changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 19 5e18d8c489d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *
    16 */
    29 #include "AknFepCaseManager.h"
    30 #include "AknFepPanic.h"
    31 #include "aknfeppeninputenums.h"
    33 #include <AknFep.rsg>
    34 #include <aknedsts.h>
    35 #include <barsread.h>
    36 #include <jplangutil.h>
    37 #include <AknPictographInterface.h>
    38 #include <AknPictographDrawerInterface.h>
    39 #include <featmgr.h>
    40 #include <PUAcodes.hrh>
    42 const TText KSpaceCharacter=' ';
    43 const TText KInvertedExclamationMarkCharacter = 0x00A1;
    44 const TText KInvertedQuestionMarkCharacter = 0x00BF;
    46 /* Teleca change begin, 18.08.2009 ssal */
    47 const TInt KSBase = 0xac00; // base address for hangul syllables
    48 const TInt KCBase = 0x3131; // base address for hangul compatibility jamo
    50 const TInt KLCount = 19; // count of L-jamos
    51 const TInt KVCount = 21; // count of V-jamos
    52 const TInt KTCount = 28; // count of T-jamos
    53 const TInt KNCount = KVCount * KTCount; // count of V&T-jamo combinations
    54 const TInt KSCount = KLCount * KNCount; // total count of hangul syllables
    56 // Conversion table for hangul compatibility jamo
    57 const TUint16 conversionTableFromCompatibilityJamoToJamo[] = {
    58 0x1100,
    59 0x1101,
    60 0x11AA,
    61 0x1102,
    62 0x11AC,
    63 0x11AD,
    64 0x1103,
    65 0x1104,
    66 0x1105,
    67 0x11B0,
    68 0x11B1,
    69 0x11B2,
    70 0x11B3,
    71 0x11B4,
    72 0x11B5,
    73 0x11B6,
    74 0x1106,
    75 0x1107,
    76 0x1108,
    77 0x11B9,
    78 0x1109,
    79 0x110A,
    80 0x110B,
    81 0x110C,
    82 0x110D,
    83 0x110E,
    84 0x110F,
    85 0x1110,
    86 0x1111,
    87 0x1112,
    88 0x1161,
    89 0x1162,
    90 0x1163,
    91 0x1164,
    92 0x1165,
    93 0x1166,
    94 0x1167,
    95 0x1168,
    96 0x1169,
    97 0x116A,
    98 0x116B,
    99 0x116C,
   100 0x116D,
   101 0x116E,
   102 0x116F,
   103 0x1170,
   104 0x1171,
   105 0x1172,
   106 0x1173,
   107 0x1174,
   108 0x1175,
   109 };
   111 #define KCCount (sizeof(conversionTableFromCompatibilityJamoToJamo) / sizeof(TUint16))
   112 /* Teleca change end, 18.08.2009 ssal */
   114 // 0x2029 is the paragraph seperator. When the user inputs a
   115 // new line character, 0x2029 is inserted.
