changeset 0 e6b17d312c8b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e6b17d312c8b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Interface for managing cached presentity group information.
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <presenceprotocolpluginhostifids.hrh>
    24 #include <ximpbase.h>
    27 class MXIMPIdentity;
    28 class MXIMPObjectCollection;
    29 class MPresentityGroupInfo;
    30 class MPresentityGroupMemberInfo;
    31 class MXIMPDataSubscriptionState;
    32 class MXIMPStatus;
    36 /**
    37  * Interface for managing cached presentity group information.
    38  *
    39  * Interface used by protocol adaptations to manage
    40  * manage presentity group information and presentity
    41  * group member information in XIMP Framework
    42  * internal data cache.
    43  *
    44  * This interface is implemented by XIMP Framework.
    45  * Protocol adaptation can obtain reference to this
    46  * interface from MXIMPProtocolConnectionHost interface.
    47  *
    48  * For each separated protocol connection, protocol
    49  * adaptation must use the specific
    50  * MProtocolPresentityGroupsDataHost instance,
    51  * what is received from the connection specific
    52  * MXIMPProtocolConnectionHost instance.
    53  *
    54  * @ingroup ximppresprotocolpluginhostapi
    55  * @since S60 v3.2
    56  */
    57 class MProtocolPresentityGroupsDataHost : public MXIMPBase
    58     {
    59 public:
    61     /** Interface ID for the MProtocolPresentityGroupsDataHost. */
    64 protected:
    66     /**
    67      * Protected destructor. Object instancies
    68      * can't be deleted via this interface.
    69      */
    70     virtual ~MProtocolPresentityGroupsDataHost() {}
    74 public: // Handling presentity group information
    77     /**
    78      * Notifies XIMP Framework from
    79      * presentity group list contents.
    80      *
    81      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
    82      * method to notify XIMP Framework from
    83      * complete presentity group list content.
    84      * XIMP Framework calculates the changes
    85      * (new and removed presentity groups) compared to previous
    86      * presence presentity group list content, and notifies
    87      * the subscribing clients from data changes.
    88      *
    89      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the object
    90      * collection and all objects contained within, if
    91      * the method succeeds without a leave.
    92      *
    93      *
    94      * @param [in] aGroupList
    95      *        MXIMPObjectCollection object containing zero or
    96      *        more MPresentityGroupInfo objects. Each
    97      *        contained MPresentityGroupInfo shall present
    98      *        single presentity group within the presentity
    99      *        group list.
   100      *
   101      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   102      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   103      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   104      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   105      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   106      *
   107      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   108      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   109      */
   110     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupListL(
   111                 MXIMPObjectCollection* aGroupList ) = 0;
   115     /**
   116      * Notifies XIMP Framework from new
   117      * presentity group list entry.
   118      *
   119      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   120      * method to notify XIMP Framework from
   121      * new presentity group list entry. XIMP Framework
   122      * calculates the change, from previous presentity
   123      * group list content, and notifies the subscribing
   124      * clients from data changes.
   125      *
   126      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   127      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   128      *
   129      * @param [in] aGroupInfo
   130      *        MPresentityGroupInfo object holding
   131      *        information about new presentity group entry.
   132      *        New presentity group is added to the presentity
   133      *        group list.
   134      *
   135      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   136      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   137      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   138      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   139      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   140      *
   141      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   142      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   143      */
   144     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupCreatedL(
   145                 MPresentityGroupInfo* aGroupInfo ) = 0;
   149     /**
   150      * Notifies XIMP Framework from deletion of
   151      * existing presentity group.
   152      *
   153      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   154      * method to notify XIMP Framework from deletion
   155      * of existing presentity group. XIMP Framework
   156      * calculates the change, from previous presentity group
   157      * list content, and notifies the subscribing clients
   158      * from data changes.
   159      *
   160      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   161      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   162      *
   163      * @param [in] aGroupId
   164      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the
   165      *        presentity group which were deleted and thus
   166      *        needs to be removed from presentity group list.
   167      *
   168      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   169      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   170      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   171      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   172      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   173      *
   174      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   175      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   176      */
   177     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupDeletedL(
   178                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId ) = 0;
   182     /**
   183      * Notifies XIMP Framework from update of
   184      * existing presentity group displayname.
