* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Main interface class to Thumbnail Manager
#include <e32base.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <thumbnailobjectsource.h>
class MThumbnailManagerObserver;
class MThumbnailManagerRequestObserver;
typedef TInt TThumbnailRequestId;
typedef TUint32 TThumbnailId;
typedef enum
EThumbnailSizeCount //last item, don't remove
} TThumbnailSize;
* Thumbnail engine.
* This is the main interface class to thumbnail engine. Thumbnail engine
* can be used to request thumbnails for different kinds of media objects.
* The client using thumbnail engine must implement the
* MThumbnailManagerObserver. The observer interface is used to provide
* thumbnail data when it is available.
* Typical use of thumbnail engine consists of 4 parts:
* - creating an engine instance using NewL
* - setting thumbnail parameters using SetThumbnailSizeL(), SetFlags(),
* and so on
* - creating an object source (CThumbnailObjectSource) and using it to
* request thumbnails
* - handling MThumbnailManagerObserver callbacks when the thumbnail request
* is complete
* Here is an example of how thumbnail engine could be used by a typical
* application:
* @code
* #include <thumbnailmanagerobserver.h>
* #include <thumbnailmanager.h>
* class CMyThumbnailControl: public CCoeControl,
* public MThumbnailManagerObserver
* {
* public:
* CMyThumbnailControl();
* ~CMyThumbnailControl();
* ...
* // Callbacks from MThumbnailManagerObserver for getting thumbnails
* void ThumbnailPreviewReady(
* MThumbnailData& aThumbnail,
* TThumbnailRequestId aId );
* void ThumbnailReady(
* TInt aError,
* MThumbnailData& aThumbnail,
* TThumbnailRequestId aId );
* private:
* void ConstructL();
* CThumbnailManager* iManager;
* CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
* }
* _LIT( KTestFilePath, "e:\\TestImage.jpg" );
* _LIT( KTestFileType, "image/jpeg" );
* void CMyThumbnailControl::ConstructL()
* {
* // Create Thumbnail Manager instance. This object is the observer.
* iManager = CThumbnailManager::NewL( *this );
* // Set flags: If the aspect ratio of the media object does not match
* // 4:3 then we would like it to be cropped. We don’t mind getting
* // smaller images than requested.
* iManager->SetFlagsL( CThumbnailManager::ECropToAspectRatio |
* CThumbnailManager::EAllowAnySize );
* // Preferred size is 160x120 (or less)
* iManager->SetSizeL( TSize( 160, 120 ) );
* // Get a preview thumbnail first, if available.
* // The preview thumbnail is delivered via a ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* // callback.
* iManager->SetQualityPreferenceL(
* CThumbnailManager::EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview );
* // Create an object source representing a path to a file on local
* // file system.
* CThumbnailObjectSource* source = CThumbnailObjectSource::NewLC(
* KTestFilePath, // File path
* KTestFileType ); // Let Thumbnail Manager know it’s a JPEG, so
* // it doesn’t need to recognize the file format
* // Issue the request using default priority
* iManager->GetThumbnailL( *source );
* // If GetThumbnailL() did not leave, the ThumbnailReady() callback is
* // now guaranteed to be called, unless the request is cancelled or
* // CThumbnailManager instance is deleted.
* // The source can be deleted immediately after issuing the request
* CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( source );
* }
* CMyThumbnailControl::~CMyThumbnailControl()
* {
* // Bitmap should be destroyed before Thumbnail Manager
* delete iBitmap;
* delete iManager;
* }
* void CMyThumbnailControl::ThumbnailReady(
* TInt aError,
* MThumbnailData& aThumbnail,
* TThumbnailRequestId aId )
* {
* // This function must not leave.
* delete iBitmap; iBitmap = NULL;
* if ( !aError )
* {
* // Claim ownership of the bitmap instance for later use
* iBitmap = aThumbnail.DetachBitmap();
* // We can now use iBitmap in our Draw() method
* DrawDeferred();
* }
* else
* {
* // An error occurred while getting the thumbnail.
* // Perhaps we should show a broken image icon to the user.
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @lib thumbnailmanager.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CThumbnailManager ): public CBase
* Flags for thumbnail creation.
* These can be combined using bitwise or.
enum TThumbnailFlags
* Default flags. This means that:
* - Thumbnail must be as large as requested (unless the actual
* object is smaller).
* - Smaller thumbnails may be up scaled to desired resolution.
* - Aspect ratio is maintained and thumbnails are not cropped. The
* resulting thumbnail may smaller in either width or height if
* the aspect ratio of the object does not match the aspect ratio
* of the requested size.