   116 const TText KParagraphSeperator = 0x2029;
   117 // 0x000A is line feed character 
   118 const TText KLineFeed = 0x000A;
   120 //for chinese unicode ox4E00 to 0x9FA5
   121 const TText KChineseLowerUnicode = 0x4E00;
   122 const TText KChineseUpperUnicode = 0x9FA5;
   123 CAknFepCaseManager* CAknFepCaseManager::NewL(CAknFepManager& aFep)
   124     {
   125     CAknFepCaseManager* self = new (ELeave) CAknFepCaseManager(aFep);
   126     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   127     self->ConstructL();
   128     CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
   129     return self;
   130     }
   133 CAknFepCaseManager::~CAknFepCaseManager()
   134     {
   135     delete iPictoInterface;
   136     }
   141 void CAknFepCaseManager::ConfigureCaseStateFromEditorState()
   142     {
   143     CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFep.EditorState();
   144     if (!editorState)
   145         {
   146         return;
   147         }
   149  	iCurrentCase = editorState->CurrentCase();   
   150     iPreviousCase = editorState->CaseState().PreviousCase();    
   152     SetFixedCase(editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase);
   154     iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase;
   156   	if (CurrentEditorIsFixedCase())
   157     	{    
   158     	SetCurrentCase(editorState->DefaultCase()); 
   159     	iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase; 
   160     	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase), 
   161                      AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNonPermittedEditorMode));		   	
   162     	} 
   164     //determine it based on position 
   165     UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
   167     // if still there is no current case set - use the default
   168     if (!iCurrentCase)
   169         {
   170         SetCurrentCase(editorState->DefaultCase());
   171         if (!IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase))
   172             {
   173             SetCurrentCase(editorState->CurrentCase());
   174             }
   176         iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase;
   177         __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase), 
   178                        AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNonPermittedEditorMode));
   179         }
   181     // if the current is not allowed stay where we are
   182     else if (!IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase))
   183         {
   184         if (!iPreviousCase)
   185             {
   186             SetCurrentCase(editorState->DefaultCase());
   187             iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase;
   188             __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase), 
   189                            AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNonPermittedEditorMode));
   190             }
   191         else
   192             {
   193             if (IsCasePermitted(iPreviousCase))
   194                 {
   195                 SetCurrentCase(iPreviousCase);
   196                 }
   197             else
   198                 {
   199                 SetCurrentCase(editorState->DefaultCase());
   200                 iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase;
   201                 __ASSERT_DEBUG(IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase), 
   202                                AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNonPermittedEditorMode));
   203                 }    
   204             }
   205         }
   206     }
   209 void CAknFepCaseManager::UpdateCase(TWesternNaviEvent aNaviEvent)
   210     {
   211     TBool applyCaseNeeded = ETrue;
   212     if ( iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate) )
   213         {
   214         return;
   215         }
   216     CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFep.EditorState();
   217     if (!CurrentEditorIsFixedCase() && editorState 
   218       && editorState->PermittedCases() & EAknEditorTextCase)
   219         {
   220         // lets figure out where the cursor will be when the case needs to be checked
   221         TInt cursorPos = FindCursorPositionAtCaseCheck(aNaviEvent);
   223         if (!(cursorPos == 0 
   224            && iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdateAtEditorStart) ))
   225             {
   226             TInt defaultCase = editorState->DefaultCase();
   227             if ( cursorPos == 0 && 
   228                (defaultCase == EAknEditorLowerCase || defaultCase == EAknEditorUpperCase ))
   229                 {
   230                 SetCurrentCase(defaultCase);
   231                 }
   232             // UPPER CASE : If in upper case & inside sentence, stay in upper.
   233             else if (!(iCurrentCase == EAknEditorUpperCase && 
   234                        CapsLockRequired(cursorPos, iCurrentCase) && 
   235                        aNaviEvent != EBackspaceEvent))
   236                 {
   237                 const TBool textCaseRequired = TextCaseRequired(cursorPos);
   238                 // UPPER CASE : If upper case & inside sentence & backspace event, stay in upper.
