author hgs
Thu, 08 Jul 2010 15:45:05 +0300
changeset 31 d429f823a6b7
parent 30 b67379558a75
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Qt interface class to Thumbnail Manager


#include <QObject>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QImage>

#include <QtGlobal>

class QString;
class QSize;

class ThumbnailManagerPrivate;
class TestThumbnailManager;

#ifdef TNMQT_DLL

/** default priority value */
const int tnmWrapperPriorityIdle = -100;

class ThumbnailManager : public QObject


    /** Thumbnail size. */
    enum ThumbnailSize
         * Small thumbnail
        ThumbnailSmall = 0, 
         * Medium thumbnail
         * Large thumbnail
    /** Mode of thumbnail creation. */
    enum ThumbnailMode
         * Default mode. This means that:
         * - Thumbnail must be as large as requested (unless the actual object is smaller).
         * - Smaller thumbnails may be up scaled to desired resolution.
         * - Aspect ratio is maintained and thumbnails are not cropped. The
         *   resulting thumbnail may smaller in either width or height if
         *   the aspect ratio of the object does not match the aspect ratio
         *   of the requested size.
        Default = 0, 

         * Allow thumbnails which are smaller than requested are. Thumbnail
         * bitmaps are never up scaled if this flag is set.
        AllowAnySize = 1, 

         * New thumbnail images are not created if this flag is set. Only
         * existing thumbnails may be returned. If a requested thumbnail does
         * not exist null pixmap will be returned.
        DoNotCreate = 2, 

         * Thumbnail images are cropped to match requested aspect ratio. If
         * this mode is set, the size of the resulting thumbnail always
         * matches the requested size.
        CropToAspectRatio = 4
    /**  Quality versus speed preference setting */
    enum QualityPreference
         * Prefer thumbnails in the highest quality possible disregarding
         * any negative impact on performance.

         * Get thumbnails as fast as possible, even if
         * it means lower quality.

     * Constructor
     * @param parentPtr parent
    TNM_EXPORT ThumbnailManager( QObject* parentPtr = NULL );

     * Destructor
    TNM_EXPORT ~ThumbnailManager();

     * Get quality versus performance preference.
     * @return quality versus performance preference
    TNM_EXPORT QualityPreference qualityPreference() const;

     * Set quality versus performance preference.
     * @param qualityPreference New quality versus performance preference
     *                           value.
     * @return true on success
    TNM_EXPORT bool setQualityPreference( QualityPreference qualityPreference );

     * Get the current desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
     * @return Current desired size for thumbnail bitmaps (in pixels).
    TNM_EXPORT QSize thumbnailSize() const;

     * Set desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
     * @param thumbnailSize New desired thumbnail size.
     * @return true on success
    TNM_EXPORT bool setThumbnailSize( const QSize& thumbnailSize );

     * Set desired size for thumbnail bitmaps.
     * @param thumbnailSize New desired thumbnail size.
     * @return true on success
    TNM_EXPORT bool setThumbnailSize( ThumbnailSize thumbnailSize );
     * Get current mode for thumbnail generation.
     * @return Current mode.
    TNM_EXPORT ThumbnailMode mode() const;

     * Set mode for thumbnail generation.
     * @param mode New flags.
     * @return true on success 
    TNM_EXPORT bool setMode( ThumbnailMode mode );

     * Get a thumbnail for an object file. If a thumbnail already exists, it
     * is loaded and if a thumbnail does not exist, it is created
     * transparently. If thumbnail loadinf fails thumbnailReady signal is emited 
     * with null pixmap and error code.
     * @param fileName      Source object or file
     * @param clientData    Pointer to arbitrary client data.
     *                      This pointer is not used by the API for
     *                      anything other than returning it in the
     *                      ThumbnailReady signal.
     * @param priority      Priority for this operation
     * @return              Thumbnail request ID or -1 if request failed. This can be used to
     *                      cancel the request or change priority.
     *                      The ID is specific to this tnm
     *                      instance and may not be shared with other
     *                      instances.
    TNM_EXPORT int getThumbnail( const QString& fileName, void * clientData = NULL, 
            int priority = tnmWrapperPriorityIdle );

