBitmapDevice* device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iScaledBitmap);
-        CleanupStack::PushL(device);
-        CFbsBitGc* gc = NULL;
-        User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
-        CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
-        gc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), iBitmap);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, device); // gc
-        TRAPD( err, StoreAndCompleteL());
-        Complete( err );
-        ResetMessageData();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() - scaling", this);
-        OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP5_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - scaling;this=%o", this );
-        User::LeaveIfError( iScaledBitmap->Create( iTargetSize, iBitmap->DisplayMode() ));
-        iServer.ScaleBitmapL( iStatus, * iBitmap, * iScaledBitmap, iCropRectangle );
-        SetActive();
-        }  
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StartL() end", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP6_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STARTL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StartL - end;this=%o", this );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL()
-    {
-    TInt err = iStatus.Int();
-    TN_DEBUG3( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::RunL() err=%d)", this, err );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_RUNL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL;this=%o", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP1_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_RUNL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL;err=%d", err );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-    aStop.UniversalTime();
-    TInt tookTime = (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000;
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL() scale took %d ms", (TInt)aStop.MicroSecondsFrom(aStart).Int64()/1000);
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP2_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_RUNL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::RunL - scale took ms;tookTime=%d", tookTime );
-    #endif
-    if ( !err )
-        {
-        TRAP( err, StoreAndCompleteL());
-        }
-    Complete( err );
-    ResetMessageData();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::DoCancel()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::DoCancel()
-    {
-    TN_DEBUG2( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::DoCancel()", this );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_DOCANCEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::DoCancel;this=%o", this );
-    iServer.CancelScale();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculates target size to be used for the thumbnail
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::CalculateTargetSize()
-    {
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOriginalSize.iHeight && iTargetSize.iHeight,
-        ThumbnailPanic( EThumbnailBadSize ));
-    if ( (iThumbnailSize == EFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
-          iThumbnailSize == EImageFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
-          iThumbnailSize == EVideoFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
-          iThumbnailSize == EAudioFullScreenThumbnailSize ||
-          iThumbnailSize == EContactFullScreenThumbnailSize) &&
-          iOriginalSize.iHeight < iTargetSize.iHeight && 
-          iOriginalSize.iWidth < iTargetSize.iWidth )
-        {
-        // do not upscale fullscreen thumbs
-        iTargetSize = iOriginalSize;
-        }
-    else if ( iOriginalSize.iHeight && iTargetSize.iHeight )
-        {
-        const TReal32 srcAspect = static_cast < TReal32 > (
-            iOriginalSize.iWidth ) / iOriginalSize.iHeight;
-        // scale to maximum size within target size 
-        if ( (iTargetSize.iHeight * srcAspect) <= iTargetSize.iWidth )
-            {
-            TReal trg = 0;
-            TReal src( iTargetSize.iHeight * srcAspect );
-            Math::Round( trg, src, 0 );
-            iTargetSize.SetSize( trg, iTargetSize.iHeight );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TReal trg;
-            TReal src( iTargetSize.iWidth / srcAspect );
-            Math::Round( trg, src, 0 );
-            iTargetSize.SetSize( iTargetSize.iWidth, trg );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iTargetSize.SetSize( 0, 0 );
-        }
-    iCropRectangle.SetRect( TPoint(), iBitmap->SizeInPixels());
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculates target size to be used for the thumbnail
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::CalculateCropRectangle()
-    {
-    const TSize srcSize = iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( srcSize.iHeight && iTargetSize.iHeight, ThumbnailPanic(
-        EThumbnailBadSize ));
-    if ( srcSize.iHeight && iTargetSize.iHeight )
-        {
-        const TReal32 srcAspect = static_cast < TReal32 > ( srcSize.iWidth ) /
-            srcSize.iHeight;
-        const TReal32 reqAspect = static_cast < TReal32 > ( iTargetSize.iWidth )
-            / iTargetSize.iHeight;
-        if ( (iTargetSize.iHeight * srcAspect) > iTargetSize.iWidth )
-            {
-            // Thumbnail is wider than requested and we crop
-            // some of the right and left parts.
-            TReal trg;
-            TReal src( srcSize.iHeight* reqAspect );
-            Math::Round( trg, src, 0 );
-            const TSize cropSize( trg, srcSize.iHeight );
-            iCropRectangle.iTl.SetXY(( srcSize.iWidth - cropSize.iWidth ) / 2, 0 );
-            iCropRectangle.SetSize( cropSize );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Thumbnail is taller than requested and we crop
-            // some of the top and bottom parts.
