changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 22 1bbdde98cc2d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *
    16 */
    29 #include "AknFepHashKeyManager.h"
    30 #include "AknFepManager.h"
    31 #include "AknFepCaseManager.h"
    32 #include "AknFepUiIndicInputManager.h"
    34 #include <aknedsts.h>
    35 #include <uikon.hrh>
    36 #include <coedef.h>
    38 #include <PtiEngine.h>
    40 //move to class definition
    41 #define EHashKeyTimeout 700000 // 0.7s
    43 CAknFepHashKeyManager* CAknFepHashKeyManager::NewL(CAknFepManager& aFepMan, 
    44                                                    CAknFepCaseManager* aCaseMan)
    45     {
    46     CAknFepHashKeyManager* self = new(ELeave) CAknFepHashKeyManager(aFepMan, aCaseMan);
    47     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    48     self->ConstructL();
    49     CleanupStack::Pop();
    50     return self;
    51     }
    53 CAknFepHashKeyManager::~CAknFepHashKeyManager()
    54     {
    55     delete iHashKeyTimer;
    56     }
    58 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyEventL(TKeyPressLength aLength)
    59     {
    60     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
    62     switch (iHashKeyStyle)
    63         {
    64         case EHashKeyStyleWestern:
    65             response = HandleKeyWesternL(aLength);
    66             break;
    67         case EHashKeyStyleChineseWithWestern:
    68             response = HandleKeyWesternWithChineseL(aLength);
    69             break;
    70         case EHashKeyStyleJapanese:
    71             response = HandleKeyJapaneseL(aLength);
    72             break;
    73         case EHashKeyStyleKoreanWithWestern:
    74             response = HandleKeyWesternWithKoreanL(aLength);
    75             break;
    76     default:
    77         break;
    78         }
    79     return response;
    80     }
    82 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetMode(TInt aMode, TBool aWesternPredictive)
    83     {
    84     iMode = aMode;
    85     iWesternPredictive = aWesternPredictive;
    86     }
    88 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetHashKeyStyle(THashKeyStyle aHashKeyStyle)
    89     {
    90     iHashKeyStyle = aHashKeyStyle;
    91     }
    93 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::CancelHashKeyTimer()
    94     {
    95     if (iHashKeyTimer->IsActive())
    96         {
    97         iHashKeyTimer->Cancel();
    98         }
    99     }
   101 CAknFepHashKeyManager::CAknFepHashKeyManager(CAknFepManager& aFepMan, CAknFepCaseManager* aCaseMan)
   102     :iHashKeyStyle(EHashKeyStyleWestern),
   103      iFepMan(aFepMan),
   104      iCaseMan(aCaseMan)
   105     {
   106     iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = EFalse;
   107     iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = -1; // Cannot use 'iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin);' since FepMan is not completely constructed at the construction of this
   108     }
   110 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::ConstructL()
   111     {   
   112     iHashKeyTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
   113     }
   115 TInt CAknFepHashKeyManager::HashKeyTimerTimeoutCallback(TAny* aObj)
   116     {
   117     STATIC_CAST(CAknFepHashKeyManager*, aObj)->HashKeyTimerTimeout();
   118     return KErrNone;
   119     }
   121 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::HashKeyTimerTimeout()
   122     {
   123     iHashKeyTimer->Cancel();
   124     }
   126 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::RevertPredictiveTextSettingChangeL()
   127     {
   128     if ( !iFepMan.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges() && iFepMan.EditorState()&&
   129         !( iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9) )
   130         {
   131         // Reverts predictive text settings change made with short key press.
   132         iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive( !iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin) );
   133         iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
   134         }
   135     }
   137 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyWesternL(TKeyPressLength aLength)
   138     {
   139     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   140     TBool phoneIdle = (iFepMan.EditorType() == CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::EPhoneNumberEditor); 
   141     if(phoneIdle)
   142         {
   143         return response;
   144         }
   145     iLastModeNumber = (iMode == ENumber || iMode == ENativeNumber);
   147     if ( (iMode == ENumber || iMode == ENativeNumber) && !iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
   148         {
   149         if (aLength == ELongKeyPress)
   150             {
   151             // Clear the EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey, only for non numeric only editors
   152             // so as to indicate we are in a long press of hash key event.
   153             // In case of numeric only editor, we should re-simulate hash and let application 
   154             // handle it.
   156             if ( !iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted() )
   157                 {
   158                 iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   160                 // Long press of hash key switches to alpha mode
   161                 // if it is permitted mode in the editor.
   162                 iFepMan.TryChangeToModeBeforeL();
   163                 ResetIndicHashKeyStateL();
   164                 }
   165             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   166             }
   167         else if (!iFepMan.IsExtendedFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey))
   168             {
   169             // Set the flag to indicate its a short press of key event
   170             iFepMan.SetExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   171             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   172             }
   173         else
   174             {
   175             // We are not suppose to be here. Just a fail safe check to guard us against
   176             // erroneous situations.
   178             iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   179             }
   180         }
   181     else
   182         {
   183         if ( aLength == EShortKeyPress )
   184             {
   185            	if (iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
   186              	{
   187             	// New style hash key loop when long hash-key press is used for text selection.												     			                	               	
   189 		        // To rip off suggested word completion when user wants to 
   190 		        // switch to number or multitap mode
   191 		        if(iFepMan.IsAutoCompleteOn())
   192 		        	{
   193 		            iFepMan.RemoveSuggestedCompletionL();	
   194 		            }
   196                	return HandleKeyWesternSelectionStyleL(aLength);  
   197                	}
   199  			if ( iLastModeNumber )
   200             	{
   201             	// The key should not be consumed in number mode? FEP Manager may
   202             	// put special chars into the editor or the key  event 
   203             	// is passed to the editor.
   205 	            // But now the event is consumed. Same happens also in 
   206     	        // Chinese languages because # key is reserved for 
   207         	    // other purpose.
