changeset 0 e6b17d312c8b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imsrv_plat/ximp_core_feature_plugin_api/tsrc/tsrcutils/testcaseutils/prfwtestlistener.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:54:49 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "prfwtestlistener.h"
+#include "prfwtestcaseutilspanics.h"
+#include "prfwgeneralwaiter.h"
+#include <eunitmacros.h>
+#include <ximpcontextstateevent.h>
+#include <ximprequestcompleteevent.h>
+#include <ximpstatus.h>
+#include <presentitypresenceevent.h>
+#include <presentitygrouplistevent.h>
+#include <presentitygroupcontentevent.h>
+#include <presenceinfo.h>
+#include <ximpbase.h>
+#include "ximpapiobjbase.h"
+#include "ximpapieventbase.h"
+using namespace NXIMPTestCaseUtilsPanic;
+const TInt KWaitAfterEvents = 2;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+EXPORT_C CXIMPTestListener* CXIMPTestListener::NewL(
+        MXIMPContext* aEventSource )
+    {
+    CXIMPTestListener* self = new (ELeave) CXIMPTestListener( aEventSource );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    if( iEventSource )
+        {
+        iEventSource->UnregisterObserver( *this );
+        }
+    iDescription.Close();
+    if ( iWait.IsStarted() )
+        {
+        iWait.AsyncStop();
+        }
+    }
+CXIMPTestListener::CXIMPTestListener( MXIMPContext* aEventSource ) :
+    iEventSource( aEventSource )
+    {
+    }
+void CXIMPTestListener::ConstructL()
+    {
+    if( iEventSource )
+        {
+        iEventSource->RegisterObserverL( *this, NULL );
+        }
+    iDescription.CreateL( 512 );
+    }
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+EXPORT_C void CXIMPTestListener::SetEventSourceL(
+        MXIMPContext* aEventSource )
+    {
+    if( iEventSource )
+        {
+        iEventSource->UnregisterObserver( *this );
+        }
+    if( aEventSource )
+        {
+        aEventSource->RegisterObserverL( *this, NULL );
+        }
+    iEventSource = aEventSource;
+    }
+// clear the stack
+EXPORT_C void CXIMPTestListener::Reset()
+    {
+    iEventStack.ResetAndDestroy();
+    }
+// expect the given event
+EXPORT_C void CXIMPTestListener::ExpectL( CXIMPApiObjBase* aEvent )
+    {
+    iEventStack.AppendL( aEvent );
+    iDescription.Zero();
+    iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Eventstack has [%d] items."), iEventStack.Count() );
+    EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+    }
+// wait for req complete and events (must come in the given order!)
+EXPORT_C TInt CXIMPTestListener::WaitAndAssertL()
+    {
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iWait.IsStarted(),
+            Panic( EStatusEventListenerAlreadyWaiting ) );
+    iCoolDownActive = EFalse;
+    iError = KErrNone;
+    iReceivedEventCount = 0;
+    iWait.Start();
+    // start a timer to catch excess events, 2 seconds should
+    // be enough. such events are caught by DoHandleEventL and printed.
+    // if any events arrived, iError will be set.
+    iCoolDownActive = ETrue;
+    CXIMPTestGeneralWaiter* waiter = CXIMPTestGeneralWaiter::NewL( this );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( waiter );
+    waiter->WaitForL( KWaitAfterEvents );
+    iWait.Start();
+    // waiter callback will have ended the wait
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( waiter );
+    return iError;
+    }
+// the event observer where to pass the events
+EXPORT_C void CXIMPTestListener::SetEventObserver( MXIMPContextObserver* aObserver )
+    {
+    iObserver = aObserver;
+    }
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+void CXIMPTestListener::DoHandlePresenceContextEventL(
+    const MXIMPContext& aContext,
+    const MXIMPBase& aEvent )
+    {
+    const TInt32 eventType = aEvent.GetInterfaceId();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iEventSource == &aContext,
+            Panic( EReceivingEventFromWrongContext ) );
+    if( iObserver )
+        {
+        // give the event to the observer, if any, at the earliest possible
+        // phase
+        iObserver->HandlePresenceContextEvent( aContext, aEvent );
+        // XXX should this be done when cool-down is active?
+        }
+    if ( iCoolDownActive )
+    {
+        iDescription.Zero();
+        iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Excess event with interface id [%d]"), aEvent.GetInterfaceId() );
+        EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+        iError = KErrGeneral;
+        // just ignore it
+        return;
+    }
+    iDescription.Zero();
+    iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Expecting event to stack pos [%d]"), iReceivedEventCount );
+    EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+    // try to find the received event from the stack - the given stack must
+    // be in order
+    TBool found = EFalse;
+    TInt stackId = iEventStack[ 0 ]->Base().GetInterfaceId();
+    found = stackId == aEvent.GetInterfaceId();
+    if ( ! found )
+        {
+        // unexpected event
+        iDescription.Zero();
+        iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Expected interface id [%d], got [%d]"), stackId, aEvent.GetInterfaceId() );
+        EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+        iDescription.Zero();
+        iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Received unexpected event at pos [%d]"), iReceivedEventCount );
+        EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+        // get out
+        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+        }
+    // found the received event from the stack of expected events.
+    // remove the event from the stack of expected events, then handle it.
+    CXIMPApiEventBase* expected = ( CXIMPApiEventBase* ) iEventStack[ 0 ];
+    CleanupStack::PushL( expected );
+    iEventStack.Remove( 0 );
+    CXIMPApiEventBase* received = ( CXIMPApiEventBase* ) ( aEvent.GetInterface( XIMPIMP_CLSID_CXIMPAPIEVENTBASE, MXIMPBase::EPanicIfUnknown ) );
+    if ( ! expected->EqualsContent( *received ) )
+        {
+        // expected event mismatches with the received event
+        iDescription.Zero();
+        iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Received event with mismatching content at pos [%d]"), iReceivedEventCount );
+        EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+        // get out
+        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( expected );
+    iDescription.Zero();
+    iDescription.AppendFormat( _L8("Got correct event to stack pos [%d]"), iReceivedEventCount );
+    EUNIT_PRINT( iDescription );
+    // we've processed a received event successfully
+    iReceivedEventCount++;
+    if ( iEventStack.Count() <= 0 )
+        {
+        // no more events to expect
+        if( iWait.IsStarted() )
+            {
+            iWait.AsyncStop();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CXIMPTestListener::HandlePresenceContextEvent( 
+    const MXIMPContext& aContext,
+    const MXIMPBase& aEvent )
+    {
+    TRAPD( err, DoHandlePresenceContextEventL( aContext, aEvent ) );
+    if ( err != KErrNone )
+        {
+        // something evil happened, stop async wait
+        iError = err;
+        if( iWait.IsStarted() )
+            {
+            iWait.AsyncStop();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CXIMPTestListener::WaitCompleted( TInt aRetVal )
+    {
+    if( iWait.IsStarted() )
+        {
+        iWait.AsyncStop();
+        }
+    }
+// end of file