   239                 if (!(iCurrentCase == EAknEditorUpperCase && aNaviEvent == EBackspaceEvent &&
   240                     !textCaseRequired && cursorPos != 0))
   241                     {
   242                     // TEXT CASE : set if at start of editor or following a full stop / text case character
   243                     if (cursorPos == 0 || textCaseRequired)
   244                         {
   245                         TInt inputMode = iFep.InputMode();
   246                         if (iFep.IsChineseInputLanguage() && 
   247                         	inputMode != ELatin &&
   248                         	iCurrentCase != EAknEditorLowerCase)
   249                         {
   250                         SetCurrentCase(iCurrentCase);
   251                         }
   254 	                    else if(iFep.IsIndicPhoneticInputLanguage())
   255 	                    	{
   256 	                    	if(CurrentCase() != EAknEditorUpperCase)
   257 	                    	    SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);	
   258 	                    	}
   259 #endif
   260                         else
   261                         {
   262                         /* Teleca change begin, 27.08.2008 ssal 
   263                         	original code:
   264                         SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);	*/
   266                         if(iFep.IsKoreanInputLanguage() && inputMode == EHangul )
   267                         	{
   268                         	SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);	
   269                         	}
   270                         else
   271                         	{
   272                             SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
   273                             }
   274                         /* Teleca change end, 27.08.2008 ssal */
   275                         }
   276                         applyCaseNeeded = EFalse;
   277                         }
   278                     else // OTHERWISE LOWER
   279                         {
   280                         SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   281                         applyCaseNeeded = EFalse;
   282                         }
   283                     }
   284                 }
   285             }
   286         else
   287             {
   288             iFep.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdateAtEditorStart);
   289             }
   290         }
   291     if (applyCaseNeeded)
   292         {
   293         ApplyCase();
   294         }
   295     }
   298 void CAknFepCaseManager::ManualCaseUpdate()
   299     {
   300     if (!CurrentEditorIsFixedCase())
   301         {
   302         if (IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase)) 
   303             {
   304             DoManualCaseUpdate();
   305             iFep.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);
   306             }
   307         }
   308     }
   311 void CAknFepCaseManager::RevertCaseChange()
   312     {
   313     if (!CurrentEditorIsFixedCase())
   314         {
   315         if (IsCasePermitted(iPreviousCase)) 
   316             {
   317             SetCurrentCase(iPreviousCase); 
   318             }
   319         }
   320     }
   323 void CAknFepCaseManager::SetCurrentCase(TInt aCase, TBool aOverrideNumericTest)
   324     {
   325     if ( ( iFep.InputMode() == ENumber || iFep.InputMode() == ENativeNumber ) && 
   326         !aOverrideNumericTest)
   327         {
   328         if ( iFep.EditorState() && 
   329             (iFep.EditorState()->NumericKeymap() == EAknEditorConverterNumberModeKeymap) )
   330             {
   331             // Converter number mode keymap for '*' key requires upper case 'E'.
   332             iCurrentCase = EAknEditorUpperCase;
   333             }
   334         else
   335             {
   336             // Number mode keymappings for '*' -key uses lower case letters (pw).
   337             iCurrentCase = EAknEditorLowerCase;
   338             }
   339         }
   340     else
   341         {
   342         if ( aCase == ECaseInverseText )
   343             {
   344             iCurrentCase = ECaseUpper;
   345             iInverseCase = ETrue;
   346             }
   347         else
   348             {
   349             iCurrentCase = aCase;
   350             iInverseCase = EFalse;
   351             }
   352         }
   353     ApplyCase();
   354     }
   357 TInt CAknFepCaseManager::CurrentCase() const
   358     {
   359     return iCurrentCase;
   360     }
   362 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsAbleChangeCase() const
   363     {
   364     TBool isable = ETrue;
   366     CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFep.EditorState();
   367     if (editorState)
   368     	{
   369 	    const TInt permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
   371 	    if (permittedCases == EAknEditorUpperCase ||
   372 	        permittedCases == EAknEditorLowerCase )
   373 	        {
   374 	        isable = EFalse;
   375 	        }
   376 	    else if ((editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagForceTransparentFepModes)
   377 	          && iFep.IsChineseInputLanguage())
   378 	        {
   379 	        isable = EFalse;
   380 	        }
   381 	    else if ( editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase )
   382 	        {
   383 	        isable = EFalse;
   384 	        }
   385 	    else if (!iFep.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges())
   386 	        {
   387 	        isable = EFalse;
   388 	        }
   389     	}
   390     else
   391     	{
   392     	isable = EFalse;
   393     	}
   394     return isable;
   395     }
   397 CAknFepCaseManager::CAknFepCaseManager(CAknFepManager& aFep) :
   398     iFep(aFep)
   399     {
   400     }
   403 void CAknFepCaseManager::ConstructL()
   404     {
   405     // Set text case character set from resource
   406     TResourceReader reader;
   407     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, R_AKNFEP_TEXT_CASE_CHARACTER_SET);
   408     iTextCaseCharacters=reader.ReadTPtrC();
   410     // Create PictographInterface
   411     CCoeControl* control = NULL;
   412     MAknPictographAnimatorCallBack* callback = NULL;
   413     iPictoInterface = CAknPictographInterface::NewL(*control,*callback);
   415     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader*/
   416     }
   419 TInt CAknFepCaseManager::FindCursorPositionAtCaseCheck(TWesternNaviEvent aNaviEvent)
   420     {
   421     TCursorSelection curCursSel;
   422     iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetCursorSelectionForFep(curCursSel);
   424     TInt docLength = iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->DocumentLengthForFep();
   425     TInt returnedPosition = -1;
   427     TCursorSelection uncommittedText = iFep.UncommittedText();
   429     switch (aNaviEvent)
   430         {
   431         case ENullNaviEvent:
   432             if (iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   433                 {
   434                 returnedPosition = uncommittedText.HigherPos();
   435                 }
   436             else
   437                 {
   438                 // In case of non-predictive mode, following condition
   439                 // check text is selceted mode or not?
