changeset 51 61fad867f68e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ximpfw/tsrc/src/t_presenceblocking/t_presenceblocking.cpp	Wed Nov 03 09:32:20 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: XIMP Framework Test Code 
+#include "eunittools.h"
+#include <platform/digia/eunit/eunitmacros.h>
+#include <platform/digia/eunit/teunitassertioninfo.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <presencefeatures.h>
+#include <presenceauthorization.h>
+#include <presenceblocklistevent.h>
+#include <presenceblockinfo.h>
+#include <ximpclient.h>
+#include <ximpcontext.h>
+#include <presencefeatures.h>
+#include "t_presenceblocking.h"
+// blocking includes
+#include "presenceblockinfoimp.h"
+#include "presenceblocklisteventimp.h"
+// other datamodel and utils includes
+#include "ximpidentityimp.h"
+#include "ximpobjecthelpers.h"
+// testing tool includes
+#include "prfwtestpresencedatautils.h"
+#include "prfwtestmessaging.h"
+#include "prfwtestmessenger.h"
+#include "prfwtestcontextwrappermgr.h"
+#include "prfwtestcontextwrapper.h"
+#include "prfwtestfilesrvmsg.h"
+#include "prfwtestfiletool.h"
+#include "prfwtestlistener.h"
+#include "ximprequestcompleteeventimp.h"
+#include "prfwtestrobustnesstools.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+T_PresenceBlocking* T_PresenceBlocking::NewL()
+    {
+    T_PresenceBlocking* self = new( ELeave ) T_PresenceBlocking;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    PrfwTestRobustness::DoPreCleaning();
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CEUnitTestSuiteClass::ConstructL();
+    }
+    {
+    }
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+void T_PresenceBlocking::Setup_L()
+    {
+    PrfwTestRobustness::DoPreCleaning();
+    iWrapperMgr = CXIMPTestContextWrapperMgr::NewL();
+    iWrapperMgr->CreateWrapperL();
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SetupMultiple_L()
+    {
+    PrfwTestRobustness::DoPreCleaning();
+    iWrapperMgr = CXIMPTestContextWrapperMgr::NewL();
+    iWrapperMgr->CreateWrapperL();
+    iWrapperMgr->CreateWrapperL();
+    iWrapperMgr->CreateWrapperL();
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::BindL()
+    {
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper0 = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    wrapper0->BindL( 0 );
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::BindAllL()
+    {
+    for( TInt a = 0; a < iWrapperMgr->WrapperCount(); ++a )
+        {
+        CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( a );
+        wrapper->BindL( 0 );
+        }
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::Teardown()
+    {
+    delete iWrapperMgr;
+    iWrapperMgr = NULL;
+    REComSession::FinalClose();
+    PrfwTestRobustness::DoPreCleaning();
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::UnbindL()
+    {
+    // Do unbind
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper0 = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    wrapper0->UnbindL();
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::UnbindAllL()
+    {
+    for( TInt a = 0; a < iWrapperMgr->WrapperCount(); ++a )
+        {
+        CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( a );
+        wrapper->UnbindL();
+        }
+    }
+// ===========================================================================
+// TEST CASES for presentity presence subscription
+// ===========================================================================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Single client, empty filter
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_SubscribeBlockList_Single_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Single presence block list subscription") );
+    BindL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    messenger->SetNoError();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    // normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // subscribe
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that SubscribeBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // unsubscribe
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    reqId = presAuth.UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Unsubscribe failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that UnsubscribeBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestUnsubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "UnsubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    // Deinitiliaze event source from listener.
+    listener2->SetEventSourceL( NULL );
+    UnbindL();
+    //CleanupStack::Pop(presFeat);
+    //delete presFeat;
+    //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Single client, empty filter
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_SubscribeBlockListRefresh_Single_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Single presence block list subscription refresh") );
+    BindL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    messenger->SetNoError();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    // normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // subscribe
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that SubscribeBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event = CreateBlockListEventLCX(
+        KNullDesC, KNullDesC,
+        MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+        MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataUnavailable,
+        ETestPBlCurrent, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //event 4 to go.
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // subscribe again
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Refresh failed" );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // rest of the items.