   208             	response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   209            		 }               	
   211 			if(IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
   212 				{
   213 				return (SetIndicStateL());	
   214 				}
   215             	// Traditional hash key loop
   216             if ( iFepMan.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges() )
   217                 {
   218                 if (iHashKeyTimer->IsActive())
   219                     {
   220                     iHashKeyTimer->Cancel();
   221                     iCaseMan->RevertCaseChange();
   222                     // Toggle predictive setting.
   224 		         // To rip off suggested word completion when user wants to 
   225 		         // switch to number or multitap mode
   226 		        if(iFepMan.IsAutoCompleteOn())
   227 		        	{
   228 		            iFepMan.RemoveSuggestedCompletionL();	
   229 		            }
   232                     iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStataCommitPredictiveWord);
   233                     iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive( !iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin) );
   234                     iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
   235                     }
   236                 else
   237                     {
   238                     iCaseMan->ManualCaseUpdate();
   239                     iHashKeyTimer->Start(EHashKeyTimeout, EHashKeyTimeout,
   240                         TCallBack(HashKeyTimerTimeoutCallback, this));
   241                     }
   242                 }
   243             else // Case changes are not allowed.
   244                 {
   245                 if (iHashKeyTimer->IsActive())
   246                     {
   247                     iHashKeyTimer->Cancel();
   248                     // Double press of hash key does not have functionality.
   249                     }
   250                 else
   251                     {
   252                     // Toggle predictive setting.
   254                     // AutoComplete - Fix - Begin
   255                     if(iFepMan.IsAutoCompleteOn())
   256 		        	{
   257 		            iFepMan.RemoveSuggestedCompletionL();	
   258 		            }
   259 		            // AutoComplete - Fix - End
   262                     iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive( !iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin) );
   263                     iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
   264                     iHashKeyTimer->Start(EHashKeyTimeout, EHashKeyTimeout,
   265                         TCallBack(HashKeyTimerTimeoutCallback, this));
   266                     }
   267                 }
   268             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   269             }
   270         else // Long key press of hash key
   271             {
   272             // Clear EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey flag as soon as long press happens
   273             iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   275             // Toggle number mode / alpha mode
   276             if (iLastModeNumber && !IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired() && 
   277                !iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())	// For Indic it is handled in SetIndicPreviousStateL()
   278                 {
   279                 // If short hash key press event is passed to the editor, it
   280                 // needs to be removed here from the editor.
   282                 iFepMan.TryChangeToModeBeforeL();
   283                 }
   284             else
   285                 {
   286                 // Input mode is incremented.
   287                 if (!iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
   288                 	{
   290                 	// To rip off suggested word completion when user wants to switch to number mode
   291                 	if(iFepMan.IsAutoCompleteOn())
   292                 		{
   293                 		iFepMan.RemoveSuggestedCompletionL();	
   294                 		}
   297 						if(IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
   298 							{
   299 							SetIndicPreviousStateL();	
   300 							}					    	
   301 						else
   302 							{
   303 							RevertPredictiveTextSettingChangeL();			
   304 							}                	
   305                         if( iFepMan.IsSupportNativeNumber())
   306                             {
   307                             iFepMan.TryChangeModeL( ENativeNumber );  
   308                             }
   309                         else
   310                             {
   311                             iFepMan.TryChangeModeL( ENumber );    
   312                             }
   313                 	}
   314 				else if (!iFepMan.IsCcpuFlagSet(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode) &&
   315 				         iFepMan.OkToActivateSelectionMode())							
   316 					{											
   317 					// User wants to select and not to change mode, so cancel the mode change
   318 					// caused by initial hash key press.
   319 					if(iLastModeNumber && !IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
   320 						{
   321 						iFepMan.TryChangeToModeBeforeL();		
   322 						}
   323 					else
   324 						{
   325 						SetPreviousSelectionStyleModeL();		
   326 						}
   327 					iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateHashDown |
   328 					                    CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode |
   329 					                    CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateHashKeyDeleteDone );
   330 					 TKeyEvent ccpuStart = {EKeyF21, EStdKeyF21, 0, 0};
   331         			// to enable copy/paste support on cba. We simulate via CCoeEnv
   332         			// to avoid fep SimulateKeyEventL adding shift modifiers
   333         			CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL(ccpuStart, EEventKey);					
   334 					}                	
   335                 }            
   336             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   337             }
   338         }              
   339     return response;
   340     }
   343 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyWesternWithChineseL(TKeyPressLength aLength)
   344     {
   345     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   346     if ( iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted() )
   347         {
   348         if ( aLength == ELongKeyPress )
   349             {
   350             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   351             if ( iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse() )
   352                 {
   353                 TText prevCh = iFepMan.PreviousChar();
   354                 if (prevCh == '#')
   355                     {
   356                     iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();             
   357                     }
   358                 }
   360     		iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag( CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateHashDown | 
   361     		                    CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode );
   362     		TKeyEvent ccpuStart = { EKeyF21, EStdKeyF21, 0, 0 };
   363     		// to enable copy/paste support on cba. We simulate via CCoeEnv
   364     		// to avoid fep SimulateKeyEventL adding shift modifiers
   365     		CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL( ccpuStart, EEventKey );
   366             }
   367         //else let the FEP Man put special chars into the editor
   368         }
   369     else
   370         {
   371         if (aLength == EShortKeyPress)
   372             {
   373             if (iMode == ENumber || iMode == ENativeNumber)
   374                 {
   375                 iLastModeNumber = ETrue;
   376                 }
   377             else
   378                 {
   379                 iLastModeNumber = EFalse;
   380                 }            
   381             CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();                    
   382             TInt permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
   383             permittedCases = permittedCases == 0 ? 
   384                 EAknEditorLowerCase | EAknEditorUpperCase : permittedCases;
   385             if ( iMode == ELatin && (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase))
   386                 {
   387                 // Latin case update is changed back to automatic if latin 
   388                 // text case is allowed and the case is changed manually from #-key.
   389                 iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);
   390                 }
   391             TInt currentCase = iCaseMan->CurrentCase();
   393             // Is current latin case last available case.
