author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 12:32:44 +0300
changeset 50 60bb012f1157
parent 41 9d4d3445ce6e
child 58 9e8b0cc88842
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201035 Kit: 201036

* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Thumbnail manager constants


#include <e32base.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include <etel3rdparty.h>
#include <mdccommon.h>
#include <apmstd.h>

#include "thumbnailmanager.h" // TThumbnailFlags

class CThumbnailServerSession;

// P&S stuff
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KAllowAllPolicy);
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KPowerMgmtPolicy,ECapabilityPowerMgmt);

const TUid KTMPSNotification = { 0x102830AB };
const TUid KTAGDPSNotification = { 0x2001FD51 };
const TUid KMdSPSShutdown = { 0x20022E94 };
const TUid KServerIdle = { 0x102830AB };
const TUid KDaemonUid = { 0x2001FD51 };

const TInt KShutdown = 0x00000001;
const TInt KMdSShutdown = 0x00000002;
//used to signal from server side when it's idle
const TInt KIdle = 0x00000004;
//daemon exposes items in processing queues
const TInt KItemsleft = 0x00000008;
const TInt KForceBackgroundGeneration = 0x00000010;
const TInt KMPXHarvesting = 0x00000020;
const TInt KDaemonProcessing = 0x00000040;

//insert to temp table first wo indexing and move data to main table as batch
//actual batch size will vary and will be between min...max batch size values below

//minimum batch size
const TUint KMInBatchItems = 6;
//maximum batch size
const TUint KMaxBatchItems = 60;
//Max allowed flush time ms
const TUint KMaxFlushDelay = 3000; // 3 sec
//Max allowed flush time on MTP/music collection refresh
const TUint KMaxMTPFlushDelay = 15000; // 15 seconds

//how many items daemon will query at once from MDS
const TUint KMaxQueryItems = 100;
// max items for PH & AllItems query
const TUint KMaxQueryBatchSize = 100;

// maximum number of active client side queue requests
const TUint KMaxClientRequests = 2;

// maximum number of request retry
const TUint KMaxRequestRetryCount = 2;

// maximum number of active daemon requests
const TUint KMaxDaemonRequests = 2;

const TUint KMdEReconnect = 1*1000*1000; //1 second

const TUint KUnmountTimerTimeout = 5*1000*1000; //5 seconds

const TUint KClientRequestTimeout = 60000000; //60 sec
const TUint KClientRequestStartErrorTimeout = 100000; //100 ms

const TUint KThumbnailServerMajorVersionNumber = 0;
const TUint KThumbnailServerMinorVersionNumber = 1;
const TUint KThumbnailServerBuildVersionNumber = 1;

const TInt KThumbnailErrThumbnailNotFound = -62000;

//give MDS some to settle before starting generating TNs
const TInt KHarvestingCompleteTimeout = 10000000; //10 sec

//after MMC mount wait while before count is calculated
const TInt KMountTimeout = 5*1000*1000; //5 sec

const TInt KPSKeyTimeout = 10000000; //10 sec
//Store's auto flush timeout
const TInt KAutoFlushTimeout = 65; //65 sec

// minimum background generation idle time seconds
const TInt KBackgroundGenerationIdle = 60;
// minimum store maintenance idle time seconds
const TInt KStoreMaintenanceIdle = 65; // 65 sec
// interval for store maintenance rounds
const TInt KStoreMaintenancePeriodic = 100000; //100 ms

// maximum number of rows deleted in one transaction
const TInt KStoreMaintenanceDeleteLimit = 10;
// maximum number of thumbs checked for source file existance
const TInt KStoreMaintenanceExistLimit = 50;

// video decoder timeout
const TInt KVideoDecoderTimeout = 12000000; // 12 seconds

const TDisplayMode KThumbnailDefaultDisplayMode = EColor64K;

//default displaymode (bpp - bits per pixel) for TNs in DB
//this makes possible to provide all colour depths up to 16M aka 24 -bit full colour
//Symbian^3 EColor16M
const TDisplayMode KStoreDisplayMode = EColor16M;

//required amount of memory to keep bitmaps on RAM in bits
const TInt KMemoryNeed = 5000000;

const TInt64 KDiskFullThreshold = 1024*1024*10; // 10 MB

_LIT( KThumbnailServerName, "ThumbnailServer" );
_LIT( KThumbnailServerProcess, "*ThumbnailServer*" );
_LIT( KThumbnailServerExe, "thumbnailserver.exe" );
_LIT( KThumbnailServerShutdown, "Thumbnailserver_Shutdown" );

_LIT( KTAGDaemonName, "ThumbAGDaemon" );
_LIT( KTAGDaemonProcess, "*ThumbAGDaemon*" );
_LIT( KTAGDaemonExe, "thumbagdaemon.exe" );