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // unsubscribe
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    reqId = presAuth.UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Unsubscribe failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that UnsubscribeBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestUnsubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "UnsubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    listener2->SetEventSourceL( NULL );
+    UnbindL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Single client, empty filter
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_SubscribeBlockList_Multiple_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Multiple presence block list subscription") );
+    BindAllL();
+    TInt countOfWrappers = iWrapperMgr->WrapperCount();
+    TInt a(0);
+    for( a = 0; a < countOfWrappers; ++a )
+        {
+        CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( a );
+        MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+        CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+        // Get the interfaces
+        MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+        MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+        CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+        // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+        messenger->SetNoError();
+        // expect normal request complete
+        TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+        CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete =
+                                CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+        listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+        // subscribe
+        TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+        EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+        // verify that SubscribePresenceBlockListL was called
+        COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribePresenceBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+        }
+    for( a = 0; a < countOfWrappers; ++a )
+        {
+        CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( a );
+        MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+        CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+        // Get the interfaces
+        MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+        MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+        CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+        // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+        messenger->SetNoError();
+        // expect normal request complete
+        TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+        CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete =
+                            CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+        listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+        CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+        // unsubscribe
+        TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+        EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Unsubscribe failed" );
+        // verify that EXIMPPlgTestUnsubscribeBlockListCalled was called
+        COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestUnsubscribePresenceBlockListCalled,
+                "UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL was not called",
+                ( a < 2 ) ? EFalse : ETrue,
+                "UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL was called" );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+        }
+    UnbindAllL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SubscribeL()
+    {
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // expect normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // subscribe
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void T_PresenceBlocking::UnsubscribeL()
+    {
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // expect normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // unsubscribe
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.UnsubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Unsubscribe failed" );
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestUnsubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "UnsubscribeBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_HandlePresenceBlockList_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Handle presence block list.") );
+    // log in and subscribe a block list
+    BindL();
+    SubscribeL();
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // some startup stuff
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    wrapper->GetMessenger()->SetNoError();
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // 1. Create faked server message about block list
+    SendSrvMsgL( CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::ETestSrvMsgPresenceBlockList );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // expect current(empty) MPresenceBlockList event.
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event = CreateBlockListEventLCX(
+            KNullDesC, KNullDesC,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+            ETestPBlCurrent, currentList);
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event ); // 4 more items in cleanupstack
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "HandlePresenceBlockListL failed" );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    // clean it up
+    UnsubscribeL();
+    UnbindL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Single client, empty filter
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_BlockPresence_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Block presence") );
+    BindL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    messenger->SetNoError();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    // normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // subscribe
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+    // verify that SubscribePresenceBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribePresenceBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    //  1. Block presence
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* identity = XIMPTestPresenceDataUtils::GenerateIdentityLC( &KNullDesC8 );
+    _LIT16( KDisplayName1, "DispnameA, LoremI" );
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event =
+            CreateBlockListEventLCX( identity->Identity(),
+                                     KNullDesC,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+                                     ETestPBlAdded, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );
+    // block
+    reqId = presAuth.BlockPresenceForPresentityL( *identity );
+    //Waqas: fixed current list in event
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Block failed" );
+    // verify that BlockPresenceForPresentityL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestBlockPresenceForPresentityCalled, "BlockPresenceForPresentityL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    //  2. Re-block
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // we need to create current list to give to the event
+    currentList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray; // previous is destroyed
+    CleanupDeletePushL( currentList );
+            // create the group info
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockInfoForEvent = 
+                            CPresenceBlockInfoImp::NewLC( *identity, KNullDesC );
+    currentList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( currentList );
+    // now make the event
+    event = CreateBlockListEventLCX( identity->Identity(),
+                                     KNullDesC,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+                                     ETestPBlCurrent, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );
+    // re-block
+    reqId = presAuth.BlockPresenceForPresentityL( *identity );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Block failed" );
+    // verify that BlockPresenceForPresentityL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestBlockPresenceForPresentityCalled, "BlockPresenceForPresentityL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // Deinitiliaze event source from listener.
