changeset 46 860cd8a5168c
parent 35 085f765766a0
--- a/brandingserver/bsserver/cbsserver.cpp	Fri May 28 18:27:27 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: cbsserver.cpp
-#include "cbsserver.h"
-#include "cbssession.h"
-#include "bsserverdefs.h"
-#include "debugtrace.h"
-#include "cbsstoragemanager.h"
-#include "cbsinstallhandler.h"
-#include "cbsbackupobserver.h"
-// CBSFileMapping
-CBSServer::CBSFileMapping* CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::NewL( CBSSession* aSession,
-				    									    const TDesC& aFile,
-				    									    TBool aVersioned )
-	{
-	CBSFileMapping* self = new( ELeave ) CBSFileMapping( aVersioned );
-	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-	self->ConstructL( aSession, aFile );
-	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-	return self;
-	}
-void CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::ConstructL(  CBSSession* aSession,
-    									     const TDesC& aFile )
-	{
-	iSession = aSession;
-	iFile = aFile.AllocL();
-	}
-CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::CBSFileMapping( TBool aVersioned )
-: iVersioned( aVersioned )
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	delete iFile;
-	}
-CBSSession* CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::Session()
-	{
-	return iSession;
-	}
-const TDesC& CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::File()
-	{
-	return *iFile;
-	}
-TBool CBSServer::CBSFileMapping::Versioned()
-	{
-	return iVersioned;
-	}
-// ==============================================================
-// =============== PLATSEC POLICY CONFIGURATION =================
-// ==============================================================
-static const TInt KBSPlatSecRangeCount = 2;
-//Ranges for the Request values
-static const TInt KBSPlatSecRanges[ KBSPlatSecRangeCount ] =
-    {
-    0,
-    EBSOperationLast
-    };
-// Element indexes for the defined ranges
-static const TUint8 KBSPlatSecElementsIndex[ KBSPlatSecRangeCount ] =
-    {
-    0,
-    CPolicyServer::ENotSupported
-    };
-// Policy elements
-static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement KBSPlatSecElements[] =
-    {
-        {
-        _INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2( ECapabilityReadUserData,
-                                  ECapabilityWriteUserData ),
-        -5 //CPolicyServer::EFailClient
-        }
-    };
-// The platsec policy
-static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KBSPlatSecPolicy =
-    {
-    // Shortcut to the index into Elements,that is used to check a connection attempt
-    0,
-    // Number of ranges in the iRanges array
-    KBSPlatSecRangeCount,
-    // A pointer to an array of ordered ranges of request numbers
-    KBSPlatSecRanges,
-    // A pointer to an array of TUint8 values specifying
-    // the appropriate action to take for each range in iRanges
-    KBSPlatSecElementsIndex,
-    // A pointer to an array of distinct policy elements
-    KBSPlatSecElements
-    };
-// ==============================================================
-// ======================= SERVER  ==============================
-// ==============================================================
-void CBSServer::ExecuteL()
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::ExecuteL() begin") );
-    // start scheduler
-    CActiveScheduler* pA = new( ELeave )CActiveScheduler;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( pA );
-    CActiveScheduler::Install( pA );
-    // create server
-    CBSServer* server = new( ELeave ) CBSServer();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( server );
-    server->InitializeL();
-    server->StartL( KBSServerName );
-    //Signal client that we are started
-    RProcess().Rendezvous( KErrNone );
-    //Execute the server
-    // Codescanner warning: using CActiveScheduler::Start (id:3)
-    // this has to be called for server starting.