   440                 // In selected mode, character always being inserted
   441                 // anchor position
   442                 if( curCursSel.Length() >0 )
   443                     {
   444                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.LowerPos();
   445                     }
   446                 else
   447                     {
   448                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.HigherPos();
   449                     }
   450                 }
   451             break;
   452         case ERightNaviEvent:
   453             if (iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   454                 {
   455                 returnedPosition = uncommittedText.HigherPos();
   456                 }
   457             else
   458                 {
   459                 if (curCursSel.Length())
   460                     {
   461                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.HigherPos();
   462                     }
   463                 else
   464                     {
   465                     if (curCursSel.iCursorPos == docLength)
   466                         {
   467                         returnedPosition = 0;
   468                         }
   469                     else
   470                         {
   471                         returnedPosition = curCursSel.HigherPos() + 1;
   472                         }
   473                     }
   474                 }
   475             break;
   476         case ELeftNaviEvent:
   477             if (iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   478                 {
   479                 returnedPosition = uncommittedText.LowerPos();
   480                 }
   481             else
   482                 {
   483                 if (curCursSel.Length())
   484                     {
   485                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.LowerPos();
   486                     }
   487                 else
   488                     {
   489                     if (curCursSel.iCursorPos == 0)
   490                         {
   491                         returnedPosition = docLength;
   492                         }
   493                     else
   494                         {
   495                         returnedPosition = curCursSel.LowerPos() - 1;
   496                         }
   497                     }
   498                 }
   499             break;
   500         case EBackspaceEvent:
   501             if (iFep.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   502                 {
   503                 returnedPosition = uncommittedText.HigherPos();
   504                 }
   505             else
   506                 {
   507                 if (curCursSel.Length())
   508                     {
   509                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.LowerPos();
   510                     }
   511                 else
   512                     {
   513                     returnedPosition = curCursSel.LowerPos() - 1;
   514                     }
   515                 }
   516             break;
   517         default:
   518             break;
   519         }
   521     if (returnedPosition < 0)
   522         {
   523         returnedPosition = 0;
   524         }
   525     else if (returnedPosition > docLength)
   526         {
   527         returnedPosition = docLength;
   528         }
   529     return returnedPosition;
   530     }
   533 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::TextCaseRequired(TInt aCursorPos)
   534     {
   535     TBool textCaseRequired = EFalse;
   536     TInt charPosToCheck = aCursorPos - 1;   
   537     TChar ch = KSpaceCharacter;
   538     TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> editorText;
   539     TInt nonEnterSpaceCharCount = 0;
   541     if (charPosToCheck >= 0) 
   542         {
   543         // Get the character just before the cursor.
   544         iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetEditorContentForFep(editorText,
   545             charPosToCheck, CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   546         ch = editorText[0];        
   547         if ( ch == KInvertedQuestionMarkCharacter || ch == KInvertedExclamationMarkCharacter )
   548             {
   549             // Text case is required imediatelly after 'spanich' question and exclamation mark that begins a sentence.
