changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 19 5e18d8c489d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:            Provides the TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap methods.
    15 *
    16 */
    28 #include "aknfepuiinputstateinitialindicphoneticmultitap.h"
    29 #include "AknFepUIManagerStateInterface.h"      //MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
    30 #include "AknFepUIManagerWestern.h"
    31 #include "AknFepUiIndicEnums.h"
    32 #include "AknFepCaseManager.h"
    33 #include "AknFepUiIndicInputManager.h"
    35 #include <uikon.hrh>
    36 #include <PtiEngine.h>
    37 #include <PtiDefs.h>
    38 #include <aknsctdialog.h>
    39 #include <avkon.rsg>
    40 #include <AknFep.rsg>
    41 #include <EikEnv.h>
    42 #include <Aknutils.h>
    43 #define PHONETIC_SEPARATOR 0x2e
    45 const TUint KSpaceChar = 0x0020;
    46 const TUint KQuestionMark = 0x003F;
    48 #define PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( A, B ) \
    49 		( A )->ClearCurrentWord(); \
    50 		( B ) = ETrue; \
    52 const TText KAknFEPLineFeedSymbol = 0x21B2;
    53 const TText KAknFEPMirroredLineFeedSymbol = 0x21B3;
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap
    58 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    59 // might leave or if it is absolutely necessary then MUST be trapped.
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::
    63 TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap( MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface* aOwner,
    64 																			TInt aLanguage )
    65 																			:TAknFepInputStateInitialMultitapBase( aOwner )
    66     {
    67     CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
    68     iIsStarKeyPressed = EFalse;
    69     iIndicLanguage = TLanguage(aLanguage);
    70     iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
    71     TRAP_IGNORE( ptiengine->ActivateLanguageL(KLangHindiPhonetic,
    72                  EPtiEngineInputModeIndicPhoneticMultitap))
    73     ptiengine->SetCase( EPtiCaseLower );
    74     iPreviousCommittedChar = NULL;
    75     }
    77 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::HandleKeyL
    80 // Handles the logic of Indic multitap input. This function first checks the validity
    81 // of the inputed text and then enters it.
    82 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::HandleKeyL( TInt aKey, 
    85                                                                  TKeyPressLength aLength )
    86 	{
    87 	TBool                      result       	= ETrue;
    88 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan       	= iOwner->FepMan();
    89 	CPtiEngine* 			   ptiengine 		= iOwner->PtiEngine();
    91 	if(aKey == EKeyBackspace)
    92 		{
    93 		iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
    94 		iPhoneticLatinChar = 0;	
    95     	iPreviousCommittedChar = 0;						
    96 		}
    97 	else if(fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches) 
    98            && aKey != EPtiKey0 && aLength != ELongKeyPress)
    99 		{
   100 		//no matches, so just play tone
   101         fepMan->PlaySound(EAvkonSIDConfirmationTone);
   102 		}
   103 	else
   104 		{
   105 		if ( iData && ( iData != aKey ) && (!iIsStarKeyPressed ))
   106 	    	{
   107 	    	//iPrevCharacter = 
   108 	    	TransliterateFromLatinL();
   109 		    PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( ptiengine, iIsKeyTimerExpired )
   110 		    // = ;
   111 	   		}
   112 		iIsStarKeyPressed = EFalse;
   113 		if ( aLength == EShortKeyPress )
   114 			{
   115 		    if ( aKey == EPtiKeyStar ) // Overriding Key
   116 	            {
   117 		    	ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandBreakSyllable, NULL );	
   118 		    	iIsStarKeyPressed = ETrue;
   119 	    		}
   120 			else
   121 				{
   122 				TPtrC ptiText = ptiengine->AppendKeyPress( ( TPtiKey )aKey );
   123 				iPhoneticLatinChar = ptiText[0];
   125 				if (IsToTransliterate(iPhoneticLatinChar) 
   126 				&& (!fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches)))
   127 			    	{
   128 			    	TBuf<CAknFepManager::EMaximumFepWordLength> buf;
   129 		            buf.Copy(iIndicPhoneticBuffer);
   130 		            buf.Append(ptiText);
   131 					fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL(buf,EIndicInputResponsePhoneticMultitapText);
   132 			    	}
   133 				else if(!IsToTransliterate(iPhoneticLatinChar))
   134 					{
   135 					TChar prevcharacter(fepMan->PreviousChar());