-            TReal trg;
-            TReal src( srcSize.iWidth / reqAspect );
-            Math::Round( trg, src, 0 );
-            const TSize cropSize( srcSize.iWidth, trg );
-            iCropRectangle.iTl.SetXY(0, ( srcSize.iHeight - cropSize.iHeight ) / 2 );
-            iCropRectangle.SetSize( cropSize );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iTargetSize.SetSize( 0, 0 );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL()
-    {
-    TN_DEBUG6( "CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StoreAndCompleteL() iFilename=%S, iThumbnailSize=%d, iBitmap=0x%08x, iScaledBitmap=0x%08x)", 
-               this, &iFilename, iThumbnailSize, iBitmap, iScaledBitmap );
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL;this=%o", this );
-	OstTraceExt1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP1_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL;iFilename=%S", iFilename );
-	OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP2_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL;iBitmap=%o", iBitmap );
-    // do not store TN if quality is too low eg. orignal size of image is smaller than requested size
-    // (do not store upscaled images)
-    if ( (iTargetSizeTN.iWidth > iOriginalSize.iWidth || iTargetSizeTN.iHeight > iOriginalSize.iHeight) && iEXIF)
-        {
-        TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() too low quality");
-        OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP3_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL - too low quality" );
-        iDoStore = EFalse;
-        }
-    TN_DEBUG3("CThumbnailScaleTask(0x%08x)::StoreAndCompleteL() iDoStore = %d", this, iDoStore);
-    OstTrace1( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP4_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL;this=%o", this );
-    if ( iDoStore )
-        {
-        if (iTargetUri != KNullDesC)
-            {
-            if (iFilename != KNullDesC && iFilename.CompareF(iTargetUri) == 0)
-                {
-                // filename and target URI match, so thumb created from associated path
-                iServer.StoreThumbnailL( iTargetUri, iScaledBitmap, iOriginalSize, iCrop, 
-                                         iThumbnailSize, iModified, !iVirtualUri, !iVirtualUri );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                // thumb not created from associated path
-                iServer.StoreThumbnailL( iTargetUri, iScaledBitmap, iOriginalSize, iCrop, 
-                                         iThumbnailSize, iModified, !iVirtualUri, EFalse );
-                }  
-            }
-        else if (iFilename != KNullDesC)
-            {
-            iServer.StoreThumbnailL( iFilename, iScaledBitmap, iOriginalSize, iCrop, 
-                                     iThumbnailSize, iModified, !iVirtualUri, !iVirtualUri );
-            }
-        }    
-    if ( ClientThreadAlive() )
-        {
-        TThumbnailRequestParams& params = iParamsBuf();
-        iMessage.ReadL( 0, iParamsBuf );
-        // if need to add scaled bitmap to pool
-        if (iBitmapToPool)
-            {
-            TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() scaled bitmap handle to params");
-            OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP5_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL" );
-            params.iBitmapHandle = iScaledBitmap->Handle();
-            }    
-	    if( params.iQualityPreference == CThumbnailManager::EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview
-	        && iEXIF && !iDoStore)
-	        {
-            TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() EThumbnailPreviewThumbnail");
-            OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP6_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL - EThumbnailPreviewThumbnail" );
-		    // this is upscaled preview image
-	        params.iControlFlags = EThumbnailPreviewThumbnail;
-	        }
-        TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() write params to message");
-        OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP7_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL - write params to message" );
-	    // pass bitmap handle to client
-	    iMessage.WriteL( 0, iParamsBuf );
-        if (iBitmapToPool)
-            {
-            TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() scaled bitmap to pool");
-            OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP8_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL - scaled bitmap to pool" );
-            iServer.AddBitmapToPoolL( iRequestId.iSession, iScaledBitmap, iRequestId );
-            iScaledBitmap = NULL; // Server owns the bitmap now
-            }
-        }
-    TN_DEBUG1("CThumbnailScaleTask()::StoreAndCompleteL() - end");
-    OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUP9_CTHUMBNAILSCALETASK_STOREANDCOMPLETEL, "CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL - end" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::StoreAndCompleteL()
-// Changes priority of the task.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::ChangeTaskPriority( TInt /*aNewPriority*/ )
-    {
-    // The priority of scale tasks is fixed. Do nothing.
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CThumbnailScaleTask::SetDoStore()
-// Changes the store flag
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CThumbnailScaleTask::SetDoStore( TBool aDoStore )
-    {
-    iDoStore = aDoStore;
-    }