changeset 0 e6b17d312c8b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imsrv_plat/ximp_core_feature_plugin_api/inc/ximppanics.h	Thu Dec 17 08:54:49 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  XIMP Framework panic defines.
+ *
+#include <e32std.h>
+ * Panic category and reason codes for XIMP Framework client
+ * failures.
+ */
+namespace NXIMPPanic
+    {
+    _LIT( KCategory, "XIMPClnt" );
+    enum TReason
+        {
+        EOnSrvSessionImpAlreadyExists,
+        EOnSrvSessionImpNotFound,
+        EOnSrvRequestNotUnderstood,
+        EOnSrvAlreadyListeningEvents,
+        EOnSrvAlreadyHavingPrepearedData,
+        EOnSrvNoPrepearedDataToCopy,
+        EOnSrvUnknownCtxOperationType
+        };
+    }
+ * Panic category and reason codes for XIMP Framework server
+ * failures.
+ */
+namespace NXIMPPrivPanic
+    {
+    _LIT( KCategory, "XIMPPriv" );
+    enum TReason
+        {
+        ECurrentMsgAlreadyExists,                   //  0
+        ECurrentMsgNotFoundInServiceError,          //  1
+        ECurrentMsgNotValidInServiceError,          //  2
+        EMessageStillPendingOnDestruction,          //  3
+        EMessageSelfPtrAlreadyOccupied,             //  4
+        EPscEnvGlobalsExistsAlready,                //  5
+        EPscEnvGlobalsNotFound,                     //  6
+        EFrontEndEventPumpNoServerClient,           //  7
+        EPtrArrayEntryAddUndoInitialized,           //  8
+        EPtrArrayEntryReplaceUndoInitialized,       //  9
+        EInvalidOperationType,                      // 10
+        EProtocolAlreadyExistsInHost,               // 11
+        EHostMgrHostsHaveNotBeenDeleted,            // 12
+        EContextAlreadyHasAHost,                    // 13
+        EContextHasNoHost,                          // 14
+        EHostStillReferenced,                       // 15
+        EHostNegativeReferenceCount,                // 16
+        EHostCurrentOperationStillActive,           // 17
+        EInvalidSubscriptionStatus,                 // 18
+        EFakeRequestCompleteNotReady,               // 19
+        EOwnPresencePifNotSet,                      // 20
+        EArrayCountNotValid,                        // 21
+        EOwnPresencePresenceInfoDoesNotExist,       // 22
+        EInvalidSubscriptionType,                   // 23
+        ESubscriptionItemLogicError,                // 24
+        EPresentityPresencePresenceInfoDoesNotExist,// 25
+        EHostNotFound,                              // 26
+        ENoCachedUnbindsFound,                      // 27
+        EInvalidHostForProtocol,                    // 28
+        ECurrentOperationNull,                      // 29
+        EInvalidFilterType,                         // 30
+        EMatchingClientSideReqNotFound,             // 31
+        // invalid operation state transitions
+        EInvalidStateForSessionLost = 40,           // 40
+        EInvalidStateForOp,                         // 41
+        EInvalidStateForOpBindBegin,                // 42
+        EInvalidStateForOpBindEnd,                  // 43
+        EInvalidStateForOpShareBoth,                // 44
+        EInvalidStateForOpUnshareBoth,              // 45
+        EInvalidStateForOpReconnectBegin,           // 46
+        EInvalidStateForOpReconnectEnd,             // 47
+        EInvalidStateForOpUnbindBegin,              // 48
+        EInvalidStateForOpUnbindEnd,                // 49
+        EInvalidStateForOpSessionLostBegin,         // 50
+        EInvalidStateForOpSessionLostEnd,           // 51
+        EInvalidStateForOpTearDownBoth,             // 52
+        // invalid state transitions
+        EInvalidStateTransUnknown = 60,             // 60
+        EInvalidStateTransForNotConnected,          // 61
+        EInvalidStateTransForConnecting,            // 62
+        EInvalidStateTransForConnected,             // 63
+        EInvalidStateTransForReconnecting,          // 64
+        EInvalidStateTransForSuspended,             // 65
+        EInvalidStateTransForDisconnecting,         // 66
+        };
+    /**
+     * Panic function to trigger NXIMPPrivPanic
+     * panics.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C void Panic( TReason aReason );
+    }
+namespace NXIMPPlugin
+    {
+    _LIT( KCategory, "XIMPPlugin" );
+    enum TReason
+        {
+        EInvalidRequestId
+        };
+    }
+#endif  //ximppanics_H