   394             TBool lastCase = ( ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase) && 
   395                   (( currentCase == EAknEditorLowerCase) ||
   396                    ( currentCase == EAknEditorUpperCase && 
   397                    !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase)) ) ||
   398                 ( editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase) ) ||
   399                 ( editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagForceTransparentFepModes) );
   401             if (iMode == ELatin && 
   402                 !iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode) &&
   403                 !lastCase )
   404                 {
   405                 // Input mode is still Latin. Only case is updated.
   406                 if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase) 
   407                     {
   408                     iCaseMan->ManualCaseUpdate();
   409                     }
   410                 else
   411                     {
   412                     iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   413                     }
   415                 // Next time input mode is changed if any text is not entered before.
   416                 iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   417                 }
   418             else
   419                 {
   420                 // Input mode is incremented.
   421                 iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(iMode);
   423                 iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   425                 if (iMode == ELatin) // New mode after Increment.
   426                     {
   427                     if (editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase) 
   428                         {
   429                         // Only one fixed case is available. Use it.
   430                         iCaseMan->ConfigureCaseStateFromEditorState();
   431                         iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   432                         }
   433                     else if (editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagForceTransparentFepModes) 
   434                         {
   435                         // Only lower case is used with find pane.
   436                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   437                         iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);
   438                         iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   439                         }
   440                     else if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase)
   441                         {
   442                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
   443                         iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
   444                         }
   445                     else
   446                         {
   447                         if (permittedCases & EAknEditorUpperCase)
   448                             {
   449                             iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   450                             if ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase))
   451                                 {
   452                                 // We need to move to next input mode since only upper case 
   453                                 // is permitted in Latin input mode.
   454                                 iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   455                                 }
   456                             }
   457                         else
   458                             {
   459                             iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   460                             iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   461                             }
   462                         }
   463                     }
   464                 }
   465             }
   466         else // Long keypress
   467             {
   468 			if (!iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())            
   469 				{							
   470             	if (iLastModeNumber)
   471                 	{
   472                 	iFepMan.TryChangeToModeBeforeL();
   473                 	}
   474             	else
   475                 	{
   476                 	if( iFepMan.IsSupportNativeNumber())
   477                 	    {
   478                 	    iFepMan.TryChangeModeL( ENativeNumber );
   479                 	    }
   480                 	else
   481                 	    {
   482                 	    iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ENumber);
   483                 	    }
   484                 	}
   485 				}
   486 			else if (!iFepMan.IsCcpuFlagSet(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode) &&
   487 			         iFepMan.OkToActivateSelectionMode())							
   488 				{							
   489 				// User wants to select and not to change mode, so cancel the mode change
   490 				// caused by initial hash key press. 			
   491 				MPtiLanguage* lang = iFepMan.PtiEngine()->CurrentLanguage();
   492 				TInt inputLang = ELangTest;
   493 				if (lang)
   494 					{
   495 					inputLang = lang->LanguageCode();	
   496 					}
   497 				const TInt inputMode = iFepMan.InputMode();				
   499 				if ((inputLang == ELangPrcChinese && inputMode == EPinyin) ||
   500 				    (inputLang == ELangTaiwanChinese && inputMode == EZhuyin) ||
   501 				    (inputLang == ELangHongKongChinese && inputMode == EStroke))												
   502 					{
   503 					// Hash key selection was initiated from number mode,
   504 					// return there.
   505 					iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ENumber);						
   506 					}
   507 				else
   508 				    {
   509 			   		iFepMan.TryChangeToModeBeforeL();							
   510 					}
   512 				iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateHashDown | 
   513 				                    CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode );
   514 				 TKeyEvent ccpuStart = {EKeyF21, EStdKeyF21, 0, 0};
   515         		// to enable copy/paste support on cba. We simulate via CCoeEnv
   516         		// to avoid fep SimulateKeyEventL adding shift modifiers
   517         		CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL(ccpuStart, EEventKey);					
   518 				}                		
   519             }
   520         response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   521         }
   522     return response;
   523     }
   526 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyJapaneseL(TKeyPressLength aLength)
   527     {
   528     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   529     if (aLength == ELongKeyPress)
   530         {
   531         response = HandleLongKeypressJapaneseL();
   532         }
   533     else
   534         {
   535         response = HandleSortKeypressJapaneseL();
   536         }
   537     return response;
   538     }
   540 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleLongKeypressJapaneseL()
   541     {
   542     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   544     if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted())
   545         {
   546         if (iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
   547             {
   548             TText prevCh = iFepMan.PreviousChar();
   549             if (prevCh == '#')
   550                 {
   551                 iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();
   552                 }
   553             }
   554         }
   556     if (iMode == EHiraganaKanji || iMode == ELatin)
   557         {
   558         // predictive input is turned on/off
   559         // Commit string on transitory input
   560         iFepMan.TryCloseUiL();
   562         if(iWesternPredictive)
   563             {
   564             iFepMan.TryChangePredictiveInputModeL(EFalse);
   565             }
   566         else
   567             {
   568             iFepMan.TryChangePredictiveInputModeL(ETrue);
   569             }
   570         iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateChangeToPredictionMode);
   571         }
   572     else if (iMode == EHiragana)
   573         {
   574         // nothing to do
   575         }
   576     else
   577         {
   578         // Input mode is incremented.
   579         iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(iMode);
   580         if ( iMode == ELatin )
   581             {
   582             if (iCaseMan->IsAbleChangeCase())
   583                 {
   584                 CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();
   585                 TInt permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
   586                 if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase)
   587                     {
   588                     iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
   589                     iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
   590                     }
   591                 else
   592                     {
   593                     if ( iFepMan.CaseBefore() )
   594                         {
   595                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(iFepMan.CaseBefore());
   596                         }
   597                     else if (permittedCases & EAknEditorUpperCase)
   598                         {
   599                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   600                         if ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase))
   601                             {
   602                             // We need to move to next input mode since only upper case 
   603                             // is permitted in Latin input mode.