EDefaultFlags = 0,
* Allow thumbnails which are smaller than requested are. Thumbnail
* bitmaps are never up scaled if this flag is set.
EAllowAnySize = 1,
* New thumbnail images are not created if this flag is set. Only
* existing thumbnails may be returned. If a requested thumbnail does
* not exist, KErrNotFound error is returned in ThumbnailReady()
* callback.
EDoNotCreate = 2,
* Thumbnail images are cropped to match requested aspect ratio. If
* this flag is set, the size of the resulting thumbnail always
* matches the requested size.
ECropToAspectRatio = 4
/** Quality versus speed preference setting */
enum TThumbnailQualityPreference
* Prefer thumbnails in the highest quality possible disregarding
* any negative impact on performance.
* Get thumbnails as fast as possible, even if
* it means lower quality.
* Get lower quality preview thumbnail as fast as possible first and
* then a higher quality thumbnail later. The preview thumbnail is
* provided in the ThumbnailPreviewReady() callback and the high
* quality thumbnail in ThumbnailReady(). ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* is not get called at all if a suitable existing thumbnail is not
* found or if a high quality version is already available.
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObserver Observer to receive notifications about completed
* operations.
* @return New CThumbnailManager instance.
IMPORT_C static CThumbnailManager* NewL( MThumbnailManagerObserver&
aObserver );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObserver Observer to receive notifications about completed
* operations.
* @return New CThumbnailManager instance (on cleanup stack).
IMPORT_C static CThumbnailManager* NewLC( MThumbnailManagerObserver&
aObserver );
* Destructor
* @since S60 v5.0
virtual ~CThumbnailManager();
* Get the current display mode for thumbnail bitmaps.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return Current display mode for the thumbnail bitmaps.
virtual TDisplayMode DisplayMode()const = 0;
* Set the current display mode for thumbnail bitmaps.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aDisplayMode New display mode value for the thumbnail bitmaps.
virtual void SetDisplayModeL( TDisplayMode aDisplayMode ) = 0;
* Get the current quality versus performance preference.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return Current quality versus performance preference.
virtual TThumbnailQualityPreference QualityPreference()const = 0;
* Set quality versus performance preference.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aQualityPreference New quality versus performance preference
* value.
virtual void SetQualityPreferenceL( TThumbnailQualityPreference
aQualityPreference ) = 0;
* Get the current desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return Current desired size for thumbnail bitmaps (in pixels).
virtual const TSize& ThumbnailSize()const = 0;
* Set desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aThumbnailSize New quality for the desired thumbnail size.
virtual void SetThumbnailSizeL( const TSize& aThumbnailSize ) = 0;
* Get current flags for thumbnail generation.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return Current flags.
virtual TThumbnailFlags Flags()const = 0;
* Set flags for thumbnail generation. Several flags may be enabled
* by combining the values using bitwise or.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aFlags New flags.
virtual void SetFlagsL( TThumbnailFlags aFlags ) = 0;
* Get a thumbnail for an object file. If a thumbnail already exists, it
* is loaded and if a thumbnail does not exist, it is created
* transparently. ThumbnailReady() callback will be called when the
* operation is complete. In addition, ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* callback may be called if EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview mode was
* defined.
* Current values for display mode, thumbnail size, flags and performance
* preference are used.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObjectSource Source object or file
* @param aClientData Pointer to arbitrary client data.
* This pointer is not used by the API for
* anything other than returning it in the
* ThumbnailReady callback.
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId GetThumbnailL( CThumbnailObjectSource&
aObjectSource, TAny* aClientData = NULL, TInt aPriority = CActive
::EPriorityStandard ) = 0;
* Delete all thumbnails for a given object. This is an asynchronous
* operation, which always returns immediately.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObjectSource Source object or file
virtual void DeleteThumbnails( CThumbnailObjectSource& aObjectSource ) = 0;
* Create thumbnail for a given object. This is an asynchronous
* operation, which always returns immediately. No callbacks are
* emitted.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObjectSource Source object or file
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId CreateThumbnails( CThumbnailObjectSource&
aObjectSource, TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle ) = 0;
* Cancel a thumbnail operation.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aId Request ID for the operation to be cancelled.
* @return Symbian OS error code or KErrNone if cancelling was
* successful.
virtual TInt CancelRequest( TThumbnailRequestId aId ) = 0;
* Change the priority of a queued thumbnail operation.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aId Request ID for the request which to assign a new
* priority.