   137 					if((fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches)) && (KQuestionMark == prevcharacter))
   138 						{
   139 						fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();		
   140 						fepMan->ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches);	
   141 						ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandBreakSyllable, NULL );
   142 						}
   143 					iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
   144 					if(IsToTransliterate(prevcharacter) && prevcharacter != '0')
   145 						fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();	
   146 					fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL(ptiText,EIndicInputResponseNone);
   147 					}
   148 				}
   149 			}
   150 	   	else
   151 	    	{
   152 	    	if(fepMan->PreviousChar() == KQuestionMark)
   153 				{
   154 				fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();		
   155 				}
   156 			fepMan->ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches);
   158 	        /* Long press of a Key */
   159 	        if ( aKey == EPtiKeyStar)
   160 		        {
   162 	            /* Launch the SCT For Indic */
   163 	   			if( fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace() )
   164 					{
   165 					if (fepMan->IsAbleToLaunchSCT() && !fepMan->EditSubmenuInUse())
   166 	        			{        			
   167 		            	fepMan->LaunchSpecialCharacterTableL();	
   168 		            	}
   169 					}
   170 			    }
   171 	        else
   172 		        {
   173 		        //commit the inline text
   174 		        fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   175 		        //Remove one character, to remove the Latin character
   176 		        //appended because of the short key press. This is 
   177 		        //because long key press results  in short key press 
   178 		        //and then long key press.
   179 		        fepMan->RemovePreviousCharacterL();
   180 		        //Reset the phonetic state in FEP. So, that any further 
   181 		        //phonetic conversion will start from fresh.
   182 		        iIndicPhoneticBuffer.SetLength(0);
   183 		        iPhoneticLatinChar = 0;	
   184     	        iPreviousCommittedChar = 0;
   186 		        ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandBreakSyllable, NULL );
   187 		        TUint prevchar = fepMan->PreviousChar(ETrue);
   188 	            if(!((aKey == EPtiKey1) && ((0x0031 == prevchar) || (0x0967 == prevchar)) ))
   189 			        {
   190 					TChar ch( aKey );
   191 			        TBuf<1> buf;
   192 			        buf.Append( ch );
   193 			        fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL( buf, EIndicInputResponseNumber );
   194 					fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();			
   195 					PTI_CLEAR_CURRENTWORD( ptiengine, iIsKeyTimerExpired )				
   196 					}
   197 		        }
   198 	    	}
   199 	    iData = aKey;
   200 		}
   201    //hindi phonetic changes
   202    if(iPhoneticLatinChar.IsUpper())
   203 	{
   204 		fepMan->HandleIndicCaseL();
   205 	}
   206     return( result );
   207 	}
   209 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 // TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::KeyTimerExpired
   212 // Handles the logic of post keytimerexpired event. This function commits 
   213 // the inline editing text to the editor.
   214 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::KeyTimerExpired()
   217 	{
   218 	TRAP_IGNORE(HandleKeyTimerExpiryL())
   219 	iData = 0;	
   220 	iOwner->PtiEngine()->ClearCurrentWord();
   221 	if((iPreviousCommittedChar = iOwner->FepMan()->PreviousChar()) == 0x002E)
   222 		iPreviousCommittedChar = iOwner->FepMan()->PreviousToPreviousChar(ETrue);
   223 	iIsKeyTimerExpired = ETrue;
   224 	}
   226 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::HandleKeyTimerExpiryL()
   227 	{
   228 	CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
   229 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();	
   230 	if ( !(fepMan->EditorHasFreeSpace() 
   231        || fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideMultitapInlineEditingTransaction)))
   232 	    {
   233 	    return;
   234 	    }
   235 	if(iData && ( IsToTransliterate(iPhoneticLatinChar) &&  iData != EPtiKeyStar) 
   236      && !fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches))
   237 		{
   238 		TransliterateFromLatinL();
   239 		}
   240 	else if ( !IsToTransliterate (iPhoneticLatinChar))
   241         {
   242 		MPtiLanguage* ptilang = ptiengine->CurrentLanguage();
   243 	    TInt languageCode = (ptilang)? ptilang->LanguageCode() : 0;
   244 		// Space clears Explicite halant for North Indian Languages.
