changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 19 5e18d8c489d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:            Provides the TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap methods.
    15 *
    16 */
    28 #include "AknFepUIInputStateInitialIndicMultitap.h"
    29 #include "AknFepUIManagerStateInterface.h"      //MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
    30 #include "AknFepUiManagerWestern.h"
    31 #include "AknFepUiIndicEnums.h"
    32 #include "AknFepCaseManager.h"
    33 #include "AknFepUiIndicInputManager.h"
    35 #include <uikon.hrh>
    36 #include <PtiEngine.h>
    37 #include <PtiDefs.h>
    38 #include <aknSctDialog.h>
    39 #include <avkon.rsg>
    40 #include <AknFep.rsg>
    41 #include <eikenv.h>
    43 #define PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( A, B ) \
    44 		( A )->ClearCurrentWord(); \
    45 		( B ) = ETrue; \
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap
    51 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    52 // might leave or if it is absolutely necessary then MUST be trapped.
    53 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::
    56 TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap( MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface* aOwner,
    57 																			TLanguage aLanguage )
    58 																			:TAknFepInputStateInitialMultitapBase( aOwner )
    59     {
    60     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
    61     iIsStarKeyPressed = EFalse;
    62     iIsKeyTimerExpired = ETrue;
    63     iIndicLanguage = aLanguage;
    64     iIsHalantAllowed = EFalse;
    65     iZWSPresent = EFalse;
    66     iRephaPresent = EFalse;
    67     iRakarPresent = EFalse;
    68     iResponseInsertZWS = EFalse;
    69     iLigaturePresent = EFalse;
    70 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
    71 	iPreviousCommittedChar 		= 0;
    72 	iEyeLashRaPresent 	        = EFalse;
    73 	iChandraAPresent 	        = EFalse;
    74 #endif // RD_MARATHI
    75     TRAP_IGNORE( ptiengine->ActivateLanguageL( aLanguage ) )
    76     ptiengine->SetCase( EPtiCaseLower );
    77     }
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::HandleKeyL
    82 // Handles the logic of Indic multitap input. This function first checks the validity
    83 // of the inputed text and then enters it.
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::HandleKeyL( TInt aKey, TKeyPressLength aLength )
    87 	{
    88 	TBool                      result       	= ETrue;
    89 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan       	= iOwner->FepMan();
    90 	CPtiEngine* 			   ptiengine 		= iOwner->PtiEngine();
    92 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
    93 	if( iIsKeyTimerExpired )
    94 		{
    95 		iPreviousCommittedChar = fepMan->PreviousChar( ETrue );
    97 		if( iIndicLanguage == ELangMarathi )
    98 			{
    99 			HandleKeyMarathiL();
   100 			}
   101 		}
   102 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   104 	if(aKey == EPtiKey1)
   105 		{
   106 		iKey1Pressed = ETrue;	
   107 		}
   108 	else 
   109 		{
   110 		iKey1Pressed = EFalse;	
   111 		}	
   112 	if ( iData && ( iData != aKey ) )
   113     	{
   114 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   115         iPreviousCommittedChar = fepMan->PreviousChar( ETrue );
   117         if( iPreviousCommittedChar == ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE &&
   118             aKey == EPtiKey2 )
   119             {
   120             // This is a scenario where the timer is forcefully
   121             // expired by quickly pressing a different key.
   122             // Should remove the ZWS from the editor.
   123             fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();
   124             iZWSPresent = EFalse;
   126             // Reset the previous committed character.
   127             iPreviousCommittedChar = fepMan->PreviousChar( ETrue );
   128             }
   130 		if( iIndicLanguage == ELangMarathi )
   131 		    {
   132 		    HandleKeyMarathiL();
   133 		    }
   134 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   136 	    fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   137 	    PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( ptiengine, iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   139 	    if( iRephaPresent )
   140 	    	{
   141 	    	fepMan->AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL( TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading, EFalse );
   142 	    	iRephaPresent = EFalse;
   143 	    	}
   144 	    if( iRakarPresent )
   145 	    	{
   146 	    	iRakarPresent = EFalse;
   147 	    	}
   149 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   150         // This check should be done only after the text is committed.
   151 	    if( iEyeLashRaPresent )
   152             {
   153             // Calls the overloaded method which used find doc pos.
   154             // Reason: Unlike Repha, EyeLash Ra can be inserted in
   155             // an empty editor. GetNextVisualCursorPosition would
   156             // result in incorrect cursor alignment in this case.
