changeset 20 7797b2f86d2b
parent 18 b6f2a363adf7
child 25 cfe5eb8bb9ca
--- a/imservices/ossprotocoladaptation/src/search/csearchkeystore.cpp	Wed Apr 14 16:17:20 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This class handles dynamic search label-key pair storing.
-#include "csearchkeystore.h"
-#include "ossprotocolpluginlogger.h"
-/*!	/file
-*	/brief Implimentation of interfaces defined in csearchkeystore.h
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-CSearchKeyStore* CSearchKeyStore::NewL() 
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore NewL Start") );		
-	CSearchKeyStore* self = new ( ELeave ) CSearchKeyStore;
-	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore NewL End") );		
-	return self;
-	}
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-	{
-	}	
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore ~CSearchKeyStore Start") );	
-	//Close the hash map
-	//<todo> any leaks here?
-	iEnumLabels.Close();
-	//<todo> any leaks here?
-	//Close the hash map
-	iSupportedLabels.Close();
-	//reset and destroy
-	iNotSupportedLabels.ResetAndDestroy();
-	delete iLabelKeyHashRep;
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore ~CSearchKeyStore End") );		
-	}
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-void CSearchKeyStore::MapLabelsToEnumL( RPointerArray<TDesC>& aLabels )
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore MapLabelsToEnum Start") );	
-	RArray<TBool> enumBool;
-	//TO avoid excessive computation, we mark enumBool[i] if 
-	//a label is already attched to that enum
-	for ( TInt i = 0; i < iEnumLabels.Count(); i++ )
-		{
-		//unmark all of it
-		enumBool.Append( 0 );
-		}
-	for ( TInt i = 0; i < aLabels.Count(); i++ )
-		{
-		//Boolean to say if the label we are matching is supported
-		TBool supported = EFalse;
-		//Iterate thru the hash table of cenrep labels
-		THashMapIter<TInt, TPtr16> iter( iEnumLabels );
-		//Initialize to 0
-		TInt j = 0;
-		//Loop till thr is a key
-		while( NULL != iter.NextKey() )
-			{
-			//Check if a label has been assigned to the enum
-			if ( enumBool[j] )
-				{
-				j++;
-				continue;
-				}
-			//If not
-			//Get the possible labels for this enum from cen rep
-			TPtr16 bufPtr = *(iter.CurrentValue());
-			TBuf<1024> buf;
-			//LC is not leaving/cleanup
-			//It converts the aLabels to lower case 
-			buf.CopyLC( *( aLabels[i] ) );
-			//Match if the current label from isoserver is in the enum labels
-			TInt match = bufPtr.Find( buf );
-			if ( KErrNotFound != match )
-				{
-				//If a match is found, mark the corresponding enum 
-				enumBool[j]	= 1;			
-				TSearchKey enumvalue = ( TSearchKey )*( iter.CurrentKey() );
-				//Add to supported labels hash key and label
-				iSupportedLabels.InsertL( enumvalue, 
-							aLabels[i]->AllocL()->Des() );
-				//Set the flag as supported, so that it is not added in
-				//not supported label
-				supported = ETrue;
-				//Break from the loop
-				//Get next label try to match to the cen rep labels(supported enums)
-				break;
-				}			
-			//update the enum index tracker		
-			j++;
-			}
-		//If the label has not matched to any of the supported enum labels
-		//add that to not supported list
-		if ( EFalse == supported ) 
-			{
-			//Add to not supported labels				
-			iNotSupportedLabels.Append( ( aLabels[i]->AllocL() ) );		
-			}
-		}
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore MapLabelsToEnum End") );		
-	}
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-HBufC* CSearchKeyStore::GetLabelFromEnumL( TSearchKey aEnum )
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore GetLabelFromEnum Start") );	
-	TPtr* buf = NULL;
-	//Find if the labels corresponding to enum is there
-	//and return the alloced label.
-	//Ownership is transfered to the callee
-	buf = iSupportedLabels.Find( aEnum );
-	if ( buf )	
-		{
-		return buf->AllocL();
-		}
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore GetLabelFromEnum End") );
-	return NULL;
-	}
-/*!	/brief documented in the header file
-void CSearchKeyStore::ConstructL()	
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore ConstructL Start") );
-	iLabelKeyHashRep = CRepository::NewL( KLabelKeyStoreHash );
-	TBuf<1024> buf;
-	//Read all the labels supported for localization from cen rep
-	//and have a map for the enum and search field
-	for ( TInt i = 0; i < NO_OF_KEYS_SUPPORTED; i++ ) 
-		{
-		iLabelKeyHashRep->Get( ( TSearchKey )( i ), buf );
-		iEnumLabels.InsertL( ( TSearchKey )( EUserFirstName + i ), buf.AllocL()->Des() );
-		}
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore ConstructL End") );	
-	}
-/*!	/brief Get the supported enums
-*	/return An array of pointers to the supported enums
-RPointerArray<TSearchKey> CSearchKeyStore::GetSupportedEnums()
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore GetSupportedEnums Start") );
-	RPointerArray<TSearchKey> supportedEnums;
-	THashMapIter<TInt, TPtr16> iter( iSupportedLabels );
-	while ( NULL != iter.NextKey() )
-		{
-		supportedEnums.Append( ( TSearchKey* )iter.CurrentKey() );
-		}
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore GetSupportedEnums End") );
-	return supportedEnums;
-	}
-/*!	/brief This function returns a handle to the array of not
-*	supported label strings. Not supported here means that
-*	there are no logical strings in UI for these labels
-*	/return const handle to not supported strings
-const RPointerArray<TDesC> CSearchKeyStore::GetNotSupportedLabels()
-	{
-	LOGGER ( TXT("::CSearchKeyStore GetNotSupportedLabels Start") );
-	return iNotSupportedLabels;		
-	}
-//End of file