   604                             iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   605                             }
   606                         }
   607                     else
   608                         {
   609                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   610                         iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   611                         }
   612                     }
   613                 }
   614             }
   615         iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateChangeToPredictionMode);
   616         }
   618     if (iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse()
   619      && !iFepMan.IsCcpuFlagSet(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode)
   620      && iFepMan.OkToActivateSelectionMode())
   621         {
   622         // User wants to select and not to change mode, so cancel the mode change
   623         // caused by initial hash key press.
   624         SetPreviousSelectionStyleModeL();
   626         iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateHashDown | 
   627                             CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode );
   628          TKeyEvent ccpuStart = {EKeyF21, EStdKeyF21, 0, 0};
   629         // to enable copy/paste support on cba. We simulate via CCoeEnv
   630         // to avoid fep SimulateKeyEventL adding shift modifiers
   631         CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL(ccpuStart, EEventKey);
   632         }
   634     return response;
   635     }
   637 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleSortKeypressJapaneseL()
   638     {
   639     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   640     if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted())
   641         {
   642         response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   643         }
   644     else if (iMode == EHiragana)
   645         {
   646         response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   647         }
   648     else if (iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse()
   649           && iPreviousSelection)
   650         {
   651         // User wants to select and not to change mode, so not change to input mode
   652         response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   653         iPreviousSelection = EFalse;
   654         }
   655     else
   656         {
   657         CancelHashKeyTimer();
   658         if ( iMode == ELatin && iCaseMan->IsAbleChangeCase())
   659             {
   660             // Input mode is incremented.
   661             iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(iMode);
   662             if (iFepMan.IsQwerty())
   663                 {
   664                 if ( iMode == ELatin )
   665                     {
   666                     iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(ENumber);
   667                     }
   668                 }
   669             }
   670         else if ( iMode == ELatin && !iCaseMan->IsAbleChangeCase() && iFepMan.IsQwerty())
   671             {
   672             // In Qwerty input and not be able to change case mode,
   673             // Number mode must be skipped.
   674             iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(ENumber);
   675             }
   676         else
   677             {
   678             // Input mode is incremented.
   679             iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(iMode);
   680             if ( iMode == ELatin )
   681                 {
   682                 if (iCaseMan->IsAbleChangeCase())
   683                     {
   684                     CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();
   685                     TInt permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
   686                     if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase)
   687                         {
   688                         iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
   689                         iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
   690                         }
   691                     else
   692                         {
   693                         if ( iFepMan.CaseBefore() )
   694                             {
   695                             iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(iFepMan.CaseBefore());
   696                             }
   697                         else if (permittedCases & EAknEditorUpperCase)
   698                             {
   699                             iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
   700                             if ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase))
   701                                 {
   702                                 // We need to move to next input mode since only upper case 
   703                                 // is permitted in Latin input mode.
   704                                 iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   705                                 }
   706                             }
   707                         else
   708                             {
   709                             iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
   710                             iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
   711                             }
   712                         }
   713                     }
   714                 }
   715             }
   716         }
   718     return response;
   719     }
   722 enum
   723 	{
   724 	EHashPredictionBit = 0x01,
   725     EHashTextCaseBit   = 0x02,
   726     EHashUpperCaseBit  = 0x04,
   727     EHashLowerCaseBit  = 0x08,
   728     EHashNumberModeBit = 0x10,    	    	    	
   729     };
   731 enum
   732 	{
   733 	EHashLatinLowerMode = EHashLowerCaseBit,
   734 	EHashLatinUpperMode = EHashUpperCaseBit,
   735 	EHashLatinTextMode  = EHashTextCaseBit,
   736 	EHashPredLowerMode  = EHashLowerCaseBit | EHashPredictionBit,
   737 	EHashPredUpperMode  = EHashUpperCaseBit | EHashPredictionBit,
   738 	EHashPredTextMode   = EHashTextCaseBit | EHashPredictionBit		
   739 	};        	
   741 enum
   742 	{
   743 	EHashIndicMultitapMode,
   744 	EHashIndicPredictiveMode,
   746 	EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode,
   747 	EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode,
   748 #endif 	
   749 	EHashIndicLatinTextMode,
   750 	EHashIndicLatinLowerMode,
   751 	EHashIndicLatinUpperMode,
   752 	EHashNumberMode
   754 	};        
   755 // Here we enumerate possible mode sequences for selection style has key loop. 
   756 // Number mode is handled as a special case. This only consumes 24 bytes.  
   757 const TInt KNumModesInLoop = 4;  
   758 const TUint8 allHashKeyLoops[] = 
   759 	{
   760 	EHashLatinLowerMode, EHashLatinUpperMode, EHashPredLowerMode, EHashPredUpperMode, 
   761 	EHashLatinUpperMode, EHashLatinLowerMode, EHashPredUpperMode, EHashPredLowerMode, 
   762 	EHashLatinTextMode,  EHashLatinLowerMode, EHashPredTextMode,  EHashPredLowerMode,
   763 	EHashPredLowerMode, EHashPredUpperMode, EHashLatinLowerMode, EHashLatinUpperMode,
   764 	EHashPredUpperMode, EHashPredLowerMode, EHashLatinUpperMode, EHashLatinLowerMode,
   765 	EHashPredTextMode,  EHashPredLowerMode, EHashLatinTextMode,  EHashLatinLowerMode
   766 	};
   769 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyWesternSelectionStyleL(TKeyPressLength aLength)    
   770 	{
   771     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   773 	if (aLength == EShortKeyPress)
   774 		{		
   775 		if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted()) 
   776 			{
   777 			if (!iFepMan.IsExtendedFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey))
   778 			    {
   779 			    // Set the flag to indicate its a short press of key event
   780 			    iFepMan.SetExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   781 			    response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   782 			    }
   783             else
   784                 {
   785 			    iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
   786 			    }
   787 			return response;
   788 			}
   790 		if(IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
   791 			{
   792 			return (SetIndicStateL());	
   793 			}   			
   795 		if (!iSelectionLoop)
   796 			{
   797 			TInt index = 0;
   798 			if (iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin))
   799 				{
   800 				index += (3 * KNumModesInLoop);
   801 				}
   803 			switch (iCaseMan->CurrentCase())	
   804 				{
   805 				case EAknEditorUpperCase:
   806 					 index += KNumModesInLoop;
   807 					 break;				
   808 				case EAknEditorTextCase:
   809 					 index += (2 * KNumModesInLoop);
   810 					 break;		
   811 				default:
   812 				     break;						 							 
   813 				}				
   815 			iSelectionLoop = &allHashKeyLoops[index];
   817 			if (iMode == ENumber || iMode == ENativeNumber)				
   818 				{
   819 				iSelectionLoopIndex = -1;
   820 				}
   821 			}
   823 		if (!iFepMan.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges())
   824 			{
   825 			// Jumping by 2 always ignores case change.