   550             textCaseRequired = ETrue;        
   551             }
   552         // for chinese uncode limit
   553         if ( ch >= KChineseLowerUnicode && ch<= KChineseUpperUnicode)
   554         	{
   555         	textCaseRequired = ETrue; 
   556         	}
   558         if( ( TUint )ch == KParagraphSeperator || ( TUint )ch == KLineFeed )
   559             {
   560             // When we have enter key, we need to decide the case after: 
   561             // we reach some non space characters (OR)
   562             // we reach the beginning of the editor
   563             while (charPosToCheck > 0 && !textCaseRequired)
   564                 {
   565                 charPosToCheck--;
   566                 iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetEditorContentForFep(editorText,
   567                     charPosToCheck, CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   568                 ch = editorText[0];
   570                 // IsSpace returns true for ParagraphSeperator.
   571                 if (!(ch.IsSpace() || ch == EKeyEnter) && nonEnterSpaceCharCount <= 1)
   572                     {
   573                     if (IsTextCaseCharacter(ch))
   574                         {
   575         	            textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   576                         }
   577                     break;
   578                     }
   579                 else 
   580                 	{
   581                 	if(!( ( TUint )ch == KParagraphSeperator || ( TUint )ch == EKeyEnter || ( TUint )ch == KLineFeed ) )
   582                 		{
   583                 		// Incrementing the count if we have
   584                 		// IsSpace() returns True AND
   585                 		// the character is not a ParagraphSeparator or Enter or Line Feed
   586                 		nonEnterSpaceCharCount++;
   587 	                	}
   588                 	if (charPosToCheck <= 0 && !nonEnterSpaceCharCount)
   589                     	{
   590                     	//Reached the beginning of the Editor. Text case should be ON
   591                     	textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   592                     	}                    	
   593                 	}    	
   594                 }
   595             charPosToCheck = aCursorPos - 1;
   597            	if (charPosToCheck <= 0 && !nonEnterSpaceCharCount)
   598            	    {
   599            	    // If Enter is pressed as the first character. Text case is ON
   600                 textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   601                 }                    	
   603         	}
   605         /* Teleca change begin, 27.08.2008 ssal */	
   606         if (IsKoreanCharacter(ch))
   607         	{
   608         	textCaseRequired = ETrue;       
   609         	}
   610         /* Teleca change end, 27.08.2008 ssal */
   611         }
   614     if (charPosToCheck > 0 && !textCaseRequired) 
   615         {
   616         if (iFep.IsFeatureSupportedJapanese())
   617             {
   618             // The character case is changed to text case when the left side
   619             // character is Japanese character.
   620             if (IsJapaneseCharacter(ch))
   621                 {
   622                 textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   623                 }
   624             else if (ch.IsSpace() || ch == EKeyEnter ||
   625                      ch == (TUint)KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol)
   626                 {
   627                 while (charPosToCheck > 0)
   628                     {
   629                     charPosToCheck--;
   630                     // Get the character before the previous character.
   631                     iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetEditorContentForFep(editorText,
   632                         charPosToCheck, CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   633                     ch = editorText[0];
   634                     if (!(ch.IsSpace() || ch == EKeyEnter || ch == (TUint)KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol))
   635                         {
   636                         if (IsTextCaseCharacter(ch))
   637                             {
   638                             // One space between the cursor and the punctuation character => text case needed
   639                             textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   640                             }
   641                         break;
   642                         }
   643                     else if (charPosToCheck <= 0)
   644                         {
   645                         // reached the start of the editor => text case needed
   646                         textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   647                         }
   648                     }
   649                 }
   650             }
   651         else
   652             {
   653             if ( charPosToCheck > 0 && !textCaseRequired && !nonEnterSpaceCharCount) 
   654 			    {        
   655 			    if ( ch.IsSpace() || ch == EKeyEnter || 
   656 			    	ch == ( TUint )KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol )
   657 			        {
   658 			        while ( charPosToCheck > 0 )
   659 			            {
   660 			            charPosToCheck--;
   662 			            // Get the character before the previous character.
   663 			            iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetEditorContentForFep(editorText,
   664 			                charPosToCheck, CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   666 			            ch = editorText[0];
   668 			            // This condition is added to keep Text case ON when space is
   669 			            // entered after a "New line" character.