+    listener2->SetEventSourceL( NULL );
+    UnbindL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( identity );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Single client, empty filter
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_CancelBlockedPresence_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Cancel presence block") );
+    BindL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestMessenger* messenger = wrapper->GetMessenger();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    messenger->SetNoError();
+    // Get the interfaces
+    MPresenceFeatures* presFeat = wrapper->GetPresenceFeatures();
+    MPresenceAuthorization& presAuth = presFeat->PresenceAuthorization();
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    listener2->Reset();
+    // normal request complete
+    TXIMPRequestId reqIdDummy;  // not checked
+    CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp* evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // subscribe
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    TXIMPRequestId reqId = presAuth.SubscribePresenceBlockListL();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Subscribe failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that SubscribePresenceBlockListL was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestSubscribePresenceBlockListCalled, "SubscribePresenceBlockListL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* identity = XIMPTestPresenceDataUtils::GenerateIdentityLC( &KNullDesC8 );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    //  1. Cancel non-existing block (no blocks)
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event =
+            CreateBlockListEventLCX( KNullDesC,
+                                     KNullDesC,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataUnavailable,
+                                     ETestPBlRemoved, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );
+    // cancel nonexisting block
+    reqId = presAuth.CancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityL( *identity );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Cancel failed" );
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // verify that method was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestCancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityCalled, "CancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    //  2. Cancel block 
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    currentList = NULL;  // previous is destroyed
+    event = CreateBlockListEventLCX( identity->Identity(),
+                                     KNullDesC,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+                                     ETestPBlAdded, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );
+    // block a presentity
+    reqId = presAuth.BlockPresenceForPresentityL( *identity );
+    // Waqas: Fixed current list in event
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Block failed" );
+    // verify that method was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestBlockPresenceForPresentityCalled, "BlockPresenceForPresentityL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // Setup status event listener for RequestComplete
+    listener2->Reset();
+    evReqComplete = CXIMPRequestCompleteEventImp::NewLC( reqIdDummy );
+    listener2->ExpectL( evReqComplete );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( evReqComplete );
+    // we need to create current list to give to the event
+    currentList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray; // previous is destroyed
+    CleanupDeletePushL( currentList );
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockInfoForEvent = 
+                        CPresenceBlockInfoImp::NewLC( *identity, KNullDesC );
+    currentList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( currentList );
+    // now create event and give currentList to it
+    event = CreateBlockListEventLCX( identity->Identity(),
+                                     KNullDesC,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+                                     MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+                                     ETestPBlRemoved, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event );
+    // cancel the existing block
+    reqId = presAuth.CancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityL( *identity );
+    // Waqas: Fixed current list in event
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "Cancel block failed" );
+    // verify that method was called
+    COMMONASSERT( messenger, EXIMPPlgTestCancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityCalled, "CancelPresenceBlockFromPresentityL was not called", ETrue, NULL );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    // ---------------------------------------------
+    //  TODO 3. Cancel block (non-existing block, other blocks exist)
+    // Deinitiliaze event source from listener.
+    listener2->SetEventSourceL( NULL );
+    UnbindL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( identity );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_HandlePresenceBlocked_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Handle presence blocked") );
+    // log in and subscribe a block list
+    BindL();
+    SubscribeL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    wrapper->GetMessenger()->SetNoError();
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* identity = XIMPTestPresenceDataUtils::GenerateIdentityLC( &KNullDesC8 );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // 1. Create faked server message about blocked
+    SendBlockedSrvMsgL( identity->Identity(),
+                        KNullDesC,
+                        CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::ETestSrvMsgPresenceBlocked );
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event = CreateBlockListEventLCX(
+            identity->Identity(), KNullDesC,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataAvailable,
+            ETestPBlAdded, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event ); // 4 more items in cleanupstack
+    // Waqas: Fixed current list handling
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "HandlePresenceBlocked failed" );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( identity );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    // clean it up
+    UnsubscribeL();
+    UnbindL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void T_PresenceBlocking::T_HandlePresenceBlockCanceled_L()
+    {
+    EUNIT_PRINT( _L("Handle presence block canceled") );
+    // log in and subscribe a block list
+    BindL();
+    SubscribeL();
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    MXIMPContext* context = wrapper->GetContext();
+    CXIMPTestListener* listener2 = CXIMPTestListener::NewL( context );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( listener2 );
+    // Tell the protocol it should act normally
+    wrapper->GetMessenger()->SetNoError();
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* identity = XIMPTestPresenceDataUtils::GenerateIdentityLC( &KNullDesC8 );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    // 1. Cancel block (with no blocks)
+    SendCanceledSrvMsgL( identity->Identity(),
+                        KNullDesC,
+                        CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::ETestSrvMsgPresenceBlockCanceled );
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* currentList(NULL);
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* event = CreateBlockListEventLCX(
+            KNullDesC, KNullDesC,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::ESubscriptionActive,
+            MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::EDataUnavailable,
+            ETestPBlRemoved, currentList );
+    listener2->ExpectL( event );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( event ); // 4 more items in cleanupstack
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC( KErrNone == listener2->WaitAndAssertL(), "HandlePresenceBlockCanceled failed" );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // lists
+    // ------------------------------------------------------
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( identity );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listener2 );
+    // clean it up
+    UnsubscribeL();
+    UnbindL();    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// send a faked server-originated message with group info made
+// from the given uri and displayname
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SendSrvMsgL(
+        const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aDispName,
+        TInt aMsgType )
+    {
+    // we'll use hard-coded wrapper 0 instance for now.