   185      *
   186      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   187      * method to notify XIMP Framework from update
   188      * of existing presentity group displayname. XIMP Framework
   189      * calculates the change, from previous presentity group
   190      * list content, and notifies the subscribing clients
   191      * from data changes.
   192      *
   193      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   194      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   195      *
   196      * @param [in] aGroupInfo
   197      *        MPresentityGroupInfo object identifying the
   198      *        presentity group and new displayname for the group.
   199      *
   200      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   201      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   202      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   203      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   204      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   205      *
   206      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   207      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   208      */
   209     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupDisplayNameUpdatedL(
   210                 MPresentityGroupInfo* aGroupInfo ) = 0;
   214     /**
   215      * Gets data subscription state for presentity group list.
   216      *
   217      * Protocol adaptation can call this method to retrieve
   218      * presentity group lists data subscription state.
   219      * Protocol adaptation can use data subscription state
   220      * information, to optimize its own processing and
   221      * network trafic amount.
   222      *
   223      * @return Presentity group list data subscription state.
   224      *         Interface ownership is not returned to caller.
   225      *         Caller shouldn't cache the returned reference
   226      *         for later use.
   227      */
   228     virtual const MXIMPDataSubscriptionState&
   229                 PresentityGroupListDataSubscriptionState() const = 0;
   233     /**
   234      * Updates data subscription state for presentity group list.
   235      *
   236      * Updates data subscription state for presentity group list.
   237      * XIMP Framework calculates the subscription state change,
   238      * from previous presentity group list, and
   239      * notifies the subscribing clients from data changes.
   240      *
   241      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   242      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   243      *
   244      * @param [in] aSubscriptionState
   245      *        New data subscription state for presentity group list.
   246      *
   247      * @param [in] aStatus
   248      *        Optional status object describing the
   249      *        the reason, why protocol adaptation updated
   250      *        data item subscription state. Given status object
   251      *        is passed to clients through data item specific
   252      *        data change event. NULL value is accepted.
   253      *
   254      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   255      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   256      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   257      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   258      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   259      *
   260      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   261      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL subscription state argument was provided.
   262      */
   263     virtual TXIMPRequestId SetPresentityGroupListDataSubscriptionStateL(
   264                 MXIMPDataSubscriptionState* aSubscriptionState,
   265                 MXIMPStatus* aStatus ) = 0;
   269 public: // Handling presentity group content
   272     /**
   273      * Notifies XIMP Framework from
   274      * presentity group contents.
   275      *
   276      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   277      * method to notify XIMP Framework from presentity group
   278      * content. XIMP Framework calculates the changes
   279      * (added and removed group members) compared to previous
   280      * presentity group content, and notifies the subscribing
   281      * clients from data changes.
   282      *
   283      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the object
   284      * collection and all objects contained within, if
   285      * the method succeeds without a leave.
   286      *
   287      * @param [in] aGroupId
   288      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity group
   289      *        of which content is notified here.
   290      *
   291      * @param [in] aGroupMembers
   292      *        MXIMPObjectCollection object containing zero or
   293      *        more MPresentityGroupMemberInfo objects. Each
   294      *        contained MPresentityGroupMemberInfo shall
   295      *        present single presentity group member, within
   296      *        the presentity group.
   297      *
   298      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   299      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   300      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   301      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   302      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   303      *
   304      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   305      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   306      */
   307     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupContentL(
   308                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId,
   309                 MXIMPObjectCollection* aGroupMembers ) = 0;
   313     /**
   314      * Notifies XIMP Framework from new
   315      * presentity group member entry.
   316      *
   317      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   318      * method to notify XIMP Framework from
   319      * new presentity group member entry. XIMP Framework
   320      * calculates the change, from previous presentity
   321      * group content, and notifies the subscribing
   322      * clients from data changes.
   323      *
   324      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   325      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   326      *
   327      * @param [in] aGroupId
   328      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity
   329      *        group to where the group member is added.
   330      *
   331      * @param [in] aGroupMember
   332      *        MPresentityGroupMemberInfo object holding
   333      *        information about new presentity group member
   334      *        entry. New presentity group member is added
   335      *        to the presentity group content.
   336      *
   337      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   338      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   339      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   340      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   341      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   342      *
   343      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   344      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   345      */
   346     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupMemberAddedL(
   347                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId,
   348                 MPresentityGroupMemberInfo* aGroupMember ) = 0;
   352     /**
   353      * Notifies XIMP Framework from remove of
   354      * existing presentity group member.
