* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CBSClient.cpp
#include "cbsclient.h"
#include "bsclientdefs.h"
#include "bsprocessstarter.h"
#include "bsserverdefs.h"
#include "mbselement.h"
#include "bselementfactory.h"
#include "cbsbitmap.h"
#include "cbsbrandobserver.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "DebugTrace.h"
// ==============================================================
// ======================== CLIENT ==============================
// ==============================================================
// Destructor
#if _BullseyeCoverage
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::Connect()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::Connect()
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::Connect() begin") );
TFileName fullExePath;
BSProcessStarter::FullExePathForClienLocation( KBSServerExe,
fullExePath );
return BSProcessStarter::ConnectToServer( fullExePath,
TVersion( KBSVersionMajor,
KBSVersionBuild ),
KBSMsgSlotCount );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::Close()
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::Close() begin") );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::StartTransactionL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aDefaultBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguage,
TTransactionType aType,
TInt aReserved )
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::StartTransactionL() begin") );
InitClientL( aApplicationId, aBrandId, aDefaultBrandId,
aLanguage, aType, aReserved );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::StopTransactionL( const TDesC8& /*aApplicationId*/,
const TDesC8& /*aBrandId*/,
TLanguage /*aLanguage*/,
TInt /*aReserved*/ )
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::StopTransactionL() begin") );
TInt returnValue = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( returnValue );
TIpcArgs args( &pack );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSStopTransaction, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::CancelTransactionL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguage,
TInt aReserved )
TIpcArgs args = CreateArgumentsL( aApplicationId, aBrandId,
aLanguage, aReserved );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSCancelTransaction, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::InitClientL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::InitClientL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
const TDesC8& aDefaultBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguage,
TTransactionType aType,
TInt aReserved )
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::InitClientL() begin aAppId[%S],aBrandId[%S],TAType[%d]"),&aApplicationId,&aBrandId,aType );
CBufFlat* flatBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( aDefaultBrandId.Length() + aBrandId.Length() + 2 );
CleanupStack::PushL( flatBuf );
RBufWriteStream stream;
CleanupClosePushL( stream );
stream.Open( *flatBuf );
stream.WriteInt16L( aBrandId.Length() );
stream.WriteL( aBrandId );
stream.WriteInt16L( aDefaultBrandId.Length() );
stream.WriteL( aDefaultBrandId );
TPtr8 ptrElement( flatBuf->Ptr(0) );
// set the arguments for the message
TIpcArgs args( &aApplicationId );
args.Set( 1, &ptrElement );
args.Set( 2, aLanguage );
args.Set( 3, aReserved );
TInt operation = 0;
switch( aType )
case EBSTxInstall:
operation = EBSInitInstall;
case EBSTxUninstall:
operation = EBSInitUninstall;
case EBSTxAppend:
operation = EBSInitAppend;
case EBSTxReplace:
operation = EBSInitReplace;
case EBSTxAccess:
operation = EBSInitAccess;
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TInt err = SendReceive( operation, args );
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::InitClientL() 1st SendReceive err=%d"),err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, flatBuf ); // stream, flatBuf
User::LeaveIfError( err );
User::LeaveIfError( SendReceive( EBSStartTransaction ) );
TRACE( T_LIT("RBSClient::InitClientL() end") );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::CreateArgumentsL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TIpcArgs RBSClient::CreateArgumentsL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId,
TLanguage aLanguage,
TInt aReserved )
// set the arguments for the message
TIpcArgs args( &aApplicationId );
args.Set( 1, &aBrandId );
args.Set( 2, aLanguage );
args.Set( 3, aReserved );
return args;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::InsertL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::InsertL( MBSElement* aElement )
SendUpdateL( aElement, EBSInstall );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::ReplaceL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::ReplaceL( MBSElement* aElement )
SendUpdateL( aElement, EBSReplace );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::AppendL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::AppendL( MBSElement* aElement )
SendUpdateL( aElement, EBSAppend );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::SendUpdateL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::SendUpdateL( MBSElement* aElement, TBSMessages aMessage )
// FIXME magic number
CBufFlat* flatBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( 128 );
CleanupStack::PushL( flatBuf );
RBufWriteStream elementStream;
CleanupClosePushL( elementStream );
elementStream.Open( *flatBuf );