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    // create a grant req info contained within the server-originated
+    // faked message
+    RXIMPObjOwningPtrArray<CPresenceBlockInfoImp> blockList;
+    CleanupClosePushL( blockList );
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* blockId = CXIMPIdentityImp::NewLC( aUri );
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockItem =
+                CPresenceBlockInfoImp::NewLC( *blockId, aDispName );
+    blockList.AppendL( blockItem );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( blockItem );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockId );
+    HBufC8* packedArray =
+        TXIMPObjectPacker<CPresenceBlockInfoImp>::PackArrayL( blockList );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( packedArray );
+    // use filetool to send it for plugin.
+    CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg* srvMsg = CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::NewL( aMsgType,
+            *packedArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( srvMsg );
+    wrapper->FileTool().CleanAllL();
+    wrapper->FileTool().SrvMsgStoreL( srvMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // srvMsg, packedArray, blockList
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SendBlockedSrvMsgL(
+        const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aDispName,
+        TInt aMsgType )
+    {
+    // we'll use hard-coded wrapper 0 instance for now.
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    // create a grant req info contained within the server-originated
+    // faked message
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* blockId = CXIMPIdentityImp::NewLC( aUri );
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockItem =
+                CPresenceBlockInfoImp::NewLC( *blockId, aDispName );
+    HBufC8* packedArray =
+        TXIMPObjectPacker<CPresenceBlockInfoImp>::PackL( *blockItem );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( packedArray );
+    // use filetool to send it for plugin.
+    CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg* srvMsg = CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::NewL( aMsgType,
+            *packedArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( srvMsg );
+    wrapper->FileTool().CleanAllL();
+    wrapper->FileTool().SrvMsgStoreL( srvMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // blockId, blockItem, packedArray, srvMsg
+    }
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SendCanceledSrvMsgL(
+        const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC& aDispName,
+        TInt aMsgType )
+    {
+    // we'll use hard-coded wrapper 0 instance for now.
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    CXIMPIdentityImp* blockId = CXIMPIdentityImp::NewLC( aUri );
+    HBufC8* packedArray =
+        TXIMPObjectPacker<CXIMPIdentityImp>::PackL( *blockId );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( packedArray );
+    // use filetool to send it for plugin.
+    CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg* srvMsg = CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::NewL( aMsgType,
+            *packedArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( srvMsg );
+    wrapper->FileTool().CleanAllL();
+    wrapper->FileTool().SrvMsgStoreL( srvMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // blockId, packedArray, srvMsg
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// send a faked server-originated message with empty contents
+void T_PresenceBlocking::SendSrvMsgL( TInt aMsgType )
+    {
+    // we'll use hard-coded wrapper 0 instance for now.
+    CXIMPTestContextWrapper* wrapper = iWrapperMgr->GetWrapperL( 0 );
+    // create a server-originated faked message with empty contents
+    RXIMPObjOwningPtrArray<CPresenceBlockInfoImp> blockList;
+    HBufC8* packedArray = TXIMPObjectPacker<CPresenceBlockInfoImp>::PackArrayL( blockList );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( packedArray );
+    // use filetool to send it for plugin.