// server message slots, -1 doesn't reserve fixed amount from global but  uses free available amount instead
const TInt KMessageSlots = -1;

const TInt KMinPriority = KMinTInt;
const TInt KMinPlaceholderPriority = (KMinTInt +1000);
const TInt KLowPriority = -1000;
const TInt KNormalPriority = 0;
const TInt KHighPriority = 1000;
const TInt KMaxGeneratePriority = (KMaxTInt -1000);
const TInt KMaxPriority = KMaxTInt; // For scaling tasks
const TInt KImeiBufferSize = CTelephony::KPhoneSerialNumberSize;
const TInt KCheckValue = 123456;

_LIT8( KJpegMime, "image/jpeg" ); _LIT( KJpegExt, ".jpeg" );            
_LIT8( KJpeg2000Mime, "image/jp2" ); _LIT( KJpeg2000Ext, ".jp2" );
_LIT8( KJpgMime, "image/jpeg" ); _LIT( KJpgExt, ".jpg" );
_LIT8( KGifMime, "image/gif" ); _LIT( KGifExt, ".gif" );
_LIT8( KPngMime, "image/png" ); _LIT( KPngExt, ".png" ); 
_LIT8( KSvgMime, "image/svg+xml" ); _LIT( KSvgExt, ".svg" ); 
_LIT8( KMpgMime1, "video/mpeg"); _LIT( KMpgExt1, ".mpg" );
_LIT8( KMpeg4Mime, "video/mpeg4" ); _LIT( KMpeg4Ext,".mpeg4" );
_LIT8( KMp4Mime, "video/mp4" ); _LIT( KMp4Ext, ".mp4" ); _LIT( KM4vExt, ".m4v" );
_LIT8( KAviMime, "video/x-msvideo" ); _LIT( KAviExt, ".avi" );
_LIT8( KMp3Mime, "audio/mpeg" ); _LIT( KMp3Ext, ".mp3" );
_LIT8( KNonEmbeddArtMime, "audio/mpeg" ); _LIT( KNonEmbeddArtExt, ".alb" );
_LIT8( KM4aMime, "audio/mp4" ); _LIT( KM4aExt, ".m4a" );
_LIT8( KAacMime, "audio/aac" ); _LIT( KAacExt, ".aac" );
_LIT8( KWmaMime, "audio/x-ms-wma" ); _LIT( KWmaExt, ".wma" );
_LIT8( KBmpMime, "image/bmp" ); _LIT( KBmpExt, ".bmp" );
_LIT8( KAudio3gppMime, "audio/3gpp" ); 
_LIT8( KVideo3gppMime, "video/3gpp" ); _LIT( K3gpExt, ".3gp" ); _LIT( K3gppExt, ".3gpp" );
_LIT8( KAudioAmrMime, "audio/AMR" ); _LIT( KAmrExt, ".amr" );
_LIT8( KVideoWmvMime, "video/x-ms-wmv" ); _LIT( KWmvExt, ".wmv" );
_LIT8( KRealAudioMime, "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio" ); _LIT( KRealAudioExt, ".ra" );
_LIT8( KPmRealAudioPluginMime, "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" ); _LIT( KPmRealAudioPluginExt, ".rpm" );
_LIT8( KPmRealVideoPluginMime, "video/x-pn-realvideo" ); _LIT( KPmRealVideoPluginExt, ".rm" );
_LIT8( KPmRealVbVideoPluginMime, "video/x-pn-realvideo" ); _LIT( KPmRealVbVideoPluginExt, ".rmvb" );
_LIT8( KPmRealAudioMime, "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ); _LIT( KPmRealAudioExt, ".ra" );
_LIT8( KRealVideoMime, "video/vnd.rn-realvideo" ); _LIT( KRealVideoExt, ".rv" );
_LIT8( KFlashVideoMime, "video/x-flv" ); _LIT( KFlashVideoExt, ".flv" );
_LIT8( KMatroskaVideoMime, "video/x-matroska" ); _LIT( KMatroskaVideoExt, ".mkv" );
_LIT8( KContactMime, "contact/x-vcard" ); _LIT( KContactExt, ".vcf" );

_LIT( KNonEmbeddedArtExt, ".alb" );

_LIT8( KAlbumArtMime, "audio/albumart" ); _LIT( KAlbumArtExt, ".maa" );

_LIT( KImageMime, "image/*" );
_LIT( KVideoMime, "video/*" );
_LIT( KAudioMime, "audio/*" );

_LIT( KPrivateFolder, ":\\private\\");
_LIT( KSysFolder, ":\\sys\\");

_LIT( KDrv, ":");
_LIT( KBackSlash, "\\");

const TInt KExtLength = 4;

 *  Control flags set by the server for handling specific situations
 *  (for example for distinguishing between preview thumbnails and
 *  final thumbnails).
 *  @since S60 v5.0
enum TThumbnailControlFlags
     * Default value. No flags set.
    EThumbnailNoControlFlags = 0, 

     * Set by the server when the request is completed and it is only the
     * first part of a two-phase request
    EThumbnailPreviewThumbnail = 1,
     * Set by the client to inform server to create only missing persistent sizes thumbnails
    EThumbnailGeneratePersistentSizesOnly = 2 

 *  Thumbnail request parameters used for client-server communication.
 *  @since S60 v5.0
struct TThumbnailRequestParams
     * Bitmap handle for completed requests
    TInt iBitmapHandle;