-    CActiveScheduler::Start(); // CSI: 3 # See above
-    //Cleanup
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( server );//server
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pA );
-    CActiveScheduler::Install( NULL );
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::ExecuteL() end") );
-    }
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::~CBSServer() begin") );
-    delete iBackupObserver;
-    delete iInstallHandler;
-    iSessions.Close();
-    iFileMapping.Close();
-    delete iStorageManager;
-#if _BullseyeCoverage
-    cov_write();
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::~CBSServer() end") );
-    }
-    : CPolicyServer( CActive::EPriorityStandard,
-                     KBSPlatSecPolicy )
-    {
-    }
-CSession2* CBSServer::NewSessionL( const TVersion &aVersion,
-                                          const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ ) const
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::NewSessionL() begin") );
-    TVersion srvVersion( KBSVersionMajor,
-                         KBSVersionMinor,
-                         KBSVersionBuild );
-    if( !User::QueryVersionSupported( aVersion, srvVersion ) )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-    CBSSession* session = CBSSession::NewL();
-    //enable backup observer
-    iBackupObserver->RegisterObserver( session );
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::NewSessionL() end session[%d] created"), session );
-    return session;
-    }
-    CBSServer::CustomFailureActionL( const RMessage2& aMsg,
-                                            TInt /*aAction*/,
-                                            const TSecurityInfo& aMissing )
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBrandingServer::CustomFailureActionL() Request %d to session [%d] failed."),
-                   aMsg.Function(), aMsg.Session() );
-    TBuf<512> diagnosticMsg;
-    _LIT( KDetails, "Failure details: ");
-    diagnosticMsg.Append( KDetails );
-    _LIT( KFormat, "SecureId[%d] VendorId[%d] Missing caps[" );
-    diagnosticMsg.AppendFormat( KFormat,
-                                aMissing.iSecureId.iId, aMissing.iVendorId.iId );
-    const SCapabilitySet& missingCaps = (const SCapabilitySet&) aMissing.iCaps;
-    TBuf<1> separator;
-    _LIT( KSeparator, "]" );
-	for( TInt ix = 0; ix < ECapability_Limit; ix++ )
-		{
-		if( missingCaps[ix>>5] &(1<<(ix&31)))
-			{
-            diagnosticMsg.Append( separator );
-            const char* capName = CapabilityNames[ ix ];
-		    while( *capName )
-		        {
-                TUint16 c = *capName;
-                diagnosticMsg.Append( &c, 1 );
-                ++capName;
-                }
-            separator = KSeparator;
-    		}
-		}
-    diagnosticMsg.Append( KSeparator );
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "%S"), &diagnosticMsg );
-    return CPolicyServer::EFail;
-    }
-void CBSServer::HandleBackupStateL( TBackupState aState )
-    {
-    switch( aState )
-        {
-        case EBackupNotActive: // backup has completed
-            {
-            // restart install handler and check for brand changes
-            iInstallHandler->InstallNewFilesL();
-            iInstallHandler->StartObservingL();
-            //notify clients that we're back in business
-            break;
-            }
-        case EBackupActive: // backup activated
-            {
-            // stop install handler 
-            iInstallHandler->StopObserving();
-            // Notify clients that branding data is not currently 
-            //       available
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            // unknown state
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void CBSServer::SessionCreatedL( CBSSession* aSession )
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::SessionCreatedL begin aSession[%d]"),aSession );
-    iSessionCount++;
-    iSessions.AppendL( aSession );
-    }
-void CBSServer::SessionDied( CBSSession* aSession )
-    {
-    TInt count = iSessions.Count();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-		{
-		if( iSessions[i] == aSession )
-			{
-			iSessions.Remove( i );
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	TInt ignore = 0;
-	TRAP( ignore, UnRegisterSessionL( aSession ) );
-    //enable backup observer
-	iBackupObserver->UnregisterObserver( aSession );
-    iSessionCount--;
-    if( iSessionCount == 0 )
-        {
-        // Codescanner warning: using CActiveScheduler::Stop ( Id: 4)
-        // it is required to stop the server
-        CActiveScheduler::Stop(); // CSI: 4 # See above
-        }
-    }
-TBool CBSServer::MatchSessionL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
-							    const TDesC& aBrandId,
-							    TLanguage aLanguageId,
-							 	CBSSession* aSession,
-							 	TInt aReserved  )
-	{
-	TInt sessionCount = iSessions.Count();
-	TBool returnValue = EFalse;
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < sessionCount; i++ )
-		{
-		if( iSessions[i] == aSession )
-			{
-			// we don't want to report the querying session itself
-			continue;
-			}
-		if( iSessions[i]->MatchSessionL( aApplicationId,