   670 			            if( ( TUint )ch == KParagraphSeperator )
   671 			            	{			            	
   672 			            	textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   673 			            	break;
   674 			            	}
   676 			            if ( !( ch == EKeyEnter || 
   677 			            		ch == ( TUint )KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol ) )
   678 			                {
   679 			                if ( IsTextCaseCharacter( ch ) )
   680 			                    {			                    
   681 			                    textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   682 			                    }
   683 			                break;
   684 			                }
   685 			            else if ( charPosToCheck <= 0 )
   686 			                {
   687 			                // reached the start of the editor => text case needed
   688 			                textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   689 			                }
   690 			            }
   691                     }
   692                 }
   693             }
   694         }
   695     else if (charPosToCheck < 0)
   696         {
   697         // reached the start of the editor => text case needed
   698         textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   699         }
   700     else    // if (charPosToCheck == 0)
   701         {
   702         if (!textCaseRequired && iFep.IsFeatureSupportedJapanese())
   703             {
   704             if (IsJapaneseCharacter(ch)
   705              || ch.IsSpace()
   706              || ch == EKeyEnter
   707              || ch == (TUint)KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol)
   708                 {
   709                 // reached the start of the editor => text case needed
   710                 textCaseRequired = ETrue;
   711                 }
   712             }
   713         }
   715     return textCaseRequired;
   716     }
   719 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::CapsLockRequired(TInt aCursorPos, TInt aCurCase)
   720     {
   721     TBool capsLocked = iForceUpperCase;
   722     TInt charPosToCheck = aCursorPos - 1;   
   723     TChar ch = KSpaceCharacter;
   724     TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> editorText;
   726     // is the previous character alphabetical?
   727     if (charPosToCheck >= 0) 
   728         {
   729         iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetEditorContentForFep(editorText,
   730             charPosToCheck, CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   731         if( editorText.Length()>0 )
   732             {
   733             ch = editorText[0];
   734             }
   736         if (IsAlpha(ch) ||
   737             ((aCurCase == EAknEditorUpperCase || aCurCase == ECaseInverseText) && 
   738              !TextCaseRequired(aCursorPos)))
   739             {
   740             // Caps lock (upper case mode) is kept up if we are currently in upper case mode
   741             // and previous character is alpha character or for example full stop. 
   742             // If the cursor and full stop is separated with space, text case is restored. 
   743             capsLocked = ETrue;
   744             }
   745         }
   747     return capsLocked;
   748     }
   751 void CAknFepCaseManager::DoManualCaseUpdate()
   752     {
   753     TBool applyCaseNeeded = ETrue;
   754     iPreviousCase = iCurrentCase;
   755     TCursorSelection currentSelection;
   756     iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetCursorSelectionForFep(currentSelection);
   758     switch (iCurrentCase)
   759         {
   760         case EAknEditorLowerCase:
   761             if (CapsLockRequired(currentSelection.iCursorPos, iCurrentCase) 
   762              && IsCasePermitted(EAknEditorUpperCase))
   763                 {
   764                 SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   765                 }
   766             else if (!IsCasePermitted(EAknEditorTextCase) 
   769             || iFep.IsIndicPhoneticInputLanguage()
   770 #endif            
   771             )
   772                 {
   773                 if( IsCasePermitted(EAknEditorUpperCase) )
   774                     SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   775                 }
   776             else
   777                 {
   778                 SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
   779                 }
   780             applyCaseNeeded = EFalse;
   781             break;
   782         case EAknEditorTextCase:
   783              if (iForceUpperCase && IsCasePermitted(EAknEditorUpperCase))
   784                 {
   785                 SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   786                 applyCaseNeeded = EFalse;     
   787                 break;          
   788                 }
   789         case EAknEditorUpperCase:
   790             SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   791             applyCaseNeeded = EFalse;
   792             break;
   793         default:
   794             break;
   795         }
   797     if (!(IsCasePermitted(iCurrentCase)))
   798         {
   799         DoManualCaseUpdate();
   800         }
   801     else
   802         {
   803         if (applyCaseNeeded)
   804             {
   805             ApplyCase();
   806             }
   807         }
   808     }
   811 void CAknFepCaseManager::ApplyCase()
   812     {
   813     // update engine...