aElement->ExternalizeL( elementStream );
TPtr8 ptrElement( flatBuf->Ptr(0) );
TIpcArgs args( &ptrElement );
TInt err = SendReceive( aMessage, args );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // elementStream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( flatBuf );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetTextL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::GetTextL( const TDesC8& aId, HBufC*& aValue )
TInt size = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( size );
TIpcArgs args( &aId );
args.Set( 1, &pack );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSPrepareText, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
aValue = HBufC::NewL( size );
TPtr ptrBuf( aValue->Des() );
args.Set( 2, &ptrBuf );
err = SendReceive( EBSGetText, args );
if( err )
delete aValue;
aValue = NULL;
User::Leave( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetIntL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::GetIntL( const TDesC8& aId, TInt& aValue )
TPckg<TInt> pack( aValue );
TIpcArgs args( &aId);
args.Set( 1, &pack );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSGetInt, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
void RBSClient :: isBrandUpdateRequiredL (TInt & aUpdateRequired)
//TIpcArgs args;
TPckg<TInt> pack (aUpdateRequired);
//args.Set (0, &pack);
TInt err = SendReceive (EBSIsBrandUpdateRequired, TIpcArgs (&pack));
User :: LeaveIfError (err);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetTextL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::GetBufferL( const TDesC8& aId, HBufC8*& aValue )
TInt size = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( size );
TIpcArgs args( &aId );
args.Set( 1, &pack );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSPrepareBuffer, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
aValue = HBufC8::NewL( size );
TPtr8 ptrBuf( aValue->Des() );
args.Set( 2, &ptrBuf );
err = SendReceive( EBSGetBuffer, args );
if( err )
delete aValue;
aValue = NULL;
User::Leave( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetSeveralL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MBSElement* RBSClient::GetSeveralL( MDesC8Array& aIds )
TInt size = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( size );
TIpcArgs args;
args.Set( 0, &pack );
// FIXME magic number
CBufFlat* flatBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( 128 );
CleanupStack::PushL( flatBuf );
RBufWriteStream idStream;
CleanupClosePushL( idStream );
idStream.Open( *flatBuf );
ExternalizeIdArrayL( idStream, aIds );
TPtr8 flatPtr = flatBuf->Ptr(0);
args.Set( 1, &flatPtr );
// get the size of the data
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSPrepareSeveral, args );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // idStream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( flatBuf );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( size );
TPtr8 ptrBuf( buf->Des() );
TIpcArgs msgArgs;
msgArgs.Set( 0, &ptrBuf );
err = SendReceive( EBSGetSeveral, msgArgs );
TInt length = buf->Size();
RDesReadStream readStream;
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
readStream.Open( *buf );
MBSElement* returnValue = InternalizeElementL( readStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // readStream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf ); // buf
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetFileL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::GetFileL( const TDesC8& aId, RFile& aFile )
TInt fsh;
TPckgBuf<TInt> fh;
TIpcArgs args( &fh );
args.Set( 2, &aId );
fsh = SendReceive( EBSGetFile, args );
TInt err = aFile.AdoptFromServer( fsh, fh() );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetStructureL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MBSElement* RBSClient::GetStructureL( const TDesC8& aId )
TInt size = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( size );
TIpcArgs args;
args.Set( 0, &pack );
args.Set( 1, &aId );
// get the size of the data
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSPrepareStructure, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( size );
TPtr8 ptrBuf( buf->Des() );
TIpcArgs msgArgs;
msgArgs.Set( 0, &ptrBuf );
err = SendReceive( EBSGetStructure, msgArgs );
TInt length = buf->Size();
RDesReadStream readStream;
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
readStream.Open( *buf );
MBSElement* returnValue = InternalizeElementL( readStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // readStream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf ); // buf
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::InternalizeElementL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MBSElement* RBSClient::InternalizeElementL( RReadStream& aStream )
MBSElement* returnValue= NULL;
// Write common header for all elements
TBSElementType type = (TBSElementType)aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt idSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* elementId = HBufC8::NewLC( idSize );
TPtr8 elementIdPtr = elementId->Des();
if( idSize > 0 )
// read ID only if it's defined
aStream.ReadL( elementIdPtr, idSize );
elementIdPtr.SetLength( idSize );// Set length
// Ptr() returns a pointer to the start address of decriptor data,
// TPtrC constructor then parses the data until null terminator met.
// This results in wrong descriptor length & bad data!