-										 aBrandId,
-										 aLanguageId,
-										 aReserved ) )
-			{
-			// even one match is enough for us
-			returnValue = ETrue;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	return returnValue;
-	}
-TBool CBSServer::MatchSessionUninstallL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
-								 const TDesC& aBrandId, CBSSession* aSession)
-	TInt sessionCount = iSessions.Count();
-	TBool returnValue = EFalse;
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < sessionCount; i++ )
-		{
-		if( iSessions[i] == aSession )
-			{
-			// we don't want to report the querying session itself
-			continue;
-			}
-		if( iSessions[i]->MatchSessionUninstallL( aApplicationId,
-										 aBrandId ))
-			{
-			// even one match is enough for us
-			returnValue = ETrue;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	return returnValue;
-void CBSServer::RegisterFileForSessionL( CBSSession* aSession, 
-										 const TDesC& aFile,
-										 TBool aVersioned )
-	{
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::RegisterFileForSessionL begin aSession[%d],aFile[%S]"),aSession,&aFile );
-	TBool found  = EFalse;
-	TInt count = iFileMapping.Count();		
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
-		{		
-		if( iFileMapping[i]->Session() == aSession && iFileMapping[i]->File() == aFile &&
-				iFileMapping[i]->Versioned() == aVersioned)
-			{
-				found = ETrue; 			
-			}			
-		}
-	if(!found)
-		{			
-		CBSFileMapping* fileMapping = CBSFileMapping::NewL( aSession, aFile, aVersioned );
-		CleanupStack::PushL( fileMapping );
-		iFileMapping.AppendL( fileMapping );
-		CleanupStack::Pop( fileMapping );
-		}
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::RegisterFileForSessionL end") );
-	}
-void CBSServer::UnRegisterSessionL( CBSSession* aSession )
-	{
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::RegisterFileForSessionL begin aSession[%d]"),aSession );
-	TInt count = iFileMapping.Count();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
-		{
-		if( iFileMapping[i]->Session() == aSession )
-			{
-			if( !iStorageManager )
-				{
-				iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( aSession, KNullDesC );	
-				}
-			if( !FileStillInUse( aSession, iFileMapping[i]->File() ) )
-				{
-				TPtrC baseFile = KNullDesC();
-				if( iFileMapping[i]->Versioned() )
-					{
-					baseFile.Set( iStorageManager->FilenameWithoutVersion( iFileMapping[i]->File() ) );
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					baseFile.Set( iFileMapping[i]->File() );
-					}
-				// we found the session, now check if any other
-				// session is using the same file
-				if( !FileStillInUse( aSession, baseFile ) )
-					{
-					// no other sessions using the file
-					// cleanup versioned file
-					CleanupFileL( iFileMapping[i]->File() );
-					}					
-				}
-			CBSFileMapping* fileMapping = iFileMapping[i];
-			iFileMapping.Remove( i );
-			delete fileMapping;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::RegisterFileForSessionL end") );
-	}
-TBool CBSServer::FileStillInUse( CBSSession* aSession,
-								 const TDesC& aFile )
-	{
-	TBool returnValue = EFalse;
-	TInt count = iFileMapping.Count();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
-		{
-		if( 0 == iFileMapping[i]->File().Compare( aFile ) )
-			{
-			// file found, check that it's not the same sesion
-			if( iFileMapping[i]->Session() != aSession )
-				{
-				// it's not the same session
-				// so the file is still in use, we can
-				// return ETrue
-				returnValue = ETrue;
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	return returnValue;
-	}
-void CBSServer::CleanupFileL( const TDesC& aFile )
-	{
-	if( !iStorageManager )
-		{
-		iStorageManager = CBSStorageManager::NewL( NULL, KNullDesC);	
-		}
-	iStorageManager->CleanupFileL( aFile ); 
-	}
-TArray<CBSServer::CBSFileMapping*> CBSServer::RegisteredFiles()
-	{
-	return iFileMapping.Array();
-	}
-void CBSServer::InitializeL()
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::InitializeL begin") );
-    // Initialize brand install handler
-    iInstallHandler = CBSInstallHandler::NewL();
-    iInstallHandler->InstallNewFilesL();
-    iInstallHandler->StartObservingL();
-    //to enable backup observer
-    // Initialize backup and restore observer
-    CBSBackupObserver* tmp = CBSBackupObserver::NewL();
-    delete iBackupObserver;
-    iBackupObserver = tmp;
-    User::LeaveIfError( iBackupObserver->RegisterObserver( this ) );
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::InitializeL end") );
-    }
-void CBSServer::BrandUpdatedL( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
-							   const TDesC& aBrandId,
-							   TLanguage aLanguageId,
-							   CBSSession* aSession,
-							   TInt aReserved )
-	{
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::BrandUpdatedL begin aAppid[%S],aBrandId[%S]"),&aApplicationId, &aBrandId );
-	TInt sessionCount = iSessions.Count();
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < sessionCount; i++ )
-		{
-		if( iSessions[i] == aSession )
-			{
-			// we don't want to report the querying session itself
-			continue;
-			}
-		iSessions[i]->BrandUpdatedL( aApplicationId,