   157             fepMan->AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL();
   158             iEyeLashRaPresent = EFalse;
   159             }
   160 #endif
   162    		}
   164 	if ( aLength == EShortKeyPress )
   165 		{
   166 	    if ( aKey == EPtiKeyStar ) // Overriding Key
   167             {
   168             iIsStarKeyPressed = ETrue;
   169             fepMan->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed, EFalse, EFalse, iLigaturePresent );	
   170     		}
   171 		else
   172 			{
   173 			TPtiTextCase newCase = ptiengine->Case();
   175 			TIndicInputResponse keyResponse = 
   176 				TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::ValidateInput( aKey,
   177 														fepMan->PreviousChar( ETrue ),
   178 														NULL,NULL,
   179 														iIsHalantAllowed,
   180 														iIsStarKeyPressed,
   181 														iIsKeyTimerExpired,
   182 														newCase,
   183 														aLength,
   184 														iIndicLanguage
   185 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   186 														, EFalse, EFalse, iChandraAPresent
   188 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   189 														 );
   191 			ptiengine->SetCase( newCase );
   192 			TPtrC ptiText = ptiengine->AppendKeyPress( ( TPtiKey )aKey );
   194 			if ( ptiText.Length() )
   195 				{
   196 				do
   197 					{
   198 					TText prChar;
   199 					// For Repha, use the Previous to Previous character
   200 					// only if multitap timer hasn't expired. This will
   201 					// handle cases like Matra attached to the consonant.
   202 					// Here, repha is not allowed and the character to 
   203 					// to checked is Matra. In cases like a consonant with
   204 					// Virama, all the characters should be skipped including
   205 					// repha. In this this case the timer is set to expired.
   206 					// So the previous character is Virama. And as per the 
   207 					// language rules, repha is not allowed after Virama.
   208 					if( TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharRepha( 
   209 						ptiText[0], iIndicLanguage ) && !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   210 						{
   211 						prChar = fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar( ETrue );
   212 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   213                         prChar = iPreviousCommittedChar;
   214 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   215 						}
   216 					else
   217 						{
   218 						prChar = fepMan->PreviousChar( ETrue );
   219 						}
   221 					// When a base consonant is already entered and the
   222 					// user starts multitapping, the second modifier in the
   223 					// key map will not be allowed if the previous character 
   224 					// is considered. The base consonant has to be used
   225 					// instead. This change had to be added after the new
   226 					// function, IsModifierAllowed was added.
   227 					if( TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharModifier(
   228 						ptiText[0], iIndicLanguage ) && !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   229 						{
   230 						prChar = fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar( ETrue );
   231 						}
   233 					if( TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharLigature( 
   234 						ptiText[0], iIndicLanguage ) && !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   235 						{
   236 						if( fepMan->IsZWSCharacterPresent( ETrue ) )
   237 							{
   238 							iZWSPresent = ETrue;
   239 							}
   240 						iLigaturePresent = ETrue;
   241 						prChar = fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar( ETrue );
   242 						}
   243 					else
   244 						{
   245 						iLigaturePresent = EFalse;
   246 						}
   248 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   250 					// While multitapping after inserting a base consonant,
   251 					// modifiers will get inserted first, followed by the
   252 					// Nukta character. Hence, use Prev to prev char which 
   253 					// will be a base consonant.
   254 					if( TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(
   255 						ptiText[0], iIndicLanguage ) && !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   256 						{
   257 						prChar = fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar( ETrue );
   258 						}
   259 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   261 					keyResponse = 
   262 						TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::ValidateInput( aKey,
   263         														prChar,
   264 																ptiText[0],
   265         														NULL,
   266         														iIsHalantAllowed,
   267         														iIsStarKeyPressed,
   268 																iIsKeyTimerExpired,
   269 																newCase,
   270 																aLength,
   271         														iIndicLanguage,
   272         														iRakarPresent,
   273         														iZWSPresent
   274 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   275 										  						, iChandraAPresent 
   276 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   277         														 );	
   279 					if( !IsFreeSpaceAvailable( keyResponse ) )
   280 						{
   281 						keyResponse = EIndicInputResponseInvalid;
   282 						}
   284 					if( keyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInvalid )
   285 						{
   286 						ptiText.Set( ptiengine->AppendKeyPress( ( TPtiKey )aKey ) );
   287 						}
   289 					if( !ptiText.Length() )
   290 						{
   291 						break;
   292 						}
   294 					}while( keyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInvalid );
   296 				if( iIsStarKeyPressed && 
   297 					aKey == EPtiKey0 && 
   298 					TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharOther( 
   299 						ptiText[0], iIndicLanguage ) )
   300 					{
   301 					// Forcefully keep the star key flag to true. Else when
   302 					// the ligatures are entered, this flag will be false 
   303 					// thus preventing the ligature formation.