* @param aNewPriority New priority value
* @return Symbian OS error code or KErrNone if change was
* successful.
virtual TInt ChangePriority( TThumbnailRequestId aId, TInt aNewPriority ) = 0;
* Get a list of supported file formats for object files.
* The return value is a reference to a list that contains each
* supported MIME type. There may also be wildcards, such as "image/*".
* The returned reference is valid until CThumbnailManager is
* destroyed or GetSupportedMimeTypesL() is called again.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return A list of supported MIME types. May contain wildcards.
* Ownership not transferred.
virtual const CDesCArray& GetSupportedMimeTypesL() = 0;
* Delete thumbnails by TThumbnailId. This is an asynchronous
* operation, which always returns immediately.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItemId TThumbnailId
virtual void DeleteThumbnails( const TThumbnailId aItemId ) = 0;
* Set desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aThumbnailSize Desired thumbnail size.
virtual void SetThumbnailSizeL( const TThumbnailSize aThumbnailSize ) = 0;
* Get a persistent thumbnail for an object file. If a thumbnail already
* exists, it is loaded and if a thumbnail does not exist, it is created
* transparently. ThumbnailReady() callback will be called when the
* operation is complete. In addition, ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* callback may be called if EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview mode was
* defined.
* Current values for display mode, thumbnail size, flags and performance
* preference are used.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aThumbnailId Thumbnail ID
* @param aThumbnailSizeType Thumbnail size enumeration
* @param aClientData Pointer to arbitrary client data.
* This pointer is not used by the API for
* anything other than returning it in the
* ThumbnailReady callback.
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId GetThumbnailL( const TThumbnailId aThumbnailId,
TAny* aClientData = NULL,
TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard ) = 0;
* Set a thumbnail for an object file generated from buffer delivered in source
* object. ThumbnailReady() callback will be called when the
* operation is complete. In addition, ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* callback may be called if EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview mode was
* defined.
* Current values for display mode, thumbnail size, flags and performance
* preference are used.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aThumbnailId Thumbnail ID
* @param aThumbnailSizeType Thumbnail size enumeration
* @param aClientData Pointer to arbitrary client data.
* This pointer is not used by the API for
* anything other than returning it in the
* ThumbnailReady callback.
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId SetThumbnailL( CThumbnailObjectSource& aObjectSource,
TAny* = NULL,
TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle ) = 0;
* Import an image to be used as thumbnail for an object. If a
* thumbnail already exists, it is loaded and if a thumbnail does not
* exist, it is created transparently. ThumbnailReady() callback will be
* called when the operation is complete. In addition, ThumbnailPreviewReady()
* callback may be called if EOptimizeForQualityWithPreview mode was
* defined.
* Current values for display mode, thumbnail size, flags and performance
* preference are used.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aObjectSource Source object or file
* @param aTargetUri Target URI to which the imported thumbnail is linked.
* @param aClientData Pointer to arbitrary client data.
* This pointer is not used by the API for
* anything other than returning it in the
* ThumbnailReady callback.
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId ImportThumbnailL( CThumbnailObjectSource& aObjectSource,
const TDesC& aTargetUri, TAny* aClientData = NULL,
TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle ) = 0;
* Update Thumbnails by TThumbnailId. This is an asynchronous
* operation, which always returns immediately.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aItemId TThumbnailId
* @param aPath (New) path for the Thumbnail
* @param aOrientation Thumbnail orientation
* @param aModified Last modified
virtual void UpdateThumbnailsL( const TThumbnailId aItemId, const TDesC& aPath,
const TInt aOrientation, const TInt64 aModified, const TInt aPriority ) = 0;
* Rename Thumbnails. This is an asynchronous
* operation, which always returns immediately.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aCurrentPath Current path of the Thumbnail
* @param aNewPath New path for the Thumbnail
* @param aPriority Priority for this operation
* @return Thumbnail request ID. This can be used to
* cancel the request or change priority.
* The ID is specific to this CThumbnailManager
* instance and may not be shared with other
* instances.
virtual TThumbnailRequestId RenameThumbnailsL( const TDesC& aCurrentPath,
const TDesC& aNewPath, TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle ) = 0;
* Set optional request observer for getting information about completed
* requests that don't include a thumbnail.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aObserver Observer to receive notifications.
virtual void SetRequestObserver( MThumbnailManagerRequestObserver& aObserver ) = 0;
* Remove optional request observer.
* @since Symbian^3
virtual void RemoveRequestObserver() = 0;