author William Roberts <>
Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:11:04 +0000
changeset 11 fcd6492cb863
parent 0 e6b17d312c8b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Automatic merge from PDK_3.0.h

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Base class for API implementations.

#include <s32strm.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "searcheventcodec.h"
#include "searcheventimp.h"
#include "ximpapieventbase.h"
#include "searchkeyseventimp.h"

 * Type definition for exact API event constructor signature.
typedef CXIMPApiEventBase* (*TApiEventConstructor)( RReadStream& );

 * Structure for mapping event interface IDs to
 * to corect API event constructors.
struct SApiEventConstructorMap
    //Interface id
    TInt32    iInterfaceId;

    //Function pointer to event interface implementation
    TApiEventConstructor iConstructorPtr;
    } ;

 * Helper macro to initialise KApiEventConstructorTable members.
 * Macro forces that each event implementation class to have static
 * NewFromStreamLC() memeber function to instantiate the object.
 * See TApiEventConstructor type definition for exact constructor
 * signature.
#define CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY( TheImplementedIf, TheClass ) \
    { TheImplementedIf::KInterfaceId, TheClass::NewFromStreamLC } \

 * Constructor function mapping for event interface implementations.
 * When new event types are implemented, add them here.

const SApiEventConstructorMap KApiEventConstructorTable[] =
		CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY( MSearchEvent, CSearchEventImp ),
		CONSTRUCTOR_ENTRY( MSearchKeysEvent, CSearchKeysEventImp )

 * Count of constructor mappings.
const TInt KApiEventConstructorCount = sizeof( KApiEventConstructorTable )
                                        / sizeof( SApiEventConstructorMap );

// ============================ HELPER FUNCTIONS =============================

 * Helper function to locate constructor function for
 * event interface ID.
 * @param aEventInterfaceId The event interface ID.
 * @return Event object constructor function.
TApiEventConstructor ConstructorForInterface( TInt32 aEventInterfaceId )
    //Locate correct constructor
    for( TInt ix = 0; ix < KApiEventConstructorCount; ix++ )
     const SApiEventConstructorMap map = KApiEventConstructorTable[ ix ];
        if( map.iInterfaceId == aEventInterfaceId )
            return map.iConstructorPtr;
    return NULL;

 * Helper function to instantiate new event object
 * of requested type and construct it from the stream.
 * @param aEventInterfaceId
 * @return Event object constructor function.
CXIMPApiEventBase* NewEventObjectFromStreamLC( TInt32 aEventInterfaceId,
                                               RReadStream& aStream )
    TApiEventConstructor newFromStreamLC = NULL;

    //Locate correct constructor for interface ID
    newFromStreamLC = ConstructorForInterface( aEventInterfaceId );

    if( ! newFromStreamLC )
	    return 	NULL;
    //Instantiate the object
    CXIMPApiEventBase* eventObject = newFromStreamLC( aStream );

    return eventObject;    

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSearchEventCodec* CSearchEventCodec::NewL()
    CSearchEventCodec* self = new( ELeave ) CSearchEventCodec() ;
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSearchEventCodec::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::CSearchEventCodec()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::~CSearchEventCodec()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::PackL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CSearchEventCodec::PackL( CXIMPApiEventBase& aEventObj,
                                        TInt32& aTypeOfEvent )
    CBufFlat* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL( 10 ); // initial granularity to 10
    CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );

    RBufWriteStream ws;
    CleanupClosePushL( ws );
    ws.Open( *buffer ); // CSI: 65 #

    //Ask real event type through the event base interface
    TInt32 eventIfId = aEventObj.Base().GetInterfaceId();

    //And write both event type and data
    ws.WriteInt32L( eventIfId );
    aEventObj.ExternalizeL( ws );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //ws

    HBufC8* heapBuf = buffer->Ptr( 0 ).AllocL();

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );

    aTypeOfEvent = eventIfId;
    return heapBuf;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::PackL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSearchEventCodec::PackL( CXIMPApiEventBase& aEventObj,
                                     TInt32& aTypeOfEvent,
                                     CBufFlat* aBuffer )
    RBufWriteStream ws;
    CleanupClosePushL( ws );
    ws.Open( *aBuffer ); // CSI: 65 #

    //Ask real event type through the event base interface
    TInt32 eventIfId = aEventObj.Base().GetInterfaceId();

    //And write both event type and data
    ws.WriteInt32L( eventIfId );
    aEventObj.ExternalizeL( ws );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( );  //ws
    aTypeOfEvent = eventIfId;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSearchEventCodec::UnPackL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXIMPApiEventBase* CSearchEventCodec::UnPackL( const TDesC8& aEventData,
                                                     TInt32& aTypeOfEvent )
    RDesReadStream rs;
    rs.Open( aEventData ); // CSI: 65 #
    CleanupClosePushL( rs );

    TInt32 eventIfId = rs.ReadInt32L();
    CXIMPApiEventBase* eventObject = NewEventObjectFromStreamLC( eventIfId, rs );
    if( eventObject )
	    CleanupStack::Pop( eventObject ); //eventObject	
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(  ); // rs

    aTypeOfEvent = eventIfId;
    return eventObject;

// End of file