   304 					iIsStarKeyPressed = ETrue;
   305 					}
   306 				else
   307 					{
   308 					iIsStarKeyPressed = EFalse;
   309 					}
   311 				result = HandleIndicKeyResponseL( aKey, keyResponse, ptiText );
   312 				}
   313 			}
   314 		}
   315    	else
   316     	{
   317         /* Long press of a Key */
   318         if ( aKey == EPtiKeyStar )
   319 	        {
   320             /* Launch the SCT For Indic */
   321    			if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace() )
   322 				{
   323 				if (fepMan->IsAbleToLaunchSCT() && !fepMan->EditSubmenuInUse())
   324         			{
   325 	            	fepMan->LaunchSpecialCharacterTableL();	
   326 	            	}
   327 				}
   328 		    }
   329         else
   330 	        {
   331 	        TUint prevchar = fepMan->PreviousChar(ETrue);
   332             if(!((aKey == EPtiKey1) && ((0x0031 == prevchar) || (0x0967 == prevchar)) ))
   333 		        {
   334 		        TChar ch( aKey );
   335 		        TBuf<1> buf;
   336 		        buf.Append( ch );
   337 		        fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( buf, EIndicInputResponseNumber );
   338 		        fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();			
   339 		        PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( ptiengine, iIsKeyTimerExpired )				
   340 				}
   341 	        }
   342     	}
   343     iData = aKey;
   344     return( result );
   345 	}
   347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::KeyTimerExpired
   350 // Handles the logic of post keytimerexpired event. This function commits 
   351 // the inline editing text to the editor.
   352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::KeyTimerExpired()
   355 	{
   356 	iIsKeyTimerExpired = ETrue;
   358 	if( iRakarPresent )
   359 		{
   360 		iRakarPresent = EFalse;
   361 		}
   363 	if( iRephaPresent 
   364 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   365 	|| ( iEyeLashRaPresent && 
   366 			TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::
   367 				IsCharBaseConsonant( iOwner->FepMan()->NextChar(), 
   368 									iIndicLanguage ) )
   369 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   370 	    )
   371 		{
   372 		TRAP_IGNORE( iOwner->FepMan()->AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL( TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading, EFalse ) )
   373 		iRephaPresent = EFalse;
   374 		}
   376 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   377 		iEyeLashRaPresent = EFalse;
   378 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   380 	if( iResponseInsertZWS || iZWSPresent )
   381 		{
   382 		iZWSPresent = EFalse;
   383 		iResponseInsertZWS = EFalse;
   384 		TRAP_IGNORE( iOwner->FepMan()->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed, EFalse, 
   385                                                         EFalse, iLigaturePresent ) )
   386 		}
   387 	iLigaturePresent = EFalse;
   389 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   390 	iChandraAPresent = EFalse;
   391 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   393 	TAknFepInputStateInitialMultitapBase::KeyTimerExpired();
   394 	}
   396 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::
   397     HandleIndicKeyResponseL( TInt aKey, TIndicInputResponse aKeyResponse, TPtrC aPtiText )
   398     {
   399     TBool result = ETrue;
   400     MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   402     switch( aKeyResponse )
   403         {
   404         case EIndicInputResponseNone:
   405         	{
   406         	if ( aPtiText.Length() && ( !iIsKeyTimerExpired || fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace() ) )
   407         		{
   408             	if ( iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   409             		{
   410             		if ( iZWSPresent )
   411             			{
   412             			fepMan->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed,EFalse, 
   413                         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharModifier(aPtiText[0], iIndicLanguage));
   414             			iZWSPresent = EFalse;
   415             			}
   417             		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseNone );
   419             		if ( fepMan->IsZWSCharacterPresent() )
   420             			{
   421             			iZWSPresent = ETrue;
   422             			}
   423             		}
   424             	else
   425             		{
   426             		if ( aKey == EPtiKey1 )
   427             			{
   428             			if( iRephaPresent )
   429             				{
   430             				fepMan->RemoveRephaCharacterL();
   431             				iRephaPresent = EFalse;
   432             				}
   433             			if( iZWSPresent )
   434             				{						    				
   435             				fepMan->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed, ETrue );
   436             				iZWSPresent = EFalse;
   437             				}
   438         				if( iRakarPresent )
   439             				{
   440             				// This is to handle the case when only
   441             				// two spaces are left in the editor.