     * Flags for new requests.
    CThumbnailManager::TThumbnailFlags iFlags;

     * Quality-preference value for new requests.
    CThumbnailManager::TThumbnailQualityPreference iQualityPreference;

     * Priority for new requests.
    TInt iPriority;

     * Requested thumbnail size new requests.
    TSize iSize;

     * Requested display mode new requests.
    TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;

     * Full path to object file for new requests. Should be set even
     * when file handles are used.
    TFileName iFileName;

     * Full path to object to which the imported thumb is to be linked.
    TFileName iTargetUri;
     * Thumbnail ID
    TThumbnailId iThumbnailId;
     * Relative thumbnail size
    TThumbnailSize iThumbnailSize;
     * MIME type
    TDataType iMimeType;

     * Image buffer used to create & set the thumbnail
    TDesC8* iBuffer;
     * Session specific request ID allocated by the client.
    TThumbnailRequestId iRequestId;

     * Control flags set by the server for handling specific situations
     * (for example for distinguishing between preview thumbnails and
     * final thumbnails).
	 * Control flags may be modified by server to signal client side what actually was done, like preview TN
    TThumbnailControlFlags iControlFlags;
     * Original control flags set by the server for handling specific situations
     * (for example for distinguishing between preview thumbnails and
     * final thumbnails).
    TThumbnailControlFlags iOriginalControlFlags;
     * Thumbnail's modify timestamp
    TInt64 iModified;
     * Thumbnail's orientation
    TInt iOrientation;
     * Overwrite old thumbs (SetThumbnailL)
    TBool iOverwrite;
     * URI is virtual
    TBool iVirtualUri;
     * Target differs from source
    TBool iImport;

typedef TPckg < TThumbnailRequestParams > TThumbnailRequestParamsPckg;
typedef TPckgBuf < TThumbnailRequestParams > TThumbnailRequestParamsPckgBuf;

 *  Request ID class used on the server side. Consists of a pointer to a
 *  session and a session specific ID.
 *  @since S60 v5.0
struct TThumbnailServerRequestId
     * Default C++ constructor
     * @since S60 v5.0
    inline TThumbnailServerRequestId(): iSession( NULL ), iRequestId( 0 ){}

     * C++ constructor
     * @since S60 v5.0
     * @param aSession Pointer to the server-side session object, which
     *                 created the request.
     * @param aRequestId Session specific request ID as allocated by the
     *                   client.
    inline TThumbnailServerRequestId( CThumbnailServerSession* aSession,
        TThumbnailRequestId aRequestId ): iSession( aSession ), iRequestId(
        aRequestId ){}

     * Compare request IDs. Both session and client-side request ID must
     * match.
     * @param aRequestId Another TThumbnailServerRequestId to compare to
     * @since S60 v5.0
    inline TBool operator == ( const TThumbnailServerRequestId& aRequestId )
        return aRequestId.iSession == iSession && aRequestId.iRequestId ==

     * Pointer to the server-side session object, which created the request.
     * Not own.
    CThumbnailServerSession* iSession;

     * Session specific request ID as allocated by the client.
    TThumbnailRequestId iRequestId;

 *  Client-server message IDs
 *  @since S60 v5.0
 *  Start from 0 so that TPolicy range matches to function count.
enum TThumbnailServerRequest
     * Thumbnail request using file path. A TThumbnailRequestParams
     * struct is passed as a parameter.
     * @see TThumbnailRequestParams
    ERequestThumbByPathAsync = 0, 

     * Thumbnail request using file path. A TThumbnailRequestParams
     * struct is passed as a parameter as well as the file handle using
     * TransferToServer()/AdoptFromClient().
     * @see TThumbnailRequestParams

     * Release a bitmap after the client callback has returned. Bitmap
     * handle is passed as a parameter.

     * Cancel a thumbnail request. Session specific request ID is passed
     * as a parameter.

     * Change the priority of a thumbnail request. Session specific request
     * ID and new priority value are passed as parameters.

     * Deprecated

     * Delete existing thumbnails for a file. File path is passed as a
     * parameter.

     * Get the required size (in characters) for a buffer that contains the
     * list of supported MIME types. Size in integers is returned in the
     * first parameter.

     * Get the list of supported MIME types and store them as the first
     * parameter. The first parameter should be allocated by the client
     * to be large enough (using EGetMimeTypeBufferSize).
     * Thumbnail request using ID. 

     * Request to set thumbnail created from buffered image
     * Delete existing thumbnails. Id as parameter.
     * Update thumbnails by given Id.
     * Request to set thumbnail created from given bitmap
     * Do not remove and keep as last item! Holds count of functions supported.

 *  Thumbnail format in storage
 *  @since S60 v5.0
enum TThumbnailFormat
	* Symbian internal bitmap format, usually as extranlized BLOB in the db.
	* Stantard JPEG

 *  MDS query modes used during thumbnail generation
 *  @since S60 v5.0
enum TMDSQueryType
     * Query Path by Id