   826 			iSelectionLoopIndex += 2;			
   827 			}
   828 		else 
   829 			{
   830 			iSelectionLoopIndex++;
   831 			}
   833 		if (iSelectionLoopIndex >= 0 && (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashPredictionBit) != 0)
   834 			{			
   835 			MPtiLanguage* curLang = iFepMan.PtiEngine()->CurrentLanguage();
   836 			if(!iFepMan.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges())
   837 				{
   838 				MCoeFepAwareTextEditor* edit = iFepMan.FepAwareTextEditor();
   839 			    if(edit && edit->DocumentLengthForFep() > 0)
   840 			        {
   841 			        edit->GetCursorSelectionForFep(iPreviousIndicCursorPosition);
   842 			        }
   844 				}
   845 			if ((curLang && curLang->HasInputMode(EPtiEnginePredictive) == EFalse) ||
   846 			    (iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9))			    			    			
   847 				{						
   848 				// If next one would be prediction, but prediction is not allowed,
   849 				// skip modes.
   850 				iSelectionLoopIndex += 2;				
   851 				}
   852 			}
   854 		if (iSelectionLoopIndex >= KNumModesInLoop)
   855 			{
   856 			iSelectionLoopIndex = -1;
   857 			}
   859 		SetSelectionStyleModeL();			
   861 		response = EKeyWasConsumed;					
   862 		}
   864 	return response;	
   865 	}
   868 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetPreviousSelectionStyleModeL()
   869 	{
   870 	if(IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
   871 		{
   872 		SetIndicPreviousStateL();	
   873 		return;
   874 		}		
   875 	if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted() || !iSelectionLoop)
   876 		{
   877         // iSelectionLoop is not used in Japanese variant,
   878         // so, it keeps previous selection.
   879         if (!iSelectionLoop)
   880             {
   881             iPreviousSelection = ETrue;
   882             }
   883 		return;		
   884 		}
   886 	if (!iFepMan.InputLanguageSupportsCaseChanges())
   887 		{
   888 		// Jumping by 2 always ignores case change.
   889 		iSelectionLoopIndex -= 2;			
   890 		if (iSelectionLoopIndex >= 0 && 
   891 	       (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashPredictionBit) == 0 )
   892 			{
   894 			MCoeFepAwareTextEditor* edit = iFepMan.FepAwareTextEditor();
   895 		    if(edit && edit->DocumentLengthForFep() > 0)
   896 		        {
   897 		        edit->SetCursorSelectionForFepL(iPreviousIndicCursorPosition);
   898 		        }
   899 			}
   900 		}
   901 	else 
   902 		{
   903 		iSelectionLoopIndex--;
   904 		}		
   906 	if (iSelectionLoopIndex >= 0 && 
   907 	    (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashPredictionBit) != 0 &&
   908 		(iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9))			
   909 		{
   910 		// If next one would be prediction, but prediction is not allowed,
   911 		// skip modes.
   912 		iSelectionLoopIndex -= 2;				
   913 		}
   915 	if (iSelectionLoopIndex < -1)
   916 		{
   917 		// Jump over to the end of list
   918 		iSelectionLoopIndex = KNumModesInLoop - 1;	
   919 		}
   921 	SetSelectionStyleModeL();		
   922 	}
   926 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetSelectionStyleModeL()
   927 	{
   928 	TBool wasPredictive = iFepMan.WesternPredictive();
   929 	TBool willBePredictive = EFalse;
   931 	if (iSelectionLoopIndex == -1)	
   932 		{
   933 		// Set number mode.
   934 		if( iFepMan.IsSupportNativeNumber())
   935 		    {
   936 		    iFepMan.TryChangeModeL( ENativeNumber );
   937 		    }
   938 		else
   939 		    {
   940 		    iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ENumber);
   941 		    }
   942 		}
   943 	else
   944 		{		
   945 		willBePredictive = (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashPredictionBit) != 0;		
   946 		iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(willBePredictive);
   947 		if (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashLowerCaseBit)	
   948 			{
   949          	iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase, ETrue);			
   950 			}									
   951 		else if (iSelectionLoop[iSelectionLoopIndex] & EHashUpperCaseBit)			
   952 			{	
   953 			// Let case manager to decide whether we use text case or
   954 			// upper case.
   955 			CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();
   956     		TInt permittedCases = EAknEditorAllCaseModes;
   957     		if(editorState)
   958     			permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
   959     		if (!(permittedCases&EAknEditorTextCase ) || 
   960               iCaseMan->CapsLockRequired(EAknEditorLowerCase))    		
   961     			{    			    			
   962 	   	        iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase, ETrue);			    			    			
   963     			}
   964 			else
   965 				{
   966 	       	    iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase, ETrue);							
   967 				}    						
   968 			}
   969 		else
   970 			{
   971        	    iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase, ETrue);						
   972 			} 
   973 		iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);	
   974 		if (!(wasPredictive && willBePredictive))
   975 			{
   976 			// Do not do this if this is just case change inside predictive mode,
   977 			// otherwise active word will be committed.