   442             				fepMan->RemoveRakarCharacterL();
   443             				iRakarPresent = EFalse;
   444             				}
   445 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   446             			iEyeLashRaPresent = EFalse;
   447 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   448             			}
   449             		else if( aKey == EPtiKey2 )
   450             			{
   451 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   452                         iChandraAPresent = EFalse;
   453 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   454             			}
   455             		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseNone );
   456         			}
   457         		}
   458         	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;	
   459         	}
   460         	break;
   462         case EIndicInputResponseZWSandCharacter:
   463         	{
   464         	if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace( 2 ) )
   465         		{
   466         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseZWSandCharacter );
   467               	iZWSPresent = ETrue;
   468               	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;
   469         		}
   470         	}
   471         	break;
   472         case EIndicInputResponseInsertZWS: 
   473         	{
   474         	//Already in multitapping so we need to check wheather 
   475         	//there is additional single space for ZWS
   476         	if( !iIsKeyTimerExpired || fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace( 1 ) ) 
   477         		{
   478                 fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertZWS );
   480         		// Using a seperate flag here. Cannot use the flag
   481         		// iZWSPresent. Consider the scenario:- User enters 
   482         		// a consonant, then multitaps key-1 to insert halant.
   483         		// Now consider that we set the flag to ETrue.
   484         		// But before the key timer expires, key-5 is 
   485         		// multitapped to insert another consonant.
   486         		// In this case the code flow will go to the case
   487         		// EIndicInputResponseNone. Here the condition, 
   488         		// if ( iZWSPresent ) succeeds and ZWS is removed.
   489         		// This causes direct ligature formation. It should
   490         		// actually show the ligature formation after the timeout.
   491         		iResponseInsertZWS = ETrue;
   492         		}
   493         	else // Remove already entered Modifier "Visarga" if there is no space
   494         		{
   495         		fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();	
   496         		}
   497         	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;		
   498         	}
   499         	break;
   500         case EIndicInputResponseInsertZWSandLigature:
   501         	{
   502         	if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace( 3 )  )
   503         		{
   504         		if ( iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   505             		{
   506         			fepMan->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed );
   507         			}
   508         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertZWSandLigature );
   509                	}
   510         	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;
   511         	iZWSPresent = ETrue;	
   512         	}
   513         	break;
   514         case EIndicInputResponseIgnore:	
   515         	break;
   517         case EIndicInputResponseInsertRepha:
   518         	{
   519         	if( !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   520         		{
   521         		if( iRakarPresent )
   522         			{
   523         			fepMan->RemoveRakarCharacterL();
   524         			iRakarPresent = EFalse;
   525         			}
   526 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   527         		else if( iEyeLashRaPresent )
   528         			{
   529         			// Remove eye lash ra
   530         			TBuf<3>buf;
   532         			// Get the EyeLashRa string.
   533         			TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::
   534         					GetEyeLashRa( buf, iIndicLanguage );
   536         			fepMan->RemoveTextFromEditorL( buf.Length(), 0, ETrue );
   537         			iEyeLashRaPresent = EFalse;
   538         			}
   539 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   540         		else if( TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharMatra( 
   541                              fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar( ETrue ), iIndicLanguage ) )
   542         			{
   543         			// Consider that a matra is applied to any base 
   544         			// consonant and two nore spaces are left in the editor.
   545         			// On multitapping, user will get the first four modifiers.
   546         			// After that, rakar should be inserted which requires two
   547         			// spaces. But since the modifier is present, only one
   548         			// space is available. Here we need to free up the space 
   549         			// by removing the previous character which is a modifier.
   550         			// For inserting repha, the existing inline text needs to
   551         			// be first committed and then removed.
   553         			fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();
   554         			}
   556         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertRepha );
   557         		iRephaPresent = ETrue;
   558         		}
   559         	}
   560         	break;
   562         case EIndicInputResponseInsertRakar:
   563         	{
   564         	if( !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   565         		{
   566         		// RemoveZWS is not invoked here as we are in inline 
   567         		// editing state and we can as well overwrite the previous
   568         		// characters. Hence directly invoke NewCharacterSequenceL.