-									 aBrandId,
-									 aLanguageId,
-									 aReserved );
-		}
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::BrandUpdatedL end") );
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL display the info for each open session,
-// except for the one that called this method
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL( CBSSession* aSession, TInt aErrorCode )
-	{
-    TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL() begin aSession[%d], aErrorCode[%d]"),aSession,aErrorCode );
-    User::LeaveIfNull( aSession );
-    // some constants
-    const TInt KStringLength = 512;
-    const TInt KNumberLength = 16;
-    _LIT( KMessage0,"Operation failed.Errorcode:");    
-    _LIT( KMessage1," Info on open sessions [ProcessFileName|ThreadId|ProcessId|Caption]:");
-    _LIT( KBracketOpen, " [");
-    _LIT( KBracketClose, "]");
-    _LIT( KSeparator, "|");
-    HBufC* outputString = HBufC::NewLC( KStringLength );
-    TPtr outputStringPtr( outputString->Des() );
-    TBuf<KNumberLength> number;
-    number.Num( aErrorCode );
-    //make sure the string is long enough
-    TInt newLength = outputString->Length() +
-                     KMessage0().Length() +
-                     number.Length() + 
-                     KMessage1().Length();
-    //reallocate if necessary
-    if ( outputStringPtr.MaxLength() < newLength )
-        {
-        CleanupStack::Pop( outputString );
-        outputString = outputString->ReAllocL( newLength );
-        outputStringPtr.Set( outputString->Des() );
-        CleanupStack::PushL( outputString );
-        }    
-    outputStringPtr.Append( KMessage0 );
-    outputStringPtr.Append( number );
-    outputStringPtr.Append( KMessage1 );
-    TInt count = iSessions.Count();
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL() numberSessions=%d"),count );
-	CBSSession* currentSession;
-	for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-		{		
-		currentSession = iSessions[i];
-        TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL() iteration=%d session=%d"),i,currentSession );
-    	if ( currentSession 
-    	     && currentSession->InfoAvailable()
-    	     && currentSession != aSession )
-    	    {
-    		TBuf<KNumberLength> threadIdStr;
-    		TThreadId threadId;
-    		if ( KErrNone == currentSession->ThreadId( threadId ) )
-    		    {
-    		    threadIdStr.NumUC( threadId.Id(), EDecimal );
-    		    }    		
-    		TBuf<KNumberLength> processIdStr;
-    		TProcessId processId;
-    		if ( KErrNone == currentSession->ProcessId( processId ) )
-    		    {
-    		    processIdStr.NumUC( processId.Id(), EDecimal );
-    		    }
-            //make sure the string is long enough
-            newLength = outputString->Length() +
-                        KBracketOpen().Length() +
-                        currentSession->FileName().Length() + 
-                        threadIdStr.Length() + 
-                        processIdStr.Length() +
-                        currentSession->Caption().Length() +                        
-                        ( 3 * KSeparator().Length() ) +                        
-                        KBracketClose().Length();
-            //reallocate if necessary
-            if ( outputStringPtr.MaxLength() < newLength )
-                {
-                CleanupStack::Pop( outputString );
-                outputString = outputString->ReAllocL( newLength );
-                outputStringPtr.Set( outputString->Des() );
-                CleanupStack::PushL( outputString );
-                }
-  		    outputStringPtr.Append( KBracketOpen );
-    		//processfilename
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( currentSession->FileName() );
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( KSeparator );
-    		//threadid    		
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( threadIdStr );
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( KSeparator );
-    		//processid    		
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( processIdStr );
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( KSeparator );	
-    		//caption
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( currentSession->Caption() );    		
-    		outputStringPtr.Append( KBracketClose );
-    	    }
-		}     
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL() string creation OK") );
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "%S"), outputString );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outputString );
-	TRACE( T_LIT( "CBSServer::DisplaySessionInfoL() end") );
-	}
-// ==============================================================
-// ====================== ENTRY POINT ===========================
-// ==============================================================
-GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
-    {
-    TRACE( T_LIT("E32Main - enter") );
-    User::RenameThread( KBSServerName );
-    CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
-    if( !tc )
-        {
-        return KErrNoMemory;
-        }
-    TRAPD( err, CBSServer::ExecuteL() );
-    delete tc;
-    TRACE( T_LIT("E32Main - exit: %d"), err );
-    return err;
-    }