   245 		if(IsToRemoveHalantForLanguage(languageCode))
   246 			{
   247 			RemoveHalantL(TLanguage(languageCode));
   248 			}	
   249 		ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandBreakSyllable, NULL );
   250 		fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   251 		iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
   252         }	
   253 	else
   254 		{
   255 		iOwner->FepMan()->CommitInlineEditL();
   256     	iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
   257 		}	
   258 	}
   260 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap :: TransliterateFromLatinL() 
   261 	{
   262 	TPhoneticArg arg;
   263     TBuf<CAknFepManager::EMaximumFepWordLength> destinationbuf;
   264     destinationbuf.Zero();               
   265 	TInt errorcode = 0; 
   266 	CPtiEngine* ptiengine = iOwner->PtiEngine();
   267 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   268 	MPtiLanguage* ptilang = iOwner->PtiEngine()->CurrentLanguage();
   269     TInt languageCode = (ptilang)? ptilang->LanguageCode() : 0;
   271 	arg.iChar = iPhoneticLatinChar;
   272 	arg.iDest = & destinationbuf;
   273 	errorcode = ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandGetPhoneticText,REINTERPRET_CAST( TAny*, &arg));
   274 	AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(destinationbuf);
   275 	switch(errorcode)
   276     	{
   277     	case KErrNone:
   278     		{
   279     		if(arg.iState == EIndicSyllableStateSyllableBroken)
   280     			{
   281 				if(iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Length())
   282 					{
   283 					fepMan->CommitInlineEditL(iIndicPhoneticBuffer, iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Length());
   284 					iPreviousCommittedChar = fepMan->PreviousChar(ETrue);
   285 					iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
   286 					}
   287       			}
   289 			if (destinationbuf.Length())
   290 	            {
   291 	            	if(! ValidatePhoneticInputL(destinationbuf, TLanguage(languageCode)))
   292 	            		{
   293 	            		break;	
   294 	            		}
   296 	            fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL(destinationbuf,
   297 	                                          EIndicInputResponsePhoneticMultitapText);
   299         		if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharOther(destinationbuf[0],
   300         		     TLanguage(languageCode)) && 0x002E != destinationbuf[0])
   301         			{
   302         			fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   303         			iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Zero();
   304         			}
   305 				else
   306 					{
   307         			iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Copy(destinationbuf);
   308 					}
   309 	            }
   310     		}
   311     	break;
   312     	case KErrOverflow:
   313     		{
   314 			fepMan->NewCharacterSequenceL(destinationbuf,EIndicInputResponsePhoneticMultitapText);    		
   315     		fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   316         	ptiengine->HandleCommandL(EPtiCommandClearPhoneticBuffer,NULL);
   317     		}
   318     	break;
   319     	default:
   320     	break;
   321     	}
   322     iPhoneticLatinChar = 0;	
   323 	}
   325 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::IsToRemoveHalantForLanguage(TInt aLanguage)
   326 	{
   327 	TBool ret = EFalse;
   328 	switch(aLanguage)
   329 		{
   330 		case KLangHindiPhonetic:
   331 			ret = ETrue;
   332 		break;
   333 		}
   334 	return ret;	
   335 	}
   337 inline TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::IsToTransliterate(TChar& aChar)
   338 	{
   339 	return !(KAknFEPLineFeedSymbol == aChar || KSpaceChar == aChar);
   340 	}
   342 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::ValidatePhoneticInputL(const TDes& aBuf, 
   343                                                                             TLanguage aLanguage)
   344 	{
   345 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   346     TUint curChar = 0;
   347     TUint prevChar=0;
   348     TUint len=aBuf.Length();
   349     TPtr buffer(const_cast<TText*>( aBuf.Ptr() ),len,len);
   350 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   351 	TPtiTextCase newCase = iOwner->PtiEngine()->Case();
   352 	if(! iPreviousCommittedChar)
   353 		{
   354 		iPreviousCommittedChar = fepMan->PreviousChar(ETrue);	
   355 		}
   356        while(len)
   357                 {
   358                 if(buffer[len-1] == 0x94d)
   359                     {
   360                     len--;
   361                     buffer.SetLength(len);
   362                     continue;
   363                     }
   364                 else if(!curChar)
   365                     {
   366                     curChar = buffer[len-1] ;
   367                     len--;
   368                     }
   369                 else if(!prevChar)
   370                     {
   371                     prevChar = buffer[len-1] ;
   372                     len--;
   373                     }
   374                 else
   375                     break;
   376                 }
   377        if(!prevChar)
   378             prevChar = iPreviousCommittedChar;
   379        /*
   380        Multitap does not allow any fall back characters. The phonetic engine does not
   381        check for the fallback characters and FEP has to do it.