   569         		// Secondly, the flag iZWSPresent is not reset here since
   570         		// it will happen anyways after timeout.
   572         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertRakar );
   573         		iRakarPresent = ETrue;
   575 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   576         		// This check assumes that Rakar comes after EyelashRa in 
   577         		// Key map order.
   578         		iEyeLashRaPresent = EFalse;
   579 #endif
   580         		}
   581         	}
   582         	break;
   584         case EIndicInputResponseInsertDirectLigature:
   585         	{
   586         	if( !iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   587         		{
   588         		TBuf<3> ligature;
   589         		ligature.Zero();
   590         		TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::
   591         			GetLigature( ligature, aPtiText[0], 
   592         						iIndicLanguage );
   594         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( ligature, 
   595         			EIndicInputResponseInsertDirectLigature );
   596         		}
   597         	}
   598         	break;
   600         case EIndicInputResponseInsertViramaZWSandDirectLigature:
   601         	{
   602         	if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace( 5 )  )
   603         		{
   604         		if ( iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   605             		{
   606         			fepMan->RemoveZWSCharacterL( iKey1Pressed );
   607         			}
   609         		TBuf<3> ligature;
   610         		ligature.Zero();
   611         		TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::
   612         			GetLigature( ligature, aPtiText[0], 
   613         						iIndicLanguage );
   614         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( ligature, 
   615         			EIndicInputResponseInsertViramaZWSandDirectLigature );
   616                	}
   617         	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;
   618         	iZWSPresent = ETrue;	
   619         	}
   620         	break;
   622         case EIndicInputResponseZWSandDirectLigature:
   623         	{
   624         	if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace( 4 ) )
   625         		{
   626         		TBuf<3> ligature;
   627         		ligature.Zero();
   628         		TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::
   629         			GetLigature( ligature, aPtiText[0], 
   630         						iIndicLanguage );
   632         		fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( ligature, 
   633         			EIndicInputResponseZWSandDirectLigature );
   634               	iZWSPresent = ETrue;
   635               	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;
   636         		}
   637         	}
   638         	break;
   640 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   641         case EIndicInputResponseInsertEyeLashRa:
   642         	{
   643         	fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertEyeLashRa );
   644         	iIsKeyTimerExpired = EFalse;
   645         	iEyeLashRaPresent = ETrue;
   646         	}
   647         	break;
   649         case EIndicInputResponseInsertChandraA:
   650         	{
   651         	fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( aPtiText, EIndicInputResponseInsertChandraA );
   652         	iChandraAPresent = ETrue;
   653         	}
   654         	break;
   655 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   657         case EindicInputResponseLast:
   658         	break;
   659         default: 
   660             {
   661             }
   662         	break;
   663         }
   664     return result;
   665     }
   667 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::IsFreeSpaceAvailable( 
   668                                 TIndicInputResponse aKeyResponse )
   669     {
   670     TBool result = ETrue;
   672     MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   674     TBool isUnlimitedSpaceEditor;
   676 	TInt freeSpaceLeft = 
   677         fepMan->EditorFreeSpace( isUnlimitedSpaceEditor, ETrue );
   679 	// Check if space is available.
   680 	if( ( !isUnlimitedSpaceEditor ) && 
   681 		( ( ( aKeyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInsertRepha ||
   682 			aKeyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInsertRakar ) && ( freeSpaceLeft < 2 ) ) ||
   683 		( ( aKeyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInsertDirectLigature ) && ( freeSpaceLeft < 3 ) ) 
   684 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   685 		|| ( ( aKeyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInsertEyeLashRa ) && ( freeSpaceLeft < 3 ) ) 
   686 		|| ( ( aKeyResponse == EIndicInputResponseInsertChandraA ) && ( freeSpaceLeft < 2 ) ) 
   687 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   688 		) )
   689 	    {
   690         result = EFalse;
   691 	    }
   692 	    return result;
   693     }
   695 #ifdef RD_MARATHI
   697 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicMultitap::HandleKeyMarathiL()
   698     {
   699     MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   701     if( fepMan )
   702         {
   703         if( fepMan->IsChandraAPresentL() )
   704             {
   705             TBuf<1> buf;
   706             TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::GetChandraA( buf, ETrue );
   707         	iPreviousCommittedChar = buf[0];
   708             }
   709         }
   710     }
   711 #endif // RD_MARATHI
   712 //End of File