// Solution is either
// 1) to use PtrZ() which appends a zero terminator,
// or 2) pass to constructor an object that has length data.
// Option 2) is less prone to errors, so use it.
// In general, assignment operator with descriptors should be avoided!
// So use TPtrC16(const TDesC16 &aDes) instead
// of TPtrC16(const TUint16 *aString)!
TPtrC8 idPtrC( *elementId );//idPtrC creation moved here so it will be updated correctly.
if( elementId->Length() == 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( elementId );
elementId = NULL;
idPtrC.Set( KNullDesC8 );
// Write element type specific data
switch( type )
case EBSInt:
TInt intData = aStream.ReadInt16L();
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( idPtrC,
intData );
case EBSText: // flowthrough
case EBSFile:
TInt textSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC* textData = HBufC::NewLC( textSize );
TPtr textPtr = textData->Des();
aStream.ReadL( textPtr, textSize );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( idPtrC,
*textData );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textData );
case EBSList:
RBSObjOwningPtrArray<MBSElement> listData;
CleanupClosePushL( listData );
TInt count = aStream.ReadInt16L();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
MBSElement* subElement = InternalizeElementL( aStream );
CleanupClosePushL( *subElement );
listData.AppendL( subElement );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // subElement
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( idPtrC,
listData );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // listData
case EBSBuffer:
TInt bufferSize = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* buffeData = HBufC8::NewLC( bufferSize );
TPtr8 bufferPtr = buffeData->Des();
aStream.ReadL( bufferPtr, bufferSize );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( idPtrC,
*buffeData );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffeData );
case EBSBitmap:
TInt length = aStream.ReadInt16L();
HBufC8* fileId = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
TPtr8 fileIdPtr = fileId->Des();
aStream.ReadL( fileIdPtr, length );
TInt bitmapId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt maskId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt skinId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
TInt skinMaskId = aStream.ReadInt16L();
CBSBitmap* bitmap = CBSBitmap::NewLC( bitmapId,
fileIdPtr );
returnValue = BSElementFactory::CreateBSElementL( idPtrC,
bitmap );
CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap ); // bitmap
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileId ); // bitmap
// unknown type!
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if( elementId )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( elementId );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::InternalizeElementL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::ExternalizeIdArrayL( RWriteStream& aStream, MDesC8Array& aArray )
TInt count = aArray.MdcaCount();
aStream.WriteInt16L( count );
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
TPtrC8 ptr = aArray.MdcaPoint(i);
aStream.WriteInt16L( aArray.MdcaPoint( i ).Length() );
aStream.WriteL( aArray.MdcaPoint( i ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::RemoveBrandL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::RemoveBrandL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId,
const TDesC8& aBrandId )
// set the arguments for the message
TIpcArgs args( &aApplicationId );
args.Set( 1, &aBrandId );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSRemoveBrand, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::RemoveBrandsL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::RemoveBrandsL( const TDesC8& aApplicationId )
// set the arguments for the message
TIpcArgs args( &aApplicationId );
TInt err = SendReceive( EBSRemoveApplication, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::RegisterObserverL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::RegisterObserverL( MBSBrandChangeObserver* aObserver, MBSBackupRestoreStateObserver* aBackupStateObserver )
CBSBrandObserver* tempObserver = CBSBrandObserver::NewL( aObserver, aBackupStateObserver, this );
if( iObserver )
delete iObserver;
iObserver = tempObserver;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::UnRegisterObserverL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::UnRegisterObserverL( MBSBrandChangeObserver* /*aObserver*/, MBSBackupRestoreStateObserver* /*aBackupStateObserver*/ )
delete iObserver;
iObserver = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::UnRegisterObserverL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RBSClient::RegisterObserverToServerL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
TIpcArgs args;
SendReceive( EBSObserveBrand, args, aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetNewVersionL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::GetNewVersionL()
return GetValueL( EBSObserveGetNewVersion);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetValueL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::GetValueL(TInt msg)
TInt returnValue = 0;
TPckg<TInt> pack( returnValue );
TIpcArgs args( &pack );
TInt err = SendReceive( msg, args );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetBackupStateL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::GetBackupStateL()
return GetValueL( EBSObserveGetBackupState);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RBSClient::GetBackupRestoreL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RBSClient::GetBackupRestoreL()
return GetValueL( EBSObserveGetChange);