   978 			iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStataCommitPredictiveWord);
   979 			iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);  									
   980 			}
   981 		iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);		
   982 		}			
   983 	}
   984 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::UpdateCaseForIndicHashLoop()	
   985 	{
   986 	switch (iCaseMan->CurrentCase())	
   987 		{
   988 		case EAknEditorUpperCase:
   989 			 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinUpperMode;
   990 			 break;				
   991 		case EAknEditorTextCase:
   992 			 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinTextMode;
   993 			 break;	
   994 		case EAknEditorLowerCase:
   995 			 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;
   996 			 break;	
   997 		default:
   998 		     break;						 							 
   999 		}	
  1000 	}
  1003 TBool CAknFepHashKeyManager::IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired()
  1004 	{
  1005 	if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsIndicLangauge(iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface())
  1007 	   || TAknFepUiIndicInputManager :: IsIndicPhoneticLanguage(
  1008              iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface())
  1009 #endif	   
  1010 	   )
  1011 		{
  1012 		CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();
  1013 		if (editorState && !(editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagLatinInputModesOnly))
  1014 			{
  1015 			return ETrue;
  1016 			}
  1017 		}
  1018 	return EFalse;	
  1019 	}
  1022 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetIndicPreviousStateL()
  1023 	{
  1024 	TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1025 	if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted()) 
  1026 		{
  1027 		return response;
  1028 		}
  1029 	switch(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)
  1030 		{
  1031 		case EHashIndicMultitapMode:
  1032 		case EHashIndicPredictiveMode:	// fall through
  1033 				if(iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode)
  1034     				{
  1035 			 		if(iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
  1036     					{
  1037     					iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashNumberMode;
  1038     					}
  1039     				else
  1040     					{
  1041 						iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(ELangEnglish);
  1042     					if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)	// if hindi predictive is on, turn off for english
  1043 					 		{
  1044 					 		iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1045 					 		iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);		        	
  1046 					 		}
  1047     					UpdateCaseForIndicHashLoop();
  1048     					}
  1049     				}
  1050     			else
  1051     				{
  1052 				    // Reverts predictive text settings change made with short key press.
  1053 					if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)	// Meaning predictive state	
  1054 			    		{
  1055 						iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicMultitapMode;	// change to multitap
  1056 						MCoeFepAwareTextEditor* edit = iFepMan.FepAwareTextEditor();
  1057 					    if(edit && edit->DocumentLengthForFep() > 0)
  1058 					        {
  1059 					        edit->SetCursorSelectionForFepL(iPreviousIndicCursorPosition);
  1060 					        }
  1061 			    		}
  1062 			    	else
  1063 			    		{
  1064 						iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPredictiveMode;	// change to predictive
  1065 			    		}
  1066     				}
  1067 			break;
  1068 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT				
  1069 		case EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode:
  1070 		case EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode:
  1071 			if(iFepMan.WasLastKeyPressAHashKey())
  1072 	    		{
  1073             	iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(ELangEnglish);
  1074 	 		 	iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1075 	 		 	iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
  1076             	iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = ETrue;
  1077 	    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;
  1078 	    		}
  1079 		    else
  1080 		    	{
  1081 		    	if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode)
  1082 		    		{
  1083 		    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode;		
  1084 		    		}
  1085 		    	else if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode)
  1086 		    		{
  1087 		    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode;				
  1088 		    		}
  1089 		    	}
  1090 			break;
  1091 #endif				
  1092 		case EHashIndicLatinTextMode:	// Text Case
  1093 		case EHashIndicLatinUpperMode: // Upper Case
  1094 		case EHashIndicLatinLowerMode: // Lower Case
  1095 			   	if(iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode)
  1096 	    			{
  1097 		            iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface());
  1098 	    			iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = iIndicPredictiveState;	
  1099 	    			}
  1100     			else
  1101 	    			{
  1102 					if (iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicLatinLowerMode)
  1103 						{
  1104 						iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinUpperMode;
  1105 						}
  1106 					else
  1107 						{
  1108 						iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;	
  1109 						}
  1110 					iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
  1111 		    	    if(iCaseMan->CurrentCase() == EAknEditorTextCase)	
  1112 	                    {
  1113 	                    iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinTextMode;
  1114 	                    }
  1115 	                else
  1116 	                    {
  1117 	                    iCaseMan->RevertCaseChange();
  1118 	                    } 	
  1119 	    			}
  1120 				break;
  1122 		case EHashNumberMode:
  1123 			if(iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
  1124 				{
  1125 				iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(ELangEnglish);
  1126 		 		iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1127 		 		iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);		        	
  1128 				UpdateCaseForIndicHashLoop();		
  1129 				}
  1130 			break;		
  1131 		}
  1132 		SetIndicSelectionStateL();
  1133 		return EKeyWasConsumed;	
  1134 	}
  1136 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::ResetIndicHashKeyStateL()
  1137 	{
  1138 	if(IsIndicHashKeyStyleRequired())
  1139 		{
  1140 		TInt editorMode = iFepMan.EditorState()->CurrentInputMode();
  1141 		if(editorMode == EAknEditorNumericInputMode)
  1142 			{
  1143 			 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashNumberMode;
  1144 			}
  1145 		else
  1146 			{
  1147 			MPtiLanguage* curLang = iFepMan.PtiEngine()->CurrentLanguage();
  1148 			if(curLang && curLang->LanguageCode()!=ELangEnglish )
  1149 				{
  1150 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT					
  1151 				if(iFepMan.IsIndicPhoneticInputLanguage())
  1152 		    	 	{
  1153 		    	 	if(iCaseMan->CurrentCase() == EAknEditorUpperCase)
  1154 		    	 		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode;
  1155 		    	 	else
  1156 		    	 		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode;
  1157 		    	 	}
  1158 		    	 else
  1159 	    	 		{
  1160 #endif	    	 		
  1161     			iIndicPredictiveState = iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin);
  1162 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT		    	 		
  1163 	    	 		}	
  1164 #endif	    	 		
  1165 				}
  1166 			else
  1167 				{
  1168 				UpdateCaseForIndicHashLoop();	
  1169 				}		
  1170 			}
  1171 		}
  1172 	}
  1174 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetIndicStateL()
  1175 	{
  1176 	TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1178 	if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted()) 