+    CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg* srvMsg = CXIMPTestFileSrvMsg::NewL( aMsgType,
+            *packedArray );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( srvMsg );
+    wrapper->FileTool().CleanAllL();
+    wrapper->FileTool().SrvMsgStoreL( srvMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // srvMsg, packedArray
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// create a block list event with given arrays
+    T_PresenceBlocking::CreateBlockListEventLCX(
+        const TDesC& aUri,
+        const TDesC& aDispName,
+        MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::TSubscriptionState aSubscriptionState,
+        MXIMPDataSubscriptionState::TDataState aDataState,
+        TTestPBlOperationSpecifier aOperation,
+        RPrBlockInfoImpArray* aCurrentList)
+    {
+    // create the arrays
+    // new list
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* newList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray;
+    CleanupDeletePushL( newList );
+    // current list, created by caller
+    if(!aCurrentList) // if client didnt created the list
+        aCurrentList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray;
+    CleanupDeletePushL( aCurrentList );
+    // removed list
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* removedList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray;
+    CleanupDeletePushL( removedList );
+    // updated list
+    RPrBlockInfoImpArray* updatedList = new ( ELeave ) RPrBlockInfoImpArray;
+    CleanupDeletePushL( updatedList );
+	// create subscription state
+	CXIMPDataSubscriptionStateImp* subsState = CXIMPDataSubscriptionStateImp::NewLC();
+    // create the group info
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockInfoForEvent1 = NULL;
+            {
+            CXIMPIdentityImp* idForEvent = CXIMPIdentityImp::NewLC( aUri );
+            blockInfoForEvent1 = CPresenceBlockInfoImp::NewLC( *idForEvent, aDispName );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent1 );        
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( idForEvent ); 
+            CleanupStack::PushL( blockInfoForEvent1 );        
+            }
+    CPresenceBlockInfoImp* blockInfoForEvent2 = 
+            TXIMPObjectCloner< CPresenceBlockInfoImp >::CloneLC( *blockInfoForEvent1 );
+    TInt count(0);
+    TBool found(EFalse);
+    TInt i(0);
+    // put the given group info into the specified array
+    switch ( aOperation )
+        {
+        case ETestPBlAdded:
+            {
+            newList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+            aCurrentList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent1 );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent1 );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ETestPBlRemoved:
+            {
+            // search the given id in current list
+            count = aCurrentList->Count();
+            for(i=0;i<count;i++)
+                {
+                // if dispname and id are same
+                if (( ((((*aCurrentList)[i])->BlockedEntityId()).Identity()) == aUri )
+                    && ( (((*aCurrentList)[i])->BlockedEntityDisplayName()) == aDispName ))
+                    {
+                    found = ETrue;
+            break;
+            }
+                }
+            if(found) // do we need to leave if error? Waqas
+            {
+                delete (*aCurrentList)[i];
+                aCurrentList->Remove(i);
+                removedList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+                CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+                }
+            else
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockInfoForEvent1 );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ETestPBlUpdated:
+            {
+            updatedList->AppendL( blockInfoForEvent2 );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( blockInfoForEvent2);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockInfoForEvent1 );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ETestPBlCurrent:
+            {
+            // don't add, thus return what user has given
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockInfoForEvent2 ); // blockInfoForEvent2
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( blockInfoForEvent1 ); // blockInfoForEvent1
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+	subsState->SetSubscriptionStateL(aSubscriptionState);
+    subsState->SetDataStateL(aDataState);
+    // create the actual event
+    CPresenceBlockListEventImp* tmp =
+        CPresenceBlockListEventImp::NewLC(
+                newList,
+                aCurrentList,
+                removedList,
+                updatedList,
+                subsState );
+    // subState is owned by the event, we need to pop it out from the stack
+    CleanupStack::Pop( tmp );        
+    CleanupStack::Pop( subsState ); 
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tmp );        
+    /*
+     * In cleanupstack there are 5 items, FIFO
+     *   - added/new list
+     *   - current list
+     *   - removed list
+     *   - updated list
+     *   - event imp
+     */
+    return tmp;
+    }
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+        T_PresenceBlocking,
+        "XIMPFW presence blocking tests",
+        "MODULE" )
+        "Subscribe block list",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_SubscribeBlockList_Single_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Refresh block list subscription",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_SubscribeBlockListRefresh_Single_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Subscribe block list, multiple",
+        "",
+        "",
+        SetupMultiple_L,
+        T_SubscribeBlockList_Multiple_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Handle presence block list",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_HandlePresenceBlockList_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Block presence",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_BlockPresence_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Cancel presence block",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_CancelBlockedPresence_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Handle blocked and canceled blocks",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_HandlePresenceBlocked_L,
+        Teardown )
+        "Handle blocked and canceled blocks",
+        "",
+        "",
+        Setup_L,
+        T_HandlePresenceBlockCanceled_L,
+        Teardown )
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+EXPORT_C MEUnitTest* CreateTestSuiteL()
+    {
+    return T_PresenceBlocking::NewL();
+    }
+// end of file