     * Get a persistent thumbnail for an object file. If a thumbnail already
     * exists, it is loaded and if a thumbnail does not exist, it is created
     * transparently. If thumbnail loading fails thumbnailReady signal is emited 
     * with null pixmap and error code.
     * @param thumbnailId   Thumbnail ID
     * @param clientData    Pointer to arbitrary client data.
     *                      This pointer is not used by the API for
     *                      anything other than returning it in the
     *                      ThumbnailReady signal.
     * @param priority      Priority for this operation
     * @return              Thumbnail request ID or -1 if request failed. This can be used to
     *                      cancel the request or change priority.
     *                      The ID is specific to this tnm
     *                      instance and may not be shared with other
     *                      instances.
    TNM_EXPORT int getThumbnail( unsigned long int thumbnailId, void * clientData = NULL, 
            int priority = tnmWrapperPriorityIdle );
     * Set a thumbnail for an object file generated from pixmap delivered.
     * thumbnailReady() signal will be emited when the operation is complete. 
     * @param source             Pixmap from which the thumbnail will be created
     * @param fileName           file name
     * @param clientData         Pointer to arbitrary client data.
     *                           This pointer is not used by the API for
     *                           anything other than returning it in the
     *                           ThumbnailReady callback.
     * @param priority           Priority for this operation
     * @return                   Thumbnail request ID or -1 if request failed. This can be used to
     *                           cancel the request or change priority. 
    TNM_EXPORT int setThumbnail( const QPixmap& source, const QString& fileName,
            void * clientData = NULL, int priority = tnmWrapperPriorityIdle );
     * Set a thumbnail for an object file generated from pixmap delivered.
     * thumbnailReady() signal will be emited when the operation is complete. 
     * @param source             QImage from which the thumbnail will be created
     * @param fileName           file name
     * @param clientData         Pointer to arbitrary client data.
     *                           This pointer is not used by the API for
     *                           anything other than returning it in the
     *                           ThumbnailReady callback.
     * @param priority           Priority for this operation
     * @return                   Thumbnail request ID or -1 if request failed. This can be used to
     *                           cancel the request or change priority. 
    TNM_EXPORT int setThumbnail( const QImage& source, const QString& fileName,
            void * clientData = NULL, int priority = tnmWrapperPriorityIdle );
     * Set a thumbnail for an object file generated from source file.
     * thumbnailReady() signal will be emited when the operation is complete. 
     * @param sourceFileName     Source file name from which the thumbnail will be created
     * @param targetFileName     Target file name
     * @param clientData         Pointer to arbitrary client data.
     *                           This pointer is not used by the API for
     *                           anything other than returning it in the
     *                           ThumbnailReady callback.
     * @param priority           Priority for this operation
     * @return                   Thumbnail request ID or -1 if request failed. This can be used to
     *                           cancel the request or change priority. 
    TNM_EXPORT int setThumbnail( const QString& sourceFileName, const QString& targetFileName,
            const QString& mimeType = QString(""), void * clientData = NULL, 
            int priority = tnmWrapperPriorityIdle );

     * Delete all thumbnails for a given object. This is an asynchronous
     * operation, which always returns immediately.
     * @param fileName      Source file
    TNM_EXPORT void deleteThumbnails( const QString& fileName );

     * Delete all thumbnails for a given object. This is an asynchronous
     * operation, which always returns immediately.
     * @param thumbnailId      thumbnail id
    TNM_EXPORT void deleteThumbnails( unsigned long int thumbnailId );

     * Cancel a thumbnail operation.
     * @param id      Request ID for the operation to be cancelled.
     * @return         true if cancelling was successful.
    TNM_EXPORT bool cancelRequest( int id );

     * Change the priority of a queued thumbnail operation.
     * @param id           Request ID for the request which to assign a new
     *                      priority.
     * @param newPriority  New priority value
     * @return              true if change was successful.
    TNM_EXPORT bool changePriority( int id, int newPriority );
     * Final thumbnail bitmap generation or loading is complete.
     * @param pixmap     An object representing the resulting thumbnail.
     * @param clientData Client data
     * @param id         Request ID for the operation
     * @param errorCode  error code
    TNM_EXPORT void thumbnailReady( QPixmap , void * , int , int );    

     * Final thumbnail bitmap generation or loading is complete.
     * @param image      An object representing the resulting thumbnail.
     * @param clientData Client data
     * @param id         Request ID for the operation
     * @param errorCode  error code
    TNM_EXPORT void thumbnailReady( QImage , void * , int , int );    

    void connectNotify(const char *signal);

    void disconnectNotify(const char *signal);

    ThumbnailManagerPrivate* d;
    friend class ThumbnailManagerPrivate;
    friend class TestThumbnailManager;