   355      *
   356      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   357      * method to notify XIMP Framework from remove
   358      * of existing presentity group member. XIMP Framework
   359      * calculates the change, from previous presentity group
   360      * content, and notifies the subscribing clients
   361      * from data changes.
   362      *
   363      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   364      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   365      *
   366      * @param [in] aGroupId
   367      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity
   368      *        group from where to remove the group member.
   369      *
   370      * @param [in] aGroupMemberId
   371      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity
   372      *        group member which to remove from the presentity
   373      *        group.
   374      *
   375      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   376      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   377      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   378      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   379      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   380      *
   381      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   382      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   383      */
   384     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupMemberRemovedL(
   385                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId,
   386                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupMemberId ) = 0;
   390     /**
   391      * Notifies XIMP Framework from displayname update of
   392      * existing presentity group member.
   393      *
   394      * Protocol adaptation implementation can call this
   395      * method to notify XIMP Framework from displayname
   396      * update of existing presentity group member.
   397      * XIMP Framework calculates the change, from previous
   398      * presentity group content, and notifies the subscribing
   399      * clients from data changes.
   400      *
   401      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   402      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   403      *
   404      * @param [in] aGroupId
   405      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity
   406      *        group which member displayname to update.
   407      *
   408      * @param [in] aGroupMember
   409      *        MPresentityGroupMemberInfo object identifying
   410      *        the presentity group member and its new displayname.
   411      *
   412      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   413      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   414      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   415      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   416      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   417      *
   418      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   419      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL argument(s) were provided.
   420      */
   421     virtual TXIMPRequestId HandlePresentityGroupMemberDisplayNameUpdatedL(
   422                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId,
   423                 MPresentityGroupMemberInfo* aGroupMember ) = 0;
   427     /**
   428      * Gets data subscription state for presentity group.
   429      *
   430      * Protocol adaptation can call this method to retrieve
   431      * given presentity groups content subscription state.
   432      * Protocol adaptation can use data subscription state
   433      * information, to optimize its own processing and
   434      * network trafic amount.
   435      *
   436      * @return Presentity groups content subscription state.
   437      *         Interface ownership is not returned to caller.
   438      *         Caller shouldn't cache the returned reference
   439      *         for later use.
   440      */
   441     virtual const MXIMPDataSubscriptionState&
   442                 PresentityGroupContentDataSubscriptionState(
   443                 const MXIMPIdentity& aGroupId ) const = 0;
   447     /**
   448      * Updates data subscription state for
   449      * presentity group content.
   450      *
   451      * Updates data subscription state for presentity group content.
   452      * XIMP Framework calculates the subscription state change,
   453      * from previous presentity group content, and
   454      * notifies the subscribing clients from data changes.
   455      *
   456      * XIMP Framework takes ownership of the argument(s),
   457      * if method succeeds without a leave.
   458      *
   459      * @param [in] aGroupId
   460      *        MXIMPIdentity object identifying the presentity
   461      *        group of which data subscription state is
   462      *        updated here.
   463      *
   464      * @param [in] aSubscriptionState
   465      *        New data subscription state for presentity group .
   466      *
   467      * @param [in] aStatus
   468      *        Optional status object describing the
   469      *        the reason, why protocol adaptation updated
   470      *        data item subscription state. Given status object
   471      *        is passed to clients through data item specific
   472      *        data change event. NULL value is accepted.
   473      *
   474      * @return The request ID identifying the issued request.
   475      *         Data cache request is processed asynchronously and
   476      *         its completion is signalled to adaptation direction
   477      *         through MXIMPProtocolConnectionHostObserver interface,
   478      *         with MXIMPProtocolRequestCompleteEvent event.
   479      *
   480      * @leave KErrNoMemory if failed to allocate memory.
   481      * @leave KErrArgument if NULL subscription state argument was provided.
   482      */
   483     virtual TXIMPRequestId SetPresentityGroupContentDataSubscriptionStateL(
   484                 MXIMPIdentity* aGroupId,
   485                 MXIMPDataSubscriptionState* aSubscriptionState,
   486                 MXIMPStatus* aStatus ) = 0;
   489     };