   814     switch (iCurrentCase)
   815         {
   816         case EAknEditorUpperCase: // fall through
   817         case EAknEditorTextCase:
   818             iFep.SetCase(EUpperCase);
   819             break;
   820         case EAknEditorLowerCase: // fall through
   821         default:
   822             iFep.SetCase(ELowerCase);
   823             break;
   824         }
   825     if(iFep.EditorState())
   826         {
   827         iFep.EditorState()->SetCurrentCase(iCurrentCase);
   828         }
   829     iFep.UpdateIndicators();
   831 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
   832     iFep.UpdateTouchCaseMode();
   833 #endif
   834     }
   837 void CAknFepCaseManager::SetFixedCase(TBool aFixedCase)
   838     {
   839     iFixedCase = aFixedCase;
   840     }
   843 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::CurrentEditorIsFixedCase() const
   844     {
   845     return iFixedCase;
   846     }
   849 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsCasePermitted(TInt aCase) const
   850     {
   851     // if current is permitted or current is lower and text is permitted
   852     CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFep.EditorState();
   853     return ( editorState && ( !editorState->PermittedCases() || 
   854            (aCase & editorState->PermittedCases() || 
   855            (aCase == EAknEditorLowerCase && 
   856            (EAknEditorTextCase & editorState->PermittedCases())))) );
   857     }
   859 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsTextCaseCharacter(TChar aChar) const
   860     {
   861     TBool ret = EFalse;
   862     if (iTextCaseCharacters.Locate(aChar)!=KErrNotFound)
   863         {
   864         ret = ETrue;
   865         }
   866     else if (JPLangUtil::IsKanji((TText)aChar)
   867           || JPLangUtil::IsHiragana((TText)aChar)
   868           || JPLangUtil::IsKatakana((TText) aChar))
   869         {
   870         ret = ETrue;
   871         }
   872     return ret;
   873     }
   875 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsAlpha(TChar aChar) const
   876     {
   877     TBool ret = EFalse;
   878     TBool isPicto = EFalse;
   880     if (iPictoInterface && iPictoInterface->Interface())
   881         {
   882         isPicto = iPictoInterface->Interface()->IsPictograph((TText)aChar);
   883         }
   885     if (!( JPLangUtil::IsHiragana((TText)aChar)
   886         || JPLangUtil::IsKanji((TText)aChar)
   887         || JPLangUtil::IsKatakana((TText)aChar)
   888         /* Teleca change begin, 18.08.2009 ssal */
   889         || IsKoreanCharacter(aChar)
   890         /* Teleca change end, 18.08.2009 ssal */
   891         || isPicto ))
   892         {
   893         TChar ch = aChar;
   894         if (iFep.IsFeatureSupportedJapanese() && 
   895             JPLangUtil::IsFullWidth((TText) ch))
   896             {
   897             TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> fullChar;
   898             TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> halfChar;
   899             fullChar.Append(ch);
   900             if (JPLangUtil::ConvertFullToHalfWidth(fullChar, halfChar))
   901                 {
   902                 ch = halfChar[0];
   903                 ret = ch.IsAlpha();
   904                 }
   905             }
   906         else
   907             {
   908             ret = ch.IsAlpha();
   909             }
   910         }
   911     return ret;
   912     }
   914 TInt CAknFepCaseManager::PluginPermittedCases()
   915     {
   916 	TInt allowedCases = ECaseInvalide;    
   917     if ( !(iFep.EditorState()) )
   918         {
   919         return allowedCases;
   920         }
   922     TInt editorCases = iFep.EditorState()->PermittedCases();
   924     if( editorCases == 0 )
   925         {
   926         allowedCases = ECaseUpper | ECaseLower | ECaseText | ECaseInverseText;    
   927         }
   928     else
   929         {
   930         allowedCases = editorCases;
   932         if( (editorCases & EAknEditorUpperCase) && 
   933             (editorCases & EAknEditorTextCase) )
   934             {
   935             allowedCases |= ECaseInverseText;
   936             }
   937         }
   939     return allowedCases;
   940     }
   943 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   944 // CAknFepCaseManager::CapsLockRequired
   945 // 
   946 // 
   947 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   948 //
   949 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::CapsLockRequired(TInt aCurrentCase)
   950     {
   951   	TCursorSelection currentSelection;
   953   	if (iFep.FepAwareTextEditor())
   954   		{  		  	
   955     	iFep.FepAwareTextEditor()->GetCursorSelectionForFep(currentSelection);    
   956     	return CapsLockRequired(currentSelection.iCursorPos, aCurrentCase);
   957   		}
   959 	return EFalse;  		
   960     }
   962 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   963 // CAknFepCaseManager::IsJapaneseCharacter
   964 // Determines whether a character is one of Japanese characters
   965 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   966 //
   967 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsJapaneseCharacter(TChar aChar) const
   968     {
   969     TBool ret = EFalse;
   970     // The character case is changed to text case when the left side
   971     // character is Japanese character (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji,
   972     // Full-width Symbol).