  1179 		{
  1180 		return response;
  1181 		}
  1183 	iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = EFalse;
  1184     if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == -1)	
  1185     	{
  1186     	iIndicPredictiveState = iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = 
  1187         	    (iFepMan.WesternPredictive(ELatin) && 
  1188     	        (!( iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9)));
  1189     	// Cannot be done in constructor as FepMan is not completely initialized
  1190     	}
  1192 	switch(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)
  1193 		{
  1194 		case EHashIndicMultitapMode:
  1195 		case EHashIndicPredictiveMode:	//fall through
  1197 		    		iIndicPredictiveState = iIndicSelectionLoopIndex; // 0 for multitap and 1 for predictive	
  1198 					if(iFepMan.WasLastKeyPressAHashKey() || 
  1199 					    ( iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9))
  1200 			    		{
  1201 		            	//iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(ELangEnglish);
  1202 			 		 	iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1203 			 		 	iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
  1204 		            	iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = ETrue;
  1205 			    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;
  1206 			    		iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
  1207 			    	    if(iCaseMan->CurrentCase() == EAknEditorTextCase)	
  1208 		                    {
  1209 		                    iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinTextMode;
  1210 		                    }
  1211 		                else
  1212 		                    {
  1213 		                        iCaseMan->RevertCaseChange();
  1214 		                    }    
  1215 			    		}
  1216 				    else
  1217 				    	{
  1218 				    	if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)	// Meaning predictive state	
  1219 				    		{
  1220 							iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicMultitapMode;	// change to multitap
  1221 				    		}
  1222 				    	else
  1223 				    		{
  1224 							if(!( iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9))
  1225 							    {
  1226 							    iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPredictiveMode;	// change to predictive
  1227 							    MCoeFepAwareTextEditor* edit = iFepMan.FepAwareTextEditor();
  1228 						        if(edit && edit->DocumentLengthForFep() > 0)
  1229 						            {
  1230 						            edit->GetCursorSelectionForFep(iPreviousIndicCursorPosition);
  1231 						            }
  1232 						        }
  1233 				    		}		
  1234 				    	}
  1235 			break;
  1236 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT				
  1237 		case EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode:
  1238 		case EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode:
  1239 			if(iFepMan.WasLastKeyPressAHashKey())
  1240 	    		{
  1241             	//iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(ELangEnglish);
  1242 	 		 	iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1243 	 		 	iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);
  1244             	iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = ETrue;
  1245 	    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;
  1246 	    		}
  1247 		    else
  1248 		    	{
  1249 		    	if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode)
  1250 		    		{
  1251 		    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode;		
  1252 		    		}
  1253 		    	else if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode)
  1254 		    		{
  1255 		    		iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode;				
  1256 		    		}
  1257 		    	}
  1258 			break;
  1259 #endif			
  1260 		case EHashIndicLatinTextMode:	// Text Case
  1261 		case EHashIndicLatinLowerMode: // Lower Case
  1262 		case EHashIndicLatinUpperMode: // Upper Case
  1263 				if(iFepMan.WasLastKeyPressAHashKey())
  1264 					{
  1265 					//iFepMan.ChangeInputLanguageL(iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface());
  1266 			        iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = ETrue;
  1267 					if(iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
  1268 						{
  1269 						iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashNumberMode;		// change to number
  1270 						}
  1271 					else
  1272 						{
  1273 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT						
  1274 						if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager :: IsIndicPhoneticLanguage(
  1275 						      iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface()))
  1276 							{
  1277 							iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode;	
  1278 							}
  1279 						else
  1280 							{
  1281 #endif							
  1282 							iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = iIndicPredictiveState; // change to hindi [multitap or predictive based on previous setting]	
  1284 							}
  1285 #endif							
  1286 						}	
  1287 					}
  1288 				else
  1289 					{
  1290 					switch (iCaseMan->CurrentCase())	
  1291 							{
  1292 							case EAknEditorUpperCase:
  1293 							case EAknEditorTextCase:	//fall through
  1294 								 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinLowerMode;
  1295 								 break;	
  1296 							case EAknEditorLowerCase:
  1297 								 iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicLatinUpperMode;
  1298 								 break;	
  1299 							default:
  1300 							     break;						 							 
  1301 							}	
  1302 					}
  1303 				break;
  1305 		case EHashNumberMode:
  1306 			if(iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
  1307 				{
  1308 			    iLanguageChangedOrChangeFromNumberMode = ETrue;
  1309 #ifdef RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT				    
  1310 			    if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager :: IsIndicPhoneticLanguage(
  1311 			          iFepMan.GetInputLanguageFromSharedDataInterface()))
  1312 			    	{
  1313 			    	iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode;
  1314 			    	iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ELatin);	
  1315 			    	}
  1316 				else
  1317 					{
  1318 #endif 					
  1319 					iIndicSelectionLoopIndex = iIndicPredictiveState; // change to hindi [multitap or predictive based on previous setting]
  1321 					}
  1322 #endif			
  1323 				}
  1324 			break;
  1326 		default:
  1327 				break;
  1328 		}
  1330 		SetIndicSelectionStateL();
  1331 		return EKeyWasConsumed;	
  1332 	}
  1337 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::SetIndicSelectionStateL()
  1338 	{
  1339 	switch(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex)
  1340 		{
  1342 		case EHashIndicMultitapMode:
  1343 			{
  1344 		 	 iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1345 		 	 iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(EHindi);
  1346 			}
  1347  			 break;	
  1349 		case EHashIndicPredictiveMode:
  1350 			 if(!( iFepMan.EditorState()->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagNoT9)) // make sure predictive is supported for editor
  1351 			 	{
  1352 			 	iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(ETrue);
  1353  			 	iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(EHindi);
  1354 			 	}
  1355  			 break;
  1357 		case EHashIndicPhoneticLowerMode: 
  1358 			 iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase, ETrue);
  1359 			break;
  1361  		case EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode:
  1362 	  		 iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase, ETrue);
  1363 	  		break;
  1364 #endif	  			
  1365 		case EHashIndicLatinTextMode:
  1366 			 iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase, ETrue);
  1367 			 break;
  1369 		case EHashIndicLatinUpperMode:
  1370 			 iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase, ETrue);
  1371 			 break;
  1373 		case EHashIndicLatinLowerMode:
  1374 			 iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase, ETrue);
  1375 			 break;	
  1377 		case EHashNumberMode:
  1378 		     if( iFepMan.IsSupportNativeNumber())
  1379 		        {
  1380 		        iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ENativeNumber);
  1381 		        }
  1382 		     else
  1383 		        {
  1384 		        iFepMan.TryChangeModeL(ENumber);
  1385 		        }
  1386 			 break;
  1387 		default:
  1388 			 break;
  1389 		}
  1390 	}	
  1392 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::ResetPreviousSelectionStyleMode()
  1393     {
  1394     iPreviousSelection = EFalse;
  1395     }
  1397 void CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleSetIndicStateL()	
  1398 	{
  1399 	//calling SetIndicStateL only if currently it is in upper mode
  1400 	if(iIndicSelectionLoopIndex == EHashIndicPhoneticUpperMode)
  1401 	   SetIndicStateL();
  1402 	}
  1403 #endif
  1405 TKeyResponse CAknFepHashKeyManager::HandleKeyWesternWithKoreanL(TKeyPressLength aLength)
  1406     {
  1407     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1409     if(iMode == ELatin)
  1410     	{
  1411         iFepMan.SetWesternPredictive(EFalse);
  1412         }
  1414     if (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted())
  1415         {
  1416         if (aLength == ELongKeyPress)
  1417             {
  1418 		    TText prevCh = iFepMan.PreviousChar();
  1419 		    if (prevCh == '#')
  1420 		    	{
  1421 				iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();		    	
  1422 		    	}
  1424             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
  1425             }
  1426         //else let the FEP Man put special chars into the editor
  1427         }
  1428     else
  1429         {
  1430         if (aLength == EShortKeyPress)
  1431             {
  1432 		if (iMode == ENumber)
  1433     			{
  1434     			response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1435     			return response; 
  1436 				}   
  1437             }
  1438         else // Long keypress
  1439             {             
  1440   			if (iMode == ENumber)
  1441                 {
  1442                 iLastModeNumber = ETrue;
  1444                	TText prevCh = iFepMan.PreviousChar();
  1445 		    	if (prevCh == '#')
  1446 		    		{
  1447 					iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();		    	
  1448 		    		}                
  1449                 }
  1450             else
  1451                 {
  1452                 iLastModeNumber = EFalse;
  1453                 }
  1455             CAknEdwinState* editorState = iFepMan.EditorState();                    
  1456             TInt permittedCases = editorState->PermittedCases();
  1457             permittedCases = permittedCases == 0 ? 
  1458                 EAknEditorLowerCase | EAknEditorUpperCase : permittedCases;
  1459             if ( iMode == ELatin && (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase))
  1460                 {
  1461                 // Latin case update is changed back to automatic if latin 
  1462                 // text case is allowed and the case is changed manually from #-key.
  1463                 iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);
  1464                 }
  1465             TInt currentCase = iCaseMan->CurrentCase();
  1467             // Is current latin case last available case.
  1468             TBool lastCase = ( ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase) && 
  1469                   (( currentCase == EAknEditorLowerCase) ||
  1470                    ( currentCase == EAknEditorUpperCase && 
  1471                    !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase)) ) ||
  1472                 ( editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase) ) ||
  1473                 ( editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagForceTransparentFepModes) );
  1475             if (iMode == ELatin && 
  1476                 !iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode) &&
  1477                 !lastCase )
  1478                 {
  1479                 // Input mode is still Latin. Only case is updated.
  1480                 if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase) 
  1481                     {
  1482                     iCaseMan->ManualCaseUpdate();
  1483                     }
  1484                 else
  1485                     {
  1486                     iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
  1487                     }
  1489                 // Next time input mode is changed if any text is not entered before.
  1490                 iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1491                 }
  1492             else
  1493                 {
  1494                 // Do not change mode, if text selection is ongoing. 
  1495                 if(!iFepMan.IsCcpuFlagSet(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateEdwinInSelectionMode))
  1496                 	{ 
  1497 	               	// Input mode is incremented.
  1498 	               	iFepMan.TryIncrementModeL(iMode);
  1501 	                iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1503 	                if (iMode == ELatin) // New mode after Increment.
  1504 	                    {
  1505 	                    if (editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagFixedCase) 
  1506 	                        {
  1507 	                        // Only one fixed case is available. Use it.
  1508 	                        iCaseMan->ConfigureCaseStateFromEditorState();
  1509 	                        iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1510 	                        }
  1511 	                    else if (editorState->Flags() & EAknEditorFlagForceTransparentFepModes) 
  1512 	                        {
  1513 	                        // Only lower case is used with find pane.
  1514 	                        iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
  1515 	                        iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagSupressAutoUpdate);
  1516 	                        iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1517 	                        }
  1518 	                    else if (permittedCases & EAknEditorTextCase)
  1519 	                        {
  1520 	                        iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorTextCase);
  1521 	                        iCaseMan->UpdateCase(ENullNaviEvent);
  1522 	                        }
  1523 	                    else
  1524 	                        {
  1525 	                        if (permittedCases & EAknEditorUpperCase)
  1526 	                            {
  1527 	                            iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorUpperCase);
  1528 	                            if ( !(permittedCases & EAknEditorLowerCase))
  1529 	                                {
  1530 	                                // We need to move to next input mode since only upper case 
  1531 	                                // is permitted in Latin input mode.
  1532 	                                iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1533 	                                }
  1534 	                            }
  1535 	                        else
  1536 	                            {
  1537 	                            iCaseMan->SetCurrentCase(EAknEditorLowerCase);
  1538 	                            iFepMan.SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagChangeInputMode);
  1539 	                            }
  1540 	                        }
  1541 	                    }
  1542                     }
  1543                 }			
  1544             }
  1545         response = EKeyWasConsumed;
  1546         }
  1547     return response;
  1548     }
  1549 // End of File