   382        */
   383        //fallback character if Nukta is entered after Nukta
   384        if((TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(prevChar,aLanguage) && 
   385         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(curChar,aLanguage)) ||
   387         //fallback character if Nukta is entered after Modifier or
   388         //Modifier is entered after Modifier
   389         (TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharModifier(prevChar,aLanguage) && 
   390         (TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(curChar,aLanguage) ||
   391         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharModifier(curChar,aLanguage))) ||
   393         //fallback character if Nukta is entered after Vowel or
   394         //Nukta is entered after matra
   395        ((TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharAnVowel(prevChar,aLanguage) ||
   396        TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharMatra(prevChar,aLanguage)) && 
   397         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(curChar,aLanguage))  ||
   398         //fallback character if Nukta is entered after Nukta Consonant
   399         (TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNuktaConsonant(prevChar,aLanguage) &&
   400         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(curChar,aLanguage)) ||
   402         //fallback character if Nukta entered in an empty editor
   403         (prevChar == PHONETIC_SEPARATOR &&
   404         TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta(curChar,aLanguage))
   405         )
   406            {
   407             TBuf<1> buffer;
   408             fepMan->CommitInlineEditL(iIndicPhoneticBuffer, iIndicPhoneticBuffer.Length());
   409 	        buffer.Append(KQuestionMark);
   410 		if(!fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   411 			{
   412 			fepMan->StartInlineEditL();	
   413 			}
   414         fepMan->UpdateInlineEditL(buffer,CAknFepManager::ESingleCharacter);
   415         fepMan->SetFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagNoMatches);
   416 		ret = EFalse;
   417 		}
   418 	return ret;
   419 	}
   421 TBool TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::IsInvalidPhoneticCharacter( 
   422                                               TUint aChar, TLanguage aLanguage )
   423 	{
   424 	TBool ret = EFalse;
   425 	if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharNukta( aChar, aLanguage )
   426 	   || TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharMatra( aChar,  aLanguage )
   427 	   || TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharModifier( aChar,  aLanguage )
   428 	   || TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharVirama( aChar,  aLanguage ))
   429 		{	
   430 		ret = ETrue;
   431 		}
   432 	return ret;	
   433 	}
   435 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::RemoveHalantL(TLanguage aLanguage)
   436 	{
   437 	MAknFepManagerUIInterface* fepMan = iOwner->FepMan();
   438 	TBool isLineFeedEntered = fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagLineFeedCharacter);
   439 	if (fepMan->IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
   440         {
   441         fepMan->CommitInlineEditL();
   442         }
   444 	TInt position = 0;
   446     if(TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharVirama(fepMan->PreviousChar(ETrue), aLanguage))
   447     	{
   448     	position = 1;
   449     	}
   450     else if(!isLineFeedEntered && 
   451     TAknFepUiIndicInputManager::IsCharVirama(fepMan->PreviousToPreviousChar(ETrue), aLanguage))
   452     	{
   453     	position = 2;	
   454     	}
   455     if(position)	
   456     	fepMan->RemoveTextFromEditorL( 1, position-1, EFalse );
   457    	if(fepMan->NextChar() == KSpaceChar)
   458    		{
   459    		fepMan->AlignLogicalAndVisualCursorL(TTmDocPosSpec::ELeading, EFalse);	
   460    		}
   461 	}
   463 void TAknFepInputStateInitialIndicPhoneticMultitap::GetPhoneticLatinChar(TChar& aChar)const
   464 	{
   465 		aChar = iPhoneticLatinChar;
   466 	}
   467 //End of File