   973     if (JPLangUtil::IsKanji((TText)aChar)
   974      || JPLangUtil::IsHiragana((TText)aChar)
   975      || JPLangUtil::IsKatakana((TText)aChar))
   976         {
   977         // Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
   978         ret = ETrue;
   979         }
   980     else if (JPLangUtil::IsFullWidth((TText)aChar)
   981      && aChar != KPuaCodeSpaceSymbol
   982      && aChar != KPuaCodeLineFeedSymbol)
   983         {
   984         if (iFep.InputMode() == ELatin
   985           && iFep.CharacterWidth() == EFullWidthChar)
   986             {
   987             TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> fullChar;
   988             TBuf<CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter> halfChar;
   989             fullChar.Append(aChar);
   990             if (JPLangUtil::ConvertFullToHalfWidth(fullChar, halfChar))
   991                 {
   992                 TChar ch2 = halfChar[0];
   993                 if (!ch2.IsAlpha())
   994                     {
   995                     // Full width Symbol or Number
   996                     ret = ETrue;
   997                     }
   998                 }
   999             else
  1000                 {
  1001                 // The character which isn't converted to half is
  1002                 // special Japanese Symbols.
  1003                 ret = ETrue;
  1004                 }
  1005             }
  1006         else
  1007             {
  1008             ret = ETrue;
  1009             }
  1010         }
  1011     return ret;
  1012     }
  1014 /* Teleca change begin, 18.08.2009 ssal */
  1015 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1016 // CAknFepCaseManager::IsKoreanCharacter
  1017 // Determines whether a character is one of Korean characters
  1018 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1019 //
  1020 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsKoreanCharacter(TChar aChar) const
  1021     {  
  1022     if ( IsHangulSyllable( aChar) || IsHangulCompatibilityJamo( aChar ) )
  1023     	{
  1024     	return ETrue;
  1025     	}
  1026     return EFalse;
  1027     }
  1029 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1030 // Checks that is given character hangul syllable or not.
  1031 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1032 //
  1033 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsHangulSyllable( TChar aChar ) const
  1034     {
  1035     // Character is 'hangul syllable' 
  1036     // if it's numeric value is between KSBase and KSBase + KSCount.
  1037     TInt index = static_cast<TInt> ( aChar ) - KSBase;
  1038     if ( index < 0 || index >= KSCount )
  1039         {
  1040         return EFalse;
  1041         }
  1042     return ETrue;
  1043     }
  1045 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046 // Checks that is given character hangul syllable or not.
  1047 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1048 //
  1049 TBool CAknFepCaseManager::IsHangulCompatibilityJamo( TChar aChar ) const
  1050     {
  1051     // Character is 'hangul compatibility jamo' 
  1052     // if it's numeric value is between KCBase and KCBase + KCCount.
  1053     TInt index = static_cast<TInt> ( aChar ) - KCBase;
  1054     if ( index < 0 || index >= KCCount )
  1055         {
  1056         return EFalse;
  1057         }
  1058     return ETrue;
  1059     }
  1061 /* Teleca change end, 18.08.2009 ssal */    
  1062 // End of file